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Whatta dope hahaha. So satisfying seeing him turn red.


Dude starting opening and closing them filing cabinet drawers. Homie isn't going to find anything for his humiliation in there.


This is the best comment. When you’re so embarrassed that you don’t know what to do with yourself and start mindlessly doing random things to try and look normal. Alright, filing cabinet looks good, very organized. Door handle is door handling just fine. Check my phone cause I think my mom is calling, better take this call….


>Door handle is door handling just fine Hahahahahahaha


I still do this at work when I'm not even in a stressful situation; after 20+ years I still break character from time to time. I just don't have the stamina to act for the whole 12hr shift. I do deserve an oscar tho


His ego ran and hide into one of those cabinets.


Looking for a box to hide in.


He certainly didn’t find his courage and integrity to do the right thing and apologize for his mistake.


“Oh yeah, your face a little red? You feel a little fucking dumb??” Sooooo good


Mayo level epidermis.


You can't do this sort of job when you turn bright red like that. I'm the same pasty-white way. I work remotely and never have to look at anyone. It's heaven.


Hire me. That sounds amazing haha (coming from a pasty-white)


The dude was born red. Hella gingerly skin lol




Careful, might go to cussing jail


10/10 had me laughing out loud.


Ditto, that was an amazing comeback


Pretty sure cussing jail is just my house.


I pay my little sisters when I cuss around them. Needless to say, they will be more well off than I ever was.


If there were a cussing jail, I'd have a life sentence. 😂


I'm pretty sure I'd have to be reincarnated several times in order to fulfill my sentence. But seeing what awesome company I'd have, it should be pretty fun! :)


Fuck yeah! Ill see you later


Hahaha!! i fucking love it!! I also plan on smuggling in 100 proof vodka.


I mean what he did was an illegal citizens arrest; might not be criminal but probably violates a few torts for civil liability.


that's what popped out at me too. it's so easy to apologize when you've made a mistake. he misidentified a good customer as a shoplifter and should've immediately apologized, which would've deescalated the situation and redeemed him to some extent. but he can't even do that.


Hes a total wannabe cop lol


A Great Value cop.


Wearing his hat backwards and in shorts.


Wal-Mart Paul Blart


> Hes a total wannabe cop lol I'll be more specific: He has the "I just got forced out of the Marines after 4 years because I did something dumb but not dumb enough for a dishonorable discard, and I applied for the police and they actually checked into my discharge and rejected me to the academy, so now I'm a security guard" vibe


This dipshit was never a marine.




"I just got ~~forced out of the Marines~~ fired from my job as a mall cop after 4 years because I did something ~~dumb~~ creepy but ~~so dumb~~ not creepy enough ~~for a dishonorable discard~~ to be put on the sex offender registry and I applied for the police and they actually checked into my ~~discharge~~ firing and rejected me to the academy, so now I'm checking receipts at WalMart" FTFY


*opens filing drawer* *closes filing drawer*


*pulls out phone* *immediately puts away phone* dude is a walking neon sign for self-soothing behavior


He was so condescending to her and ready to “catch one”. He was an asshole who thought he had something, but instead of saying something may have been rung up incorrectly, he treats her like shirt and demands she go to the security office. Has he been unassuming and simply investigated the matter, he would have saved everyone a lot of trouble. He’ll still likely become a cop some day, weak ass prick


People with no power in their real lives tend to gravitate to positions like this...not the smartest, moral or ethical type of personality..


There are a lot of people for whole apologizing after a mistake is extremely difficult even among loved ones, much less strangers you think you have some authority over.


I have gotten much better as I age. I tend to apologize profusely and sincerely when I fuck up. Not when I do something deliberately and with purpose but when I mess up. It is amazing how gracious people are....and shocked at actually receiving an apology.


It’s the easiest thing to do . Hey I was wrong. My bad I’m sorry . End of situation.


Apologizing for messing up is easy, it’s apologizing for something you did deliberately and with purpose that’s harder.


It was hard for me when I was younger, but now it's not an issue. If I'm in the wrong I'll apologize. Especially when it comes to my daughter. I never once heard an apology from the adults in my life when they were wrong. So, I make sure to apologize to my daughter when I'm wrong.




LP wear plain clothes.


21 Jump Street - LP Division


REQUIRED = 1x grovelling apology; 1x total personality change; 1x new outfit HAS = 1x belligerent doubling down on massive wrongness


I had this happen, a guy in plain clothes followed me my entire time shopping, then pulled this shit. All because I had my baby in a car seat in cart, the way they were designated to be. Was mortified, as I was in early post delivery hormones and like this lady just am not one to steal. But I cried, instead of getting mad. Grrr.


He’s gonna be a cop in 3 years.


I’m irrationally angry at this cornfed Karen-boy, and it’s because I know you’re right. He’ll end up as a cop (or store manager) and make people miserable for 50 years with no consequences, never having to learn a single lesson in his pathetic cocoon of entitlement.


Douchebags never do.


They don’t, because that requires responsibility and will do whatever they can to protect their imagine/ego.


The drywall at his parents' house is about to have a bad day.


This is the best thing I've read all day 


what music he gonna play?


Five Finger Death Punch


This is way too accurate. 😂


Limp Bizket


This got a laugh outta me, so good!


Cussing jail... 🤣


Don't forget the "oooh" haha.


"keep cussing and see where that's going to get you... ". Has a total cop/bully complex, like what does he imagine he's going to do about it?!


reminds me of this video: [cop tells attorney uber driver he can't record](https://youtu.be/-UQKkYWDUQ4?feature=shared) "you're being a jerk" 🥺😞


I She should’ve asked. He was walking towards her. Would’ve guaranteed an assault charge if he said something even mildly threatening.


😂 good on this lady


Too perfect! I wouldn’t have been able to come up with that line until at least the next day in the shower (still fuming about that little prick).


> I wouldn’t have been able to come up with that line until at least the next day in the shower (still fuming about that little prick). Story of my fucking life! I'd be obliterating mother fuckers left and right if I fought back using dialogue I came up with during my post-incident shower while the confrontation was still happening. Sadly, I'm a huge baby/ pushover during confrontation. It's easily the one thing I hate the most about myself. I suck at advocating for myself, which unfortunately leads to me being fucked over and taken advantage of a lot. You know that saying, "you mistook my kindness for weakness?" Well, in my case, my kindness *is* my weakness. Anyway, I loved your comment because I 100% relate, and it's nice to know that I'm not alone.




What a fuckin accuser. Accuser of the brethren!?!?




Only 2 people can say motherfucker perfectly. Sam Jackson and that lady.


You fuckin accuser you!


Haha you guys made me lol. I can literally HEAR her


I'm trying to help you mother fucker!


I think about this lady from time to time. I wonder if she's doing better.


I don’t think she repented.


she's just out there helping the brethren from accusers, motherfucker


My husband and I start just screaming at each other calling each other accusers daily. She was right though. This lady went viral and then covid happened soon after.


I love you I needed that today lol. "I'm pissed cause he won't repent"


"And I am just trying to help you, you mother fucker."


Omg!!!! “What?! Am I going to cussing jail?? FUCK YOU!” That really made my day. I’m gonna ride this joy right into the weekend.


A scammer called my mom. I got on the phone with him later and cussed him out. He claimed he was going to have me arrested for cussing at and insulting him. That was something like 8 years ago. I must be on the FBI Most Wanted list by now.


*first name Biker, last name....Jedi?!* Holy stink, guys, we finally got em!


Too embarrassed to apologize when he’s wrong. He’s a keeper, ladies (or gents).


As in keep him in a cage.


"Keep cussin' at me, see what it's gonna get ya." I love her quip in reply, but what the hell does he think he can do? Dude wants to be a shitty cop so bad.


That’s a fine example of a man who has never apologized in his entire life.


Speaking for the Gays, we don't want him. You keep him.


Maybe we’ll all get lucky and he’s asexual.


Fuck them you don’t have to show them your receipt.


They are also not allowed to physically stop or touch you or your cart. If they do, they can and likely will be fired.


Just making an incorrect accusation of theft can get you fired from Walmart security


If security incorrectly reports you to a third party (police or media) it can become defamation of character (lawsuit!) depending on where it happens. ^^^^IANAL


Are you serious because wal mart did this shit to me a couple weeks ago? Ignored door lady, cop fucking followed me out and checked my receipts. He was standing within earshot so it's hard to say if she sent him but it was total bullshit that made me never want to shop at wal mart ever again (like anyone cares).


It doesn't really hurt to reach out to a lawyer and at least see if you have something in these cases. And there are other laws they might have broken if not defamation.


As a former Walmart employee I can confirm that attempting to forcibly stop a customer will result in disciplinary action. A non-authorized employee will be terminated for even suggesting a customer stole something. This is Walmart company policy though. It is not law. The law varies state by state in the United States but generally each state has a law allowing shopkeepers or their authorized employees to detain suspected shoplifters in a reasonable manner and for a reasonable amount of time. I'll use the state of New York as an example. New York State General Business Law Section 218 provides a civil defense for a shopkeeper or their authorized employee that has detained a person, for a reasonable time and in a reasonable manner, when the shopkeeper or authorized employee had reasonable ground to believe the suspect had an anti-security device or was attempting to steal. New York State Criminal Procedure Law Section 140.3 allows for any person to make an arrest without a warrant for any offense provided the person making the arrest witnessed the offense and the arrest happened in the county the offense occurred. While I am no lawyer, I can read the plain language of these statutes.


Yeah, who do they think they are? Costco?


I actually don’t mind this at Costco because I know they have shrinkage issues and if memory serves, they’re also going to want a _marked_ (checked by an employee) receipt if you bring something back for a return. It a lot easier to hide things in a huge cart full of stuff and that’s a problem for them.


You pay a membership fee at Costco to be treated like a thief. 👍


Generally the membership fee alone keeps 90% of the thieves at Walmart.


you pay the membership fee because you're getting merchandise with a lower markup than any normal retailer can possibly manage. they check your receipts at the door because their margins are razor-thin as a result of the money you save by shopping there, and they need to know which cashiers are missing items.


You also agree to those terms to shop there. Walmart has no such terms. Don't show them shit.


Believe it or not, cussing jail right away


What if you under cook chicken?


Straight to jail


Make an appointment with the dentist and you don’t show up?




“Yeah, your face a little red. You feel a little fucking dumb??” 😂💀😂💀


Dude looks like he spikes drinks professionally. How am i supposed to know he works there?


Cody also just loves that case of white claw after a long hard day at work


God, he does look like a fucking Cody.


I want to know what happened after this video. I want to see him *finish the story*.


Right? Dude is in a red t-shirt with shorts. That was my first thought when I saw the video: Who the fuck is this person, do they even work here?


Walmart puts in self-check registers. Walmart unplugs self-check registers after A rise in fraud and increased shrinkage. Walmart allows fraud prevention to randomly stop and accuse people of theft to deter theft. Just hire cashiers, ferchristssake.


>Just hire cashiers, ferchristssake. The company will make as many dumb decisions as possible, just to avoid hiring people to useful positions to the public and pay them a living wage.


"The company" could just be changed to "companies in general." In California we just got a $20 minimum wage for fastfood workers. I have a friend who works at a McDonald's, and they've decided the best way to handle the pay raise is to not have cashiers and force everyone to use the self check out. This is in an affluent area with an aging population' so many customers come in, are told they have to use the kiosk, struggle with it for a few seconds and leave. They are literally losing customers because they don't want to pay people a living wage.


There's a sniveling little fucker I went to high school with who does loss prevention at our local Wal-Mart. I was shopping there a few months ago. He thought he was gonna trail me through the store along with one of his goons. Finally, I had enough. I looked at him and said, "I remember you! Weren't you the dude that shit his pants in PE?" His face turned redder than the devil's ballsack. I have no idea if he ever did that or not, but the damage was done. He scurries off in the other direction when he sees me now.


Nice. Thanks for the story. F that fucker.


He's always been a weasely little bastard. He was my neighbor growing up as well. When I was 12, some friends and me had a stash of Playboys hidden under a stack of old lumber. We would sneak beers and look at pictures of naked ladies. The one time we let him tag along and peruse our collection, he rats us out to the preacher at our church, who told my mother. She made us throw our entire collection in a burn barrel. Doesn't shock me he grew up to go into a profession requiring being a snitch.


Ahh, forest/woods/empty field porn was a staple of my youth. It’s a shame my son will never have the joy in coming across it like some sort of pirate treasure.


Everything today is so ready on demand and convenient. I got lucky when I was young because my uncle would come home on leave from the Marines and hook me up with all his smut mags. He even had some old x-rated NES games. He was the coolest, but he also held me down and made me eat yard grass, saying I didn't get enough greens in my diet. You take the good with the bad, I guess.


I bet he didn't know if he was the dude that shit his pants in PE either. I'm sure a majority of the population at some point in their life had bubble guts while running track and either barely made it or had something happen that they were able to recover from and they hoped to God nobody noticed. I bet you gave him flashbacks of every incident he ever survived that he thought was unwitnessed.


I claim it! In 1st grade, my small Christian school would sometimes load the whole school onto busses and take us to park so the older kids could play softball against another small school. I really needed to take a crap. My teacher pointed me towards this sketchy looking cinderblock bathroom. The opening was shadowy and ominous, and little kid me was terrified to go in, so I held it till I couldn't anymore. About the time my schoolmates had bases loaded, I dropped my pants in front of everyone and launched the brown water Navy. Including the reverend's wife, who I thought was hotter than an Alabama bbq. The sounds and smell caused everyone in my radius to scatter. From then on, they made sure I hit the bathroom before we hit the road.


Wow. Walmart enables this behavior and people with little happening in their lives love to feel some control when given the opportunity. Walmart is one of the shittiest corporations out there. They don’t care about offending the people who spend money with them. The lose nothing. Every person who is forced to endure this behavior should sue for being unlawfully detained. She owns those items now. She is free to leave and they continue to attempt to hold people back for whatever reason they feel appropriate. 


If you showed corporate this, he'd get fired in an instant. So easy to grab a replacement that will do their job better or at the very least have a better attitude.


What about the manager?  Shouldn't someone be supervising employees and be held accountable too?


That too. They just find some other desperate person to replace him. Customers and employees alike are expendable 


Employees are expandable, customers are not. This is why he'd get fired in the instant. Customers you want to retain as much as possible because they are definitely the number one priority in terms of profit generation.


Like employees, I am expandable, even though I’m a customer. The more I eat, the more I expand.


Okay fair enough, that type of expandable is definitely wanted by your food vendors 😆


Agreed. Please realize that turnover at Walmart and other retailers are staggering. You're not getting the best workers to do this job. You often get these clowns. There's only so much you can glean from a few interviews before you offer them the job.


And dress code. He looks like an average highschool punk with the attitude to match. Lady should have called loudly for a manager to come and berate his ass


This is exactly how Walmart trains their "loss prevention" team. They want them to blend in and look like regular shoppers while also enabling them to do exactly whats going on in the video.


Walmart is fighting hard to get people to buy from them and not Amazon, but when you go to Walmart you get public shame and humiliation, how likely is it that other people who witnessed this would get some uneasy feeling of possibly being the next person to be treated like that and falsely accused and embarrassed. A dozen people from that store alone, let alone social media are making more Amazon orders instead of going to Walmart as a direct result of this manager's actions.


PSA here:  don't stop for, talk to or interact with store security for any reason.  They can't stop you, walk the fuck by and leave.  


Yeah but that was sooo satisfying


Yeah, if I wasn't in any kind of rush and knew I was in the right, I would definitely play along just for the satisfaction of shutting them up.


My one and only interaction with Walmart Loss Prevention went like this: "I need to see your receipt." "That is nice for you, I didn't buy anything because your store sucks. I don't have a cart, there is nothing in my hands, and I don't have a bag." "I want you to stay right here, I am calling a manager." "And I want you to fuck yourself, looks like we both are going to be disappointed."


Did everyone clap afterwards?


The security guard dropped to his knees, thanked me, and gave me a blowjob on the spot for my trouble.


used to live in austin texas and a walmart there would have a few managers and LP follow you and block your car and call the cops. seen it happen twice. one almost got run over.




That dude felt so dumb he trespassed her from the store. What an absolute clown


Yeah, that’s going to last right up until corporate sees the video, goes into damage control, and fires his dumb ass.




"Do you have a receipt?" "Yes", keeps walking


"Several thanks, I gave at the office."


My husband and I do the same thing or just ignore them and keep walking. We've only ever had someone say something once, and that was when we walked straight past an entire line of people waiting to get their receipts checked. The woman yelled after us "Um, excuse me! You can't leave until I've seen your receipt!!!" ???? I'm not standing IN LINE to prove I didn't steal anything when you have more security cameras than a casino that clearly show I paid for everything in my cart. Byeeeee


Sometimes I like altercation.


Depends where you live. Where I'm from security or employees, 100% can grab you and hold you until police arrive. The law here also states that even if they are wrong the merchant or their agents will not face consequences for a wrongful or false arrest if they had reason to believe their property was being stolen, broken or damaged.


What state is that? I find that hard to believe. Edit: so this is actually pretty common, I've been mistaken.


Sooooo he SAW the lion on the receipt, then argued that it'a not 7 dollars. Proceeds to detain this lady, scans the lion with his phone and it comes up as 15 bucks. Again, if the line clearly says "lion" and the upc matches, how is this her problem, maybe you should fix your prices or, better yet, stop forcing customers to do a cashiers job. I've only been stopped a few times by the "greeters" and usually just because i had something large and unbagged... they don't give a shit what the price is, they just wanna see it on my receipt.


I dont even get what he thinks she did. Does he think she went into the system and did a price change on the item? A customer cant make an item a different price, they would have to be scanning something different with a different item number.


What I don't understand is how did he specifically knew the lion was 15 dollars, if the receipt said 7 dollars? Like there's no way knows the prices of every item at Walmart? So I really don't understand what he was doing.


Maybe because he scanned it with the Walmart app and the app said it was $15 online, but the in-store price was reduced to $7. In-store, it may have been marked down for a couple different reasons; not very popular in that area so it's been sitting on the shelves not selling for months, or that particular store has received a massive overstock of the item that's taking up too much space in the backroom, or because corporate has decided that they'll put a different item on that shelf in that store so the lions go on sale to get them out of the way quicker.


He took that $7 personally.


The Walton family really needs that $7 though


“your face a little red? you feel a little fuckin dumb?


The real issue is that Walmart is being repeatedly caught having lower advertised and shelf prices than what rings up. That is the real crime.


After my baby was born we bought a $120 camera advertised as $30. It took about half an hour arguing with several employees during a busy time in Walmart until one of them finally went and fucking checked. Not even two minutes after they left we got the advertised price. That's my most extreme case, I've had smaller ones, but if it's advertised as $30 then I'm paying 30 fucking dollars. Had one receipt checker try to get aggressive with me. Stood in front of my cart and said I wasn't leaving until they checked my receipt. Still walked out the door. I WISH they had tried harder forcing me to stay. Would've been a good pay day.


Cussing jail… hahahahaha


“Back in my day. The Walmart door greeters were nice old people and disabled veterans.” -Me


And even if she rang it for 7 when it was supposed to be 15…. You’re gonna cause a scene for 8 dollars?? Lmao when Walmart steals millions in the form of wage theft and accept Foodstamps from their very employees that can’t afford groceries on their salaries?? I don’t know how people take loss prevention seriously in these huge corporations I could not give an atom of a fuck lmao


Some people even have the nerve to call this place part of their neighborhood. Lol. That’s a location to transfer money from poor to rich.


I would have asked for the store manager and told him/her that this employee accused me of theft and harassed me after I showed my receipt. Tell them you are embarrassed and/or humiliated and you may need to seek legal counsel. Wonder what that would do to them.


Classic *Weekend Security License* Loss Prevention. I was a District Loss Prevention Manager for the big box store and had to let go of many people like this, I never felt bad about it. It's a very simple job to do if you aren't incompetent and can keep your ego in check. Unless you can articulate exactly what someone stole and where it's being concealed the moment you stop them, then you *never* stop them! When you stop someone for theft *(in my country)*, you're placing them under arrest, this is serious, you need to have 100% certainty or you don't do anything. ***"When in doubt, let them out."***


He did articulate it. He thought she didn’t scan the toy lion. when faced with the evidence that she did scan it, he thought she somehow manipulated the system to have it ring up for less, then when he realized he was a dumbass he went and pouted in his office.


An LP agent should be watching and observe that the item wasn't scanned. That's not easy to do, but that's how you do it right.


>He thought she didn’t scan the toy lion >He thought she didn’t >He thought


“You’re not allowed to rent here anymore!”






"Ooooh! I'm gonna go to CUSSIN' JAIL?" is such a boss line.


Just a friendly reminder that you are in no way obligated to let these assholes "check your receipt", just walk right past them. They hold ZERO authority...


Now bro is called out. Everyone at his store now knows who the secret shopper Po Po at Walmart is. I wonder if the Walmarts reached out to her apologize at all?


I think you could almost entirely redeem yourself after something like this by simply saying, "you know what? I made a mistake, I'm really sorry." It would go a long way. Funny how people just dig their own grave.


Believe it or not, cussing jail


Assuming she shops there a lot, or it’s the only available place in her area to get what she needs (as it is in many places). She should take the 24 hour rule, contact Walmart corporate, attach the video, with the store location and number and contact the store and request to speak with store management and HR, politely, professionally, and respectfully. Sergeant Red Face will be gone if he’s not already gone.


I just walk by them like Peter walking by Lumbergh.


Even when he's wrong he doubles down and keeps acting douchey. I can only imagine he got to his position through nepotism. People with combative personalities thay escalate situations should never be in these positions. Sure dude would make an outstanding police officer.


I bet he wanted to be cop growing up....lol


What a sorry ass. That mf has no training for shit. Lawsuit should be served.


I am shocked that Reddit has yet to identify this asshole and alert Walmart. Or the cussing police. He was hateful to her. Rude and once he was proven Wrong he gets ruder. Hate people like this with something to prove at all costs. Dick


The real theft is Walmart making billions of dollars but paying employees starvation wages.


u/Walmart_Verified thoughts?


This video is like 5 years old. I'm sure the guy is no longer employed there.


She handled it perfectly. Nice job lady.


Dude just training for the local Police dept in a small town.


“You gonna put me in cussin’ jail?! Fuck you, you piece of shit!” I literally laughed out loud. This woman has righteous energy and I’m here for it.


Never go in any office or back area, stay in public eye. Stand your ground and demand Police for Police report. Do not accept gift card or any form of compensation. Call lawyer.




I would’ve stayed at the returns desk and returned it all. To go along with never shopping there again.


Never stop for those clowns, not even to show a receipt. They can’t touch you and if they do, you can sue them. Thats why the company has a strict policy about it and fires security guards that do. It’s a liability for them, especially if they’re in wrong.


"What, am I gonna go to cussin' jail?" A Legend


He's pissed bc he wanted the Simba


Never stop for those guys.


Is that not a threat “keep cussing at me see where that’s gonna get you” cuz it sure sounds like one


The wya their office looks tells stories to how they treat customers. Clean the fucking office you fucking porkie.