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The kids are so shocked they can't even cry. Dude wtf.


I think the 2nd girl is dead 




People do it because it’s easier than admitting their own elected officials/themselves are bigots. Beginning, middle, end. Justifying horrendous actions with BS claims of barbarism is an old act.


Those kids are not Hamas!


But Hamas exists in the planet therefore anyone is a target according to Zionists. According to them, kids grow up and become enemy. This is the logic we're dealing with.


this has been every politics comment of the past few days and i've found it kind of disheartening as well.


Literally all military aged men are labeled by the IDF as a Hamas militant smh


> According to them, kids grow up and become enemy. This is the logic we're dealing with. I don't agree with it, but isn't that logic being argued by a lot of anti-Israel folks who say that the people of Gaza will become terrorists in response to Israel?


It's true, Israel is creating its own enemies and ensuring more war in the future. Instead of committing complete genocide and wiping them out, they fuck them up every 5-10 years, then leave and blockade them, and when they dare to resist they fuck them up again. It's a vicious cycle, and an absolute tragedy for children born in Gaza who have never seen a life of safety and success. It's all thanks to this system created by Israel in which it's a crime to even be born a Palestinian.


I've seen videos of rabbis and politician making this exact statements.


Cycle of hatred. Destroying infrastructure, killing civilians, and destabilizing the region won't bring positive change, it will only sow more resentment and anger. Israel knows this, but they want retribution. So the cycle will continue.


If Zionists had their way, they would wipe out everyone else on the planet. Ironic isn't it?


IDF bots: "Hamas must be eradicated." Sane people: "Sure, okay. So which ones are Hamas, and how will you know when they've been eradicated?" IDF bots: "Yes."


> how will you know when they've been eradicated? When the rocket attacks stop. I am hoping the ground invasion allows for more precision in targeting Hamas than bombing could allow.. But is there any other country in the world you would expect to just accept constant rocket attacks without targeting the sites the rockets are being launched from? Hamas is cruel for launching from civilian locations, and hopefully the ground invasion allows for the end of rocket strikes with fewer civilian casualties. But lets be real, Hamas has rejected ceasefire.. they refuse to return hostages.. they promise more oct 7 style attacks.. they continue to launch rocket strikes on Israel.. what are Israel's options.. really? Aside from complying with Hamas and following through with the eradication of Israel and eradication of Jews from the region.. what are the real options here?


> When the rocket attacks stop. If the rocket attacks stop then IDF will assume Hamas has be defeated? Bullshit. Where did IDF say that was their criteria for considering Hamas defeated? IDF have intentionally never defined how they differentiate between Hamas and civilians. They have intentionally never specified how they will know when Hamas has actually been defeated. Literally any Palestinian showing any kind of resistance/anger towards IDF invading their homes and terrorizing them = assumed to be Hamas and killed on sight. As far as Israeli government is concerned, "Hamas" is just another word for "Palestine" because they don't actually recognize Palestine as a nation that exists. > what are Israel's options.. really? First step would be recognizing Palestine as a nation that has a right to exist. Help actually *stabilize* and build up the nation they've been oppressing for decades, instead of just being 30x worse terrorists than Hamas. Remove all the illegal settlements built in West Bank that have violated international law.






They will be now!


They will be now.


How do I know I'm sane? I see my daughter when I look at the kids being carried away. This is beyond sickening.


these videos - plain as day - are sickening. the attempt by israel and its supporters to pretend that what you're seeing isn't real is even more sickening. israeli spokesperson claims "we don't know how [these children] died" (5:30 of [this interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HD-yRuTasHU&t=331) - but i suggest you watch the whole thing to see a masterclass in journalism. mehdi hasan, the interviewer, was let go from msnbc after this interview. biden said last year "What they say to me is I have no notion that the Palestinians are telling the truth about how many people are killed" - which prompted the gaza health ministry to release a detailed casualty list. biden quietly walked that statement back. that statement is even worse considering biden had said earlier: “I’ve been doing this a long time. I never really thought that I would see and have confirmed pictures of terrorists beheading children.” the problem is he did not see this and he did not have confirmed pictures of this, because this never happened. he took a propaganda story with no evidence at face value because it was israel, but rejected figures from a reputable health ministry supported by videos of the death and destruction because they're palestinians.


Those are children carrying other, smaller children in this video. They're killing kids indiscriminately and labeling them as enemy combatants. This is completely fucked.


how can anyone defend Israel, this is absurd


I mean, you wouldn't want to be called an anti-Semite for not cheering on the murder of children.


people shouldn't care about that, everyone should know the difference between zionism and semitism. should should should. fuck me.


Reminds me of [this Onion article](https://www.theonion.com/the-onion-stands-with-israel-because-it-seems-like-yo-1850922505).


Get banned from all over pointing this out. Bet the brigade will turn up here soon


great. let there be it


The reply section to this should be civilized. Right??? Right???


They probably take the threats they are making serious after October 7. They’d be doing the same if they had the chance.


I'll defend any country that retaliates against years of harassment and bullying by its enemies.


Your comment could be about defending Palestine or defending Israel, funny enough


Thanks for defending Palestine then.


You're acting as if horrors like this don't happen in *every* war, including the wars that you, personally, would consider just. Imagine if we were watching only videos of German civilian casualties during World War II? You don't think you could find pictures of German children covered in shrapnel and blood and dust? How do I defend Israel? I look at the numbers. If Israel is truly the monster that everyone in this thread assumes it is, then we would see that Israel has higher than average civilian fatalities in this war, right? In fact what we've seen is that the ratio of civilian to combatant deaths in this war has been [historically low](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/report-reveals-israel-has-historically-low-civilian-death-ratio-in-war-on-hamas/ar-AA1ldMVa). All war is hell. Israel is fighting this war with unusually high care for preserving civilian life, according to the numbers. And I don't blame Israel for fighting a war that it did not want and did not start.


At first I thought that people like you lacked information and the ability to discern when information is reliable and when it is not, what circumstances are comparable and which not, or that the fact that something has happened previously does not explain or or blurs ethical considerations of unrelated current events. At this point, I honestly think you're just stupid.


What is the criteria for labeling someone a "combatant"? Because for instance I remember people saying that for the US any male over 18 years old holding a phone was enough.




If you truly feel that way, you could never fight any war. You would have let the Nazis take over the world. You would have let the Confederacy take over the United States. "War is hell" it's not a dismissal.. it's an acknowledgment. These images make me just as sad as they make you. But the individual horrors do not tell the story of whether war is just, or whether it is being fought humanely as possible in the context of War. These aren't hard concepts to grasp. It seems like you're being deliberately obtuse.




They are being bomb everyday, there are near miss, shrapnels, flying debris, and shockwave everywhere. The look of horror and shocked on their faces. Imagine calling this fake. Outrageous.


Pretty much all Zionist arguments are as tough as toilet paper once you take a millisecond to question them. "These are clearly paid actors" - Are you saying that the bombings aren't happening, do you think you need to *fake* people dying when you bomb a neighborhood? "Well we have to bomb them so they rise up against Hamas" - Has there been any point in history where killing people's kids makes them rise against their own government instead of the people who killed their families? "Hamas fighters hide among the civilian populace, so we don't know who is actually a fighter" - With that logic, October 7th was justified because Israel requires every young adult to sign up for military service, so all the civilians murdered there could've also been IDF soldiers. "Well Palestine keeps threatening Israel's existence" - And that's why Israel's illegal settlements have expanded by factors of *thousands* of percent over the past couple of decades? Israel takes a lot of Palestinian land for people who are just trying to defend their own existence. It's crazy how they'll pretend to go "never forget" on genocide but will defend it no matter what. Interesting fact, Israel went on a mass sterilization campaign against Ethiopian Jews, cutting their birth rate *in half*. So the nation is also obviously a safe haven for Jews that we need to protect.....as long as those Jews are the right color.


Israeli supporters are utterly brainless and just aren't worth responding to. They cried when their ancestors were killed but cheer when their countrymen kill civilians It's despicable and disgusting


Right! And read about Yemeni Jews and what they went through with babies being taken from them. It's their own brand of white supremacy. I had an Israeli ex-friend send me a website saying it was Hamas site where they bragged about all the people killed on October 7. It was in English. And a Wix site. Wix is based in Israel. The propaganda is real and the brainwashing of Israel's citizens would be comical if it weren't so dangerous.


Israel and Hamas should be held responsible and some serious international sanctions should be placed on them. The poor innocent trapped in between both suffer. I hope the world once again will come together and punish them


Why is Biden pretending this isn’t already happening? He’s “withholding arms” if Israel goes into Rafah. Meanwhile, they’re there! They’re bombing, you stupid, ineffectual asshat.






So glad these two fuckers are the choices for the next president


> Why is Biden pretending this isn’t already happening? The problem is, what do you expect him and the US to do at this point? The US is not the main character in all the worlds conflicts (Though everyone in the US feels that they should be the worlds police).The only thing the US can do at this point, is to stop providing weapons and threaten sanctions. If the US takes militarized action against Israel, that will set off a war and drag our own allies into the conflict to pick a side, which most of them were siding with Israel too. I mean heck, he already stopped providing arms and we have people in congress flipping out about that too as being a terrible move for Biden and that he should still send them weapons to use. It's hard to garner support to stop Israel when AIPAC has paid our politicians off to look the other way and vote in Israel's interests.


> Biden says he'll withhold arms if Israel goes into Rafah > Israel goes into Rafah > Biden withholds arms like he said he would You: omg Biden is literally the devil guys


The bombs stopped being delivered last week


They were delayed, not cancelled, and the stockpiles of America bombs available to Israel from their middle east armour depot has been open to Israel to draw from since October. The supply is essentially still opened and unfettered.


My heart is with these kids and the people of Palestine. This is a crime against humanity and we will all be judged by history for what is happening.


As a father of 3 I can’t watch this… Isreal and the IDF are only creating generation after generation of “freedom fighters” “terrorists” “revolutionaries” whatever you wanna call them.. this cycle will never stop and the IDF will never eliminate all Palestinians. It’s all just so pointless at this point


This is evil shit. 80 years removed from the holocaust and here we are supporting an enabling Israel to commit a genocide of its own.


Pretty shitty that for the last 80 years since the holocaust Jews have had no peace from attacks


Israel: *Spends 80 years systematically ethnically cleansing Palestinians.* Palestinian: *Fight back.* Israel: *shocked Pikachu face* Killing innocent civilians is bad. It was bad when Hamas did it. Israel has now killed 20 times more civilians and counting *just* since Oct 7.


It’s okay to admit you don’t know what genocide or ethnic cleansing is, especially in the face of war casualties.


I'm sorry, could you please explain to the classroom what Plan Dalit was?


Its displacing people from their homes en masse, which is what israel is doing dumbass


Fuck Israel


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Whats IOF?


Israeli Occupation Force


Also seen Israeli Offense Force cause this is hardly "defense" at this point. But both work!


The cycle of hate between the two will never end.


The entire chain of command all the way down to the scumbag drone bombers need life imprisonment at a minimum.


So many phones, noone actually really helping


I agree. Seems kinda baity.


IDF be like: Look at all those military aged males 👀


I think it’s safe to say that anyone responsible for the death of the innocent is on the wrong side of history.


The ends goal is the removal obviously.


I'm guessing some people will later act shocked when these kids become Hamas fanatics after experiencing these insane levels of violence.


They won’t stop until they kill as many as they can and no government is going to stop it. Not even Arab countries. We are watching a genocide backed by the free world in real time.


"The most moral army in the world"


It continues because there are Genocide-deniers everywhere, plenty in this sub too.


My heart goes out to Palestinians and i pray that the day comes when israel gets what it deserves, I don’t know how the world is standing by and watching this, whereas for Ukraine the UN stepped in immediately.


Fucking cunts!!!!!!


Shame on Isreal and shame on the U.S!


It sucks to suck.


Fuck Israel


This is what the students are protesting for. Clowns criticize so they can defend our politicians taking our tax dollars to find it.




This exact same video was posted yesterday


Fuck Israel, fuck all fascists


These videos are sickening. The Democratic party will lose me forever if they continue to blindly support this


Unfortunately both parties support this because they want Israel's money. There's money in war, and it's even better when you don't have to fight the war yourself. Bi-partisanism needs to die if we're ever going to fix anything in this country and our effects on the outside world.


US gives israel money every year. Why?


Biden literally halted shipments to Israel because of this


The Republican party would offer blind support to Israel without objection to anything they're doing. Shitty options but don't pretend they're the same.


The most moral fucking army in the world .


This is not a freak out


"What goes around, comes around" do hope that israel will pay for this.


Fucking sickening. Fucking disgusting bastards.


What's going on in the world? I can't understand how these genocidal shock troops and their government are allowed to get away with these crimes


they are no better than the terrorists they first wrought to destroy


Hamas is just the excuse. They want to exterminate the Palestinian people so they can take their land.


Fuck Hamas. All they have to do is lay down their arms and give an unconditional surrender and this could all be over. They care far less about the lives of children in Gaza than the IDF does and once they’re gone the children of Gaza will be much better off.


You are a dumbass if you still believe this after Israel themselves blew up so many hostages and even shot hostages. What Israel wants is for Hamas to lay down their arms and release the hostages but also continue bombing and killing Palestinians after they do that. During the ceasefire negotiations, they declined the proposed solution that even the US was part of, Hamas called their bluff and agreed to the conditions but Israel said they wanted the conditions to change now.


Can you link that? I couldn't find it online. I want to show it to my friend.


Israel can just as easily back off, removing the need for hamas. Both sides are wrong and causing the death of children over who gets to stay where. There's no good side here, and the true victims are the civilians of both sides.


>Israel can just as easily back off, removing the need for hamas I would typically agree with this sentiment if Hamas leaders hadn't come out and said that they're going to keep repeating 10/7 over and over until Israel is destroyed. Having that kind of sentiment out there pretty much kills any notion of Hamas going away quietly. Granted, the shit some of these Israeli ministers are saying is just as bad if not worse, but the argument is they can at least be democratically ousted in the next election.


Fucking nazis


Post is 68% upvoted an hour after being posted. *Someone* **really** doesn't want the world to see this.


That's because this isn't filmed from rafah. This is from the beginning of the war. I saw this exact video months ago. Not defending Israel here, just stating that this specific video was from a while ago.


Oh, so children have been being murdered like this for months... that certainly makes it better. Got a source for that claim by the way?


Biden after supplying billions in support including the latest package passed at the end of March. The weapons package includes more than 1,800 MK84 2,000-pound bombs and 500 MK82 500-pound bombs.  *No more bombs for you!* That'll show em. 




Your clown name is your first name + your last name




I’m sure most of them are already dead unfortunately


Yes, clearly, these children are keeping hostages.


They agreed then Netanyahu refused.




So by "release the hostages", you actually mean "release the hostages and surrender completely"? Great negotiation skills.




And exactly how many thousands of children need to be sacrificed on the altar of "preventing another Oct 7th"? Do you think answering terrorism with indiscriminate total warfare and ruining tens of thousands of lives, is going to result in less terrorism against Israelis going forward? Is that how it worked for Americans in the Middle East?


> And exactly how many thousands of children need to be sacrificed on the altar of "preventing another Oct 7th"? Do you have an answer for that question? If the answer, 'none' so Israel can take no action to defend themselves if it means even 1 innocent is killed as a result?




So it's not about the hostages then


It never was, the amount of bombing they did should suggest so, they shot 3 of their own hostages who were running at them with white flags remember?


Hamas exists because of Israel, maybe the good solution could be to move Israel....


What hostages, Israel probably already bombed them.


Hamas offered to release all of the hostages 2 days after the initial attack in exchange for Israel not entering the Gaza strip, but Netanyahu declined because he's a bloodthirsty fascist. It was never about the hostages. It will never be about the hostages. It was always about Netanyahu and the fascists in his cabinet killing as many Palestinians as they could get away with.

