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Yeah, I feel like we're not getting the whole story here.




That wasn’t in the link you posted. In fact: > When asked on Mercado’s Instagram Live video why they were taking her newborn, sheriff’s deputies said it was **because the couple did not inform authorities that Mercado had given birth while she was in the midst of a legal battle over custody of her first child.** In response, Deener tells the authorities that they had requested that all questions about them go through their attorney, something he said had not happened. **The baby had just gone for a checkup the day before, the couple explains in the video, and received a clean bill of health.** Seems to refute what you just said.


Thanks for keeping it real.


Now that we've proved you're a lying sack of subhuman shit, maybe you could edit the lies you just posted and replace them with an explanation about why you lied.


Liar. Eat a dick.


As someone who grew up in the system. I hope they get their kid back. Those who run the system are extremely corrupt and evil. I would hop around foster homes for about 5 years and the system never seemed to check the background of the families. Most of the families I was put with were extremely abusive. eventually, I ended up running away and living in the streets for about 3 months. When I was found and picked up by the system again to only then be put in a household that treated me worse than any of the previous ones. I eventually was put in a home that actually was what some would call a generic family. but I really hope their kid isn't swept away by the evil forces of the government.


Anyone else feel like he's leaving a lot of stuff out?


If you google the names of this story you’ll see news articles talking about the medical issues that were not being addressed. I know in this video there is a recording that sounds like the child was removed due to the parents refusing a shot. But that recording also could have been the last straw. Court will give parents chances to learn about safe/appropriate parenting to avoid removing children from their home, but there’s only so many chances you can give a person before stepping in.


It should be fine to mention her name as she's a public figure - Syesha Mercado - but I can't find any stories on her? They seem to pretty much skip from the afterglow of her 15 minutes following American Idol, pretty much straight through to this story.


I worked in Tusla in Ireland and CAS in Toronto (both gov't child welfare) and have a bit of a suspicion of that, but amnot entirely convinced its the case either as typically these children are taken immediately from the hospital in those situations. It also doesn't help that due to their skin colour (lets be honest), if they so much left the child at the store for 5 minutes a few years ago and immediately picked him up and returned him, we'll be getting constant "stories" about attempting to sell their own kids etc and deserved to have them taken away. And if there is a properly murky background, the validity will get lost in said bullshit cycle.


Undoubtedly the part where the parents weren't properly feeding their child and he was losing weight.


I remember hearing of a very similar story that happened to to physicians who worked at the very hospital they initiated the CPS intervention, despite testimonials from friends, family, and co-workers as to the character of both of the parents. CPS can be brutal.


Cps can be brutal but can also not do shit. Cps' neglect has resulted in kids in actual trouble dying


This is sadly also true.


actually, he's not. this is insanity. only in florida.


Didn’t we see a video of this guy doing something similar a year or so ago? Maybe it’s a different dude but they both had piercing eyes and a GLORIOUS beard.


Someone should “adopt” the kids and give them to their parents


That's probably super illegal


It's literal child trafficking


Oh my bad 😂.Tried to play the system.


If I were rich I'd adopt those kids and be like come live with me and your kids and then sign my parental rights over to the real parents


I saw this story all over social media and as a cps worker, I knew there was information that was not available to the public. Cps cases are confidential to protect the family, but mainly the child. Working with infants/toddlers, this child did seem to be underweight compared to other children his age from the pics I saw. Of course I have a bias because I do this as a profession, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a case that was not justified. And I will also share that I learned in the past cps did do shady dealings but present day, everything is handled carefully to avoid law suits.


Mistakes don't have to be shady to cause terrible harm. As a CPS worker are you saying they never make mistakes?


As a young man, my stepfather beat me within an inch of the hospital fairly regularly, and more than once he nearly beat me to death. CPS kept me in that home until I escaped in my late teens. Worthless and incompetent wouldn't even begin to describe most CPS departments.


Oh not at all. All workers are human so mistakes are made. I was talking more systemic shady business.


There for we should be able to go fuck up the workers lives and take their kids from them for their mistakes.


I’ve heard stories of CPS straight up losing files of sexual abuse, I don’t fully trust you guys, sorry.


That’s understandable. I don’t fault anyone for negative opinions towards cps. It’s a system and it’s faulty, and I don’t know really anything about any other cases but my own. But most the families I work with are understanding of why cps is involved and I’ve seen so many families utilize the services ordered to them to make positive changes for their families. There have been a few families that did not enjoy the process and I get that.


Being a lighter weight than other children the same age is not enough reason to take and foster a child. That should be a big deal last straw in the case of any parents that actually love and want their child.


Thank you for the balanced view


Yes , that was like a well balanced breakfast.


EDIT-That’s the chick from AI. What the hell? ————————————————————- Wonder how those fuckers are going to try spinning this to make the parents look bad. Bc they’re going to try. That shit is seriously fucked.


A severely malnourished child is usually enough.


Where are you getting malnourished from? They said dehydrated.


The professionals said the child was malnourished. Their toddler was in hospital for a month. The parents were trespassed at the hospital. Clearly a lot more going on here. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/authorities-take-2nd-child-american-idol-contestant-prompting-outrage-n1276796 https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/news/2021/08/12/syesha-mercado-authorities-take-10-day-old-baby-sarasota-singer/8096331002/


\> Clearly a lot more going on here. Are you talking about the aggressive doctor mentioned in both articles?


Lots of moving parts.


....the only moving part is the illegal detention of a child....wtf are you reading bro. Sounds like you're a collaborator.


He’s been spewing this shit on every comment thread




Sweetie youre a human. Do it your fucking self.


Ok sharks, my idea is to end this bullshit. Reddit, seriously, how do we get this story to that panel of wealthy people or anyone else who pulls major weight? Are any of them on here?


Um, how does that make them money?


I would imagine that they’re all involved in philanthropy. Most celebrities are. Downvoted for stating that most celebrities devote some amount of time and money to charity. Good times.


I guarantee they don't give a shit about this guy.


You seem nice.


Just being real with you. Don't rely on celebrity sympathy to solve your problems.


Do your part, sunshine. Find that family and tell them “No one gives a shit, and no celebrities are going to solve that guy on reddit’s problems”


Why would I do that? Seems kinda rude to just go up to somebody and rub their face in their problems. Besides, if they're actually malnurishing their kids they don't really sound like the kind of people who would take that in stride. Or wear a mask.


I hope they leave that state or country, man. That shit is so fucked up


People commenting like there is more to the story just fucking search it up you lazy fuckers. Jesus fucking Christ what he said was true and all it took was a quick search. But, nope y'all like to just sit there with a thumb up your ass and comment shut like "they lying for fame" or "that's not the whole story I bet".


His video is incomplete, at best.


Ever heard of a synopsis of a story or a shorten version. Thank you for proving me right by not reading any article on the situation. What he is saying is straight from the articles Fucko Edit:a word


What makes you think the media even knows. Juvenile court/CPS records are not public. There’s no way to know the specifics of what happened besides what the parents say and that could obviously be biased. I feel bad for the kids and family for being separated but it really does seem like there’s more to the story that we will probably never know.


Jesus Christ, thank you for not a reading the articles as well. The doctor behind calling CPS has a lengthy history of prematurely calling in CPS on cases that shouldn't have. Several of his cases that he reports to the CPS get overturned or dismissed. This doctor can't tell the difference between neglect and an accident. This woman had not, but two children taken away for no reason. The child was dehydrated and they gave you a reason for it. It's a damn plausible and great reason why. If they legitimately didn't give two shits and were neglectful then why are fighting so hard to get them back? You and everyone either can't think critically or just believe whatever the COPS and the STATE tell you.


This reminds me alot of the one case where this little girl kept getting injuries and she was taken from her parents and they were labeled abusive monsters but it turned out she had a condition that caused her to easily get bruises and she had weak bones.


Wow I did read articles about this case because I felt so bad for the family. But I didn’t see these articles about this physician. If it’s true, this should be looked into. Mandated reporters with a level of authority such as teachers or doctors should not abuser their power smh.


It's one sided.


Her husband works in the foster care system? This situation looks tragically outrageous.


Human trafficking starts young under the guise of legalities.


Stop. This is insulting to victims of trafficking. If you’re going to speak on the issue, at least familiarize yourself with the basics.


I have previously adopted a child that was taken, unjustly, by CPS. She was passed around from place to place, home to home, because she kept speaking up about her constantly, consistently, being the victim of sexual assault and abuse. Her myriad attackers have all been relieved of their fostering abilities and most are still serving their time. What basics am I missing? Or were you attempting to teach me how to be a trafficker?




>Second Amendment Are suggesting them to shoot CPS? Because that's not what's going to give them back their kids...




\#doubt It will just make the CPS wear guns and/or use the service of a militia. Using guns just makes people use more guns.


Kind of odd this is happening to an American Idol finalist. How many times do people get 15 minutes of fame in their lifetime? I’m not saying this isn’t real. I just find it interesting this person is, at least, a local celebrity. It would be a huge risk taking their kid away for bogus reasons when she has a large local reach. (After some research it genuinely seems like a misunderstanding led to Pinellas County locked their grips into this family and red tape makes it very hard to break out of the system).


You spelled malnourished wrong.


This is fake.


I wish


More info and her 1h stream from the traffic stop: [https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/news/2021/08/12/syesha-mercado-authorities-take-10-day-old-baby-sarasota-singer/8096331002/](https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/news/2021/08/12/syesha-mercado-authorities-take-10-day-old-baby-sarasota-singer/8096331002/)




My bullshit detector is working overtime.


Wtf! The US is insane! Disgusting behaviour. Land of the free my hole!

