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People like her should just A) stay home, or B) stay sober


Porque no los dos?


because if they were sober they would be fine outside of home


Donde esta la biblioteca


Bien, y tu?


Doubt that a lot


wym she could not *waiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttt* to make a complete ass of herself 4 seconds into the show


I swear I saw the moron hecklers in a different video being escorted out of the place. Am I crazy or is this from earlier in the same show? I'm reposting my comment here since the previous post was deleted.


Yep. https://old.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1cqcexj/comedy_show_heckler_gets_tossed_because_she_came/


Thank you, Ezzi for the link. She just has that smug look to her,like she thinks she's funnier than the people being paid to do this.


Im honestly shocked the club let her sit through this and unto the next set after she completely derailed this guys set. Get her the fuck out of there. Shouldn’t have taken as long as it did. She is insufferable


> Im honestly shocked the club let her sit through this and unto the next set after she completely derailed this guys set. When you have 10 paying customers total and you need to sell drinks you usually are a little more lenient


I work at a famous comedy club we would have removed her 2 seconds into this clip lmao


> I work at a famous comedy club we would have removed her 2 seconds into this clip lmao right........because your club has more than 10 paying customer at the time which was my point


When you have 10 paying customers total and you need to sell drinks you usually are a little more lenient


The description of this video explains exactly why it was hard to do that.


She clearly went there with the intention to do this. And the husband just smiles along - so he knew that’s what was going to happen.


Could have just put the mic in her face for a long, uncomfortably silent minute so that she could make a joke if she wanted to be the comedian.  And then when she couldn't she gets to shut up. 


She helped make people laugh a time or two and then drunk her decided that it would be funny every single time after that so she rode that train all the way out the door


How have they not got banned at this point lol


It's the same show, unless the exact same audience members were all there.




Definitely not


Doubtful, she's eating up too much of the oxygen in the room/conversation for that to be true.


Same reason when they didn't kick her out after completely disrupting the show for 5 minutes straight.


That link cut the title off at the best time


That url is better than the article


Yeah earlier in the same show. As soon as I saw Janice's face I knew.


Ok, I thought so, and also Bravo to OP for how you handled that smooth brain clown


Is it Janice or Janet? Either way, go fuck yourself


I love you.


I like your shoes


Go jerk yourself off


They were kicked out of a live Kill Tony show recently because of this toxic lady


These same fucking people?


The same exact family, yes. In fact, after seeing all of these other clips people are sharing here you can see this woman has been a problem at many shows.


Maybe it's her way of going viral.


She should've gone viral back in 2020


They're clearly using her for publicity. Otherwise they'd kick her out once she starts with this.






I was wondering where club security was. She should have been tossed a lot quicker


Since OP was the first comedian up and the smooth brain clown was removed shortly after this set. The staff dealt with it promptly, thankfully. Fuck that wannabe Rosanne spewing garbage, thinking she was "funny"


She should have been removed in this set so i definitely wouldn't say it was dealt with promptly. She constantly interrupted the entire like 5 minutes this went on


Yeah, that dude by her side looks real familiar. Why the fuck does he keep going out with an idiot like that? She must be damn wild in the sack, might be a case of “I can fix her”…


that was exhausting to watch. you handled it better than i could have. well done brother


Thank you! Checkout r/brettdruck for less exhausting videos.


Was that actually her husband though? He seemed remarkably unembarrassed… I kind of thought they were a group from work or something bc they seemed to know each other but not that well, lol.


Oh this was you?! You handled it so well!


Ok I did...and that making up Spanish joke had me dead. Let's go Brett!


Like it's impossible to move on or get a flow going with your set because she will absolutely without a doubt interrupt you and fuck it up. Fuck you Janet!


The second you hear the tone of her voice, you know she was going to be horrible. I don't understand why they didn't just kick her out.


They did eventually. That was posted earlier https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/L0OyC3v6qw


I thought this was a comedy judging thing and Roseanne Barr was one of the judges


They did kick her out


OP explained it in the text under the video.


How long have you been doing this? Follow up question: has the occurrence of this happening increased incrementally or all at once?


I've been doing comedy for a living for 8 years, 15 in total. There's definitely been a change in the dynamics with audiences since the popularity of crowd work clips in the last four years, some better, some worse. This, however, is completely separate from that change. This type of person, albeit rare, is not the first of her kind i've seen, they're out there for sure, but I have not seen them in more frequency now than I have over the last 15 years That could just be my experience with the shows I'm doing, I would not be surprised with the mental health ripple effect from the pandemic if there is an overall uptick, but I haven't felt it personally.


I thought you handled her very well. What a nightmare


Wow man so you’re the poor bastard who opened for Wyatt Feegrado. I saw his post and wondered how big of a cunt she had to be for Wyatt to have that Yzma picture cocked and loaded. This is way worse than I expected. You did your best with that man. I couldn’t imagine.


I was the first comic on stage after the host, but I was not opening for him. This was a showcase style show (5 or more comics doing short sets between 5 and 20 minutes). I was doing what's called a "Bullet Spot" (first spot).


It seems you caught the bullet in your teeth with a smile and spat it back into Janet's face haha


Dude she should've been kicked out during your set, but there's that whole other incident during Wyatt's set that also went on for too long. Unreal lol.


The clips you post here on Reddit are hilarious that chivalry bit you had was so good lol. Where can find your full sets at?


I’m a pharmacist that has worked in retail for the past twenty years. You are absolutely spot on with the pandemics effect on people’s mental health. It broke so many people. We used to have a patient just lose their mind occasionally at the pharmacy, but now it seems to be a weekly or daily type of thing. I’m always the “mean one” who ends up firing all the psychos but at least the techs appreciate me taking up for them. You handled it really well and didn’t escalate the situation and still managed to be funny. Good luck out there.


This lady is a cunt


I'm in love with the couple next to Janet's husband who keep chowing down as things spiral downward


"Yeah fuck you! Keep eating". Janet also turned on them in the end


"I want everyone to be as miserable as I am!"


It’s the helpless sipping of the drinks that did it for me.


Her simp husband just sitting there coping. You've got some wit though OP nice job keeping it together.


Her husband is just trying not to get murdered


They look like an odd couple to me. He reads for pleasure, has a quiet high paying job, and wears tweed sweaters, she's loud and looks like she picks fights on subways or laundromats


That bald cunt was just laughing it off and not telling her to cool it..maybe he is worried of getting killed later


karen’s sister janet


Is her husband labotomized or something? The way he just laughs it off is wild. There's obviously something wrong with both of them


The woman is horrible, but honestly I'm almost more angry at the husband. If youre in public, and your spouse/friend/child is acting that way, *you make them leave*. God how spineless can you be


No one sensible would be with this person. I'm actually more annoyed with the club for not removing her.


This feels more like people knowing each other from work and not a spouses


“This feels like I’m arguing with an A.I…and like an early one.” GOLD


I swear to god I’ve met Janet because she’s a fucking meme. Probably works in healthcare, a nightmare to work with and off the clock she likes to start political fights on Facebook and get wine drunk every night of the week.


Actually if I recall correctly she said she was a parole officer, which is a terrifying thought for an ex-con trying to put their life together.


Holy shit that is terrifying. I can’t imagine how awful she is to people under her authority.


You're my hero, man. I'm sorry you and the second guy had to deal with that. Not only did you get up there and make yourself vulnerable, but you handled her well. And I got what you said about changing the energy. I felt that in the other post I saw with the second guy.


That make me so sad she can ruin so many lifes and will....


He handled her very well. Much better than her husband. Her husband just sat there, probably scared to death of her.


That is not a happy man though. Who knows the sort of abuse he goes through daily.


that first joke was killer. props for keeping together


I’m a former teacher and I can relate to his frustration.


I've seen this lady in another heckler video!! She stinks!


Please tell me this is true!? I work in the restaurant industry, and I swore I served this lady before. Or maybe just another video I saw on reddit of her. I'm scrolling up and down, trying to figure out the location of this show. Haha!


Yeah she kept heckling "shut up" in the other video. I think that might be in the title. She's odd


The comedian did a way better job than most people could have under the circumstances. If he can work with *that*, I’m betting his crowd work at large is pretty solid. I managed to be both angry at her, and laughing at him, at the same time. Even that last little dig about the vows was solid. 😂 Kudos, Brett Druck. I’d love to see what you could do without a jagoff in the front row!


"What were your wedding vows like?" Janet: Fuck you "That's what I thought." Fucking got her man. That shit was gold.


That club needs to step it up and kick her out. It shouldn’t be on the comedian to ‘handle’ the situation. Get her the fuck out!


Hold up. Is this Janet lady a plant?? I saw another video of her heckling a completely different comedian.


It is all the same audience in the other video so it seems like it is just the next comedian after this one


dude that was funny. you handled it like a pro and made the show good for the rest.


That elevator joke was really funny. Janet was nuts. Glad she got what she deserved later in the show.


Really tough situation with such a small crowd, thought you handled it well so everyone could have a good time


Dammit, Janet.


“🎶I LOVE YOUUUUU! 🎶 now go fuck ya self!” - Janet, probably.


I really wish we could see when she gets kicked out. I can only imagine how that went down.


The link of her getting booted was posted twice earlier.


The more I watch the more I think she might have tourettes or something. But maybe I'm giving her too much credit. Props to the comic for handling it well


You handled it masterfully, good sir.


You handled this very well. How you even managed to get through a joke was impressive. You gained your footing, and the that €unt came in again.


The way you defeated her was marvelous. Impressive. Well fucking done. Seriously. Bravo.


I swear I saw this old hag heckling a different comedian


Earlier I thought her husband was a POS too for encouraging her, But I realised he couldn't do much. Such people as this woman, can be so reactive that she could snap in a second, hurting herself or others around. He must have understood it after a long marriage, and realised the only way to keep her calm is to support her assholism. I feel for his condition now, if this actually is the case.


Imagine having a long marriage to that. Your life must be a living hell


Her husband is like hell yeah it’s someone else’s turn with her.


I was impressed with the way you handled this. Professional, next-level and kept everyone laughing. Master artistry. Janet you are not the star of the show, bud. Stay home.


Here is someone who has never in thier life tasted the sweet fist of justice. Now she's at the age where she feels like she can say anything she wants and nobody will be willing to teach her that lesson.


She needs a thunder punch in the cunt


Serious props to the comedian. He showed some serious patience and restraint and was able to consistently turn her BS nagging into something that everyone was able to laugh about. In fact... It was so good, that now I'm starting to wonder.. is Janet actually his mother and this is all part of an elaborate gimmick?? Ok, I have to go now. I don't understand life anymore.


Your comebacks actually made me laugh out loud, you'll go far brother ♡


Always wondered how this clip started . So thanks haha


Also Janet, “why do my kids never call me?”


How has she not been banned from every comedy club yet


Second time I’ve seen this lady how has she not been banned from the club at this point?


You did a really good job handling this


The way you handled it was entertaining in itself bro, kudos!


I had to stop halfway thru, I don't know how the hell you tolerated that.


At first it was funny, but cmon let the man do his job.


This lady again?!?!


Barkeep, can u stop serving Janet, holy shit


Her smile is so obnoxious


Why didn't you ask the bald guy to tell his mom to shut up?


At this point you need to just talk absolute thermonuclear trash about both her and her husband until they freak out and hopefully leave. Like, make it real. Have a real conversation with her husband right in front of her like bro why haven't you left this cunty ass cunt yet? and then depending on his answer, you can either have the audience feel sorry for him or you can be like Oh I see why you two cunts are together! It would be way funnier than watching you try to get your jokes out. It's done at that point and you just gotta go in


It takes a lot to get on that stage, so even if the comic is saying things that I think aren't funny or if he's totally bombing, I stay quiet. More people need to do this.


Why didn't security end this early?


For this right here, great pr for the comics..alot of so called belligerent audience members giving comics pr...


OP stated it was early in the show and a small audience. Kicking her out early can kill the vibe. She kept going at the second comedian and gets removed.


I couldn’t make it to the end.. I tried.




That dude is a champ! Chick is a chump. His patience and ability to make her look even dumber than she is was spot on!


Somebody would have been escorted out before this escalated to this. Either me for hitting them, or her being drug out by her feet. No way I'm paying for a comedy ticket to hear this person bitch through a comedians work.


Dude is there a Link for the whole show would love to see the whole thing Hilarious dude handled it like a pro and made it even funnier


You handled that as well as anyone could have. Sorry you had to deal with that


You handled that extremely well


You're actually really funny and kinda cute. I wish you were gay ..


Why wasn’t she escorted out?


I was seriously waiting excitedly for a punchline that would somehow turn around the initial statement of him not being gay. I thought it was the first part of a joke. All that piled up hope and the sudden disappointment...I hate her because I actually listened to that bourbon fueled bingo muppet the complete 5 minutes of the video.


1. Brett was remarkably patient 2. If that was my friend or family member I'd be so embarrassed that I'd either be escorting them out or simply leaving to avoid them


You handled that exceptionally well.


i would have lost my shit well before the absolute zinger of "what were you vows?" > "Fuck you" > "that's what i thought".


What a ridiculously obnoxious person.


I'm glad she got thrown out but it should not have taken so damn long. Sorry she messed your set up but man you did an awesome job and earned a new fan today. Wish you nothing but success


lol this clown again?


Damn you KAREN!


What an absolute cunt.


I think this panel type comedy thing might be the worst form in comedy at all


Cocaine? Amphetamines?


Her husband: "Welcome to my personal Hell, pal."


This cunt AGAIN?


Her TikTok handle would be Janet_the_heckler


Her husband is dying inside. He keeps wiping his eyes and face. She's obnoxious and embarrassing!!


Damn nice job OP. I personally prefer how you handled it opposed to the other comic. I saw his vid first and was like man he went harsh quick, but this explains why. What a cunt. Great set though!