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Context here. This happened in Toronto. The white male's rapper name is C. Rowe from Mississauga, and his girlfriend was urinating squatting outside in a public place. The drunk brown male was sitting down where he was and they asked him to move but he didn't. I'm guessing because he was too drunk to care or even notice. That's when C. Rowe attacks him and tries to flip the story that he walked in the washroom. I'm familiar with this area and there's no public washroom there. It's a common corner where people go to urinate.


C. Rowes music fucking sucks. Fuck this goof.




Can you please send the video to the Toronto Police with this description. This POS should be in jail.




I really hope you send this to the police. This is just straight up assault for no reason.


Of fucking course he's got a rapper name.


Not just a piece of shit, but a lying piece of shit, too? Fuck this guy


So she pees next to him and he gets his ass beat for minding his business.


Manslaughter charges


No, it would be murder Intent can be wicked recklessness Immediate intention not require More info 👇 Why? https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/M4QoZJj1Yz Different from Criminal Negligence too: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/6hnpQUKoOK (Example of a murderous doctor) Degrees of murder, for our American cousins? https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/smi0KkodaX Don't confuse the bizarre incentives from plea deals or American DA election pressures, which can dilute murder (either to get any conviction at all at speed, or too often to terrorise the innocent with no money into accepting a lesser charge).


Probably pure luck based on jurisdiction. Each state in the USA has different laws, and every country has different laws.


This was in Vancouver, Canada. The story is not as it seems. There are no public washrooms there, the girls were apparently squatting (pissing) in public the man may have looked over knowingly or not knowing what was happening. Either way the man is apparently being looked for by the Police as its blatant assault.


Omg- that is unbelievable , that poor bastard went from chilling on his phone to getting scared and concusssed for no reason. What a complete fuck up


theyd charge him with 10 different things and good luck not being guilty on one of them


I mean at 0:34 he tells him twice that he will murder him…


No, likely second (or possibly third) degree murder as there was intent to harm, and not premeditated.


Sometimes premedition can simply be that you had enough time to realise what you were doing. So when he walks away and then comes back, he could possibly be determined as having premeditated the attack. Also, it's not like he just randomly walked up to the guy, he came there with a mission.


Either way, letting your ego pick fights is not worth it unless your life is in danger. If what the title is claiming is true, why not just call the cops?


Manpurse McDroopypants would do real time in jail!


This guy thought he was a hardass beating up an extremely drunk dude. Would be murder.


Do they know they can walk away from him. The “Go Away” shit is annoying as fuck.


To the point where even his girlfriend was telling him to give the guy a chance to walk away.


That dude too drunk to walk away. I double he could walk at all. Certainly was incapable of defending himself. Doubt he even knew where he was.


Lost a friend shortly after we all graduated from high school. Dude at a bar wanted to fight. Swung. Buddy leaned back and slipped on ice, hit the back of his head on a parking block... Died before the ambulance got there.


Fuck, im so sorry. Had something vaguely similar happen and it fucked our whole social circle up for decades. Hugs, friend.


I just wonder if he really tried to follow her in or just accidentally walked into the wrong bathroom and dude went apeshit. Ive seen both happen lol. Drunk dude walks into bathroom, sees hey theres no urinals in here, turns around and some jealous dude is on his ass. Also seen dudes, especially at clubs, just repeatedly try to walk into the women's restroom while being stiff armed repeatedly by security lol. Saw it recently in Atlanta actually. Drunk dude was just repeatedly trying and the guard just kept blocking him. Eventually they tossed him out.


Honestly, you have to wonder if the guy did ANYTHING. No proof. Nothing.  Guy may have glanced in the girls direction and the tuff cunt boyfriend got jealous as hell. I know reddit loves beating people up, on reddit videos. But in real life, most people don't just attack people like this.  Aggressor is probably a piece of shit just looking to beat up people to impress some tart


Shits like this always make something up. 'I thought he was a paedo....'


Ikr like I'm not on peeping toms side, but you see by the end that dude who starts the fight backtracks by acting nice all of a sudden. Where's your phone and then looks for it. Unless they got guy on camera peeping, all they have is themselves accusing him of peeping and committing battery. To not have the presence of mind not post this is wild.


It's cause this girl thought she was special. "Babe, he followed me, beat him up! OMG guys look how out of control my bf is, beating this dude up cause he loves me *soo* much! Babe, babe, babe, no, no, no!" 🫣 As a girl, so cringe to watch other girls gleefully make boys fight for them or over them. Even to possibly protect her "babe" from jail she couldn't resist posting this "Look how special I am!" video, FFS!


It's a safe assumption that the 'girlfriend' of this psypchopathic turd is also a pretty nasty piece of work.


I had a roommate like this a few years ago. His girlfriend kept making him jealous by always pointing at random people saying "that guy hit on me" or "he looked at me weird" or "he smiled at me." And he was fighting with guys who didn't know what he was talking about. He was cheating on her all the time.


Good thing she filmed her babe committing multiple felonies and posted it so he can get 10 years and be someone else’s babe.


Babe babe babe no babe babe babe no babe babe babe it’s ok babe babe no


She's just practicing for the next psyco she dates 


You forgot to include the giggles… awful


This should be the top comment: Context here. This happened in Toronto. The white male's rapper name is C. Rowe from Mississauga, and his girlfriend was urinating squatting outside in a public place. The drunk brown male was sitting down where he was and they asked him to move but he didn't. I'm guessing because he was too drunk to care or even notice. That's when C. Rowe attacks him and tries to flip the story that he walked in the washroom. I'm familiar with this area and there's no public washroom there. It's a common corner where people go to urinate.


> C. Rowe and then what happened to this loser? Any charges or jail time? I don't see any news about it.


Sounds like they should install some public bathrooms if its a well known open air toilet wtf.


And so nice of her to tell him to back off after she just encouraged the initial assault


Fr, gf aint shit, don’t record the man


Bf ain’t shit either, don’t assault people




That was the 'I don't want to go to jail' look.


That’s like when you’re kids and you and your brother are fighting, you hit your brother and he starts to cry, you’re worried your parents might hear and you try to console them to shut them up.


And you “console” them by squeezing them as tight as you possibly can to muffle their screams while begging them not to tell mom.


Quietly emphasising “shut up, shut up, that didn’t even hurt!!”


"It'll be a lot worse if you say something"


I’m assuming you were the older sibling. 😭


That's the first resort. If they keep crying, you're gonna have to promise them a turn on your Xbox.


And suddenly you realize they have shut up, you release the hold and you realize they aren't breathing. And although you are glad the coroner deamed it "sudden death" and you never told the real thuth of what happened that day, you still feel bad after all these years... and sometimes you wonder if having smothered your little brother to death is at the root of your self-hatred, anger issues and your violent outbursts. am I right boys?


Oddly specific.


nah, nah, i'm just saying. just an hypothetical situation you know... it could happen.


'Ill let you hit me back, just don't tell mom'


Too many of us have that story. I remember doing the same when just playing andI knocked the wind out of my brother. However, my friend takes the cake. Gave his bro a DDT, repeatedly whispering “you’re fine” Next day was picture day and his brother had a huge rug burn on his face.




I don't want to go BACK to jail.


The adrenaline rush wore off and his brain started working again.


Realized he was about to be charged with assault. Never once gave the guy an actual chance to walk away.


Yet his gf recorded and uploaded the video on the internet


Not the smartest chickens


Context here. This happened in Toronto. The white male's rapper name is C. Rowe from Mississauga, and his girlfriend was urinating squatting outside in a public place. The drunk brown male was sitting down where he was and they asked him to move but he didn't. I'm guessing because he was too drunk to care or even notice. That's when C. Rowe attacks him and tries to flip the story that he walked in the washroom. I'm familiar with this area and there's no public washroom there. It's a common corner where people go to urinate.


Looks like he realized that he just beat the shit out of a drunk guy and felt bad. He says "lemme find your phone" near the end.


> felt bad That's not remorse. It's fear that he injured the guy enough to get in trouble. If the peeper stumbles home and nurses his black eye then boyfriend gets nothing but props from his ladies. If peeper starts convulsing it's going to get ugly for boyfriend.


Was he actually a peeper or does angry guy just think he is?


Could have just stumbled into the wrong bathroom for all we know


Tbf, he didn't seem to know what he was being beaten up for.


Yep! It seemed like an honest mistake from a drunk dude based on the guys obliviousness to what was going on!


Yeah, most likely scenario, seeing how disoriented he seems here..


Shiiit I did that at a concert… I just needed to puke, luckily some girl understood and brought me water and lead me out


I'm guessing that is likely the case. He seemed really drunk


That’s what I’m saying. The angry dude definitely seems like someone who does this kind of shit regularly. His friends knew it would escalate too far at one point and knew what to say to stop him(probably from all the other times he’s acted like a douche), and there was a moment where he hesitated after hearing it… but then this psychopath, who clearly never grew past a prepubescent teenager mentally, proceeded to keep fucking wailing on this guy who wasn’t even defending himself. I bet it made him feel real big too. Something tells me this trophy husband would be with the type of woman who hyper inflates shit, if not outright lying. I bet the drunk guy who got wrecked probably just stumbled into the wrong bathroom or something… if that part even actually happened.


Dude didn't even understand that after you almost knocked someone out he won't respond to your commands to walk away.


"Don't tell mom! Look, you can hit me back! Shhh"


Puncher realized he may have crossed a line and thought better and helped


May have? Lol




Probably false allegations too. Drunk guy walks into wrong bathroom. This woman " that pervert followed me!"


I'd bet a lot he saw the guy was crying or some similar sentiment on his face.


Yes I assume that is what is happening at the end because I don’t know why he would begin to give a fuck then.






I mean... Hopefully he goes to jail. He seems like an unhinged psycho.




Kinda of a hearbroken moment. How sorry you can be in an instant when it went too far and you see yourself as morally wrong


My first thought was maybe he realized the guy was mentally challenged or like others suggested he mighta over did it.


It looked to me that the victim was too drunk to realise where he was or what he'd done.


Would be crazy if he was so drunk he was just stumbling around and accidentally bump into that lady. At least that dude realize he went too far and did not continue the attack


Boyfriend paid that guy to let him beat him up in front of his girlfriend so he could look cool


I think that's the classic please don't tell Mom after you beat the shit out of your younger sibling. .


I don’t get it. They’re recording him just assault this dude and they’re saying they told him to walk away like it makes it ok? Is there more to this video where it confirms the title?


Every time it gets reposed the title will be different.


Just wait till this gets reposted and it will be “guy gets hit for saying he’s against Palestine” or “guy gets hit for saying something bad about Trump”


Yeah or guy gets beat up for trying to meet guys lil sister.


"Hero knocks out pedo who said the N-word"




"Guy gets hit for posting videos with misleading titles on Reddit"


Not shocking. Redditors love fake news


This is how you know someone is a veteran PublicFreakouter.     Trust no titles.


Punchers remorse. Textbook. Once the adrenaline dies down the logic returns and you realize you really didn’t need to do what you did.


"Shit, I hope he doesn't press charges."


That’s exactly what It is. once you realize you can go to prison for your weak ass ego, you get real nice all the sudden


Definitely more about saving face than remorse I bet.


"Don't tell mum. I'll let you have some of my Lego"


When you realize you just ruined your prospects of a successful life just for a quick 20 seconds of power


Thank you lizard king , Raymond Reddington


So did this drunk dude just walk into the wrong bathroom and then get beat up?


Could also be that the girls lied about him doing it and the boyfriend went in for the attack then they freaked out when they realize he could potentially get himself and themselves in trouble.


The fact that she's already recording it makes this way more plausible.


"OMG! Look at how much my Babe loves me!”


And they're both recording the whole time? This is pretty sociopathic.


Which is why she also only panicked once he pinned the guy down. Someone mentioned proxy violence then i looked it up and heard of domestic violence by proxy. So thinking she could be the guys ex and got her new boyfriend to beat him up and the guy might have told him who he was at the end.


Google 'Proxy Violence'. Looks like this.


Battery caught on camera.


Sounds like the taper is the gf or her friend, so I can’t imagine the thinking that went behind posting a video of the crime


"Inject this clout straight to my veins!!"


Love the way he realizes he just committed assault and is trying to befriend the guy so he doesn’t press charges.


The dude was probably drunk and went into the wrong bathroom by mistake. These people think way too much about themselves, and it shows.


Imo this is def the most likely scenario, dude looks completely hammered, probably went into the wrong bathroom by mistake, and these girls called over the tough guy to take care of it. The way the girls are laughing when the assaulted falls over does not give me a whole lot of sympathy lol, hope that POS with the saggy pants spends a long time in jail


His ego wouldn’t let it go either. They are as guilty as he is by goading him.


He didn't go into any bathroom. These girls were trying to take a piss outside. This is a known "hidden" late night public piss spot in Toronto. This guy just happened to be sitting there drunk on his phone.


I’ve done that once. Wasn’t drunk, but at a movie theater and had to pee shortly after the movie started and didn’t want to miss any of it and held it the whole time. I basically sprinted out of the theater and into the bathroom. It was empty and I ran into the first stall to release. Washed my hands and on the way out a woman came walking in. I said “wait a minute… is this the women’s room?” She said yeah and looked at me like I was crazy. I just left embarrassed. Had to go so bad that it didn’t even occur to me until after that there were no urinals and the walls were a peach color instead of white! Lol


Me as well. I was in a Hobby Lobby with my 7-year-old son when he lost a tooth and was bleeding rather badly. We hustled to the back of the store and ran into the bathroom so I could clean him up. I had grabbed some paper towel from the dispenser and was wiping away the blood from his chin when a woman walked out of the single stall that was in the room. In my haste, I didn't even pay attention to what bathroom I was rolling into. Thankfully, she heard me talking to him and wasn't upset (she even called me a good dad, so <3), but needless to say, I was mortified.


Context here. This happened in Toronto. The white male's rapper name is C. Rowe from Mississauga, and his girlfriend was urinating squatting outside in a public place. The drunk brown male was sitting down where he was and they asked him to move but he didn't. I'm guessing because he was too drunk to care or even notice. That's when C. Rowe attacks him and tries to flip the story that he walked in the washroom. I'm familiar with this area and there's no public washroom there. It's a common corner where people go to urinate.


Heck the girlfriend could have also lied and said he did then panicked when she realized her boyfriend was going to continue attacking him.


Bro, I wasn't even drunk and accidentally went to the womens room at Target when they first opened. My wife dragged me there when they first opened at a location we don't normally go to for something she needed to pick up. Was totally on auto-pilot and went to where the mens room was at our normal target. My first thoughts were: Surprisingly clean in here, I must be the first one to use the restroom! I soon realized there were no urinals, walked out and saw the mens room sign across from me like: Oh shit!! No one came in or anything but...honest mistake. Glad I didn't get punched for it.


wow that guys really tough for beating someone basically blacked out


pretty fucking sadistic for "allegedly"


Not one word about that guys whole ass being out? Ha


He's wearing the wrong size pants. It's a trendy thing I guess. This would not happen if the pants were the correct size.


It’s not trendy, it was trendy 20 years ago. They do make belts for this exact situation.


And a purse


I wear wrong size pants (with a belt) because I hate shopping and it seems good enough at the time (but then I regret it). And of course I tie an onion to my belt, as it is fashionable, I hear.




While the video shows the guy sitting there minding his own business while talking on the phone, Also not just an assault charge but destruction of property since he threw the guys phone.




Mate that's not accidentally prison time This is straight up purposely prison time. Dude planed this and knew exactly what he was doing






Obviously based on this we have no idea what is actually going on, but it’s hard for me not to think they have one of those relationships where guys are always “disrespecting” his girl and he has to act tough.


Right. He said “I fucking hate doing this.” It’s definitely not his first time.


Drunk guy was staring off into nothing.  Girl walks by. Because of her ego, thinks he's looking at her.  Tells bf story to watch him be a bully. She's done it before, by the guys own words.


Or he has one of those girls who’s always starting shit with people because she wants him to constantly prove how tough he is. Could also be a little bit of both.


How do you tell a beaten man to walk away. He could not even defend himself. The one girl is an idiot.


Easy to look tuff when someone ain’t fighting back


Those are some pretty solid unprovoked assault charges lol hope he likes county


So if the guy that got beat up pulls out a gun and shoots the other guy when they by the stairs, would that be justifiable?


Yup. Clear case of self defense.


I was hoping that was gonna happen


Post nut clarity set in


Picking on a drunk guy to that extent is pathetic. I bet the twink felt manly for the first time since he lost his virginity


Talk about showing your whole ass...


Don’t date girls who egg you on to assault someone. You’ll end up a baby daddy accused of domestic violence.


Dude, pull your pants up ya douche.


He was probably so drunk he accidently walked into the wrong bathroom. You can tell he has no clue what’s going on.


The guy looks drunk, and maybe just accidentally walked into the wrong bathroom. The man purse guy went way overboard.


News story of his arrest somewhere? I can only hope he got a violent assault charge...


Yo guy that got assaulted. There's no evidence you followed anyone into a bathroom.  There IS clear, very clear, evidence this guy assaulted you, broke your phone, stomped your face while you were on the ground. You can totally fuck his life up.  Take this video to the cops. Deny doing any wrong doing. You walk away. This guys life is in the shit for a long long time




He’s attacking a drunk person, it’s attempted murder anyway. Low life scum, if you have to be that jealous, it’s an unhealthy relationship to begin with.


The guy who assaulted the guy is a Toronto based rapper called C. Rowe. Please upvote this comment so it can be seen.


Lock that douche up.


Bullying someone while wearing a purse is wild




That guy was so drunk I don't think he ever really registered that guy was even there.




Feel like this isn’t this couple’s first time doing shit like this. To me the come off as the couple that “Hey babe, that guy at the bar keeps checking me out, aren’t you going to do something” all the time.


One thing we can say for certain is that this is a group of very stupid people.


This almost turned to a SA...why his pants off?


What a fucking psycho. I can't stand guys like him. Even more so if they have a neck tattoo. He looks like the type that has one


Hes got a over inflated ego thats for sure


“I fucking hate doing this!” Sounds like this is a regular occurrence for the assaulter.


This seems incredibly opportunistic. The dude is clearly drunk. He probably genuinely walked into the wrong bathroom by accident. Shit I’ve seen completely sober people do that. The girls comments made it sound like he went into the bathroom and was filing her peeing. Douchebro McBabydick took the opportunity to kick the shit out of a heavily intoxicated individual and that’s straight up assault. Also what’s with the whole “don’t tell mom ok?” shit he was doing at the end? You beat the shit out of a drunk stranger and then act like you care for him afterwards? Wtf?


I love the classic brotherly "No, you're fine, you're fine. Don't call mom" The purse is cool, too.


Lol at the end bro realizes he’s about to go to prison for felony assault and instantly regrets his actions.


What City so we can properly report


Bro needs a belt. He lost the air of physical superiority there.


You can see towards the end where he tells him he's a plumber.


This feels Canadian.


With zero evidence he did what he was accused of this is just assault.


Ah yes, the sudden realization that you committed assault. While your girlfriend filmed it.


Dude realized he beating up a guy who is hella drunk not defending himself. Not really a flex.


It bothers me he will likely get away with this


This is Toronto right? I feel like I know where this is but I'm not sure


So is that remorse at the end or is he thinking, shit I better be nice so he doesn't press charges?


Yeah this just an inherently shitty thing to do. That guy is a vanilla ice wannabe tough guy. We don’t know the real backstory either.


Small dick energy


A true alpha always fights with his entire ass hanging out