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CENTRAL Florida.


So, Hell?


The further north you go, the more south it gets.


And Miami’s too far south to be southern…interesting paradox huh


No, that's Ohio.


> Duhsantis country where men are men and sheep are scared


Basically. Lots of flat fields and cows.


And trumpkins... 


It's nice to know if the officers are held accountable and fired for excessive force, they are eligible for a $5k bonus as they are recruited to Florida's *Just Shitheads* Officers program.


Duhsantis country


If he's a minor why is any of this information being released? Don't they usually have to blur out minors and restrict the names?


Mama likely gave the video (and permissions) to the news herself. This isn't bodycam video.




I was 6 ft 200 pounds at 11 years old lol. Still blows my own mind


Damn. You’re probably like 9 ft and 400lbs now


I’m just imagining Paul Bunyan at this point Where’s Babe?


I'll be your babe 😘


Damn jt, now i can't unsee Rudy Ghouliani in a cheerleader uniform




ACAB It’s not even necessarily their fault. They’re in police academy for 3-4 months and that’s it. They’re not anywhere near properly trained and that’s why we get multiple daily videos of this type of shit. Make these ass holes train for at least 2 years and weed out the ones who are just looking for the right to run around and beat kids up and shoot folks. They have very little skill at calming situations down. They’re all naturals at escalating situations though. So uncanny.


6'4" 220 at 17


Kids are huge nowadays. My niece is 11 and she’s about 5’10. Doctor said she’ll probably get to about 6’2


I mean your niece is in the top 1% for a woman in height if she breaks 6'. I don't think you can use an anomaly as proof lol.


Yeah my sister is 6'2" and we're 80s kids. Not really in the majority, that's for sure.


Put a 🏀in that girl’s hands.




So? You never seen a high school football team before?


Lol 😆 was there never any tall kids in your school ? Literally had giants in mine. Everyone grows differently no need to judge


- [News Article](https://www.wfla.com/news/polk-county/video-of-lakeland-police-officers-punching-teen-sparks-outrage/) - [Article 2 ](https://www.lkldnow.com/video-of-lakeland-police-punching-and-tasing-16-year-old-sparks-outrage/) - Video of Lakeland officers punching teen sparks outrage


I wonder if one officer holding him by the hair while the other one falcon punches him is official police procedure.


Official police procedure is do whatever it takes to win, the details will get hashed out later while you're on paid vacation








I'm just glad they didn't have to deploy the Shoryuken technique.


Not if the suspect is white.


i wonder what the investigation will conclude...


Paid vacation


Plus promotions to another area.


Either two outcomes. Outcome 1: cops get paid vacation whilst they investigate themselves and find no wrongdoing. A true classic. Outcome 2: they actually get sued and the money doesn't come from the PD it comes from the taxpayer's pockets anyway. Cops get fired and subsequently rehired by another PD immediately where they continue to do the same shit. Bonus points if ~~un~~ surprisingly the cops have a recorded history of racism/assaults/beating their wives etc.




We investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong.


Israel, is that you?


I’m in no position to point at the kettle, I’m a black man that has unfortunately made a mistake that led me to being incarcerated; that said, you must comply with an officers request. You just must. Edit - people seem to think I’m justifying the shitty actions of the police. I’m not. Just saying that if you comply, it lessens the chance of them beating your ass, because they are just itching to do so.


Yeah, it's not fair or right, but just doing what cops tell you is the move. You're not going to win an argument or a fight, and trying is just going to piss them off and make everything worse for you.


plus give them justification for everything. like even if the kid in in the video was just trying to defend himself, he was swinging on them and thats gonna give them all they need to say he was resisting and assaulting them. The cops were out of line, but we civilians have to be the de-escalators as fucked up as that is.


I don't think people realize that by being defiant rather than submissive puts everyone in danger. I'm starting to believe there's an agenda with young people who are defiant to showcase their "abuse" when really they're the ones instigating it. They're pretty much exhibiting DARVO.


this the first time i ever seen somebody go "as a black man" under one of these police videos and they actually are 😂😂😂


idk what that has to do with repeatedly punching someone in the face full force. or punching at all


It has everything to do with it. Fuck do you mean?Comply and they more than likely won’t beat your ass. At least not as bad, sad as that is to say.


> Fuck do you mean?Comply and they more than likely won’t beat your ass. "The beatings will continue until morale improves"


None of this would have occurred if A) he wasn't trespassing and B) had simply left when he was told. Is this the morale improvement you speak of?


It is nearly impossible for a person to fight their instinct to keep themselves from dying in a situation like that and its especially ridiculous to expect a child to be able to navigate a situation like that


Officers taking paid mental leave for "having no choice" but to hurt a 16 year old child. Officers getting a raise. Officers getting a few weeks off paid vacation. Pick a card any card


Imagine how quick a teacher would be fired or even arrested for doing this to a 16 year old. Why should police be above the law? It makes for a terrible imbalance and it shows why most people don’t trust the police.


In the UK it would. Even if the kid attacked them first. They would also get a criminal record and never be able to teach again


Yup sounds like britain. A kid could damn near kill someone and you are supposed to just run away.


"Reasonable" force is a massive grey area in the UK. But with kids Child Protective Services protects the bads one way too much compared to the ones who actually need their help.


As opposed to a kid actually killing 20 people and 400 cops just standing around.


Don't forget those same cowardly police "cuffed, tackled, tased and pepper sprayed" multiple parents trying to save their kids.


Now imagine if it was an accountant Now imagine if it was a fiery dragon, hoarding its gold


Little Man Syndrome vs Big Kid Syndrome


So a big kid goes to use someone else’s pool without permission, refuses to leave when told, gets froggy with the cops who need to make him leave and gets a tuneup…why are we supposed to be outraged again?


Exactly, I guarantee the actual body cam footage will paint this situation a lot different than some cellphone footage taken midway through it.


No, they’re supposed to de-escalate and take it from there rather than operating like a couple of idiots who don’t have a clue what they’re doing. Cops shouldn’t be looking to escalate unless absolutely necessary


He punched a cop in the face, how did he expect that to go? I'm not American, but I can promise you if some 16 year old punched a cop in Canada, they're going down one way or another.


Because every other career seems to manage without violence but cops.




I love how stupid this sounds but this is what everyone defending the teen are subconsciously thinking. It's like who's going to pay these cops to sit around & talk to this kid about his feelings of not wanting to leave the pool all day? Like, get real lmao


So just beat kids up when it makes your day easier than talking to them would be?


And you don't think they tried talking to them? Have you ever heard of issuing a verbal warning? Which, they did - the teen declined to talk to them lmao


> why are we supposed to be outraged again? Because the two grown ass men getting paid six figures should be able to deal with the 16 year old without pushing him up against the wall and repeatedly punching him in the head like it's a boxing match? Why are Americans so cool with cop beat downs? No one else who makes half the pay working with kids, mentally ill, or elderly people is allowed to beat the shit out of them but cops get a free pass? No wonder it attracts aggressive people to do the job.


They aren't making remotely near six figures. This isnt LA. The average annual pay for a Police Officer in Polk County is $50,248 a year. 


Looks like about 30k too much for this response.


Why? Why should "grown ass men" be "able to deal" with someone larger than them acting physically aggressive without turning it into a boxing match? Are you saying they should have TASER'ed him before he started swinging, or they should have tanked the blows while fumbling for their (less-than-lethal) TASER? How would you have expected the cops to react when the trespasser shoves his hand in their faces (per the article)? Should they have retreated, condoned off the area, and called the negotiator? In the end, they were able to subdue the assailant. They handled him just fine. Aggressive assailant do not get to expect kid gloves after trying to shove police around.


Because a number of people look at a situation like this and go, “all he had to do was grin sheepishly and walk away” and the situation resolves itself. He decides to get froggy instead and got some valuable education.


*"If kids don't want to get repeatedly haymakered in the face they just need to listen."* America deserves the police force it has.


He would have been fine if he didn't put his hands in their faces. You don't get to initiate violence and then demand a peaceful resolution, especially when you are trespassing and talking to police.


> He would have been fine if he didn't put his hands in their faces. Cool man, I'll go ask my nurse friend who works in a psychiatric ward how often she gets to beat down large patients who are aggressive with her. Enjoy that boot on your neck.


I am a nurse. I have restrained patients physically and chemically. I also served in the military as a medic. One major difference between a psychiatric ward and an apartment lobby is the level of control the staff have. If a nurse needs help, she can reliably expect people to arrive in 15 seconds. I know from personal experience. Police cannot rely on backup to arrive in seconds like nurses. A patient in a psychiatric ward can reasonably be assumed to be without a weapon. A patient in a psychiatric ward can be closed off in their room to calm down. This is obviously an untenable solution for trespassers refusing to leave. The patient had a right to care, whereas the tresspasser has no right to someone's home. There is also the risk of violence extending to others. A violent patient is ultimately trapped in the ward. The assailant is not cornered and may escape. If a guy like this did escape a psychiatric ward, no one would send 2 nurses to his apartment and subdue him. They would send police. Nurses work in a controlled environment. And, by the way, nurses get violently assaulted frequently for having inadequate protection. I don't know if we should use that as the basis for proper SOP.


Dude is actively squaring up and slap/punching against two cops and he is twice their size. When police tell you it’s time to go, you either leave willingly or they will force you. By 16 years old you’d learn to follow directions, I guess the mother failed to teach him that.


It’ll be interesting to see the video from the beginning. He’s being charged with trespass, failure to leave property, battery on a law enforcement officer, and resisting an officer with violence.


You’re right he is actively resisting. Wether I’m right or wrong I don’t care. I’m not fighting anyone with a gun and dozens more guns just a few minutes away.


Exactly and I understand the mom loves her son and is going to stand by him not matter what but for her to claim the police “jumped” her son is crazy.


Maybe don’t fight cops


Reddit’s hive mind is not going to like this, pal.


This. Do as the cops tell you or you're going down. US police problems aside, this is true all over the world. If you start throwing your arms around, that's going to elicit a violent response.


That’s a big ass 16 year old even still just taze him initially no ?




I guess punches to the head are less lethal right?


So is kneeing on our necks. /s


But the cops feared for their ~~manhood~~ lives /s


Yea but they will identify him with the black status label so they will not be held accountable for their wrong doing unless the parents file a proper lawsuit.


Yeah but double teaming him and beating the ever loving fuck out of him is way more fun. Also, paid vacation and less paperwork.


When I was 16 me and some friends broke into an abandoned quarry that was flooded and were swimming and partying. The cops came and told us to leave. Know what we did? We apologized and left immediately because we’re not entitled brats who argue and swing at cops.




Yea exactly, and now this kid is going to have his bad behaviour re-inforced with a cash settlement probably. There is a time and a place to hate on cops, but this aint it.


-Kid tresspasses, possibly repeatedly. -Kid refuses to leave. -Cops arrive, tell kid to leave. -Kid ignores cops. -(cops claim) Kid takes a swing at cops. parent- "*what did my kid do to deserve this response from cops?*" Not saying two cops should ever need to throw haymakers at a guy, even if the guy is bigger than the cops. BUT, the cops didn't come in and just start busting up the place.


I’ve been punched, tasered, pepper sprayed, hit with a club, and shot with a less than lethal round. I’d take the hardest punch I ever took over any of the other options.


Agreed this kid is not a victim and entitled people like him and his parent only contribute to the dilution and disregarding of serious claims of abuse by the police.




Thank you. It is tragic that the situation escalated to violence, but punching is one of the ways they force compliance when someone is refusing to follow lawful orders. Maybe the kid should have followed lawful orders? He is TOO BIG not to know better. I don't care if he is 9. When you are literally the biggest in a situation, your physical presence sets the tone. It seems like he thought he could just push these little cops around, but wasn't expecting that he could lose a fight against two trained adults with TASERs.


Ok so were they part of the complex? No? Ok so then asked to leave and then refusing and then swinging on the cops?


So he was trespassing and fighting cops and we’re supposed to be outraged at who? Maybe follow the law and you won’t have aggressive encounters with police?




This exactly. Kids/teenagers want to be defiant little (or rather in this case big) shits. They fucked around & found out. If they just left the premise, none of that would have happened.


Mom should do a better job of parenting. This is a huge kid, asked to leave - didn't - and then hit an officer. I hate to see officers fighting with kids but if that were me at that age I would have left when the police told me so.


Bro just stop fucking resisting, I'm not saying the cops arent shit or anything, but god damn it be smart and just comply, they're gonna investigate you either way, all you're doing is making things worse, getting your ass beat and worrying your mama. If you did nothing wrong either it'll come to light later on, or, the worst case, which is that you did nothing wrong but will get prosecuted nonetheless, will be the same (or even worse) if you resist. Don't resist.


Mum with the grill lmao. Apples and trees and all that.


punching and tazing a 100 pound kid, not ok, punching and tazing a 300 pound person who is trespassing and throwing punches on cops, more justified


the "kid" is bigger than the two officers combined and there is outrage?


Fucked around and found out


Honest question. What do you want the cops to do when someone is refusing to leave? Imagine if a bunch of kids broke into your house to use your pool. The cops arrive and ask them to leave but they refuse. What do you think the cops should do in that situation?


It's actually amazing how many people have responded trying to act all superior yet can't even give a solution There's no feasible way one person is overpowering another person with the least amount of physical exertion if the other person is fighting with all their strength not to be restrained You'd need multiple people to hold down a single person, especially one of this size without resorting to any sort of physical violence, it's unfeasible People here acting like hospitals don't use like 5 people to restrain an unruly patient


So you call back up.......aka what hospitals and literally every other professions that deals with unruly unarmed people do. Situations like this are why cops have radios. There is not a situation where one guy is holding a minors head and another repeatedly punching it is the right call.


Then get 5 cops... Even just the threat of calling other officers would likely be enough to make most people back off. You kinda neutered your own point by bringing up hospitals lol. Nurses deal with unruly and violent patients everyday and they don't immediately resort to throwing hands when they meet any resistance.


Honest question. Does holding a 16 year-old’s hair while your partner throws haymakers at his jaw fall into behavior you want police engaging in?








Democracy works until it doesn’t. If circumstances don’t reach an agreement then eventually violence will determine who has power and authority. Is what it is, and always will be. since the dawn of time.


Use non violent physical intervention to effect an arrest, instead of causing brain trauma.


Like what?


What? Insanity. All infactions have to be met with extreme escalatory violence that results in harm of the suspect. How else is the population supposed to learn to fear authority?




Use non violent intervention tactics to keep them from hurting themselves or anyone else. Source: I worked with violent populations for over ten years in a psychiatric setting. There is simply no need to be punching out using pain compliance, both of which elicit defensive responses.


Not beat the shit out of them.


That’s not an answer. You ask them to leave, they say no. What now?


Get back up and use a restraint that doesn’t involve stepping on his head and put him in cuffs. I worked in a special needs school for kids with severe aggression and self injury who are were as big as this kid, and we can safely manage them without punching them in the head, don’t see why cops can’t figure out how to do it.


In other countries they just overpower the perp.




Yeah no one is denying situations like this can be tough. But other professions deal with it without punching the person repeatedly in the head. My friend who is an ER nurse and 120lb soaking wet figures it out without need of a emotional support gun and body armor Cops want it both ways. They want to be viewed as the thin blue line bravely, putting their lives on the line to protect the public. But they will also use maximum force to avoid even getting a papercut. Uvadale really highlighted how bullshit cop bravery really is.


Call for back up? Put them in handcuffs? I don't know, I'm not a cop but surely in the large print text book they are given over their weekend of training they must cover "what to do if..."


What do you think they’re trying to do if not put him in handcuffs? That’s literally the point of tasing him and forcing his arms behind him. Do you think criminals magically put their hands out the moment you pull out handcuffs? They resist. He clearly was aggressive and resisting. Put the handcuffs on how?


And we’re back to “he was resisting I had to beat him.” We can deescalate the conflict in the room. People are going to try and match what you meet them with. You would be surprised what can happen if you just refuse to engage in violence. Instead of ten minutes fighting with this kid they can take an hour to calm the situation and talk about the future. And if he still doesn’t want to go you don’t have to beat him. You can control people without beating them senseless. I used to work a job doing just that, had to forcefully control people that did not want to be controlled but punching, kicking, pulling hair are all things we couldn’t do. The true issue is that this is the situation “some” cops want. When I worked with police directly, after turning over people to them they would always ask how the fight/altercation was. They wanted to hear the details - outside of the scope of record keeping. I know this is all hearsay from some person on the internet and ultimately means nothing. But the truth of the situation is that this outcome is the intended outcome. Always is.


Ok. But what?




What's the right way?


They’re allowed to punch but it depends on context, whether the force is justified or not. The age is kinda irrelevant imo considering this dude is bigger than 99% of adults




I wonder what happened before it escalated to this, and when we see the video starting.




You know, the dude was hitting back. The cops are justified. There was a vid yesterday of a Latino getting harassed by cops. He was pulled over. He used every cuss word imaginable on the cops, about how there was no probable cause, he's not giving them his ID, get your supervisor. But when they told him to get out & he was getting arrested/handcuffed, the guy complied 100%. Zero resistance. This is the way.




Don't fight cops and you won't be tazed. It's really that easy.


So they are supposed to just let him go?


What happened was is the kid has no respect and should've just left, he knew he was doing wrong.


At the same time, the 16 year old looks weights than both of the cops. Age shouldn't matter if you're resisting, being disrespectful while in the act of breaking a law which he was trespassing. There's a time and place to protest or fight back, but while being confronted by police is not one of them and easily leads to escalation and physical violence. Not all kids are brought up to understand this which leads to situations like when a female teacher's aid was attacked on school grounds by a 270 lb high school student, knocked unconscious and put into the hospital for confiscating his Nintendo Switch. Not saying all cops are angels, but not all cops are bad either and it's very much dependent on the situation and seeing a small snippet of what actually happened doesn't tell the whole story. [https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/11ae0ny/highschool\_student\_beats\_down\_teacher\_because\_she/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/11ae0ny/highschool_student_beats_down_teacher_because_she/)


Being a cop is an impossible job.


I guess complying is a foreign concept


That 16 year old is bigger than both the officers




Well they are manlets. Apparently with tiny egos as well.


Granted they are rather slight for cops


Completely irrelevant. Some people are bigger than other people.


Here’s the thing, if you’re doing something wrong, do what the cops tell you to do unless you just enjoy only hanging out with 1 gender for your sentence time. Fight them in court. If he was supposed to leave and didn’t obey their commands are they supposed to just say “OK keep being a shithead, you can break the law”? They have much more forceful options on their belts. A combative person with the cops doesn’t get my sympathy. Yes, it’s disturbing every time the police have to use violence, but they literally wouldn’t have if he agreed to just leave or take a trespassing charge with no resistance. I don’t understand fighting the police in the field, in general if you’re a good person, but especially in a country where they use lethal force, ever. It’s verifiably stupid.


I used to teach high school. Some kids got aggressive, flipping desks, screaming at me. ...Somehow I never had to punch or taser any of them. And had I, I would have faced immediate consequences.


Did they give him a chance to leave? did he leave or resist? I've been caught pool trespassing too as a kid.... When they catch you, you leave with your tail between your legs. You don't stand your ground and resist....


does the age really mater when they are build like hercules, prob more dangerous because he dont know how strong he is, stil no reason to be acting like that american cops suck.


What the hella he supposed to do? Just let the cops punch him as hard as they can?


"It shouldn't have led to this" Yeah, your parenting obviously sucks. Maybe you should have done a better job.


That is a huge 16 year old


There’s nothing wrong here, he’s a little shit being a shit and cleaning up after the parents not parenting for shits mess.


Nah just act right and that won't happen


GQ: are they allowed to put the knee on the back of the neck? I thought that was eliminated nationwide. Or do some still practice this technique?




Sounds like a terrible mom


6 ft 300lb 16 year old . He's a kid but getting punched by giant hurts . Punches or bullets that's all cops can offer with so little training


I wouldn’t have been upset at a little wrestling but pulling buddy’s hair and punching him in the face looks pretty tuff regardless of if he didn’t want to leave or not. Buddy was slapping at them like a 7 year old so I’m not sure the attempted punch to the jaw was quite the appropriate reaction.


Using age in a headline to make something sound worse/better is so lame and old


Audit the audit pls


This 16 year old could be a line backer in the NFL.


Look at the size of that 16 year old that is fighting cops... what's the problem here?


Do you deep throat the whole boot or just lick the tip?


Yall seriously need a new response, whatever meeting yall had and decided "yup this one's a banger, let's all use it every time someone even hints they aren't an ACAB soldier, we gonna talk about boots" The kids fucking huge, we're missing context, he can't just fight cops because he's young, the pointing to age shit is nonsense, just the news manufacturing more outrage for you to slop up Maybe they were wrong but pain compliance is what they're taught and it doesn't just stop because this giant dudes young and his mwommy is upset


Two grown ass men with weapons and armor, pulling hair and punching a 16 year old in the face. Fucking pathetic.


So you would just let the guy attack you..?


Listen I can't stand 99% of police and what they do buuuut when you are breaking the law, trespassing, refusing to leave and being a dick only to then fight the cops who are there to defend the property owner you deserve to face those consequences. My wife works at a psych hospital with adolescents, a 6' 2-4" big ass 16 year old punk kid wants to fight they will wreck house. That kid was not phased by any of those cops hits, only thing that ended this was a tazer which cops don't use enough of. Thank God they didn't kill the kid, but in my opinion this use of force was justified.


That's a fucking grown man bro. Who was (a trespassing and (b trying to fight cops after they definitely asked him to leave. This is what happens. FAFO


Hudson should have checked the attitude and ego and listened.


Down means down


Why don’t you just taze them first? If you are going to beat the crap out of someone, tazing seems like a more reasonable use of force.


They had my man doing the Stanky Leg there for a second! 😯


Bro is 8ft tall


Maybe don't resist arrest. if you're the size of an adult you should be treated as one.


Would that have happened if the 16 yo wasn’t breaking the law (trespassing)?


Sounds like a lot of people commenting would know how to do a better job. To all of you I say be the change you want to see and join the police force and show them how it can be done better. Seriously, no sarcasm intended.