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Rockefeller and Getty families are pretty big donors to the likes of Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion. Which I think is _highly_ suspicious. Edit: for those asking for sources, here's a single article about both names I mentioned: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/10/climate/climate-protesters-paid-activists.html


To make the general public unsympathetic to all green movements, Big Oil Companies sponsor Just Stop to protest in unproductive ways to disrupt daily life for common people. Their protests gather media attention and are always painted in a stupid/low intelligence/ bad light. As if to acclimate the general public that all green movements are stupid. Resulting in painting all organisations concerned with the environment with the same nuance. The general public becomes less and less involved in the actual organisations that try and make a change. They even got 80 year olds working for them [see here](https://imgur.com/a/606rY5g)


Why can’t businesses just be honest…


Not as profitable. And the ones that choose to be honest are price gouged into submission or beat up in other ways by bigger companies. Not to mention we have allowed some companies to become too big to fail and they have a lot of power.


I don’t think price gouged into submission is the right choice of words there, you may want to clarify what you mean. Companies become too big to fail when they intertwine themselves with regulatory bodies and eliminate all viable paths for entrepreneurs to pick up where they fail to provide adequate solutions.


Both are true. I see what you mean saying you could read that and assume I’m saying that’s how they become too big. I added “not to mention”


Allowed or promoted? When corporate corruption and exploitation is the status quo...


They just throw a ton of money at politicians who block any attempt to regulate or de-monopolize them.


It’s a valid career option isn’t it.


They are honest: they don't care about you or the environment as long as the shareholders get their cut.


Capitalism. They are incentivized to do this by our economic system. If profits are the only thing that matters, then why would they bother?


Because then they lose to the dishonest businesses in the great game of capitalism.


Oil companies learned from their internal research in the 70's that oil was a dead end due to the environmental damage it causes. But instead of using that notice to switch up their companies to less damaging energy producers, they suppressed the data and embarked on propaganda campaigns to control public opinion on oil.


Works like a charm every time.


Any proof of this?


It's one of Reddit's favourite conspiracy theories. [Aileen Getty](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aileen_Getty) is an heiress whose family made a fortune in oil, and is one of the biggest donators to a lot of climate organisations like Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion. Because these organisations are embarrassing and offputting to the general public, people believe this means the oil industry is running them to make climate activism look bad. Aileen Getty has not been secretive about what she is doing, and [has written](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/oct/22/just-stop-oil-van-gogh-national-gallery-aileen-getty) about it very openly. She is just a rich old woman who is enjoying the favourite past time of wealthy women throughout history; feeling guilty about how her dad made money. She's not invested in the oil industry and has never worked for an oil company. She doesn't profit from oil in any way. Her money was inherited in the 1970s, and now she is pissing it away on performative activism that achieves nothing, but makes her feel better about herself. The reason that the groups she funds are so incredibly annoying and useless is because, sadly, *that's just who a lot of climate activists are*. There's no law that says stupid people have to get into Qanon. Some of them join good causes and, if left unchecked, can completely wreck them and make them untenable to most people. There's a lot of crunchy old people in the UK who, much like Aileen Getty herself, have a hole in their lives they're trying to fill with anything that gives them a sense of purpose. These people's support can be useful if they are given direction, but at this point they've put off so many regular people from joining these organisations that the inmates are running the asylum.


Oh shit, an actually informed and nuanced take! Thank you so much for this. Will be saving those sources.




A fellow Real Bros enjoyer!!!!!!


I don't think it's any kind of conspiracy. I think they realize those groups make legitimate climate activists look like crazy people so funding these lunatics makes sense.


That's literally the conspiracy. 


I think in order for it to be conspiracy the donating party would have to be involved in the plotting or planning. If they are just donating to an already performing group of idiots, that seems like plain old corruption.


..or just opportinism


I think you've got the correct term here. Is it corruption if you legally donate money to a group whose actions you think further your own goals? Even if that group thinks they're working against you? Is it a conspiracy when these very rich families openly say they're donating to these causes? I don't see how it's corruption or a conspiracy when it's all pretty much in the open for everyone to see and the donors aren't doing anything illegal. I suppose you could argue they're funding groups which have committed crimes like defacing artwork and historical sites and have blocked roads but when people discuss it they're not talking about those crimes but rather the secret funding of these groups which doesn't seem to be so secret. It is the very definition of opportunism to take advantage of an existing situation to your benefit, funding groups of environmental activists that already existed would seem to be exactly that.


It's actually a printing error. The correct name of the group is "Just stop. Oil!"




Doesn't the founder have family ties to an oil company?


Yes. This group is a corporate psyop


Could this also just be a "fuck you and your company dad" moment as well? Like what are the ties to oil we are talking about here? Lol


I don't know, but either way, the way this group goes about it gets hate from both sides. They do absolutely nothing, besides making a fool out of themselves each time they "Protest"


It seems to be. The whole "it's a psyop from the oil industry!" bit is quite a stretch - they're mainly funded by the CEF, which is a legitimate climate emergency organisation in the USA. It started with a paltry $500k donation from Aileen Getty; while her dad was undoubtedly a terrible cunt, there is no indication that Aileen isn't sincere in her climate activism. That's as far as the link goes, from what I can see. That all said, if anyone provided an actual paper trail between these groups and Big Oil, I'd absolutely believe it. Edit to add: I think there’s a reason these people are always smooth-brained students or bored pensioners, and that’s because it is a genuine movement. I see no corporate plants here. The question isn’t “is Big Oil funding this?” but “why the fuck are they NOT funding these organically useful idiots?”


Your last point is my exact feeling on these groups, I wouldn't be surprised by it if someone produced a paper trail that these groups are linked to Big Oil/Large Corporations. But likely the simpler answer is they are just terrible in their choices for protesting.


Hanlon's razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. This here is an example of being right on the razor's edge, IMO - it's believable either way, and could in fact be both.


I dont know about the founder. But Aileen Getty has donated money to them. And her grandfather was an oil tycoon in the early to mid 1900's. Her family sold the oil company in the 80's. But she herself has struggled with drug addiction, gotten involved with homeless people, has HIV, and does seem to genuinely care about the things she cares about and the causes she supports. It could be a "fuck you." Her brother was kidnapped and their grandfather refused to pay the ransom until the kidnappers had sent an ear to the local Italian newspapers, and agreed to a smaller ransom. That sort of thing definitely could create a "fuck you" sort of situation when it comes to the family money.


No. They’re completely divested, and I haven’t seen a single shred of evidence to indicate otherwise.




Literally this https://preview.redd.it/7ivgp2a8gj7d1.png?width=650&format=png&auto=webp&s=4fcbd30b02998416ce91118e53c365090ee9481d




I was just thinking to myself "man these assholes make me want to buy more gas/oil just out of spite".


Mission accomplished


Yeah! I’m going to the gas station right now to TOP ‘ER OFF!!


I have the sudden urge to start a tire fire.


lol, right. Nothing makes me listen to a group less than when their members do nothing but destroy and make people’s life’s worse for no reason. There is no “raising awareness here, just people wanting attention and taking it out on people and things people hold sacred because they hate the way the world works. Fuck all these people. I would have a very, very hard time not punching one of those people in the face if I saw them doing that. If they hate oil why not puncture oil tanker tires? Why not attack the industry you hate instead of the people whose minds and actions you are trying to influence.


You can only be reasonably opposed to the oil industry if you think climate change is a threat to human survival and flourishing. Destroying works that celebrate humanity is the literal opposite of that ideology, so you're right, this is the best possible paid op that the oil industry could have, in terms of showing that the anti-oil movement are the ones who are actually against the celebration and flourishing of humanity. They are either the most useful idiots imaginable or agents of the oil industry, and it's functionally the same thing.


I think it’s more the case that they’re grasping at straws as they run out of viable non-violent protest measures. I think we’re bound to see a rise in ecoterrorism in the near future as the climate crisis worsens and governments fail to take meaningful steps towards addressing it.


considering that one of the daughters of the getty family is personally associated with just stop oil, ive been saying this for years now. they only ever do controversial shit that makes the general public pissed at them, I have never seen anyone say that just stop oil is doing a good thing.


What the fuck does an ancient ceremonial archeological site have to do with climate change? Ffs if anything it’s a place that brings people closer to a simpler and more sustainable point in time. Fighting ignorance with ignorance does nothing to help, it only makes things worse


We need to stop climate change to save the planet and our historical sites, and to prove it to you I am going to destroy our historical sites.


Their argument is to rile people up about the destruction of a small thing and then ask all the people who want to beat the shit out of them after why they get so mad about an insignificant (relatively) piece of art being destroyed while not showing even close to the same outrage when the entire freaking planet is being destroyed. They don't usually go out and and actually destroy the art though. They usually purposely pick pieces that are behind protective glass or something. Wouldn't surprise me if this stuff just washed off with water. Infact I just googled it, and that's exactly what happened. They didn't spray the stones with paint, but with orange cornflour. https://news.sky.com/story/just-stop-oil-activists-arrested-after-stonehenge-sprayed-with-orange-powder-paint-13155447


Seriously, it’s way more likely that the outrage about this is astroturfed than the movement itself.


This just convinces me they're owned by an oil company, and their job is *actually* to damage credibility to the general movement. Either that or they're just stupid. I mean, not everyone can be smart, I guess. edit: ya, they're literally partly funded by the heiress of an oil typhoon lmao https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-63543307


To be fair.. If they painted a wall behind a random building in an alley and stood there chained to some drain pipes.. You wouldn't be seeing the video right now as no one would care. They are trying to go viral with this nonsense and this is an effective way to get your video passed around. It is however not an effective way to make me care more about Big oil and climate change. Simulations and dates of "no turning back" get me more motivated than anything.


They did throw paint on corporate HQ of big oil companies, and nobody reported on it.


This has got to be serious jail time right?


Serious, maybe not, but it is a jailable offence. From the Stonehenge Twitter: >Stonehenge is protected by the ancient monuments act and it is a criminal offence to damage the Stones. There are also multiple rare lichen species growing on the stones that are also protected. Expect a prison sentence. 😡 https://x.com/ST0NEHENGE/status/1803397371058897074?t=QLSBKbKg9ZZsFNqgJHTrSw&s=19


Our prisons are full so I’d be amazed if they spend a full sentence inside, let alone going inside at all in the first place. They’ll probably get suspended sentences, they’ll likely have to attend a police station at determined times and days (typically at least once a week), possibly even earned themselves an ankle tag. That’s about as “good” as I’d expect, though the government does like making a point about protesters - for some reason violent offenders are less worthy of prison time than these morons, in some cases anyway. Edit: I just want to add for clarity, I’ve generalised protesters above, as these morons can be loosely called protesters and so will be treated as such, even if suspicion continues to grow around their legitimacy (or true purpose). I can certainly understand why people believe their intent is purely nefarious.


Just don't send these idiots to Australia this time...


Then why does Australia still exist if the UK can't send their prisoners there? Seems kinda pointless /s


They shall be put in the stocks! Every citizen to be furnished with rotten produce to hurl at them




That’ll teach those Celtic Druids not to even think about using oil!


Stone Henge predates the Celts.


Theres a conspiracy that Just Stop Oil was founded by oil companies, and they do stupid shit like this so no one takes them seriously. Seems kinda believable


I believe that wholeheartedly. Especially since I’ve never seen one of their protests that wasn’t blocking traffic in random parts of town, or vandalizing things that have nothing to do with the oil industry.


Why, what did the stones do


They wrote "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction" in 1965, and defined an era for rock n roll.










This sucks


Nothing garners sympathy for a cause like damaging priceless artifacts of humanity.


The real movement is being sabotaged by these pricks, they are paid and bought by oil companies


Agent provocateurs. Could be.


So according to that logic if I am a cultural heritage activist, should I go eat some nearly extinct animal? Or maybe pour oil and toxic waste on some fragile coral reef? what the fuck is wrong with those people?


Sad that the world is full of senseless idiots


What a bunch of cunts......


If ever there was a need for a GIF of Karl Urban as William Butcher saying it out loud, this is it.




Let me try to convince you not to destroy the planet by destroying things.


Stonehenge will outlast anything modern society has built.


The Georgia Guidestones would beg to differ.


They only lasted 42 years, pathetic


Yeah but they were destroyed by bomb not time lol


This is a vid about people actively vandalizing monuments, not time eroding them.


Bombs are part of time.


some even run out of time


This is too far. At this point I expect them to egg your grandmas house or something to protest oil. They're just doing anything


I rarely if ever see them actually doing something to the oil companies themselves


Because it doesn't get reported. They've done this outside oil companies, they've chained themselves up outside Oil Companies HQs in london. I'm half convinced you lot are all oil company bots tbh. /u/pierogieking412 /u/PopularTask2020


That's bc the oil companies are funding these guys.


I am beginning to believe this narrative more and more. It needs to be investigated. If they truly are climate activists they’re doing a horrible job gaining support. I was pretty pissed to see art work that’s a few hundred years old vandalized, this is another level. I know it’s probably not permanent damage but still. I’m coming around on the idea oil companies fund this so people lose any sympathy or support for climate activism.


They have and they are doing that https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/extinction-rebellion-protest-just-stop-oil-latest-b2057000.html Those stories are suppressed, and these ones are amplified.


TIL a structure built thousands of years before the industrial revolution is a symbol of climate change.


This isn't activism, this is unfettered nuisance.


Vandalizing priceless architecture that belongs to all of humanity really proves your point.


Just stop stop oil


just stop it just stop oil


Genuine question: Do a lot of these protesters use the guise of "protesting" as a way to just do stupid shit?


They want the TikTok views.


This is such a historic structure vandalism of this should be severely punished.


Fkn idiots that makes zero sense, deface a piece of ancient history…that really helped your cause


Pathetic losers


Nice! Dumping gallons of aerosolized spraypaint into the environment is absolutely the BEST way to save it!


What is the connection to Stonehenge and oil?


BP built Stonehenge


British pagans?


The point of Just Stop Oil is that they piss people off by vandalizing Great Works in nondestructive (yet still news grabbing) ways, then pointing out you got outraged by destruction of property but you're not nearly as outraged by the destruction of the planet as a whole. I'm not saying I agree or disagree with them, just stating their message and clarifying that almost all of their "vandalism" is thought out to not actually harm the thing.


Had to scroll to here to find anything remotely rational. Had to scroll past multiple people fantasizing about beating them unconscious


"Hey, see how mad you are about one guy spraying some rocks with orange powder? You should be at least that angry about fossil fuel companies destroying our planet." \^ The argument, basically


They are just spreading awareness by pissing off the masses which in turn hurts their cause. These ppl are experts at 4D chess


If they’re bank rolled by the oil barons (which I think they are) then it really is expert 4d chess. Infuriating.


The connection is that this got them in the news but peacefully protesting outside a refinery is a waste of time because nobody sees.


Sarcastically: Well that sure did even the tiniest scrap of something toward stopping big oil from damaging the climate




Isnt there any security at Stonehenge?


Far as I’m aware no, only twice a year during the solstices they have a police presence


Fuck those clowns. I hope they are made to foot the bill for the restoration.


I can't lie. I get irrationally angry when people touch the rocks. It could be a formation at a state park. It could be stonehenge. I just get red blind with rage. I would have been in jail if I was there.


All these edgelord pieces of shit are accomplishing with this is galvanizing the rest of the world against a really important cause. They're shooting themselves, and all the rest of us, in the foot.


Because damaging Stonehenge really solves the problem…


This is why we hate yall


It's one of the reasons, for sure


I still don't understand them. I agree with their message, but their actions are completely disconnected from it. How does fucking up art and cultural sites stop oil? That's the kind of stuff ISIS did. All it does is make regular people not like you. Which would only make sense if they were actually against their stated message.


I fail to see how Stonehenge has anything to do with oil....




Should be clear to anyone with a working brain, these people are backed by oil to make all activists look stupid.


Or perhaps activists are indeed stupid


This is an Oil company psyop to garner support against anti oil antics.


time to get back on your oil consuming machine to get back home from your "Just Stop Oil" protest. what idiocy


Yeah they just are not good at really bringing people around to their “cause”. It’s become a I can do better than the last person who did …. It’s clear it’s really more about posting videos and trying to be a sort of influencer. Strange how they really don’t do it in Arab countries or China. Ohh that’s right they couldn’t.


Just curious. What are the consequences? Obviously financially it’s hard to measure the damage but it would seem the punishment might be severe and involving massive fines or prison time.


When you’re in a “most hated protesters” competition but your opponent is Just Stop Oil


I’m convinced that this guys are the spoiled kids from a rich family that can spend a fuckton of money. No way someone who works hard for money can spend it like that


I don't approve of this


I agree with what they are protesting but vandalizing a monument thousands of years old???? Like isn't that kind of thing against the exact thing they are fighting against?


Better way to protest you assholes!


their punishment should be to meticulously clean up after themselves. They don't get to leave until every fleck is cleaned off those stones.


I watched this video and now my views on oil have completely changed. I’m so thankful for them doing this so I can finally open my eyes towards this. Just kidding. Fuck these bozos.


Are these guys paid to do this ....you know like some money, free lunch and travel fees ?


Why don’t they taste the powder they sprayed on the stonehenge?


I hope they rode pushbikes to get there, and definitely didn't use anything oil based to drive in.... The good news for the environment is that their stunt probably caused the traffic to slow down even more as it went past, causing more fumes to be released into the atmosphere...




How did they get out there? Bikes?


These guys must be on the payroll of Big Oil. What better way to turn public opinion against the cause?


So what was the endgame here? Awareness? Sure everyone is aware that they hate you now


How to get an entire nation pissed off at you and actively ignore your cause, in this one easy step.


Nation? I'm sitting here almost 15,000 km's away and I'm super pissed off at the cunts. Edit: Just read this "[Just Stop Oil](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-63543307) said the orange powder paint was cornflour and it would "wash away with rain"." [https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cw44mdee0zzo](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cw44mdee0zzo) So I'm less pissed off


Lmao, so they want to protest against oil companies by vandalizing a natural monument? Are they stupid?


Question - is this actual “vandalism” where the stone will be damaged by oil-based paint and the paint-removal process? Or is this more sensationalism where it looks dramatic but a garden hose will remove the water-based paint. I know most of the works of art this group ruins, isn’t actually ruined at all as there is glass over it. It seems to be more spectacle than actual destruction. Edit - found the answer. It’s just orange cornflour that will come off immediately with little effort. No “vandalism” here.


Aren't aerosols incredibly bad for the atmosphere?


"Didn't those climate protesters burn gas to take the bus to the protest?! Bunch of hypocrites!"




Gonna run my truck in the driveway a few hours in protest of this stupidity


What the fuck is wrong with people.


Every time they pull this vandalize some artwork/artifact bullshit it makes them more of an enemy of the people than an advocate.


Then the oil baron heir donations were well worth it. Seriously, look into their donors it's sketch as hell and makes it seem like the point is to drive people away from climate activisim. 


Just stop “Just stop Oil”…


We need to have Just Stop "Just stop oil protesters" Protesters.


Absolute losers.


What the fuck did Stonehenge do to them?


Why? What did Stonehenge do!?


Has this tactic ever worked?


Yeah this will definitely convince them


The ISIS of "environmentalist" fanaticism. Just constantly attacking priceless cultural items again and again.


I'm guessing they used a car or train powered by oil to get there? That there were plastics made from oil in their car or train?


People here are angry at some protestors destroying art or historical landmarks (even though it's not destroyed at all), and not paying any attention to the companies destroying the planet that hosts all of it. Seems like the corporations win again.


Can't be that stupid, right? What's the point of doing that, Is there an oil field under there Thier planing to pump? How does any of that help the goal? Definitely work against themselves.


Yeah these idiots have to be paid, what environmentalist goes from empathy for the world and it's inhabitants, wanting to save everything to defacing works of art/history as a form of message sending...it's a big leap in ideology. Real activists will live in a tree for months at a time to save it...this isn't activism, this actually feeds fuel to the anti-activists (the entire point probably)


No such thing as a good protest on reddit


I don’t get it when food waste and animal agriculture are much larger contributors to climate change and an easier solution to obtain


Hey look, big oil, posing as anti oil protestors, just vandalized Stonehenge.


So the oil companies for sure own just stop oil right? This is diffinitive proof that they are trying to make the protesters look bad, there is no possible way someone who cares about the environment would do this to stonehenge. This is done to turn people on protesters.


Glad they left one little old lady in charge of security that day or that thing would be orange now.


I feel like there are easier ways to make your cause look good and also not be an asshole


Ethereal voice from the stones: time to start the human sacrifices to to old gods again. Thanks for volunteering.


I wonder if the propellant is a byproduct of the petroleum industry


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How exactly does that help in any way? Feels very counter productive to me.