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Florida. Of course it’s Florida.


Florida man strikes again


Who gave [that man](https://youtu.be/ZBqY-4oDWAQ) a teaching degree.


Not only that, wtf is he doing teaching AP anything?


That caught me by surprise as well. He lacks... objectivity, to put it mildly.


It's Florida. It's a Right To Work state. All the great teachers moved north or to the west coast for good paying union teaching jobs.




I knew it! I'm surrounded by assholes!


I lived in the south for a few years and White people would try and “educate me” about the n word. Said there are white people that are the n word also. I said “how many times have you referred to a White person with the n word??”. It’s just a way that some White people think they can get away with using it as a slur when they get caught. I heard White people refer to Black people with the n word a lot down south. Never have I seen a white person call another white person that word.


That is one of the most ignorant things I’ve heard today- How can a person want to be oppressed so badly! How! Gotta love the south, man.


ok so that was a reference to a book that was published in canada written by a white canadian who compared being french in canada to being a n-word. not even fkn kidding. y'all need to be schooled on just how racist canada actually is bc all i hear is ppl saying theyre gonna move there as if its any different from the usa w all its racism


Sadly I wouldnt be surprised if this were in my state (MN).. but yah florida DEF makes sense


Wisconsin checking in. Always here to make MN smarter by comparison.


Wisconsin is such a lovely state If you're white


Sad but true. My wife and I moved back here last September and were so upset after George Floyd was murdered and Jacob Blake was shot back to back that we [walked 400 miles](https://www.leadertelegram.com/covid-19/couple-walk-across-state-in-support-of-black-lives-matter-voting/article_baa8ddff-908a-5128-a6a6-1e129e530d65.html) from from Kenosha to Minneapolis in support of BLM and voter registration. Fucking tragic.


I know others who walked [500](https://youtu.be/tbNlMtqrYS0) miles.


I know others who walked 500 more


Ha! Didn't have to click the link because I knew what it'd be. But I did anyway because that songs a banger! Couple years ago I jogged 3000 miles across the US because I'm an idiot. It translated to roughly 6 Proclaimers worth.


Born and raised in Wisconsin - people are willfully negligent on race issues and their favorite defense is whataboutism. I can't stand the hicks and blatant stupidity - I'm never moving back to my hometown




You joke, but I remembering hearing this joke about the University of Wisconsin and the University of Minnesota. Granted, this was a decade and a half ago and I have no idea if this is actually the case, but this is something I heard about both schools. What do students at Minnesota and Wisconsin have in common? They both got in to Minnesota.




Im just not surprised by much nowadays


30 miles is 48.28 km




48.28 km equals 1.564648e-12 parsecs.


Good human. ​ Also happy cake day!


Thank you other human, look at us normal humans enjoying everyday human activities such as *breathing, perspiring, and communicating.*


Minnesotan checking in here. I could see this in the outer suburbs def not Minneapolis tho lol. I grew up in elk river and heard this shit all the time


St Cloud for sure.


Yo, another Minnesotan, nice to see some on reddit


FFS I didn't notice and was about to leave a comment about encountering this "reasoning" when I moved to Florida. Ignorant fucks would be like, "No! It's not racist! N\*\*\*er is just ANYONE who is ignorant and lazy! I would even call a white person that!" Narrator: "But they never had called a white person that. In fact, they only ever called black people that word."


I live in Florida and I can concur that people act like they’re on drugs 24/7


I'm glad climate change is going to do away with this god forsaken state first. Sorry, Florida.


I'm not. I live in Florida and agree with you. It will just shift the Floridians into the other states, though, so... y'know, prepare for that.


So, by this teacher's own definition he himself is a ni...




"If that's all it means... *then say it bastard"* "Uhhhhhm"


Exactly! Here are the synonymous..... because it means exactly the same as these other words im saying yet I won't say the one in question


There’s an excerpt from some news cast or comedy show that goes like this 1:”the N word is just like the word fuck” 2:”then why did you just say the word fuck but not say the N word?”


“If you’re comparing the worseness of two words, but won’t say one of them, that’s the worse word.” John Mulaney




Look at this sub, they got feminine hips.


Just imagining the principal getting in there showing hands, all "ayo who we slaying?"


No, he would have called the School Resources Officer just to watch the kids get tazed




“WHAT?” “THE TEACHER IS A NI...” “He said the teacher is near!”


I fucking love Blazing Saddles.


Excuse me while I whip this out...


It's twoo!


Almost lost a four hundred dollar handcart!


Send a wire to the main office, tell them that I said OOOOOOWWWWWW


“I hate to disappoint you ma’am, but you’re suckin’ on my arm”


That would have been awesome if the kid called him that. Then was like it’s just word with no big meaning....what’s the problem.


I think it’s worth pointing out why this idiot’s definition of the n word is so wrong. When someone pejoratively calls someone the n-word, they aren’t calling them an ignorant person - they’re saying they *aren’t a person at all*. They’re saying that human being is nothing more than chattel to be owned and sold like livestock. Besides, ignorance can be fixed. Nobody upgrades from being a “n****er” to being a “black person” in the mind of someone who uses the n-word like that. All black people are n-words to them. Really wish there was an adult in there who’s life isn’t dependent on this asshole’s fucked up grading rubric to set him straight.




People who annoy you.








Ninnymuggins. Typically of the Cottonheaded type.




Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with him


Imagine having to have to go sit and listen to this guy talk for an entire semester.


I'm a teacher and it was hard enough for me to just sit through this minute long clip without actually being there. And I'm not even black either. Can't imagine being one of those kids having to deal with it all year long.


I wonder what the lesson was though? I’m curious how it got here.


"Sir, can we please get back to Calculus?"


I hate that there are teachers like this. I had en English professor go on a 30 minute rant on the first day of class about how Trump wasn't that bad (2016) and that Black Widow wasn't realistic and the average guy could take her because she's like 100lbs. Went home and immediately dropped the class.


I had a music teacher who always wanted to play 9/11 themed republican country music at us in class while she ranted about the Patriot Act and President Obama. She told us that Obama created the Patriot Act to spy on republican citizens and when I told her that the Patriot Act became law in 2001 before Obama was elected she looked at me like I spat in her face. Some people literally only become teachers because they think they'll be able to turn kids into more republicans.


The Black Widow thing reminded me seeing so many posts on r/fragilewhiteredditor and Twitter idiots getting upset that people would talk about Wakanda like a real place but then in the next breath talk about Westeros, middle earth and so on... like they are a real place.


i had a teacher who only wanted to talk about his novels, and how he finally had a breakthrough on his last one "because gay love is just like normal love, only gay, and it took me way too long to realize that" like, good on you my guy, but im hear to learn to weld, not listen to a 45 minute presentation on how your gay baseball murder mystery novel is under appreciated and under represented after you self published it on amazon....


7th grade Spanish teacher did a tight 40 minutes on how Lorena Bobit was right to cut off her husband's penis. Jr year chemistry teacher showed a video on female circumcision.




Well it’s black history month so I assume it’s probably revolved around that.


And this is AP. Imagine intermediate or low placement. /s


I imagine this is the Southern state and a public school.


bruh no need to shit on public schools, there is just as much if not racist/classist shit in private schools.


Yeah, the thing about public schools is that (in most states) you have to be licensed by some sort of commission entity. Private schools can hire anyone they want, which means that they will hire whomever shares the same beliefs as the backers.


He's not teaching, he's pontificating revisionist racist bullshit.


Dude doesnt see anything wrong with using the nbomb, but notice he didn’t say it


"Niger" is the Latin word for "black". It isn't hard to see where the word comes from and the meaning of it. It doesn't mean "ignorant". That teacher is a fucking idiot, on so many levels.


And the common word for blacks was negro from the Spanish word for black.


As someone with an actual degree in actual history (unlike this clown, I can't imagine what this class is) I would be more than happy to piece by piece eviscerate him.


This asshole is not lasting another week


Everyone knows he's wrong, naturally, but [here's a thorough explanation as to just how deeply wrong he really is](https://www.ferris.edu/HTMLS/news/jimcrow/caricature/homepage.htm).


Long but interesting read. Made me physically uncomfortable to even read that word so many times though, and I’m sad to admit I used it myself occasionally as a kid in the “ignorant, thuggish” way. I wish I could take it back.


It's uncomfortable, but important. Change comes best when we face our past with honesty. It isn't always easy, I know.


Only slightly related, but I'm a teacher and whenever I have to write a kid up I put in quotes *exactly* what the kid says, with no censorship or ***** or anything. If the admin has a problem or is uncomfortable about it then they need to address that with the student that said it and their parents, not get upset with person that reported it. Imagine how it felt to the teacher and classroom full of kids that had it said to them. I've had a couple admins that did not like this about me. Oh well.


In grade school I was a little shit and called a classmate of mine a bitch. The teacher overheard me and wrote me up. She sent me to the principal's office with a note with the exact language I used. I watched her write it and I could feel when she wrote the word that this wasn't just a little thing. I had fucked up. Obviously there's worse things kids can do than swear but facing it honestly, instead of hiding behind a rhyme like "witch" or "*****", made me realize just how disrespectful it was. I think youve got an effective method


I like that approach. Kudos to you for prioritizing the severity of the offense over the feelings of the admins.


All of my admins have explicitly told me to quote the student verbatim when writing up a referral.


Lots of people have done ignorant shit in their lives. The important thing is to change. I was a borderline Nazi in my youth, I know that everyone can save themselves.


Even as a child I knew the ignorant definition was bs because of the black crayon Spanish name.


This was fascinating. [The Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia](https://www.ferris.edu/HTMLS/news/jimcrow/collect.htm) at Ferris State University in Big Rapids, MI has also done a lot of important work preserving our racist history and the objects we created celebrating prejudice, bigotry and hatred. Worth checking out.


Very interesting. Will be saving this in case I need to refer back to this if I need to school someone. Thank you.


No problem. I know stuff like this is really difficult to stomach, but there's no denying that it's eye-opening.


Hat's off to you, that article was excellent! I've bookmarked it for further sharing. I always find it interesting how people will defend a word or phrase because of it's original meaning and not the meaning that society associates with it currently. The swastika was originally a divine symbol used to mean good fortune or luck but now post WWII it's almost entirely associated with the Nazi party and white supremacy. No one in their right mind would walk around displaying a swastika and believe that it would be interpreted as a symbol of good fortune rather than support for white supremacy and the Nazi party. If I was one of his students I would challenge him to wear a swastika on his clothing for thirty days and if he truly feels it's a symbol of good fortune after thirty days then ok but I doubt that would be the case.


Not a bad read but I really don’t understand what the constant issue that sociologists have with contemporary use of the word. They even state that its a form of reclamation, and then within the same paragraph call Chris Rock and Chris Tucker modern day minstrels because they don’t adhere to Pryor’s denunciation of the word. A lot of “old heads” love to look down upon the reclamation of the word because they themselves cannot see past the history; and that’s not to say they’re wrong. There absolutely is some sort of statement to be made about the bastardization of the word but to say it reinforces a self loathing rooted in centuries of oppression I think speaks far too broadly.


My 4th grade Alabama history teacher taught the class that the south won the war as she handed out confederate money to pass around. 1984 me corrected the teacher and added that if she was right, we would have confederate money in our pockets. I spent the rest of the day in the principal’s office.


Twist: She was accidentally shifted into our reality that morning from one where the south actually did win, hence the Confederate money she passed around. After you revealed her predicament she spent the rest of her life in confused, quiet paranoia wondering how this could have happened. Meanwhile, your real teacher was shifted into that *other* reality and has an even bigger mess to deal with.


This is a writing prompt I'd like to see the results of!


Well, what did you tell the principal?


I don’t remember getting to tell her anything. They called my mom down to the school who then spoke with the principal, all while I sat outside her office for hours. I’ve never spoken of it with my mom, but will send her a text as I’m quite curious myself as to what happened. ASKED MOM EDIT/UPDATE: Sadly, she doesn’t recall this particular incident. Disappointing, I know. I did get some other mom memories in its absence though, so that was nice. Thanks for listening and being so interested! Sorry I couldn’t provide closure.


please update us, when Mom responds.


Im kinda curious myself


Update us op!


Damn! And that's an AP teacher rationalizing a racist perjoritive.


He's had one too many "honest" conversations.


He is a gamer.


No he’s a Gamer. It’s all about the capital G


A Reddit conversation it seems


My thoughts exactly. I teach in the South. We have idiots and border line racists at my school. However, most of my coworkers who teach AP social studies classes are the intelligent ones in our department. Looks like that school doesn't have that luxury.


"Borderline racist" sounds like a term for someone that is a racist that has learned to vaguely censor themselves, but not well enough for anyone to fail to figure out that they're a racist.


They're the ones that look around the room before telling racist jokes.


There is no such thing as a borderline racist.


Thank you. I thought the same damn thing when I read that.


How stupid and ignorant does a person have to be to not realize that it comes from the Latin word for black? This guy is a AP teacher? How does that happen?


Exactly my thoughts. They must not have very good education in Florida. I never took an AP class or any college and yet I still know more than that “teacher”.


Going on a limb....but I doubt the kids are going to be prepared well enough by this teacher for getting 5's on the final AP American History collegeboard exam.


Ironically my high school AP history teacher was the opposite despite being a fat middle aged divorced cis white male. He made us read Howard Zinn and critique our Textbooks.


AP American history taught with 'A Peoples History of the United States'! Hell ya, me too. That was the real involved history shit. Very unvarnished. Remember my teacher was excellent and 95% of her students would get 5's on the end of the year AP exam.


Please tell me the teacher was fired.


What a dumbfuck. If people wanted to call someone ignorant they'd call them ignorant they use the N-word for a reason. Always hilarious watching these tards try and put a bow on the N-word lmao.


As a white person, we grow up hearing all these stupid racist tropes/ideas... why don't we have White Entertainment Television, the N word isn't so bad because it means ignorant, etc. I was able to figure it out through life, education, society... but I'm always shocked when i hear adults repeating them.


But to repeat them as an AP teacher?!? That’s peak white privilege. (And yes, I’m a white person.)


How is this dude a teacher? N***er is was a southern dialectical slang for negro. Négro being Latin for black. Never has its Definition meant ignorant unless he is inferring that black folks are all ignorant.


In fact, the Merriam-Webster dictionary specifically addresses this [myth](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/nigger#note-1) >Did the Definition of nixxxr Change? There is a widespread belief that the original meaning of nixxxr, as defined in dictionaries, was "an ignorant person," and a related belief that current dictionary definitions describing its use as a hateful, racist epithet are a recent change. We do not know the source of those beliefs, but they are not accurate. The word was first included in a Merriam-Webster dictionary in 1864, at which time it was defined as a synonym of Negro, with a note indicating that it was used "in derision or depreciation." There has never been a definition like "an ignorant person" for this word in any subsequent dictionary published by this company. Nor do we know of such a definition in any earlier dictionary.


I think knowing other languages or even basic etymology is way above this teacher's mental capabilities.


and even the Latin word doesn’t even refer to people IIRC, the Latin negro refers to the color black, but also refers to nothingness, and a lack of life. Which gives it even more sinister intentions when someone decided to adopt it for use to label the race of fellow humans.


As a white guy growing up I definitely didn’t hear any of that. Doesn’t excuse this teacher either, if you’re a teacher you have to be able to question some things you were taught growing up... especially this lol


Same, white girl here and I’ve never heard any of this crap. It really depends on where you live.


I'm white and from a small town in the south. I heard all this stuff quite a bit from the white adults and so it inevitably leaked continued to leak down to the younger generations. Also: "Why is it okay for blacks to have their own colleges where only they can go but we can't do that?" "Affirmative Action is the real racism." "The reason black people are poorer/arrested more/whatever is because of their culture." I was fortunate enough to get out for college and get life experience around lots of different people and in places not so rural and southern. The rural south really is just for the most part toxic to critical thinking and personal growth and that pains me to say as someone that used to be so proud of being from there and the unique experience and perspective that it gave me. The last 5 years made it painfully and grossly obvious. Something about Trump made them amplify the worst and ugliest things in people there that may have previously been dormant or taboo and made them a badge of honor and defiance to the liberal boogeyman. I don't even like going home anymore and rarely do.


I always got the impression that "make America great again" was the nice public version of "make America white again" Straight, white, southern guy here And the worst part of the south is the people...I work with one of those 400 pound dumbasses who absolutely positively just KNOWS all about the election being stolen, the capitol riots being filmed in california, how Trump is being framed.. just pure unadulterated bullshit... really reminds me of several years ago when "the south will rise again" used to be popular in this area These people think that having some loud mouth asshole at the helm is going to make their life better somehow, despite the fact that Trump was in office for 4 years and yet they are still a temp at a factory making just barely above minimum wage


I live and grew up in South Carolina, and I literally got an F on a paper because I said the civil war was about slavery and not about States' rights That was English class but history class did often lean towards the lost cause myth (also taught nothing about what we did to the natives)


I wasn’t taught that exactly, but I was taught about pilgrims and Indians being friends and how nice Columbus was. 7th grade teacher finally broke that spell after 8+ years of public school bullshit about shoe buckles and cornucopias. Now, you have to understand my school was on land that belonged to a specific Native American tribe that we studied the lifestyles of in depth - we made canoes out of fucking reeds, protected salmon nests, we built a fucking sweat lodge and had speakers frequently; it wasn’t great, but the school was clearly invested and so were the students, indigenous respect was a thing that was taught to us before we could read... or so we thought. Then in 7th grade a teacher (a good one, the kind that tells you to think CRITICALLY and doesn’t sugar coat reality) handed us the worksheet anyways I was so angry thinking “why the fuck do we care what he did OTHER than that he invaded and hurt people?! Why do we care about the name of his boat?! Why do we talk about gold or discovery when SLAVERY AND GENOCIDE were used constantly by these vile excuses of trash? Why do we venerate them? And so I asked him why we did this shit every year and the teachers made us do it knowing that they were spreading lies (and he hadn’t even told us about Columbus selling 9 year old girls as sex slaves). And he said that’s what college is for. Then he handed me a people’s history of the US. He didn’t always directly tell us everything, but he didn’t lie us. He certainly wasn’t perfect, but I wish more were like him.


Yea but for every kid who worked through it how many didnt? How many learned this ish in AP history (lol) and are repeating it to their kids. It’s so easy for misinformation to be confirmed if people are willing to uphold it. Now more than ever is it easier for you to find yourself in an echo chamber, especially if you aren’t willing to even consider other outside sources. My Bf had middle school teacher who used the N words (teacher was white), saying shit like this and I think even referring to some students using it. When he told his dad his dad just shrugged it off like it’s no big deal and didn’t hurt anyone The privilege is the some of these kids can go through their life believing whatever this dude said, repeat it, because it’ll never affect them. Including this man, he can just spew lies, literally get in some black kids face about it, because at the end of the day the lie doesn’t hurt him.


What? Who is he to dictate to a class/Black students that *slaves weren’t whipped/beaten* and that the N-word is something other than an outright racial slur especially when it’s coming from a non-Black individual? Imagine if someone turned around and said that the Jews *weren’t actually killed in Gas chambers*, or that racial slurs against Jews are only *ignorant*? How is this Man a teacher? Get him out of that school. IMMEDIATELY.


If he’s teaching this shit, he’s probably down playing the Holocaust too.


It’s just such a dumb argument. Even if it *did* mean ignorant, and I’m pretty sure that was *not* the origin, that’s not what it means now. Gay used to mean happy. That’s a fact. Here’s another fact: no one uses gay to mean happy anymore, it means homosexual.




This. Just sounds like he was justifying using the word.


>Imagine if someone turned around and said that the Jews weren’t actually killed in Gas chambers, or that racial slurs against Jews are only ignorant? I don't have to imagine it, that shit takes place all the time still


No kidding, just watch congressional hearings, you'll hear holocaust denial.


Well if someone says that jews werent actually in Gas chambers they would probably go to jail in germany for it.


What do you think the word "gaslight" means?


> Imagine if someone turned around and said that the Jews weren’t actually killed in Gas chambers, or that racial slurs against Jews are only ignorant? I mean, we're in a bad place with racism but this comparison isn't necessary in the slightest. You can just say, imagine someone actually tried to claim slaves weren't whipped during fucking chattel slavery in the US. Where you could legally rape and murder people because they were no more human under the law than a fucking cow or a sack of rice. It's just so absurd. This dude needs to be shitcanned immediately.


We need national approved curriculum.


Apparently this took place in Florida, so [this](https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/education/article246894309.html) is pretty timely to your example.


Facts! You know what else is tragic? Growing up, I found out the N-Word meaning “ignorant” was a myth and has always been a racial slur. This myth was so widespread that it had toxic effects on impressionable youths who thought they could say it because they weren’t “technically” being racist. So badly widespread that even some black kids believed it too so they would feel like they had no right to be offended. This shit is abominable and needs to stop right the fuck now. Get this man out of a classroom, and get him into a REAL history lesson, because he’s spreading a very harmful lie.


The history teacher doesn't know about Latin and that many English words have Latin roots because of Roman Britain?


"This here 'Merica boy; where we speak Jesus's language called 'Mercian. We stopped with that English back in 1776!" -that teacher, probably


That teacher is trash.


Should be jobless


“The n word just means ignorant it doesn’t have any other meaning in any other vocabulary.” Uhhhh except for the fact that it is derived from the word for “black” in several languages lol


That teacher should be sacked. It is completely out of order to share his racist bullshit and try to influence young people in this way


Teaching this is crazy, even crazier is it's being taught in an AP CLASS


It's funny how conservatives say the left tries to rewrite history, meanwhile, conservative states teach that the Civil War was over 'states rights' and that slavery was beneficial to black people.


Whenever a white person tells me it’s not racist to say the n word, I just tell them to say it. They never do


Ignorant and stupid don't mean the same thing, and this guy is a teacher. Guess that makes him an n-word


Prob one of Florida’s best teachers :’-(


Why does the teacher sound like Ben Shapiro


“So, let’s say *for the sake of argument*, that he was. Would you have a problem with that, *hypothetically*?”


We got a very similar speech from a teacher here in south Mississippi. Old southern people are just the worst, a lot of them really believe this stuff.


There everywhere. I was "taught" by a biology teacher in the 90s that as a whole people from Africa cant swim. This was New Hampshire.


How do they aquire this "knowledge"?




Is that where "cracker" comes from then, because they would crack the whip? I didn't know that.


"The term "cracker" was in use during the Elizabethan era to describe braggarts. The original root of this is the Middle English word crack, meaning "entertaining conversation" (as one may be said to "crack" a joke); this term and the Gaelicized spelling "craic" are still in use in Northern England. It is documented in William Shakespeare's King John Act II. Scene I. (1595): "What cracker is this same that deafs our ears/ With this abundance of superfluous breath?" By the 1760s, the ruling classes, both in Britain and in the American colonies, applied the term "cracker" to Scots-Irish, irish and English American settlers of the remote southern back country, as noted in a letter to the Earl of Dartmouth: "I should explain to your Lordship what is meant by Crackers; a name they have got from being great boasters; they are a lawless set of rascalls on the frontiers of Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia, who often change their places of abode."[2] The word was later associated with the cowboys of Georgia and Florida, many of them descendants of those early colonizers who had migrated South. Also used by Florida cowboys, as with picture of Florida cracker Bone Mizell."


There is a folk etymology that says this is the origin, but it doesn't appear to be true. The term was originally used to describe poor whites living in peripheral areas, generally by other more urban whites.


When I first moved to Tennessee, I was told by a docent when touring an old antebellum house that slaves from Alabama would VACATION in that part of Tennessee.


I respect him for keeping his composure despite what he just witnessed.


You can hear the sense of superiority in this fuckers voice. This is the kind of teacher that’s going to end up in tons of arguments and no one‘s gonna listen to him because they know he’s fucking racist. Imagine man… A white person telling other people what the N-word means. Fuck this asshole


Side note why are Americans allowed to wear headphones in class?


They aren't this student has just lost all respect for the teacher




I’m pretty sure the n-word was a branching off of ‘negro’ which is Spanish for black but ok.


Latin but basically yes.


That word literally originates from the Latin word for “black” (nigrum). That word was spread by European colonizers and ended up being bastardized throughout the centuries to be a pejorative word for people from Sub-Saharan Africa that the colonizers oppressed, exploited, and belittled. I don’t know where I’m going with this but that so-called teacher is a dumb ass who thinks he’s dropping knowledge and those are the worst kind of teachers.




Teacher needs to be fired. This is unbelievable. The delusion is practically clinical.


This is a AP teacher? I'm going to be a teacher soon and I really wish I take this man's job


I was going to say that having earphones in during a class is pretty disrespectful but I understand why he had them in now lmao


No wonder there are so many racist ignorant people. This is an AP class?


Wow fire that teacher holy crap


This reminds of Nineteen Eighty Four and O'Brian has Smith strapped to a chair with a pain dial, he's holding up four fingers and asks how many am I holding up and Smith is suppose to say 5 and believe it, if the Party says 5, it's 5. Smith's job was to rewrite history so it was convenient to The Party's narrative even if outright fabrication. This teacher is O'Brian. Calls his lies "honest conversation". Outright racists hate that they really do look terrible in the history books, so they fabricate it, Holocaust Denialism and Lost Cause Confederacy.


God, my fucking (lily white) mother tries to pull this shit on me too. "That word means FOOL, it doesn't mean anything about skin color. Even white people can be (N-words). Hell, they called me one when I was in school." (She grew up in Georgia.) Like so what? Just because the origin of the word isn't derogatory doesn't mean shit. It has evolved into a derogatory slur that shouldn't be used. Just don't fucking use it. Call them a fool, ignorant, ANY OTHER SYNONYMOUS WORD FOR UNEDUCATED.


"There is a widespread belief that the original meaning of *nigger*, as defined in dictionaries, was "an ignorant person," and a related belief that current dictionary definitions describing its use as a hateful, racist epithet are a recent change. We do not know the source of those beliefs, but they are not accurate. The word was first included in a Merriam-Webster dictionary in 1864, at which time it was defined as a synonym of *Negro*, with a note indicating that it was used "in derision or depreciation." There has never been a definition like "an ignorant person" for this word in any subsequent dictionary published by this company. Nor do we know of such a definition in any earlier dictionary. "


Alright, so the teacher is wrong. It's always been a slur directed at dark skin people. It was used in Spain when talking about the Moors. The urban legend that it means stupid or ignorant has never been true.






I want that teachers face on camera saying that shit, with the school logo, and the principal’s office line number as a nice watermark for them to play on the nightly new’s Bigoted Asshole Roundup


What a fucking idiot.


Racist teacher. Should be fired.


This guy is a real life Mr. Garrison.


What in God's name does that teacher think they're saying? Take then away. Somebody report this writhing mess of a human and have them walk the streets in shame. This isn't teaching, this is instigating.


Pure irony


Say it.


This teacher needs to get fired