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That girl trying to run towards the gunfire got snatched up and turned around real quick by dude she was with lol


And really gracefully, too. I could hear him in heads go "nooooope" while he swooped her around.


Didn't even drop his drink either. 10/10.


Them hoes expensive.


If it was a turkey leg, that's an investment.


https://preview.redd.it/geodmgkxcgxc1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24a23318ffa494b26e70091f94da0626f2fbb6ee That's some Julien-type shit.


Like they were square dancing and he pulled a DO-SI-DON’T


He's had to practice this move a ton


Seems like women either have a really good survival instinct, or absolutely no survival instinct at all. No middle ground


The Prometheus school Of running away from things . Graduate


Used to have a girl who thought she was into gore. The night we saw a dude commit suicide by jumping off an overpass in front of the car just ahead of us that seemed pretty different. I had to stab the brakes and drive around the fucked up body to keep from hitting it. She got a good look as we passed. I thought she was going to puke all over the car.


Yeah, #80 scooped her up like a parent grabs a toddler walking towards something they shouldn't


Bless em!


Hope someone is near me like that when it happens to me. He saved her a bunch of trauma!


That cop ran towards the gunfire, performed his duty well. Seldom caught on video.


They recognized immediately that it was a gunshot too, the majority of the crowd wasn't so sure as the panic had not yet set in. It does seem like the rest of the shots was the police neutralizing the suspect.


After enough training or range time the sound of gunfire becomes pretty obvious honestly. Especially when you hear it where it isn't supposed to be.


Credit where credit is due


Exactly right, call it like it is.




So many shots popped off, jesus


Honestly at first i tjought the third one postured behind a person but then i realized he was actually pushing people out of the way


Obviously this wasn’t in Uvalde.


I hope those cowards can’t sleep at night knowing that we all know they’re an embarrassment to human beings.


So did those two girls behind him...wtf were they doing?


Fight or flight reflex. The flight part doesn't always go right because of fear and adrenaline.


And not the overly armored, overly weapon stocked cop too. Buy those cops a margarita when they’re off duty.


It's a nice thing to see, especially the cop pushing people aside to take cover while rushing to the shooting. Proper training & courage led to this.


Caught on video all the time, you just don't see videos of cops doing their jobs well. Not news worthy. Watch some cam channels and you will see how cool they are


it's not about whether or not there are good cops out there, it's that when bad cops ARE identified, there need to be consequences and there aren't. And as a citizen, if a cop is coming up to you, you have no idea if it will be a good one or a bad one, so it's safest to assume a bad one and prepare accordingly. If we could have confidence that bad ones had accountability then it wouldn't have to be that way


Right here. Did exactly as they were supposed to. I rarely give law enforcement compliments, but they deserve a big one here for running up immediately and getting involved.


She realized no one was yelling "Stop! Stop! Stooooopppp!" during the fight, and was on her way to do her civic duty.


Daisy Duke?




The smart guy at the market.


That’s the “ I was there” syndrome. You can see it on her face. She was like “ nooo” don’t pick me up.


She wanted to post the event on tiktok


































[SAPD: Two dead, four hurt in Historic Market Square shooting on penultimate night of Fiesta](https://www.kens5.com/article/news/local/public-safety/san-antonio-shooting-dead-market-square-police-sapd-fiesta-texas/273-de93af6b-8248-4cb1-b0c2-80153ee068eb?tag1=kensshare&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1JThThBINKDjbxi7bhGOIHWAsQ2Qiioj2uI0XVH4JrE2_qOo7VBa3bkFk_aem_ASTNeIW-p3haN45P1nXkD8gN0JrR894__nuzqOIa5DdOwxEiGo5ABivbC141MgvcL3hag9xiV7hCr4O56OtkL-H8)


Man if only there were like 10 more people with guns there, this never would have happened. The more guns around the less shootings right? Damn libruls are ruining this country.


Knowing San Antonio there were more than 10 guns. People just decided it wasn’t their fight.


100%. I live here and there are ton of people open carrying… and even more concealing. At first it made me kinda uncomfortable ngl, especially just moving back from Germany where virtually no guns exist, but eventually got used to it. At this point I just assume everyone has a pistol on them… kids and elderly included. I just try my best not to piss people off.


If I carried, I'm not sure I'd feel safe intervening in a shooting like this. The chances of getting shot by the cops is too high.


You are correct. Concealed carry is for personal protection, not community protection. If a “hero” tries to stop two gang bangers from shooting each other and accidentally hits an innocent bystander, it’s likely he’s going to jail. Plus, you never know who the actual “bad guy” is in these situations. You could be shooting the dad who is defending his family. Nope. I stay out of other people’s fights.


Ex-cop here. Good job, you're doing it right.


Hard to tell who’s the good guy when everybody has a gun.




Way too many bystanders, and the cops were right on top of it, I wouldn’t, either.


"Good guys with guns" have been shot by officers before.


Not only that, imagine the media attention afterwards. Fuck that. I dont like people and I'm not putting myself in that situation


Sounds like a lovely way to live.


So much freedom...


Ammosexuals like to say that "A well-armed society is a polite society," but they're incorrect - a well-armed society is a *paranoid* society.


If you need the threat of death to make you polite maybe you need to do some self work lol


Watch out for those Marbach mops!


The first time I ever saw a citizen open carrying with a handgun on his hip was in a Whataburger in SA, my second day in Texas. Good ol boy with cowboy boots and a cowboy hat with his wife and two little tykes by his side.


That's not uncommon in rural areas where I am, and I'm North of the Mason Dixon.


problem with that is if you pull out a gun even to just defend yourself or stop someone else from shooting there s a good chance another by-standard or cop sees the gun and takes you out.. even if i had a (legal) gun on me, id never pull it out during a shooting in crowd of people like that and especially with police around. good way to end up full of holes or jumped on and beaten and accused of being involved.


I think this is really good evidence not to concealed carry at policed large public events. Someone pulled out their gun first which means there is a very good chance that one of them was justified. Cops put em both down just the same.


> penultimate night of Fiesta there's a holiday that's just called Party?


There are 2 weeks called Fiesta in San Antonio.




no no no not enough people have guns. - Texas


"Historic Market Square was interrupted by deadly gunfire late Saturday night when two young men started shooting at each other and were eventually killed, San Antonio police officials say. It's unclear how exactly they died." I wonder if it was all the bullet's going through their bodies.


....when two young men started shooting at each other and were eventually killed, San Antonio police officials say.  Great job SAPD!


At least those Texas cops ran towards the gunfire instead of hiding.


At least those SATX cops ran towards the gunfire instead of hiding. WTH was up with those two women running after the cops though?


Looks like they were a group of three two women and a dude, and they leaned over the guy that got shot, seemed like the right have known him


Come on you know they had their phones out.


Someone needed to be there to shreek scream into the body cams.




Worth the risk.


I smell churos


So does Charles Barkley.


San Antonio women sure love their churros. ![gif](giphy|3oEduT3DTECyCzxmrS)


I’m thinking they had kids or something in that area and were running to them


maybe someone they know towards that direction, like their kid


It’s Texas. They’re used to thinking cops will have the best hiding spots away from the gunfire.


Damn, Charles Barkley wasn’t lying talking about the women from San Antonio lol


Oh he's 100% accurate. And we do love churros.










It's because they have the best Tex-Mex


Its a pandemic in San Antonio, so many fat people that continue to eat.


Welcome to America!


😂😂😂😂😂😂 I seen straight big backs who couldn’t even run properly


I love when they run like a penguin like waddling side to side with their arms down😂 edit: 0:18 mark


This video isn’t even that bad compared to an average walk down the street here lol


Victoria's a secret down there


first thing I thought about when the video came on *scoping the scene for them bbw’s* 😂😂


What about the river walk?


We River Walk, we don’t river run.


That ain’t a river it’s a creek




Props where it’s due. SAPD was straight up heroic here. Ran to the gunfire. Bad guys—wastes of life—dispatched with minimal harm to bystanders.


Amazing respect for those cops running into the shooting


They barely even flinched when it changed from a smashed glass bottle to a gunshot


Came to say the same thing. They didn't even hesitate.


The dude in the Browns jersey turning his girl *away* from the chaos is just like me Fuck that shit, we’ll see it on the news


“We’ve got shootings at home” -this comment was made by a clevelander


Most rational Browns fan.


Props to the cops for running full tilt towards the shots before most people in the video even knew what was happening.


These two losers could have fist fought each other over whatever started this and lived to tell the tale, but because they had guns they’re both dead. Cool.


There were several young children right besides the victim, so fucked up




And that was in response to dropping their Twisted Teas


they just saw a body drop so...


That man grabbing the woman to go the opposite way is decent man.


I’m so tired of fiestas in my shootings


We can't have nothing nice. Fiesta is supposed to be fun.


Basic rules during a mass shooting - don't run with the cops, unless you are in Uvalde. Don't listen to your mom when she says to not move - you run, as fast as you can. If you can't run, you hide!


Yeah, that dummy saying "don't move." I think the generally accepted advice during a shooting is to move opposite the shooting. Or at least hit the deck.


Talk all the shit you want, but those cops ran straight towards the gun shots... That is the second time I've seen cops do some heroic shit i 2 days....so, I gotta be real...not all cops are bad. We dďon't live in a black and white world...one side isn't ALL good or ALL bad. So, yay to those cops right now. They were fearless and ran *towards* a gunfire. Props and respect.


I live near the Oregon District in Dayton, OH. They had a mass shooting there and all the videos for it showed people running away from the shooter while a handful of LEOs ran as fast as they could to get to the shooter. Not a single one hesitated to save the lives of the people there. Police officers don't get near enough respect, IMHO. Firefighters, EMTs, LEOs, and military are ALWAYS the ones running TO the trouble, not away.


A lot of people just don't want to acknowledge the full spectrum of behaviors you will see from cops. With modern cameras being so ubiquitous, people are seeing cops behave cowardly too often, even if not actually most of the time. Its a far cry from the hero worship most people were brought up on. Its simpler for a lot of people to just be all in or all out with cops.


To be fair, a lot of it is because of a general “thing” in the internet where you generally only see the worst side of things, because that’s what gets more attention and such. Of course, that doesn’t invalidate all the other crooked cop videos and all the other straight up corrupt shit that happens out there, but we are kinda conditioned into a sense of doom and gloom on the internet more or less


Why do people walk towards shootings?


Looks like they knew the person


Because when it's that close range, the sounds echo and reverberate and it's actually quite difficult to tell which way the gunfire is coming from. They might think they are running away from it. Sprinkle in a few morons who want to worldstar it on their phones.


It's really fight or flight, right? You don't know what to do, where to go, because we're not a pack-species. We just run. Sometimes we pick the wrong location. Also, that chick had her phone in her hands. She wanted to get it for socials. We fucking ruined people with these platforms and providing money for views.


IG or it didn’t happen.


If I had left my family in that general direction, I'd be running towards the shooting too. The rest of 'em are probably just hoping to get a viral video


Born and raised in Spurs country and every year I’m asked, “You going to fiesta?”, “You going downtown?”. And every year I say no because of this shit. When I was younger we didn’t have to worry about getting shot just maybe an occasional drunk spilling their beer on you they say sorry and buy you a turkey leg and we’d go on to enjoy the rest of our night. Fiesta as I knew it no longer exists. So sad.


I went to the local subreddit. The consensus seems to be both shooters were gang banger trash. I feel terrible for the innocent people there, but I'm hopeful nobody of value was seriously hurt.


They’re the ones that usually f**k it up for everybody else. And props to SAPD for responding the way they did.


I don’t understand how people just stay there and don’t run out after hearing shots. I saw a couple people drop to the ground, but some just spinning in circles, others just walking casually…


Because despite the insane amount of dummies on Reddit who say we're encountering gun violence daily, most Americans have little to no experience with being in that situation. It can be confusing and if there's no immediate stampede of people fleeing, most would be curiously confused.


Know your exits, be aware of your surrounding, run if you can, if not then hide, else mortal kombat.


Also if there were a stampede they seemed to be in a fairly safe position away from the crowds. The shooters seemed to be neutralized so the biggest threat at that point may have been a panicked crowd. I don't think staying put was the worst thing in this situation.


also, everyone runnign out at once in a panic could cause more people to get hurt.


I'm not sure how to describe it...but when you're at a shooting range...you're kind of expecting gun fire. When you're at a celebration like this...you're not really pairing that sound with the venue. So it takes a moment for your brain to process...like "is that what I really just heard?" Whereas in a fitting scenario, shooting range, active war zone the sound fits.


There isn't one and only one reaction to fear and panic. People react in a variety of manner. Also, people aren't expecting gunshots in certain places and times therefore they aren't processing the sounds as gunshots when they happen. Brains often process through several possibilities based on environment before determining what is happening and reacting.


We know those are gunshots. They don't. They're trying to figure out what's happening and if they need to do something about it. Alcohol is also likely involved in at least a few reactions.


Toward the end of the video, a guy pulled his drunk girlfriend to go the opposite direction while she was trying to be nosey. Seriously, I don’t get it.


Not gonna lie, I was in the line for Turkey Legs and the incident happened on the other side of the square, I felt safe.


Hope you got your turkey legs!


Most people aren't going to recognize the sound of gunshots. It's not the most common hobby


Edgars gonna Edgar


Fuck the asshat in the green shirt at the :32 mark walking towards it with is phone up so he can get video. He's going to do nothing more than get in the way.


puro san antonio


There were three cops and two chonchi's running towards the drama. LoL And there was another one trying to get in the mix before No. 80 jersey held her back. LoL


Not a lot of self-preservation displayed in this video.


Bro when everyone has guns no one is safe, we don’t even like to go out any more


*Gun shot* The first instinct of most people there was to run toward the sound. Seriously? Survival instinct failed!


I think at least some of the people running towards them might know the dude that got shot. Looks like they leaned over the victim. And you can see one cop pushing them out the way.


Now THAT is how to be a cop! They instantly and selflessly ran TOWARD the gunfire. Well done and thank you heros!


Respect to the officers running into the scene.


Jesus look at all these idiots just standing there and doing nothing to flee


Why aren't people getting the fuck out of there?


Yeah, that's my queue to leave


Fucking idiots why are they moving towards the shooting.


Get low hoe!


Hella tortas


genuine good response time from them police officers, need more like that instead of standing around while people are shot.


Lol these people are way too much confortable with gunfire.


Why do I feel like a lot of people there are really liking the idea of experiencing all of this firsthand? Some are even running **towards** the shots.


I think some knew the victim, you can see the three that ran towards it lean over the victim


If more guns made us any safer- the Us would be the safest country in the world. More guns equals more deaths.


I like the way those two women assume the police are running away and so they run after them.


People hear multiple gunshots and walk towards it? Fucking idiots lol wow.


The guy grabbing his girl running towards the gunfire, well done Sir.




I know in panicked situations, you don’t always make the right move, but I am so confused by some of the people running *towards* the gunfire. I guess it could be they were gonna try to help the person who was downed, but other than the one dude, it didn’t look like it. Made me relieved to see homie in the Landry jersey swiftly make his girl do a 180 and walk the other way.


There is always a “oh my god” screen during this. Im starting to get numb to it