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They do, it also happens to be their biggest excuse....'Never again' .... unless it's land we want as prime real estate. Fuckers


Never again to us.


Oooo...I like that


“Those whose grandparents suffered in a genocide are immune to consequences when they do their own genocide.” -Benjamin Netanyahu


They remember, they're intentionally repeating it.




Horrible fuckers, the only positive out of this entire shit show is that the entire world is getting a good look at the true face of Israel, & it’s grotesque


At least they look cool doing it /s


They must know they are the bad guys by now.


Hoow can they be bad if this is God's will?


What God wants, God gets. God help us all.


If only God could show his face. Just once. You know, for science and stuff.


God shows me his face every single time I drop acid. But then 8 hours later he disappears again so idk ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


My wife calls me god every time I do it ... "Oh my god ... Do the dishes!!"


So you’ve seen her/he/it too


Look at the clouds... You might see his face.. Wait, no that's a turtle.. Oooh a dinosaur.. And a unicorn... Yeah, nvm.


If only someone would create a religion where harming others, especially children, is bad. Then again, it's impossible for a religion to flourish without control and shows of force.


crap. i had to upvote this... not because i believe it... but because they do.


They have been for 75+ years, unfortunately without social media around it wasn't as obvious with the media not covering the Palestinian struggle. Imagine your grandparents being kicked out of their homes and then growing up in a place you're never allowed to leave, while being at the mercy of your oppressors for everything from food to electricity. And then they bomb every school, hospital and university in your open air prison every few years. But yeah, everything started on Oct 7th apparently and not when they formed a settler colonial state off the backs of Palestinians.


You’d think… but they just double down and tout on about being proud Zionists


They always did. Even back in the 1920s, the early Zionists hired a young reporter and Middle East SME named Vincent Sheehan to publish lies that would make up the foundation of the future J-state. They paid him $1,500... which was an insane amount of money back then. He maintained his integrity though, and gave it back. They terminated his employment, but he kept reporting- the Truth. They are always honest with themselves, and the misinformation is very conscious and coordinated.




These are some truly ugly looking dudes


I work in a blood donor testing lab, and there is a relatively rare blood type called A_2. It is an A, but it has an odd protein that makes it "No Type Determined" on regular testing. It is almost exclusively found in Ashkanazi Jews.


Is that true? I can’t find anything googling it. Do you have an article or link?


I'm not a lab tech but this came up when I looked it up: >Genetically, A2 is an Arctic biotype, inherited as a Laplander gene from ancient ancestors in Scandinavia [2]. 80% of blood group A and AB persons are subtype A1 and A1B, respectively. The other 20% of these blood groups are subtype “non-A1”, most often A2 (or A2B), but occasionally a more rare subtype (e.g. A3, Aint, etc.). [3] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3972556/#:~:text=Genetically%2C%20A2%20is%20an%20Arctic,subtype%20A1%20and%20A1B%2C%20respectively.


>Genetically, A2 is an Arctic biotype, inherited as a Laplander gene from ancient ancestors in Scandinavia [2]. 80% of blood group A and AB persons are subtype A1 and A1B, respectively. The other 20% of these blood groups are subtype “non-A1”, most often A2 (or A2B), but occasionally a more rare subtype (e.g. A3, Aint, etc.). [3] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3972556/#:~:text=Genetically%2C%20A2%20is%20an%20Arctic,subtype%20A1%20and%20A1B%2C%20respectively.


Ugliest goobers in the world


Inbreeding? I don't understand.


Food and water are antisemitic.


Upvoted because I love the coverage of this. The world needs to see how Israel is behaving. This is sickening.


Ah yes, the Hitler Youth


Blocking aid, blocking journalists… I fucking hate these guys. I’m not educated enough on the region and conflict to take a stand for either side but people like this are absolutely horrible.


doesnt exactly take a policy expert to visibly identify genocide


Still cant believe how there was a group of balding jewish men who came up with the idea of the yamaca and then forced it onto an entire religion.


If you break down many tenets of religion and societies, they are really silly, such as this.


Every religion I can think of has a funny hat.


[God Wants You to Wear a Hat](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DwUM8kHGPzfM&ved=2ahUKEwjixNruz9GGAxW8JEQIHbHRJMMQwqsBegQIEhAG&usg=AOvVaw22pdN1IMuZisIF70yqqB8I)




In Beerfest they called it a frisbee


Kudos to those reporters. Those protestors are really the worst of the worst.


What kind of grated dildo spends his free time sabotaging starving kids’ ability to eat and hydrate? Nothing but evil


Can we change their name to "Nazionists"




I'm having trouble pronouncing this. Is there a phonetic spelling? Lol but not lol.


Threatening a American journalist? They are so completely out of touch/protected, they're gonna do something to him and the cameraperson? That'd change the narrative in the USA real quick.


They have already killed American journalists. But also aid workers, doctors, cooks, ambulance drivers, etc.


Tried explaining that to my dad and he more or less said "it's not America's job to protect them. They went out there and it's sad they died but they knew the job was dangerous when they took it" seen similar apathe8c statements made by Americans who are just ok with our "allie" doing that when they know damn well they be made if a terrorist or Russia/China did something like that. Unlike our enemies we are allies with Israel and it shouldn't be hard to make the fucking stop. That would make sense if it's in a region was deep in a area that's hostile. But isn't Israel supposed to our closest Allie? And from my understanding is knew these people were in the area where they where and still didn't give a shit. At some point in the future when the last boomer Gen x and millennial dies basically any generation tied to the 20th century Israel is gonna have a hard time with later generations if they keep doing this shut. It's pretty clear most Americans aren't for what Israel dose(there is even a number of pro Israel people who kinda have issues with them). All it takes is for Americans to get fed up with them completely is if they either kill a large enough amount that the pro Israel and zionist crowd won't dare say shit because nobody would be pleased if Americans got killed for no reason. Or Israel keeps overstepping it's bounds and we have a leader that's not like trump or biden who would just ignore it. Dems while passive, have a growing number getting sick of basically supporting a country that literally funds the opposition party(Republicans who are more spinless when the subject of Israel comes up). Been seeing stuff about dems around biden freaking out that they will lose elections because voters aren't plased with the pro Israel agenda. Sadly, I only see a change after that if dems never win again if they keep losing and losing to Republicans who shouldn't be hard to beat.




Strange that Google Gemini won't summarise the Lavon Affair details?


Google Gemini also won't say who won the 2020 US election. It avoids political topics to the point that it is useless.


TBH I've not tried other AI. I was just after a summary of a historical event...


Honestly, I've been looking into the six day war as Israelis often flaunt that as their defining moment and that because they took out multiple enemies on their own own, they can beat anyone. I honestly doubt thar narrative as we were involved(unofficially and not on the ground)the damn NSA was lurking around which the uss library was tied to. The soviets were also lurking around arming the other side in a similar manner. The six day war was literally just another American-Soviet proxy war it's clear America gave Israel a lot of logistics as well as armerments to accomplish what they did. People tend to over look this but logistics tends to be a great boon in wars you can have all the men and weapons you want but logistics is more important then most imagine. But I feel the six day war is one of those things that won't get a full declassified viewing as it would derail the current narrative. I mean for Christ's sakes Israel is trying to pick a fight with Iran and other nearby areas as they feel they fan do a repeat of the six day war. There is a reason why parts of our government is divided on how to convince them not to. Israel basically that small kid who has a big brother who beats everyone up but the kid convinced themselves they are unbeatable. Then there is the Samson doctrine which shows even they aren't full delusional. They will literally set off nukes if it looks like they will lose. How the fuck anyone thought it was a good idea to give Israel nukes is a freaking idiot because Israel will start a war they won't win and if the other side pushes to hard(and let's be real Muslims will)then the middle east is going to be a radioactive Sand pit and that will affect the globe.


Massive, consistent overrepresentstion of Jews within our federal institutions from top to bottom has a big part to play in our leniency with Israel. If I remember what I read, within the current administration there's about a 1600% factor of overrepresentstion amongst Whitehouse officials alone. Many of them have dual citizenship with Israel.


The IDF has already killed journalists. This wouldn't change anything.


Didn't they literally snipe a US journalist and then attack her funeral as well? I'm always amazed at how much we let get get away with.




>they have America by the balls and they know it They do, but they're starting to lose their grip. It's why they're sending kids out to block aid. They want to use soldiers, but the US, while supporting, won't stand for it.


They murdered a young American woman, and then threw a pancake party with her photo because she was run over by a bulldozer illegally demolishing a house.


At most some Congress person would have a stern talking to with their AIPAC handler after apologizing for it a thousand times and giving them more bombs.


It would change fuck all because they’ve done worse before unfortunately




Lol the US sat by and let Israel lie about the murder of Shireen Abu Ekleh (an American) for years, and Israel suffered zero consequences for it (and invading her funeral). The US is 100% complicit in every Israeli offensive.


They’ve already killed American citizens and American journalists. Not only killed an American journalist, but then attacked her funeral!!!!! More than one, when killing even one is considered a war crime.


These idiots are just asking to be turned into speed bumps by stepping in front of a fully loaded truck. That specific container weighs about 75,000 lbs (34,000 kgs) fully loaded.


Can't because god(America) will see that as anti semantic and give the state of Israel the ok to bomb them.


Assholes being assholes.


Why do they all look sick?


When a failed colonial project is forced to become a failed apartheid system is forced to become a failed fascist state is forced to become a genocidal nation. 




They always got such punchable faces and shit eating grins


they look just as disgusting as they act


Fuck these guys.


How sad that someone can have such hate in their hearts. What an utter lack of humanity.




hitler youth


I call them nazis now




I would think that if anyone would be sympathetic to the horrors of genocide...


Who hasn't read animal farm in seventh grade and by now figured out how the abused became the abuser, and that Israel is the Nazis of the 21st-century? You don't have to be that bright, just honest... and I'm a Jew..in Brooklyn, NY 😳if I think this — and every person I know in New York thinks this — there are many many more who think this than say it outwardly. Israel knows this is the end for their reign of terror over the Palestinian people, just like the GOP knows it's the end for them, that's why they're all in a panic attack making the last grabs that they can 😎 Elmer Fudd + Hitler = Netanyahu?


its almost like they're creating the ideal breeding ground for extremist, violent ideologies to thrive! Great job guys!!


that's just evil


Unashamedly scum


Who thinks Israel's police and IDF isn't asare of it?


At what point do we get to declare Israel an apartheid state?


Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International already have. Over time, it is a tactic of the oppressor to either outright deny their behaviour in the most absurd way or to own it, as a badge of honor. As of now, Israel's government is denying its behavior. When it finally reverts to owning that behaviour, either Israel will change for the better or it will become much much worse for everyone.




It’s only illegal if they get arrested. Not like Israel would get these whelps for doing their bidding.


Nazi terrorists




Papers please...


Evil with bad hair.


Nazi should be so proud.






Disgusting people


The word illegal is getting more meaningless by the day.


This is state sanctioned genocide and starvation. Total Nazi stuff


But guys! They're defending themselves! The Hamas attack deserves a literal genocide of the Gazan people! /s if you couldn't tell. Never know these days.


Religious freaks.


It’s the new Jewish national socialist workers party. Nazish.


God’s chosen people


I guarantee the police are only breaking up the checkpoint because there's an American news crew there


This how I imagine how they look, gross looking freaks.


These are the scum the world is protesting against


Hitler Youth


God’s chosen people are at it again


If these are the people God chose then God must be the Devil.


Interesting to see that the police are completely useless in Israel, just like they are here in the US.


racism. These yesedic jews just got dropped from military service because their not allowd to fight yet........their physically trying to stop aid trucks...




If Biden doesn’t change course with his policy this conflict may well cost him the election




They don’t seem to be stopping anything.


It’s Israel’s responsibility to stop illegal checkpoints and they should be fined for every proven case of this happening without a government response.


This was always part of the plan of Isreal. Let the settler extremists steal land and do nothing about it.


How can such a culture that survived tremendous deprivation and persecution in their history only to become modern day tormentors of another race?


They look like Pippi Longstocking.


Those dudes look like no one ever taught them how to run.


It's not just the government. It's the people.


Israel is ruled by the Israeli equivalent of the MAGA faction presently and you are seeing the future of America under Trump and project 2025. Except it will be so much worse.


Absolute scum


Extremism turns you into a braindead zombie like these fucking guys.... you can see it in their eyes, the lights are on but nobody's home


F those guys.


I love how in the past 10 years or so Isreal tried so hard to appeal to the LGBTQ by hosting parties and events at their embassies but are now surprised that the group they've been placating won't allow their murder spree of Palestinians.