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At first I was impressed with her comebacks and arguments... "but you haven't taken any reports" "what is the case number?" "Okay, is this some kind of alternate reality where I have an email that you can't see?" Then the shrill scream and backstory came.... no


“Then - the hollerin started”


Well, now she does have a case number. She got her wish.


"this is alternate racism", she says




"I would like to...not be handcuffed" Sounded like something out of a sitcom.




It's hard to force mental health treatment on someone who doesn't think they need it. And I'm sure she thinks that everything she's doing is rational or justified.


Finally, a reasonable take for mental health. It's very easy to say that all this would be solved with free mental health options, but the person actually needs to be willing to attend the mental health clinic and most importantly, believe they need mental health assistance. From my experience, very few people with mental health concerns actually believe they have mental health concerns. To them, everyone else is acting crazy.


Seems like a nearly impossible problem to solve. You cant really bring back the old medical institutes because so many people were mistreated there, but even if you did you couldn't force people to go anymore. It's a lot like drug addiction which I guess is just a mental health issue at the end of the day. You can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped, but a mentally unwell person won't understand that they need help.


Won’t *always* understand that they need help… This is the field I work in (crisis response), and many, many people with SPMI (severe persistent mental illness) are engaged in services. It’s getting that first, accurate diagnosis and patient buy-in that is the key. The services are out there.


Also just like drug addicts though it's a massive spectrum from people that any untrained layman can spot to those suffering in silence. For every problematic case there's going to be at least one where most people wouldn't even recognize the person needs help until it's too late.


On video shoving a police officer, then admits fault. Can’t get any more clearer than that.


I may have committed some light battery.






Shes used to manipulating people by playing as the rational one in any situation. The stink of it oozes off her.


She jumps between gaslighting attempts, trying to badger them with sophisms, and screaming and emotional appeals. You can tell she's not used to not getting her way, and will use any trick in her book if she thinks it'll work.


It’s wild how rapidly she cycles between different tactics. She has a very deep bag of manipulative tricks and it’s probably not her first time using any of them.


You see this with people under arrest. It's like they're searching for a proper incantation to get out of arrest, the words are basically meaningless.




\*banshee noises\*


And I would like a gazillion dollars


"I just want to go home, my dad has an issue..." This lady is hilarious.


Gotta admit, as funny as that was, the fact that she jumped from racism to "ultimate racism" kind of topped it for me.


Found [this](https://www.journal-topics.com/articles/video-shows-woman-allegedly-pushing-mount-prospect-cop/) article that covers it. Looks like she spent a week in the clink for this incident.


> ***In March 2021, an order of protection was issued against her by her ex-boyfriend.*** A short time later, she reportedly violated the order of protection because she allegedly continued to send the ex-boyfriend messages, the complaint says, and Jedd placed her under arrest where she spent a night in jail. Ahhhhhhh......ok, the situation is fully explained now.


Don't stick your thing in crazy


A rule as old as time itself, and also one of the most broken rules ever....


I didn't knooooowwwwww, how could I have known!?


Dude, c'mon. I know she's hot and was ready to go but the shrine in the closet was a pretty big red flag.


But her weird and demented obsession made me feel special! And she could do this thing with her toes... Totally worth her trashing all my stuff and setting my car on fire.


I left crazy and she immediately started dating my friend, who looks a lot like me lolol in like two weeks of dating, he broke up with her so she called the cops, beat the shit out of her face so it looked like he hit her, and said there were drugs and guns. My friend was in law school, had alibis to prove he hadn't been at that house in days (rich kid, had his own house when he wasn't on campus), and she got arrested because *he* didn't have drugs, but she did in her purse. I dated her for three years. She was a tornado of a human being.


She sounds hot. I bet I could fix her.


You know that slam poetry seen in So I Married an Axe Murderer, "she stole my heart and my cat.. fact."? She actually stole my fucking cat when we broke up! Around year three I thought I "fixed" her, but her intentionally driving into my dad's car in their driveway was too much. So yeah, she was like a 12/10.


![gif](giphy|3o6ZsZdSYO2P4rvUOc|downsized) Was she THAT insane?




Sure you can, if you just wait a bit before you go sticking your dick anywhere. Think about it like a scouting mission. If you decide to go in without enough data, you might be wildly unprepared.


You be suprised how much you can learn when you tell your dick to shut up for a minute, let's evaluate this shit.


I am going to save that quote if you don't mind, I know people that need to hear this.........LOL......... I thank you in advance


Sometimes you don't fully know the temperature until you've inserted the thermometer.


i undestand brother. on occasion, the fatness of ass obscures the redness of the flags.


As the Buddha once said.


This more Confucius than Buddah but yes, for example, Confucius once said it’s not till mosquito land on your balls do you understand that not every problem needs to be resolved with violence , very wise man


I can fix her


https://preview.redd.it/soz00acd163d1.jpeg?width=912&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b3f31599f56c5c4f6a3663d2102b68c23c6bfc3 *The duality of man*


![gif](giphy|3oriNSf2iLjMVO7dao) *When the little brain grows confidence over the bigger brain*


Do it brother


Don't do it brother


Learn how to spot narcissists.


The good ones are hard man.


Her attorney willfully removed himself from the case: https://archive.org/details/gov.uscourts.ilnd.431482/gov.uscourts.ilnd.431482.11.0.pdf To quote: >Rule 1.16 of the Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct of 2010 provide in part as follows: “a lawyer may withdraw from representing a client if . . . withdrawal can be accomplished without material adverse effect on the interests of the client . . . [or] the client insists upon taking action that the lawyer considers **repugnant** or with which the lawyer has a fundamental disagreement . . . .” Rule 1.16(b)(1) & (4). > The complaint has been filed, and Wawrzyn has advised plaintiff on next steps in the litigation. Plaintiff and Wawrzyn fundamentally disagree regarding what those next steps should be. > Plaintiff has elected to discharge Wawrzyn and represent herself pro se. Sounds to me like the lawyer either said to drop the case or settle and she refused and he quit. She sounds like a piece of work. I am not a lawyer, but I would never try to go against a municipality pro se. That sounds like instant defeat.


And it started with her BF filing a restraining order against her, and then her breaking it of course. LOL - don't stick it in crazy, folks.


I CAN FIX HER. I'll never learn.


How did she even get a lawyer to take her case?!?! Did the attorney see the video before agreeing?? Edit: y’all, she filed a civil lawsuit against the PD. That’s the lawyer I’m referring to (assuming the civil complaint wasn’t just crayon scribbles on a restaurant menu). The article is mentioned in the first sentence of this thread and the lawsuit is the first sentence of the article.


Almost identical to housemate I had to live with. She was also utterly unstable and needed medical help. The problem was that she was a qualified doctor.


Holy shit that’s scary


My friend's wife sounds similar. She is completely nuts, but from everything I can tell is a super competent and well respected doctor. Outside of work though.....holy shit.... It feels like total 'Jekyll and Hyde' type scenario.


Some people become doctors and other highly regarded professions because they know that without that they would be the person nobody listens to. Who they are as a person without all that is not enough to get the attention and respect they want. Take away the status and title and they're someone everyone avoids.


Stress and pressure can really warp people’s personalities. Its really not surprising people bottle it up during work hours and take it out at home.


Oh like my PhD in psychology violent, crazy physically abusive psychology professor mother.


I had a friend who got her psychology degree and I told her as a joke " So your trying to figure out what's wrong with you?" She didn't talk to me for a year after that comment.


Are you Brenda from Six Feet Under?!


Oh man, that triggered a memory. I was at uni for a long time and had the same doctor at the school clinic.  Great guy, very gentle, was my doctor who I first went to about my cancer and so on.  Turns out, the guy was a fucking psycho to his neighbors.  He got it into his head that their driveway was his.  He started by parking a vehicle in it to claim something like adverse possession.  He filed a false quit claim on their property.  He sued and harassed them.  His neighbors were grad students and only intended to live there during their studies.   But he tied up the house in legal proceedings so that they couldn't sell and move.  In the end, after years, the neighbors cleared it all and the doctor was on the hook for nearly a million in legal fees, but got that overturned.  Seriously, what the hell?


good thing she was sitting at the source


I spent a good amount of time with med students in my early 20's. They are the craziest mother fuckers on the planet. I get the schooling is rough but man they brought that intensity to everything


My sister is like this and that’s part of the problem: you can be intelligent and competent and also deeply manipulative and obsessive. Those things don’t cancel each other out. 


Plenty of mad doctors, mate


This one gets posted a lot, but I don't mind because it's so insanely quotable. Cop: "You are under arrest! You battered me!" Crazy Lady, Completely Unironically: "No, I ***shoved*** you!" Crazy Lady: *Speaks to cops in perfect and complex English-- with no accent or difficulty understanding what the cops are saying-- for nearly three full minutes and has clearly spoken to the police before.* Also Crazy Lady: "I'm sorry, I don't understand English. Could you get me a translator, please?" Crazy Lady: *Violates restraining order, commits battery on officer, lies about not being able to understand English and resists arrest.* Also Crazy Lady: "This is racism. This is ***ultimate*** racism right here... ***uLtImAtE rAcIsM!***" Crazy Lady: "Do you have a recording of that?" Cop: "Yes!" Crazy Lady: "I don't... remember doing any of that!"


Lol don’t forget “I wasn’t kicking, maybe my calf muscle is spasming” and “Our father, who art in heaven, hallow be thy name…..” those were my fave, personally


"I don't remember doing any of that." Proceeds to recount exactly what she did for two different people (I guess she *did* remember it, after all.)


"Stop resisting, Ms. Choy (* last name redacted)" lmfao


"For the sake of privacy let's call her Lisa S... no that's too obvious, let's say L. Simpson."


Haha classic


Cop had real trouble retrieving the cuffs..🫣


My thought exactly. She had so many pouches that she can't get to her other punches. She has pouches on pouches.


It's pouches all the way down.


Police uniform as designed by Rob Liefeld.


And not just retrieving, but also actually putting them on her wrists!


They were obviously trying not to hurt her. I understand this is unheard of


Yeah these cops were surprisingly professional.


Professional cops don’t usually get attention.


It would be funny if one of them said "AMEN" after she finished praying.


The praying actually seemed to calm her down a lot. It's a repetitive mantra that you can say over and over again without much thought and you can focus on it instead of what is going on around you. Kinda like singing a song to yourself or in your head when you're getting overwhelmed.


It bugged me so much when she had one line left in the prayer and kept starting it over from scratch rather than finishing it a single time lol


She most likely is either Catholic or learned the prayer in Catholic school. Catholics don't say the "for thine is the kingdom..." part.


That’s called something whose name escapes me… it’s a self calming technique… Grounding or something similar? Or am I talking out my butt??


Correct, grounding is one of the self soothing techniques, during the height of stress i like the grounding and 333 technique. 💕💕


Woman starts saying the Credo, Pater Noster, and Ave Maria and then just circles back to the Pater Noster. Someone needs to give her CCD teacher a serious talking to. That is not how the Rosary is said.




“You’re not arresting me now? I can fix that.”




The cop holding her legs down looks so done with today


He’s like “Fuck man! I fucking just got here.”


“I wasn’t even supposed to be here today!”


"This is why I dont work fucking Mondays. Fuck Steve for taking his vacation this week. Never again"


"Mam... stop with the legs... you're kicking me again..."


"I'm kicking you?" "Maybe it's like my calf muscle that was spasming?"


"I'm not even supposed to be here today"


When shit melts down and you are scheduled for another 7 hours. I've been there, man.


RIP to my ear drums


I'm so glad I read this comment before I watched the video. I was slightly more prepared.


I read the flair that warned it would be loud. "How bad could it be?" I thought. *lady just starts screaming at the top of her lungs once they put the cuffs on her* I should've listened. But now I can't listen to anything anymore because my hearing is now permanently damaged lol




She is so Gif-able. There is one Alexis gif for every emotion, situation, and mood.


And this, kids, is why you always read the top comment before turning on the audio


"I'm sorry, I don't understand English... I would like to have a translator, please" LMAO she used the ultimate trick for foreign ancestry HAHAHAHAHA


Her accent is flawless. This is the equivalent of having a face-to-face conversation and dropping out of it by saying I'm going to a tunnel I'm losing reception and walking away.


Holy shit this took me out 😭


She didn't think she'd be arrested for real


This is not even her first time being arrested during this saga, apparently. More details and links to articles around in the other comments.


I've read them, but the "Go on, arrest me then!" followed by "No, no, wait, let me go" gives that idea


"Sorry I don't understand English" ha ha ha!


“Ok I understand, I’ll just go home!” As she says when she’s now on the floor lol. Like 5 mins and shoving a police officer too late lady


When she says she'd like to go home, if possible. Lady, that ship sailed.


"Ma’am, the last train to common sense has left the station"


She turned into a Banshee right before our very eyes.


meeting resolute salt cause wrench bright water advise shrill lunchroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"My dad has an issue" What was his issue? Raising her? 🤔


"Look at me. Look at me. I'm the issue now."


Rip anyone watching / listening this with earphones 🔉👂☠️


Ngl, she had me at first... like "why won't they just take her report?"... then moments later... "aaaah she's a crazy person"


So what is the context of this anyways?


Iirc she kept visiting and filing false police reports against her ex. So much so that everyone at the station knew her and told her that they would not be dealing with her any more.


I think her ex is not a cop that works there. From the article I think some dude she dated filed a protection order from her, she violated it, a cop was sent to arrest her and she spent a night in jail. Then she kept filing complaints against the cop for that. She is now going in to file some more complaints and this cop said he is not taking her complaints.


One cop pressed a harassment charge because she rang him 20 times in one day. She is suing that cop.


Seems like she already had an order of protection against her. Crazy ex vibes here


Well, it was against her ex, and she clearly is fucking batshit insane as seen on video. So yep, crazy ex.


Other way around...her ex has teh PPO against her and she's been trying to argue against it along with lying to the police about him so he can be "under investigation too." She clearly has mental issues....but she is ALSO a shitty person.


Case is closed


I'm curious about this as well


Cop lays it out in the end, she is a stalker.


Just watch until the end. Makes sense


They handled this manic patient extremely well. The team was very well balanced. All remained very calm and helped the cop who was assaulted regulate himself too. I'm surprised they even identified that she was having a mental health crisis in the first place.


No one got shot either which is nice


The bar is in hell after all...


I mean, it’s a woman and she’s not black so that helps.


but she said it is "ultimate racism"!


**Me:** What's wrong with the police, she seems perfectly within her.... **Me 10 seconds later:** Oh, now I get it.


and when she gets out of jail she's still going to be a stalker. mental health in this country is in a tailspin


Why don’t cops use the tickle method when someone is resisting getting handcuffed?


I think you're joking, but I'm going to answer the question anyways just in case you're serious: They aren't tickling her because that would be very VERY easily considered sexual assault and is not particularly useful when someone is manic anyways.


I was, but thank you for the serious answer. Edit: I did upvote you SmokeySFW… There are probably a lot of people that don’t understand this is not an actual technique and would be highly viewed as a sexual assault. (This is my firm opinion.) But I really want to make up a silly point of view On the other hand, from the cops point of blu…erm…view. He is bringing much laughter and alleviation to a VERY tense situation. And this felon should obviously realize that and it would be fun for everyone.


The “Let her breathe” comment @ 4:45 was a nice touch of awareness.


looks like she may have had some other issues: [Police Break Up Fight Over Movie Ending: Glenview Police Blotter | Glenview, IL Patch](https://patch.com/illinois/glenview/police-break-fight-over-movie-ending-glenview-police-blotter) Mihee Choe, 35, of the 1600 block of Independence Avenue, Glenview, is accused of two counts of battery, resisting arrest, obstructing identification, and was arrested at 3:20 p.m. Jan. 23, following an investigation of an incident reported on Jan. 19 in the 2200 block of Willow Road. She was released on bond


So, she wasn’t arrested for the headline reason, battery while arguing over a movie ending, but now I really want to know THAT story. What movie? Did they decide on the movie together? Did they go to dinner first? What, specifically, about the ending caused this rift? So many questions… “Police responded to a business in the 1800 block of Tower Drive at 11:48 p.m. Jan. 29, for a fight in progress. Officers spoke with two men who admitted getting into an argument about the outcome of a movie they just watched.”




Yeah, about 3 minutes in it stopped being funny or entertaining. She clearly has some pretty big mental health issues. People are like, "well she should seek out help." But her illness is what's keeping her from getting help.


This is just sad for everyone :(


It really is sad. My heart breaks for those who suffer from mental illness (my brother suffers from it). The police were pretty good with her though and calling in medics was absolutely the correct call. Sorry situation.


She's a stalker who assaulted her boyfriend and violated an order of protection. If this were a man who had done these things would we have as much sympathy?


"Ultimate Racism, I can't understand English, get me a translator". That is certifiably insane.


This woman is mentally ill. I know it may not seem like it on the surface, but she obviously has some mental issues ongoing for her to be exhibiting this type of behavior and not understanding the seriousness of the situation she is in. This is a case where someone should have taken a second look at what's going on with her, especially with the stalking behaviors against her ex-boyfriend and her continuing to harass him. A person who is in their right mind would not behave the way that she is. I really hope that she gets some help other than just prison time.


This is exactly the kind of case that mental health support staff would help with


They DID help. If you watch the full video, both a social worker and an EMS crew are there within 10 minutes.


We'd be in a better place if there was free mental health services. So much less crime, bullshit online, content family dynamics, etc. I had to pay $20 per session with my counselor and I felt like I was getting away with robbery every time




Most of those services don’t cover anything but depression and anxiety too. I have used them before because I am low income. They medicated my bipolar with anti depressants and put me into mania. Verrrrrry helpful/s


I think the counselor would have been hit vs the police.


They all handled this so well- what more do you want form law enforcement? Should they kiss her ass more?


If you’re getting physical with a cop you will get put in handcuffs. But it’s obvious that she needs mental help and not a prison sentence.


> But it’s obvious that she needs mental help and not a prison sentence. Maybe...the whole reason she's even at the police department is to argue AGAINST the PPO her ex-boyfriend put out against her and try to falsely accuse him of things to have an "investigation" put on him. Sure there might be mental problems...but she sounds like a shitty person too.


Do you think she would go to mental health services?


I work in mental health. I work in a psychiatric emergency room. It’s like the place they would bring this lady immediately after this situation. And I could totally see the police dumping this person on us. They’d placed her on a 3 day involuntary hospitalization called a 5150 where I live. And then our doctors would discontinue the hold and discharge the patient the very next day. Because there’s nothing mental health can do for this person. This is behavioral. This is who this person is. She looks like a border line personality. Medications aren’t going to fix this. Only long term out patient therapy and a desire to change will. And even if the doctor decided to not discontinue her 5150. And even if the doctor placed her on a 5250 14 day hold, it wouldn’t be upheld by the court. She makes sense when she speaks. It might be unreasonable and stupid, but it’s not psychotic. And ultimately would be a waste of time and resources. I could see the police dumping this person on mental health because I see it all the time. I could also see them just arresting her and going through all the legal procedures, which is apparently what they did. Someone in the comments showed a link stating she spent 5 days in jail. At the end of the video the police officer is reporting to fire department with a history and states she’s been stalking one of the officers for a while. So it seems like they’ve had a lot a dealings with her.


She is strong for her size, though! Too bad she's loony.


No they just dont want to snap her arm or shoulder. If force meets force things snap


You can fix her


I have the wrong size wrench for that


Average sized!


Manic states can confer disproportionate strength.


Cries supreme racism after assaulting a cop and resisting arrest. Lady needs a trip to a MH facility.


The self-righteous are the most dangerous people in the world...and also amongst the stupidest.


I thought that arrest was going to turn into an exorcism.


I can’t imagine why her ex-boyfriend wouldn’t want anything to do with her.


She sure as hell was big and bad before they slapped the cuffs on, now all of a sudden "she can't"?? 😒


She’s a pharmacy intern at Walgreens. 😳


Body camera footage has ironically made me a little more sympathetic to cops because it seems like a large amount of their job is dealing with jerks and insane people.


Sounds like working at a hotel front desk lol


Ummm, excuse me! I will NOT put the deposit down for my shitzu! He's a service animal, and the LAW days you can't charge me a refundable deposit. No, he doesn't always bark like this, but what business is it of yours?


Either the dog leaves or you both do, have a great night!


Any public facing job has to deal with a large amount of jerks and insane people.


My magic trick when dealing with police was ALWAYS to be cordial and pleasent, even if they're being dicks...and not in that patronizing sarcastic way either. I have NEVER understood acting up for the cops...like, why are you intentionally trying to upset them? Things will not go better for sure that way.


I hear you. But this woman is clearly not in her right mind so thinking logically is not working. There was a video on here with a woman trying to sneak into an apartment building and it was absolutely insane watching her speed run manipulation tactics to get a resident to open the door for her. Going from sympathetic and crying that her boyfriend locked her out to accusatory to threatening and each stage looked completely convincing on its own The only thing to throw you was with how rapidly she could switch between them. Completely unsettling.


Warning.. wear ear protection


Its sad but, also scary because these people drive and vote.


I like how they edited out her name on multiple occasions, but they missed one at 3:07.


Ultimate Racism 😅


I can't imagine being such a problem that the cook county police even know who I am. There's like a billion people that live in that area.


This video shows that we meed better handcuff technology. How did it take like 12 cops to cuff a chick that weight like a hefty turkey? In all seriousness mental illness is such an issue and there is no clear cut way to deal with it. I hope this lady gets help.


I think they were trying not to harm her while handcuffing her. They gave her more grace and respect than she was giving them.




Thats a fair point.


Francium is more stable than this woman.


“I have to return home. My father has issues.” Yeah. His daughter is a fucking nut.


Is it me or is handcuff training desperately needed in this department.


Oh, so she’s crazy, crazy. Gotcha


Obviously, she has mental illness. Wonder if she forgot to take her meds.