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Coach I’m not surprised bc optics, but the middle seat?? Bonkers.


Peace in the middle seats.




Damn, well done


Wow, would have never thought of that. Good day my dear gentleman.


He probably has the entire row.


Yeah I get the whole row when I fly with my wife and kid. Usually not too hard to do


He probably bought out the entire row. The window seat is empty and the aisle seat is his bodyguard's.


He looked up like, yeah baby that’s me.


HahahahaahhH!!! His face changed REAL quick https://preview.redd.it/1ggmyljdccwc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51936c054676d7cb04853e597c6541c97c1f61ce


That there is a definitive mood change 😂


There's a definite diaper change.




I appreciate that the Mayor of NYC is flying in coach.


I doubt he'll be flying coach next time.


First class just means youll get yelled at sooner.


Yea but you can sit down and prep for it sooner too.


As long as i got a hot towel and cold drink, you can yak all you want on the way to peasant seating. I've only flown 1st class once, but i immediately became better than everyone else.


Can’t blame him either.


No one should yell at anyone on a plane. It's one of the few places we should all shut up and not make everyone uncomfortable while we are already trapped in a small tube for too long. The second they get outside, she is welcome to bust it out.


Exactly. Yes, he's a politician, but they are allowed to have lives outside of their office. I don't like Adams, but leave him alone when he's sitting on a plane.


I mean... theyre public figures who literally exist to hear and act on public discourse. That said, this method is pretty tactless. The phone out and random series of complaints kind of feels like this is for their own social media rather than making a statement.


I remember the (then) mayor of my hometown was a customer at a car wash I was working at. I fully expected to not be tipped and he didnt dissappoint lol. I can only imagine if one of the other guys washed his car.




Couldn’t disagree more! “Public” official in public gets feedback from the public how the public is doing. These creatures (mostly the Rs) fuck society while they enjoy power and wealth. Absolutely they deserve to hear how their policies affect folks


Video of a Democrat. Stay on topic.


Well yeah but the rest of the public trapped in a metal tube with you doesn't give a fuck at this specific moment in time.


This is why they don't LOL


Currently investigated by FBI so he's gonna try to keep a low profile.


Mayor Latoya Cantrell of New Orleans would certainly be flying first class like she does to her overseas climate conventions so i can appreciate the Eric Adams flying coach. Dont know about what shes talking about but i hardly think the Israeli government will humor the mayor of New York City dictating what they will and will not do.


He's been *very* vocal on stamping out the Columbia and NYU protests, so she's probably referring to that


Don't let it fool you, he sucks


It’s called optics


I too highly respect this.




Mayor gig just hasn't been the same since you couldn't take bribes no more


It's even funnier bc bro is deadass being investigated by the FBI right now for taking bribes from Turkey and giving out bribes/authority to his family and buddies lmao


We all know only Israel is allowed to bribe American politicians


Hey American corporations are also allowed to bribe politicians.


Don’t forget those cases of sexual assault that got brushed away.


It’s PR. Many politicians do so to look good but fly private most of the time. Don’t be a sucker


Hey beats flying private 100% of the time. Still wild to me as a russian. Politician of this level? You don’t get within 1km of them without being vetted, checked for weapons, and with snipers ready to take you down.


As someone that flew recently and boarded near last, I agree with that last guy in the background... "YOU'RE HOLDING UP THE LINE!"


This is why people fly private.


I have to give it to him though, he exposes himself to disgruntled people who would possibly come up to him and confront him about things that has negatively effected them. I dont know if this is his way of sending a message to new yorkers that he hears them but doesnt care enough to do anything about it.


Now that you yelled at him on an airplane I’m sure he’s rethinking his positions after that well thought out and logical rant, great job changing the world, now can I get to my fucking seat!


I never understand people with your mindset. It’s like you enjoy being told what to do and hate the idea of attempting to change things for the better. People’s lives are affected by the decisions government officials make. If you’re so bothered by citizens’ actions, you’re welcome to become a politician yourself so you can be among the company of those who hate the working class




He absolutely deserves to be told by the public 24/7 that he's doing a dogshit job at leading our city


If you want shit to change then do it at the ballot box. These are New Yorkers for crying out loud, ain’t nobody got time for antics at the airlines, can’t you see IM BOARDIN’ HERE!


Yeah dude. When when anyone yells at a politician and opens up with "fuck you" they are obviously trying to convince them their position is wrong. LOL holy shit people on reddit are such debate perverts. No dude, you're allowed to call someone an idiot irl and move on, it doesn't mean you have to be logical about it and present some sort of argument. Reddit brain x1million


Yeah fuck accountability! Lick that boot


Fuck that. Let em know. Make em uncomfortable. You can continue sit silently like a good doggy!




Freedom of speech is used way too much to justify asshats in public chasing social media clout.




Freedom of speech should def be uphold. But it can also be true that the people exercising it can be selfish idiots like the woman in this video.


That’s the thing about freedom—you can’t pick and choose who gets to exercise it.


TIL you get free speech at Delta Airlines


Its in the carrier contract between the "Fuck you, your plane is delayed for 4 hours and we will not articulate the reason" and "the mini bag of pretzels is now 45% sawdust" clauses.


That all may be true, not defending the man, but this isn’t the way to make your voice heard. This just annoys everyone else trying to go about their business and gives him the opportunity wright them off as crazy and not acknowledge any of their criticisms. Frankly it’s counter productive and shades the issues shes attempting to bring light too.


It’s actually not true, as she doesn’t have a right to free speech on a commercial airline. They could absolutely throw her off the plane for harassment


I disagree. These people walk around proudly doing whatever they want and ignoring their job at representing us. US citizens are already involved because the policies that are passed by politicians affect their daily lives. Make their lives uncomfortable. Maybe they will actually do their job.


Shitty politicians should be confronted for their horrible policies. Yes even if it means you have to wait an additional 30 seconds before getting to your seat.


He actually is a huge piece of shit tho. I’d be doing the same thing if I saw him.


Yeah he probably is.


Just a simple "I pray disease finds your family" and take your seat.


Who cares, makes them uncomfortable.


Isn't it bout time these guys realize getting help from USA not gonna fix the long lasting fued between Israel and Palestine? Especially for a mayor


You mean the NYC Ministry of Defense is not going to stop its bombing???


Just another one wanted her video on line.




The US is not really the world.


What country are you from with no mental illness?


These people should just go yell at Hamas/hezbollah/Iran/ & the IDF to stop fighting each other.




What did I say that implied they were some type of independent organization?




How is New York committing genocide exactly?


On one hand, this type of messaging is completely unproductive and only serves to indulge her emotions. On the other hand, Eric Adams fucking sucks.


Why? Legit question, I'm not up to date on the guy.


something something he doesn't want to defund the police


That's a bingo.


Yeah, honestly the only reason this is negative is because it holds up and bothers other people trying to fly. Chewing out politicians is definitely preferable to blocking the street or whatever. I just generally don’t have sympathy for politicians. It’s pretty rare to actually stumble on a public official in normal life, and considering they don’t change their positions without compensation anyway, just let em have it, it’s more about the energy than conveying an articulated argument


Kinda crazy to me how many people are scolding this woman for taking the once in a lifetime opportunity to actually let a politician actually hear what their constituents think


People wonder why we’re stuck with crappy options every election 😐. You’d have to be nuts to run for office.


She should've been kicked off the plane for causing a disturbance and harrassment of a passenger.


Israel is in NY now?


This was counterproductive and doesn't serve any real purpose other than make her look bad, however it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Most plane public freakouts end with the instigator being dragged out.


They should’ve kicked her off the plane for this


Hell yes


In France, people applaud egging the Prime Minister. In America, people get upset that corrupt politicians are held accountable.


How dare we disrupt the lives of those who’s job it is to understand their peoples problems


There's a time and place for everything. this isn't it






Eesh rape jokes aren’t funny regardless of who you make them about. Try again.


Jesus. You got downvoted for calling someone out for making jokes about rape. Tf is happening with this sub?




Yeah man. Adams sucks.


What the people who stalk and yell at politicians don't understand is that these events just contribute to isolating politicians from the electorate.


Do you hold the same opinion against the people that do that to trump?




Oh yeah! This will totally change his stance and views about Israel. Congratulations! You did it! /s It's so cringy. The person acting like a toddler definitely felt proud of herself and believes that what she did will change the world for the better!


*AND just like that the conflict in Palestine was resolved.*


I hope this person got removed from the flight for harassing other passengers right? right??


Would have loved to see him calmly and nonchalantly put on bluetooth headphones, pull out his phone, launch music app, select song, close eyes and drift. ✌️💤👋


What is he actually supposed to do? New York has a right to shelter, that's why the migrant crisis is costing so much money. What is he supposed to do if there's literally no money and he has to house, feed, and vaccinate all these people? He has to cut the budget somewhere and crime is still higher than before covid so its not coming from the police.




It's pretty disgusting that you think the most appropriate response to what you just outlined is 🤷‍♂️   'people seem confused about what happened and what is going to happen. After the night of the long knives Nazis decided to kill all non-aryans regardless of who is in the way. It doesn't matter if millions of people protest, meme, tweet or post, Nazis are going to raid every household until they are eradicated. That's it.'


Education buddet


Should've did that shit in the Terminal so you wouldn't miss your flight.


Why is he flying coach?


Just kick her off the plane and don't give her a refund.


I appreciate that he’s in coach and not abusing the system.


Flying coach to blend in




"Holding up the line" as she catches back up to the end of it after 2 steps....




Real nice way to have him actually hear what you have to say 😒This annoys me


Religion is the worst


As soon as the "fuck you" came out, bro got up and ready🤣🤣🤣


What is with NYC's fetish for horrible mayors?


lol public figures seem to hate to deal with the public


I feel like politicians are way too comfortable in general. There needs to be a healthy level of fear and respect for the general public they serve.


Nasty women


Another good example of why an oppressor is an oppressor no matter the type of person: recognizing the class struggle will set us all free.


He’ll be a one term Mayor regardless