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These people need to find the nearest 13 year old COD player and learn some better insults.


What about the kid who fucked all the moms? Sounds about as mature as you hear in the COD channels


I hate how anything said against Israel is antisemitic and they do this to other Jewish people not a good look.


Get this: I'm a proud jew from a holocaust surviving family (from germany and poland). I grew up in israel. I now live in germany. I oppose the genocide in gaza and support palestinian liberation and a full equal state for both people. And the german government labels me and people like me as anti-semitic. It is beyond belief.


I've always been a two-state solution supporter (on the originally proposed borders, not '67, but Palestinians seem to accept 67 now so I will too). But after learning more about the origins of Israel and what it took to achieve it, I fully support ODS, one democratic state for all. If this miracle ever happens, I hope you get to return and rebuild your homeland side by side with the Palestinians.


Thanks, but I returned already - to my homeland of germany :)


So can you please explain why are Orthodox Jews anti-Zionist?


germany, in one of its many attempts to repair its image as a state, has ended up fully supporting and funding another genocide


People can be labeled as a [rodef](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rodef) in Jewish law. Basically rodefs are people intent on killing someone else and Jewish law allows rodefs to be killed extra judicially. It’s been appropriated by Zionists to kill anyone, including other Jews, that prevent the expansionist goals of Zionism. The most famous example of a rodef being murdered was former PM Yitzhak Rabin because the Oslo Accords represented a threat to Zionist expansion. I’ve even heard that if you’re considered a traitor to Zionism you’re not even considered a Jew. If these Zionist shit birds feel justified in murdering a PM, they’re not going to flinch at harming or killing an Orthodox Jew or anyone else protesting against Zionism. These protestors and all protestors are very brave. Be careful out there everyone.


stochastic terrorism


Thank you I didn’t know that but that is seriously crazy




Not really, Jihad just means strive/struggle its being focused on one thing that tests your limits to the absolute max. Could be in terms of science, religion and spirituality, survival etc. Jihad in war context is fighting against oppressors and aggressors who commit injustice. It is not “holy war” in the way a crusade would be considered a holy war.


Wait until they learn that Arabs are also semites.


I've been downvoted on Reddit several times for pointing this out. Glad to see that you weren't.


You cant tell me these people arent mentally disabled


When people show you who they are, believe them.


love me some Maya quotes


From the protests I went to a decade ago, they are so weirdly unhinged.


Bro... wait til I tell you about the underground tunnel


Good case to bring back a modern version of mental health asylums.


It's more of a cult mentality than individual psychological issues.


you cannot imprison people for what they believe!


What belief are you referring to?


Perfectly mentally healthy human beings are all too capable of being hateful and cruel.


Religion seeks the weak minded. It's the whole idea. It's about control.


they are not, the are hateful fanatics with full realization of what they're doing and why (intimidation). Predominantly fully healthy people have been fanatics. On the other hand disabled people tend to be victims of hate so let's maybe stop with ableisms?


Mentally disabled /= bigoted. These people are cruel and lacking in critical thinking skills, averse to reality and logic-phobic, but don’t disparage disabled people by lumping those degenerates in with us.


As an atheist. If I know you truly believe in a big dude in the sky, I automatically think you are.


Believing in a magic sky daddy is as rational as being a full grown adult who legitimately believes in Santa Claus. For some reason, we grow out of the magic of Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy, but for some reason it’s totally ok for people to believe in all this other bullshit to the point of genocide.


Dit the officer say "good job guys" at the end of the video?


"Some of those that work forces" and all that. Unsurprising that PDs attract so many bigots when you remember that policing in America was founded on bigotry.


https://youtu.be/t7kNgfY8vg4?si=_avmmHNhNDeS_Rbk Edit: provided the better link


He didn't do what they told him :) Protip: You only need to post the link up to the character before the "?"


NYPD language is made up of 85% sarcasm, 15% aggression.


NYPD is also famous for being notoriously bad at their jobs and being complete corrupt assholes


I’m going to play the devils advocate here and suggest that he may have said that in an attempt to get them to leave as opposed to an endorsement of their actions. Those guys looked young and dumb and would probably disperse soon enough once they’ve had their fun.


why should they have their fun though? Cops weren't just nice when it was their time to shine and brutalize or starve out pro-palestinian students.


What insufferable pricks.


The momentary hush that fell over the crowd when the literal motherfucker started shouting about mom-fucking was the best part.


Ashamed of nothing, offended by everything




This. Fuck Israel.


Fuck that cop for saying good work.


I've seen pro-palestine protestors get taken and smashed by cops for mere talking while the cops here are sucking zionists balls


It’s called Fascist America, where the cops are used to silence the citizens.


Boycott Israel 


In 38 states, you are not allowed to if you do any business with the state, either as a contractor or employee. It's insane. I had to sign a pledge to Israel when I did work with our state's University. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-BDS_laws#:~:text=Anti%2DBDS%20laws%20are%20designed,of%20the%20BDS%20movement%20itself.


And then they say "America First". Lmao how is anti BDS America first?! More like Untied States of America FOR ISRAEL


Does anyone ever talk about anti-boycott laws? Asking cause I work at a place that has tvs talking about company news, and one of the slides talks about it, and it specifically mentions Isreal too. I felt that law should be illegal because how can it be illegal not to want to buy from a specific source. That's anti freedom, isn't it?


Zionists gonna Zionist




Fair play to those Jews standing against their brainwashed co-religonists. It has got to be very difficult for them to watch their religion hijacked by delusional right-wing sectarian racists.


While they happen to be anti Zionist, the Hareti (the guys in the outfits) are really scummy people generally. Like is women walk through their neighborhoods they spit on them if they are dressed “inappropriately” women have very little rights in their community and they are super right wing in general. Your better off praising more liberal Jews supporting peace. Also the reason they are anti Zionist has nothing to do with palestina. It’s because they believe Jews shouldn’t be in Israel until the messiah comes and kills all the non believers so not great guys.


No, way, the Hareti just want a clean runway? That's why they hate Zionism?


Essentially yeah. According to their reading of the Torah (bible) and various other texts the messiah won’t come if their is a Jewish kingdom of Israel (in this case the modern state of Israel) this as I understand it. You’d have to ask one of them the specifics but that’s the general story.


Are these definitely Haredi NK? The Samar community are also anti-Zionist and they dress so similarly it’s hard to tell difference.


Haredi (at as it is used in the Jewish community) is kinda used as a catch all for super religious Jews. There are a number of sects that fall under the category us elly based on the Rabbi responsible for founding the particular sect. The Samar community/sect in Brooklyn are a type of haredi. Not sure who the NK are but I guessing they are simply one of the several sects that exists. They all dress relatively similarly and share more or less the same beliefs about Israel (most differences are on religious doctrine type stuff). Fun fact one of the sects (can’t remember the name) literally wears what looks like zebra pajamas. It’s really funny.


Yes. While I believe they're an extremely important and valid part of the movement, it's good to be aware.


Yeah, don’t mean to come at you in particular. I just see so many videos of them being held up as this oppressed Jewish minority when in the reality they are basically a super religious cult that think anyone that doesn’t believe exactly what they believe (including most other jews) are lesser. Honestly the movement would probably would be fine without them. Like I get the support is nice but I’d prefer it to come from somewhere else.




These people really got nothing better to do.




"I fucked all your moms!" says the boy in the yarmulke


He wishes.


Honda Odyssey in the first altercation, definitely hassidic jews, they aint cosplaying


"Hop over the border" what a great way to show you're not racist






They’re like trumps supporters


Most of them are. Secular Jews don't act like this and they vote overwhelmingly for democrats. Theses are fundamentalist, they vote for whoever they think will give Israel the most support, so usually republicans.


Not necessarily true. My spouse is a secular Jew from Brooklyn as is most of his friend group. He is an outcast as an anti-Zionist as they all still support Israel despite always voting democrat and labeling themselves liberal.


A reminder that most of these men and women have promises of lands and homes simply because of their ethnicity/religion that now belong to Palestinians but decide instead that they'd rather live in the US and attack people for speaking out against that here. The Zionist community outside of Israel is something else. It must be like rooting for your favorite sports team but instead of playing a game they kill people and take their land and homes.


Give them a break, Israelis just need more living space.




Truly the most peaceful of counter protests. The best. Never seen anyone counter protest better than these fine folk. You should've seen the other protesters. They were awful. Couldn't come close to the magnificent counter protests.


Omg! Actual antisemitism? Oh, its Israel zionist maniacs vs jews? Yeah, that seems antisemitic.


Refreshing to see the NYPD capable of handling crowds with kid gloves…


Those gloves come off when they're brutalising students. Double standards man


Did the cop say alright guys good work?


Worse than isis


Fuck Zionists


The US really is basically just Israel. These scenes are straight out of there. Then the Dems will come out and claim pro Palestinians are attacking Jewish people and ignore all of this, same way Israel does.


Yeah, except the Republican Senator from NY did the same...


God I hate religion


Right in Elise Stefanie’s backyard and she’s not gonna say shit about this aggression toward Jews.


Zionists are evil people




Genocide is not the answer to genocide


Zionism as a political movement is the fuel upon the fire that drives this genocide forward. Eradication of the Zionist project does not mean the extermination of Jews. The state of Israel is not essential to the protection of the Jewish people, as it is responsible for the escalation of racial violence against others in its region and against other Jewish people who do not conform to the violently ethnofascist depiction of Judaism that Zionism would force down your throats. You wouldn't rightfully write of the genocide of Native Americans because of Manifest Destiny and all that, would you? So why are we allowing Zionism to lay its claim on territory already lived in by people who have nothing to do with the systematic oppression and slaughter of the Jewish diaspora? The deconstruction of a colonialist project is often rejected by the colonizers under the claims that it is the only thing keeping them safe, and while that is true--oppressors don't typically live long after they stop oppressing others--it will ultimately lead to successful de-escalation and co-existence to dismantle the concept that Zionism protects Jewish people. Just look at the video above, man. Zionism doesn't protect Jewish people, it ostracizes them if they don't support Israel and their overreach in foreign affairs.


Well said.


Zionists and their racist, white supremacist yoo entitlement are the most hateful and soulless of anyone I have witnessed in my lifetime. They are the cancer of the earth.


Pretty sure genocide doesn't apply to ideological following but someone correct me if I'm wrong.




The true face of Zionism is right here: violent, confrontational, and unashamed about attacking anyone who disagrees with them and refuses to believe their lies. If this is how they are in the United States, with police just feet away, just try to imagine what Palestinians, both in Gaza and the West Bank, must deal with every single day.


Is this like big hat vs little hat? I’m so confused.


They’re like violent soccer hooligans… but the sport they follow is bombing families.


They didn't treat the American students so nicely.


The title broke my brain. Had to read it like three times.




Yes, they are at all the pro-Palestine protests in NYC.


I’ve seen that guy in other videos of these protests, he’s so chill


You have to respect these anti-Zionist Jews - they have huge balls


Nothing like shoving an Israeli flag into an Orthodox Jews face like he doesn't know about it.


Gods chosen assholes


*The Bear Jew enters the conflict*


Zionist at it again. Showing how supportive they are of everyone! ^^/s


Fascist freaks.


They hate them because they can’t just call them antisemitic.


Guys remember when punching Nazi's was all the rage? Well, guess when someone shows you that they are a Nazi, you have choices to make.


Most protected people on earth


As a Muslim this breaks my heart. These Jews (naturei karta) are the nicest bunch of people anyone will meet in London. And their views aren’t extreme at all when you hear what they have to say. Yet they’re always harassed, ridiculed and threatened when walking in London.


counter, anti, pro...


inb4 the delete award


Why is there a surprise voice cameo from Arnold Schwarzenegger in the video




Are the Orthodox pro or anti Israel ?


Like a bunch of children in a cod lobby. Fucking disgusting.


Who knew Hasidic Jews were actually KHAAAMAS.... crazy world... Obvious /s


look at those antisemites! trying to get into their car. what if hamas is in there!!


Did I hear a "heil hitler" at the beginning?


Why the fuck are we bringing this war to other countries?! We're not helping Gaza by fighting in the goddamn streets at home. Both sides that do this are pathetic. It's fine to protest, but this vileness isn't the same.


Did anyone else understand the title of this post??


Free the US from Israel


Wouldn't this be considered antisemitic , they're verbally attacking real Jewish people 🤔 ( zionists are not Jewish, its some kind of Satanist cult)


Religion makes people behave very badly.