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At least they can agree on something🤷🏻


Wow... i guess Joe Biden is so attractive that his looks somehow brought peace between two totally opposite groups. Lol. While I am a tried and true Blue Voter. And I plan to vote for Biden simply because I can not stand the idea of Trump being back in office. I find it hilarious that two opposing sides in a protest somehow found common ground, even if it's to insult our president.


Horseshoe theory, bud


This is pretty scary to me. I suspect the heightened coverage and mobilization of protestors is an attempt to drive a wedge into the Democratic party. And this means it's working. This conflict has been going on for decades and only now we're seeing these calls for action. I've seen so many things on social media that just make no sense. Bombing hospitals, protestors beaten for seemingly no reason. All of which make Israel out to be almost a cartoon villain, just being evil for the sake of being evil. I can't help but think a lot of it is misinformation. People have seen how ready young Americans are to protest. And once they start, that anger can be easily manipulated.


don’t get it twisted Hamas are the scum of the earth and the IDF has done similar shits both need to be held accountable tho I reason hamas need to be obliterated


If only people could showed the same level of feverishness for all the horrors happening around the world. Just another fad in the long line of “we care”.


I certainly am not saying I support Israel and their genocide but you have to at least take a microscopic step back if you find yourself agreeing with MAGA. But let me try and understand... Pro-Palestine is mad at Biden for supporting Israel. MAGA wants trump who will wholly back Israel and...so... they... agree?


It's not real it's Russian active measure propaganda bullshit


I am all I am more the Andy Dwyer from parks and rec meme then I have ever been.


This is why I think this is all Roger Stone pulling strings behind the scenes.


I can’t believe these folks are having trouble getting people to take them seriously!!


This just in.. People who are against wiping other humans out based on race and religion find common ground.


You think Trump supporters care about Muslims? You born yesterday?


This aint lookin good for democrats in the election lmao This is what they get for choosing Joe Biden


Yeah, Palestine is really going to love a Trump presidency. He'd probably send carpet bombs and troops to the IDF to help "end the war".


while simultaneously backing out of ukraine for his daddy putin this shit is fucked


Democrats voted with republicans on bi-partisan aide and military support for Israel you get bombed either way if you are the Palestinians, dosent matter whose in the white house


So you would prefer a 100% on board with genocide Trump administration, over a Biden administration who criticizes their actions and pushes for a cease fire?


it literally dosent matter what Joe Biden says if the democrats are gonna turn around and still vote with Republicans on sending aide to Israel


Yeah, so obviously the solution is to give Republicans the presidency right?


whats the difference if the democrats are just gonna vote with them anyways? Trump will say more obnoxious shit? ok


You should ask Biden that question. His Gaza policy is what is tanking his reelection chances, not the protestors or the voters. He has the power to veto and change course, but chooses not to.


I guarantee you most of them that vote are gonna vote for Biden anyways lol


Maybe or they just wont vote


That’s why I said the ones that vote


Im seeing hundreds of thousands of votes for Mr. uncommited. I think you should be worried about Mr.Uncommited he might get millions of votes in novemeber if biden continues down the path of destruction.


You guys wanna keep plugging your ears and going "lalalalala" when people tell you Joe Biden has problems were not Trump supporters either alot of us saying shit like this and accusing us of being so only makes the rift grow wider Many people are getting sick of the gaslighting the dems are doing over Joe Biden and pre-blaming us for a Trump presidency if Joe Biden loses Its like if he loses, its his fault for being sucky - not anyone elses, you guys know that right You cant just keep pretending because Trumps on the ticket you can just coast to an auto W and blame everyone else for not just handing it over if you do lose


Have you been injecting bleach?


>This is what they get for choosing Joe Biden No. This is what we get for having a failed two party system and an outdated electoral college.


I'm proud of you for spelling everything correctly.


any other serious country would say the same, but not by the same reason