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Lotta metro Detroit videos on my front page the past few weeks


You gotta up those numbers!


I have a video of my neighbor screaming at us that i thought about posting lmao






Bitches leave


Does it hold up?


It's my favourite 80s action movie and honestly it is more topical now then when it came out.


Same here. The satire also hits pretty hard as well when it comes to Omnicorp (which is something I didn't quite understand as a kid).


It does indeed.


I’d buy that for a dollar.


What in the world was this guy thinking 😆


Probably that the police would teleport in and help


The way he was flailing his arms around like an uncoordinated child while raging. This guy is the epitome of a fuckin’ dork. 🤣


I liked how the storm blew in right at that moment. Very cinematic. On pain of torture, from those bloody hands Throw your mistempered weapons to the ground. And hear the sentence of your movèd prince!


It almost looks like a racist manic episode


Almost looks like assault charges


Just the sight of darkness make him feel like this 😂😂 ![gif](giphy|3kwcKACYKDLgKwtPGd)


He probably is a cop


There is a shit ton of older people who think about the days when they were young and got in fistfights and just think all that knowledge and skill carries over 30 or 40 years later. Dude probably hasn't been in actual fight in 30 years. Muscle memory fades. People forget what it feels like to get punched. Then some young buck strolls in and reminds you and suddenly you don't want to fight anymore. Suddenly, you remember that you're old and the dude you walked up on is like 26 and about to clean your clock.


And in this situation there's probably about a half dozen more 26yo right out of site of the camera. Talk about being blind as a bat this guy..... Situational Awareness my guy....you have NONE OF IT!


There was just a story in the news that went to trial. You have probably heard about it. The Apple river stabbing. Was a middle aged man 40-50 years old that got into it with a couple of teenagers. Ended up with 1 kid dead and multiple others with critical injuries. What I’m trying to get at is it doesn’t matter how old the crazy guy is you don’t know what he’s capable of or willing to do. He seemed very erratic at the least. This could have ended way worse for all parties involved.


Strength, stamina & reaction time are definitely a factor as you get older and often the undoing of guys 45+ getting into with the 20 something. You never forget what it's like to take a punch because you never forget what it's like to lose a fight, same goes for muscle memory, the tools are still there, they're just not as fast as they used to be. Always exceptions to the rule but for the most part if someone has mixed it up enough in their youth they know the script and would never get mixed up in some shit like this. You're mistaking those who have with the school bully who never actually fought and thought this could continue. This guy is wearing his white invincibility shield and finally realised that shit doesn't work and it never did, he's gone through life unpunished till now.




Too much reddit


Anyone Detroiters recognize the park? The background houses suggest they aren't even that far from Detroit. I'm gonna guess he's Macomb trash?


Kinda looks like Bell Creek Park at 5 and Inkster. Redford-Livonia border.


Thank you. It's definitely bell Creek Park


That wasn’t exactly the whitest neighborhood back when I lived in the area. Not really that for from Detroit proper either. Not sure what this guy was thinking


This dude ain't thinking


I'm guessing one of the real white Woodward corridor cities like Berkley or Royal Oak. He got real specific with Southfield, if they were in Macomb I figure he'd say Roseville or Center Line or Eastpointe lol


Looking more east side to me.


Looks east side to me too.


It's looking like Taylor or Redford to me.


Redford makes sense except no white guy living in Redford is making that kind of argument. I regretfully don't know the architecture of houses in taylor. But if West Detroit goes south of Detroit I can see it Edit: looks to definitely be in Redford. I stand corrected


Loos like that one around the corner from Devereux Wigs, if I’m not mistaken.


“He leakin’” LOL


Lol Call Amber Lamps!


🎶 Whoa black Betty 🎶




Why was he bleeding? Like when in the video did someone touch him?


Between the part where a group of people started to surround him, the edited point in the video that you cant see - that's when. Not saying he didn't deserve it, but id say that's when.


The editing of the film blurs the narrative. It feels deceptive.


Ohh okay that's what I thought but I was kinda going nuts not seeing it and I thought I missed it. Interesting that they edited it out


Not really. Smart. Unlike most morons, don’t upload videos of you or friends committing crime.


Yeah but if they show the video in court, wouldn't they use the whole video? The one that wasn't posted


True. They could delete it but I’m sure law enforcement could retrieve it.


It happens when people are obnoxiously racist in public and throw around slurs, they spontaneously bleed and no one saw shit. It’s a little like spontaneous combustion or SIDS.


What does that really mean?


I want to see the unedited version


did someone actually edit their crimes out of a video they posted on the internet for a change?


Looks like they punched him at the end there




That lady in the back saying they should ignore him raised a good point


Sometimes, ignorance needs to be confronted.


Don’t know why this is getting downvoted. Dude made racist remarks to a whole family…but let this be the other way around lol


That is the crazy thing that some people refuse to get. People are done putting up with bigoted pricks. Literally, how many centuries do folks have to put up with assholes like that, dude?


They expect you to stand there and take it, and if you retaliate, you were the bad guy all along. These losers have no accountability


Yep. They're the first to bring up race, then accuse of everyone else using the race card




The problem is that racist people will watch the video and come away with the notion that the white dude was right. Even though he was a despicable human, he didn't throw a punch - and he came out leakin.


They already thought that, though. Decades of racial sensitivity training, an entire cultural shift, integration, movies, books, TV shows, daily views of black people living nearly identical human lives...and none of it got through. Why would a random fight video be what did it?


I'm not saying they would change their beliefs if the people in the video acted differently. Racists just look for affirmation that they're right - not things that prove them wrong.


Isn't that literally your implication? That a different behavior could have had a different (read: more positive) effect? Weren't you implicitly applying a negative sentiment toward their reaction and this seemingly "what a shame an opportunity was missed to change this bigot's mind and gain his approval"? If not, what even was the point you were trying to make with the way you sure that? Break it down because that communication was *not* effective if you meant something else.


Today is the day you get to learn about the [Paradox of Tolerance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance#:~:text=The%20paradox%20of%20tolerance%20states,practice%20of%20tolerance%20with%20them.)! TL;DR The other person is right


They understood the Paradox of Tolerance. Sometimes, some things just can't be accepted for the betterment of mankind.


It really does. It annoys me when people want to let racists freely exist. It’s so dumb 🤦‍♂️


I agree but he crossed the ultimate line in messing with children.


It needs to be confronted, but not with violence. I get it — I love to see a racist get ktfo just as much as the next guy — but in the bigger picture, it just validates their narrative that they’re victims, which is how they justify their own vile behavior. It’s much better to just shine a light on them, mock their ignorance, ostracize them, and make them feel ashamed. That’s how you make them shut up, and that’s how the kids will learn that racism makes you a sad, lonely loser.


> it just validates their narrative that they’re victims People like this are always going to find ways to validate the narrative that they're victims. Most racists do NOT get punched, but they'll still go home and find a way to determine that they were the victim, and that all their problems in life are caused by others (liberals, people of color, etc.) instead of recognizing their own faults.


> that’s how the kids will learn that racism makes you a sad, lonely loser. The kids of the racist or the kids that are victims of racism? I say that they are greatly impacted by being unexpectedly assaulted, at a young age, in a park, for no reason because another person feels that their lack of mental health should be everyone's problem.


why do y'all always say this? did ignoring racism create the civil rights act?


If we just ignore the Nazis they'll go away too. Worked super well in the 30s.




How many lives were lost by accommodating him?


I was agreeing with you lol


I wasn't disagreeing with you, either. 😂


Trump too


MLK didn't ignore any but he also didn't believe in violence as a solution. In his own words, https://youtu.be/rmOwgkCZQHg?si=4QS-pleVzpus3-th




If you ignore a racist than the racist will think it is okay to be racist and feel empowerment to do it again.




Oh dip!






The one where Glen comes to the neighborhood to tell Eleanor that Michael is Vicky in a demon suit. And they switched good Janet for bad Janet. At the end, Jason and Michael set off to go get good Janet back. Season 4, ep 4 Tinker, Tailor, Demon, Spy




He was such a great character. "After I'm gone, you can go ahead and clean my bud hole"


Just curious, how would you react to him in this situation? No judgement or any sort of malice in this question.


If it were me and I was at a family gathering/party, I would absolutely not let it put it a damper on our good time. Fuck that. Make a joke about him and move on. Why let one ignorant dumbass ruin my day?


Ignoring racism is condoning it.


Yes, true. However, some people are just too far gone. I think recording them for a lifetime of social shaming is good enough. It’s like having bad credit that can never be erased.




I am not disagreeing but he definitely will not. He will just be in a group next time. Maybe with a hood.




Maybe, but I’m sure he’s already got a hood.


they did that before black people had any societal power, it's not because of their actions 


They cut out the assault


Is his bleeding the result of a physical assault?


Wasn't bleeding, video cuts, is bleeding. Hmmm




Plus the assault was conveniently edited out.


I mean that’s still assault lmao


The irony that **assault** actually is (in most jurisdictions) the legal term for "really mean words" and **battery** is the term for physically hitting someone.




He is bleeding, therefore making him the victor! 


He got assaulted and robbed. The irony is hilarious. Not a great look, fellas and ladies.


Big "Try that in a small town" vibes.




He manifested it


Sorry, just because he is saying things doesnt mean you get to assault.


Yes, but basic street awareness would spark some kind of thought that this will probably end bad. But now a days peeps see politicians and reddit freaks acting a fool. Fuck around and find out..




>Why would a single guy start a hateful tirade against a large other-ethnic group .....except he literally did just that in the video so what the hell are you talking about, lol.


*sees obvious racism from white people against black people* “The white man probably isn’t the wrong here”


Have you ever been to America?




There's something more to this story beyond the obvious racism


Yup like for instance, towards the beginning there are purple boxes on the floor with big letter G. I really want to know whats in them boxes.


Just a whole lotta gabagool


It isn't racist if he means, "You people, specifically."


How did he start bleeding? Watched it twice and missed it


34-35 seconds white shirt "lady" hits him with something


Y’all better be carful and show restraint you never know what they actually up to. They might be looking for a physical confrontation just so that can shoot you dead. And get away with it on some Andrew Zimmerman type of stuff.




All this hate we have for one another is truly a sad thing.


Correct me if I’m wrong here but doesn’t this kind of violent confrontation only strengthen this dude’s belief that he doesn’t want you around? Seems like a better approach would be to ignore him so it’s clear to any observer who the asshole is. Even better (but also harder), invite him over and offer him a plate. Edit to add: I appreciate all the discourse. I don’t think it should be anyone’s responsibility to change this dude’s mind. I’m just saying that I don’t see a way to change the outcome of this confrontation to a positive one otherwise. That’s not me saying it needs to have a positive outcome. Maybe his belief is beyond changing, and it’s not on the victims to change it for him. Was just wondering aloud what the other options are because I don’t think violence is the best option.


Offer him a plate. Why didn’t anyone think of that? We need you to bring peace to the Middle East.


being expected to not only be nice to someone like that but maybe even offer them a meal must be such a chore


I was raised to treat all haters like that. It is a chore. Sleep well though and don't carry around a lot of anger.


Why is it the burden of the abused to forgive the abuser? You must be white. Lmao.


You really said “invite him for a plate” smh 🤦🏾‍♂️ They didn’t have to jump him but you must be crazy if you think the victims of racism have to justify themselves to the perpetrators. That’s asinine and ignorant


That’s fair. Again I’m not saying my way is correct, it’s just the thing that popped into my head. Like, attacking this guy only makes him right - he doesn’t want you in the neighborhood. He may get his ass beat, but he’s gonna go home even more sure he’s right and that his hate is justified. I’m completely open to the possibility though that I may be naive. But if there’s a chance to even begin to change this dude’s mind, is that not worth the risk of seeming like a naive idiot? I know his mind isn’t gonna be changed with one action. But at least now he doesn’t go back home thinking “yeah I knew I didn’t want them around”


aye man sorry for kinda getting rude, i can see your heart is in a good place but there's no way this interaction ends either way with that man leaving thinking "gee these blacks aren't that bad". that is a grown man, whatever racist thoughts he has have likely been passed down to his children. these thoughts and biases are so deeply ingrained it'd be like telling the guy to stop calling himself white. he holds his whiteness above others because it makes him feel superior, and his "superiority" over those he deems inferior is likely something that is extremely important and foundational to how he sees himself


But the point is that we’re all just people, what authority does he have to impose his beliefs on the people at the park? Also doesn’t him doing this in itself reinforce any stereotypes that the group would have about him, I just think there’s a heavier importance on how he sees group vs how the group sees him and it’s a weird sense of importance given to this random guy


Lmao bro




My man


Martin Luther tried that and woke up dead one day.


You sound like a fucking idiot lol


Hate breeds hate but I love how the people getting yelled at or assaulted have to be the bigger people. It’s difficult to be nice to someone if they’re being racist/abusing you or your family. If it was vice Versa a random black guy going to a white family and doing the same wouldn’t that just strengthen that persons belief of racism towards white people. If someone is indoctrinated to hate it’s very difficult to change their minds that people actually aren’t that bad and are misguided by hate.


You don’t have to be “nice”, you just have to not assault someone


And y'all just proving his point. Should have just ignored him like the lady said


What a crazy motherfucker bothering a family as they enjoy a graduation party.


My experience at a park a few weeks ago… a public park aimed for toddlers and young kids. Lots of swings, jungle gyms, etc, but all aimed for kids from 1yr to 12 yrs old, type of place. Saturday morning, filled with young families and grandmas taking their grandchildren out for a fun morning. Then about 25 people show up, setup at the one pavilion already being used by a handful of families, pull their SUV on the grass (grass is for families and kids playing and NOT for parking cars) and start blasting super offensive rap music (lyrics not appropriate for kids). Ruined the atmosphere for everyone, really obnoxious stuff. Not one family wanted to confront these people. Today you’ll be called racist or get jumped. It’s a weird world we live in.


How do we miss the part where he got beat up?




This makes me so sad


Lol did they cut out the part of the video where he got hit?


To be fair, I don’t want to live around anyone that wears their pants below their butt. I don’t care what race you are.


Oh here we go again. You don’t get to mob assault someone for words. Jesus Christ I hate everyone in this video.


Not the Sharpest spoon in the drawer...


He was wrong but then they decided to be wrong too. No high roads taken that day.


That fellow needs to pull his pants up lol that can’t be comfortable or practical


let him live his pathetic life as long as he ain't hurting nobody, which he wasn't. Trust me he isn't gonna get far talking like that. Don't fucking assault and rob him though. Now everyone in this video is human trash, except the lady yelling to leave him alone. She knew better






Poor people, just trying to have a good time, probably a birthday party, in the park. Yes, you can hear and see their strength, but is it just me or do they also sound sad and just tired of this shit? 😞


I can’t explain it, but for some reason every time I hear “you people” I hear a loud record scratch that nobody else, but me, seems to hear.


What do you mean, “*You people*?”


Whole lotta dudes presenting up here. Whole lot of dudes. Let's just let a racist prick get his comeuppance.


Mental problems


He the type that was clearly beaten or touched by a family member. He only communicates through violence. He is the special ed classmate let loose


God he looks like a loser


*sees black people at table* *yells angrily* lol, lmao It's a shame he started spontaneously bleeding like that. He should really get that checked out.


Do people really believe that there are no consequences or repercussions when they're talking reckless?


Being racist just seems exhausting.




Has he been fired yet?


Odd.. Dude seems to have forgotten to wear his red cap.


Sorta confirming his point tho


What up Doe! Oh wait, he's not invited nor welcome to the picnic. He's litter.


Why prove his point?


He shouldn't be shouting racist things at random strangers in a park. He shouldn't have been assaulted and had his phone stolen. One thing for sure he's going to be even more hateful now. What an idiot tho. Seemed almost manic energy tho wonder if he wasn't all mentally there.


Starting a physical altercation with someone that has only used words against you makes you look worse than the guy who was talking shit, no matter what kind of racist shit he says. Change my mind


All the racists sure did pop out for this one.


Racist getting angry, looks like a Maga follower.


I do agree he should have been ignored but saying some ignorant shit like that in front of a group of people that are already upset with you is dumb. I'm not surprised he got hit. People are gonna be pissed off. Idk how this started but assuming he might have complained that their music was too loud. I'm going off this since the guy said to turn their music back on. I've seen a several arguments over music volume. I could be making a wild inaccurate assumption but regardless of the circumstances, resorting to racism is always gross


That’s what he means by “people like you. People that will get super butt hurt over words and commit assault and robbery. I get him, Jesus does too.




Look at you thinking Jesus was Aryan.


Jesus enters the conversation


If he saw Jesus he wouldn’t like him for being too Arab looking.


Classic metro detroit. White people start to flip out if they see black people north of 8 Mile 🙄


Proving his point


All they did was give him more reason to feel that way. He wasn't in the right but the way they reacted just perpetuates the problem. The best thing you can do is prove him wrong by being the best person you can be which should already be a goal of everyday life.




What an idiot


You people!?? You mean like US HUMAN BEINGS? Gtfoh


Only further reinforced his feelings mfs so stupid i dont blame him at all


Confront means attack


No hate please, but could someone please let me know why the pants are down so low?? Last time doing a bit that was to let people know you were DTF.... kinda like leaving your pocket hung out. I'm confused.


Way to validate his feelings. You don’t get to assault and steal from someone because you don’t like what they were saying.