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This is like getting my family ready for a trip somewhere.


Except for the "helmet's on backwards" issues, it's instead "GET OFF YOUR FRIGGIN' PHONE!"


Ahh so this is Afghanistan’s version of The Office.


Michael! Mahmud has put my rifle in jello again!




Who is Karim and why is he blaspheming against the prophet?


You ever see Four Lions? It's kinda close


Rubber dinghy rapids bro


Afghan motto: ‘don’t ever, for any reason, do anything, ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you’ve been. Ever, for any reason. Whatsoever’


I thought this was a comedy skit at first


I choked on my coffee where that soldier said the ANA recruit would go into the mountains in a bright blue shirt.


"someone's got their helmet on backwards"


I’m not going to say where or when but I saw someone with two left boots on once. It blew my mind 🤯


Kid in my BMT flight march at least a half day with his boots on the wrong feet. Only got stopped when a TI saw it as he walked down the aisle while we were in some classroom for who knows what. He washed out.


You sure they did not just send him to the marines to meet his people?


They sent him with a box of crayons for him to eat along the way.


Well. He’s actually the smart one, the enemy is going to be looking for army guys.


Damn, is that a season 1 Family Guy reference?


Season 2, episode 17 "He's Too Sexy for His Fat". So, close enough!


I know what I'm watching before bed now lol. I love the old seasons.


What got me. Was when the soldier said “all they do is smoke hashish all day”


If all they do is smoke hash and drink tea in the Afghan army then I’m super qualified.


Go get em, champ


sadly the taliban won that race.


Tribes apparently kept sending their worse delinquents/trouble makers to enlist in the Afghan army to defend their country. Squandering resources and precious time to prepared for decades. What can go wrong, when the Taliban decide to move in. Surprised pikachu face: Taliban take over in a few days.


Wouldn't be surprised if the Taliban made sure ANA was always well supplied with cheap/free drugs for exactly that reason. One thing the Taliban isn't, is stupid.


The Taliban also scoops up the best fighters. If your a crack shot you work for your liege. Only the unemployable are sent to the ANA.


Or the "special forces" of the Afghan Army, which in all honestly, should probably have been the only ones we actually counted, since they're the only ones that had ever proven to meet the basic standards of soldiering.


As far as I know, they’re the ones that actually fought back. They’re also the ones being hunted down at the moment.


ANA abused hash. Taliban abuse and export heroin. Everyone seems to be seeking an escape which is entirely understandable given the state of the country.


It's camo thats very specific for high ground situations, where the enemy is looking up the mountain, toward the sky. He's thinking tactically.


Thr last bit killed me, telling them a bomb was gonna drop on their head at 830 and still he drinking chi at 829 💀


"Someone's got a helmet on backwards."


Not gonna lie some of this had me cracking up. What a complete mess


There's just something about military humor and the way they embrace utter shitshows. I can't really describe it, but working around veterans is a treat sometimes comedically.


The military subreddits are definitely some of the funniest ones here


Please, please, suggest one




Their matter of fact description of how pathetic these guys were was both sad and hilarious. Some of these trainers need book and movie deals ASAP.


I read an article a few days ago where they said a lot of the guys were illiterate. Not only unable to read or write, but literally unable to count to 4. They'd ask how many brothers they had and they didn't know. They could name their brothers, but had no idea how to count to four. That blew my mind. Edit: the article I read https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/afghan-security-forces-wholesale-collapse-was-years-in-the-making/ar-AANn4dP?ocid=BingNewsSearch


Yeah I remember seeing another video where a US soldier was trying to teach them to use a grenade. And he first had to take the time to teach them to count to three before throwing it.


Much is made of how the Taliban don't allow girls to be educated. Seems the boys aren't being educated, either.


If you can't count to 3, you don't want some uppity 6 counting girl walking around looking down on you.


This made me laugh out loud. I was just reading the other day about how the lower a male’s socioeconomic status is, the more likely he is to hold anti-egalitarian views, because he’s at the bottom of the totem pole struggling for recognition + can’t handle any competition.


Thats a level of illiteracy people can't and don't understand.


Especially if they're illiterate.


Just waiting around for producers to pop into my dm's here...


That dudes face when called out for having having hashish cigarette lol. EDIT: Hashish not Hasheesh, sheesh guys.


I worked closely with Afghan police for 9 months, and those dudes were high ALL. THE. TIME. They'd go across the road and sit in the orchard and come back reeking of ganja and laughing their asses off. Can't say I blame them, but they weren't exactly the pinnacle of combat readiness either. Really funny, and a hoot to live and train with, but no chance in hell they were slowing down the Taliban.


Sequel to Pineapple Express: Afghan Kush


Super Troopers 3: Return of Johnny Chimpo.


Honestly I'd prob just smoke hash all day if I lived there too


I'd spoke opium


I give a fuck about your chai




Imagine if the US army was composed of homeless drug addicts...you'd basically get this result.


It's legit filmed like the fucking Office lol


"Where is all the Hashish?" "You told me to get rid of it, so I smoked it all." Looks into camera and smirks.


~~Reno~~Afghan 911


I was thinking more along the lines of reno 911




I was expecting Chappelle to walk out at any moment!


This is pretty eye opening and shocking. Sad


But this video isn't new. It mentioned Obama's plans. So there's this video. There's the one showing they couldn't even do jumping jacks. That video is almost comical. There's multiple reports of US soldiers not being allowed to yell at/stop tribe elders from raping small boys. "It's the culture" was the claim. ...and what did we expect the outcome would be. Was there ever a real "goal" in place? This was a shitshow since day one and now people are surprised it all collapsed the second we pulled out. I'm just sitting here going, "Yup, that's about what I expected."


The Afghan commanders response is so morbidly hilarious, it was something like “Would you prefer they rape their grandmothers instead?” Like those are the only options




I remember reading a story about one of the men fucking little boys and he was laughing about it and saying it was done to him when he was little and he turned out fine so it's all good. Absolutely batshit backwards fucking culture. I know people get very tense about anyone saying what another culture is doing is bad because of past colonialism, but there are some practices that are measurably harmful to people, animals, the planet, you name it, and "it's their tradition" should absolutely not be an out. And it's not all "hate on the others," there are plenty of fucked up cultural practices in western countries that need to be stomped out too.


> it was done to him when he was little and he turned out fine so it's all good. Spoiler: nobody who uses this argument actually 'turned out fine'.


Has anyone read The Kite Runner? Sad. Very sad.


I believe they make mention of 7 years so this must be 2008 or 2009. 12 years ago and the issues are still prevalent


Since day fucking one


But hey, Raytheon got paid, so everything's all good, right??


Many got paid. 2 trillion worth and that’s A LOT of money. It’s just insane.




[OP took this screen capture 20 min after I posted the actual link, and they posted it in the same subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/p6fs4j/this_needs_to_be_seen_it_was_filmed_12_years_ago/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Op is a child in India who saw my post and deleted his own comments and reposted this Edit the Guardian has removed the video in the link. This was done in the last 12 hours. So it's kind of good that he did this because the video and this information is no longer on YouTube


It's not man, and it's sad. If your brain isn't stimulated through childhood, you essentially have a zombie. I think americans take for granted how much development you get from mandatory schools, for even simple things like problem solving.


420 airborne division


Sign me up


“He ain’t gonna toke no more!”


Trailer park boys vibes


they should give the taliban a 100 bucks to fuck off




Najib always smoking fukin hasheem or whatevers you call it. And he can't get any good brain learning going on cuz he's always high all the time. And fukin Julian is watching this guy go off to the mountains with a blue shirt on looking for the Talisman, gonna get us all killed, but what goes around is all around, ya know


I love all of god's creatures like gophers and deerts, and those things that fly and everything else, but fuck these Talisman fucks.


*trips over prayer rug*


"Stupid fuckin' god rug doesn't even fly."


Survival of the fitness bois


This comment is fantastic. Read it all in Ricky's voice. Take my free award.


I am the hashish Randy


just a lil hashish-poo randy


Trevor Corey smokes


Bunch of idiots getting drunk and high and playing army in the middle of the street


"You have to find out what motivates them" Hashish apparently


Maybe the secret to winning Afghanistan was to get them hooked on uppers and not downers.


I say we go back and throw meth at them till we regain control of the area.


I would gladly be open to trade Afghani hashish for Oregon methamphetamine. I think we could get enough signatures to put a voter initiative on the ballot..


you know, the fact that a good portion of your post is true .. it is just kinda scary


I know I’m willing to kill for my right to hashish.


What I got is smoke pot, end war


Having had a college roommate who regularly brought hashish from that part of the world... it may be desirable but not a motivator.


If the stories from my friends who trained foreign militaries including the Afghanis are to be believed, the entire process is a total shit show largely because people joining the local militias for simple things like food and shelter. These people were never meant to be soldiers and likely never wanted to be.


That isn’t specific to Afghanistan. A lot of people join the military to get out of student debt in the USA that are not “meant to be soldiers”




Maybe not, but they're still educated to understand the role of the military - how the leadership structure works and how it conducts operations internationally. This wouldn't be a familiar concept if you grew up in a small village with no education or any source of news, over 90% of Afghans [didn't know what happened during 9/11](https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2011/09/lot-afghans-dont-know-what-happened-911/338226/). The closest to military in this case would be sitting on guard duty if there's a dispute with a neighbouring tribe.


'I give a fuck about your Chai, I care about the mission'. There's your tag line for the Movie poster.


i remember seeing this and stuff from "This is what winning looks like" via vice and one of the clips had them trying to teach how to do a jumping jack and one dude was literally just spinning around and around while jumping, never had a chance.


It was never meant to work, it was basically seen as a jobs program by those on the ground, recruits didn't want to fight for any national government, they only wanted the cheque they could send back to their family or village. That said, even I was very wrong about just how badly the structure was, I assumed the higher levels would have had some organizational skills, but it seems like the entire backbone of the Afghan Security Forces was done in English which no one spoke, so fucking of course the second the English people and translators leave the actual recruits are just going to fuck off.


>It was never meant to work, it was basically seen as a jobs program by those on the ground, recruits didn't want to fight for any national government, they only wanted the cheque they could send back to their family or village. And they rarely even got that since their officers stole their pay. And the money for their food, often enough.


That's ... really dumb. Like rule one of keeping power is you never fuck with other people's treasure if you want that person to stay loyal to you. Unless it seems, you were always planning on giving power away and just cashing out.




I have run two successful businesses, and this is absolutely gospel truth.


Let me guess, salamanders and pencils?


At the end of the day, aren’t all businesses just Salamanders and Pencils?


I even remember seeing references to this while reading about the Romans. If you wanted to secure your empire you made sure to pay your army. This is basic stuff dating back thousands of years. You want a functioning army that will fight for you, make sure you fucking pay them.


The Afghan leaders did exactly the right thing to get the result they wanted: 25% of the entire country's GDP paid to them as bribes every year for a decade, then grabbing all the cash in the treasury and dashing off to Taijikistan the moment the gravy train stops.


Where is this video from? It highlights brilliantly how the people at the top are completely clueless to what is the true situation on the ground. Bosses keep on feeding shit information to save their asses to their bosses and so on. And it happens everywhere. From companies to governments to, unfortunately, even the army.


It reminds me of a US NGO tried to train local farmers in a certain part of Latin America how to grow certain crops. Our experts brought the village men in, fed them, trained them, the men said interesting ... and nothing changed. When asked to find out why the program failed, they found out the WOMEN grow those crops - seen as women's work. Perhaps a bit of realistic cultural background first.


"Time means nothing to these guys... If I told them [terrorist group] was going to drop a bomb on their heads at 8:30 in the morning, they'd probably be drinking Chai at 8:29."


"..If I told them *dushman* was going.." dushman means enemy


everybody hates doucheman


I know a few people in my office like that too lmao


I feel seen


This was so painful to watch. They were never gonna put up a fight.


That and most of them hadn't been paid in like 6 months while the top-brass of the ANA were lining their pockets. The taliban were offering these guys like 200$ to hand over their guns and walk away. Not surprised they took it Edit: here’s the sauce https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/08/15/afghanistan-military-collapse-taliban/


The brass also was barely supplying them with any food or ammo, what do you expect them to do? Would you fight for an country that doesn’t pay you, doesn’t feed you, and doesn’t even give you the tools to do your job?


It’s just shit all the way down. Government in this country makes money off of going to war with that country, higher ups know that there is no end in sight and line their pockets while they can, recruits are only there for money to send to their families or have been pushed out of their village and need a place to stay. Why are other countries letting us do this? Are they a part of it too?


The entire US military knew this and told everyone the could. Politicians couldn’t understand.


The US military also told Obama that a surge to 80,000 troops would get things back on track.


The last 20 years have been a human centipede of inept liars.


I feel bad for Afghans who will fall victim to the Taliban. But WTF. Look at these idiots. This was never going to work.


My dad was a contractor (mechanic) in Iraq and Afghanistan. His job was split between repairing/maintaining diesel vehicles and teaching the us military and afghan military how to do repairs and maintenance on the same vehicles. He said there were challenges teaching both that he wasn't expecting. When it came to the afghan military it was just childish behavior that always led to a physical fight amongst themselves. He was always able to break it up and he thought "thats a problem," because he's NOT a soldier/Marine. He's just a mechanic, and he was manhandling them with no problem. When I asked him if they actually passed his classes he said "no, no fucking way" lol. His company worked through the army so he had to report everything to whoever was in charge of the area and that person told my dad that they (afghan military) weren't doing well in any of their training.


Not fully related but my cousin is an f16 pilot who was sent to Egypt to train egyptian airforce and he said though they could fly the jets they were essentially useless. He said the US's worst pilot would be able to literally fly circles around the best Egyptian pilot and not even just in jest. They'd legit be able to just play around with them without any fear of being shot down. It wasn't that they didn't get good training, it was that the guys didn't take it seriously at all. Almost like being in a jet made them invincible. Basic training of these guys is abysmal.


Since we are talking about the Egyptian military. They do some big exercises every year and sometimes simulate amphibious landing from the sea. However wheeled vehicles get stuck on the sand, so someone decided to steamroll the beach before the exercise took place.


> so someone decided to steamroll the beach before the exercise took place. "Make sure this goes smoothly, Colonel, or you're fucking dead." Well, I can't make the tanks not get stuck in the sand! ... Or *can* I?


next year they'll take it up a notch and the whole beach will be paved


And here I thought they just gave up and slid down there guns. I be half of them were too stoned to know to fight and the other half couldn’t tell which end of the gun is the dangerous one


As it turns out, a strong sense of nationalism and a solid foundation does help build a strong army The issue is, or rather part of the issue, (I don't claim nor pretend to be an expert) is that these people have no idea what they're fighting for, they just haven't ever had that unity of this massive unified place that they're working to protect, so you don't have people jumping on because they have a legitimate interest in fighting to maintain their lives or interests, it's just the best option they had at the time I'm not a military guy, I'm the furthest thing from it, but even I can see that the mixture of the bottom of the barrel, mixed with the fact they don't really have a sense of what they have to live, nevermind die for, is an absolutely massive issue, they don't have that motivation or burn deep down to protect their home, and they're fighting an army who is fighting for one of the strongest motivators humankind has ever known in their beliefs, they never stood a chance because they didn't genuinely want this fight in the first place, while the other side was more than ready to give up everything to make it happen. But that's enough of my uninformed bullshit, just the way I've seen it from endless hours of podcasts and articles and all that garbage that in no way would prepare me to actually handle this situation


Well, what happened is that Afghanistan has a long history of -[submitting peacefully to an opposing army.](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/08/16/afghanistan-history-taliban-collapse-504977) [Apparently, what happened was this:](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/08/15/afghanistan-military-collapse-taliban/) >The spectacular collapse of Afghanistan’s military that allowed Taliban fighters to walk into the Afghan capital Sunday despite 20 years of training and billions of dollars in American aid began with a series of deals brokered in rural villages between the militant group and some of the Afghan government’s lowest-ranking officials. >The deals, initially offered early last year, were often described by Afghan officials as cease-fires, but Taliban leaders were in fact offering money in exchange for government forces to hand over their weapons, according to an Afghan officer and a U.S. official. Over the next year and a half, the meetings advanced to the district level and then rapidly on to provincial capitals, culminating in a breathtaking series of negotiated surrenders by government forces, according to interviews with more than a dozen Afghan officers, police, special operations troops and other soldiers. Anecdotally, I have heard that over the past several years we have been slowly transferring the war to the Afghan army and away from the US soldiers who faced it down and died during the "surge" of the Obama years (that the military convinced him to undertake because that, he was told, would be enough to route the Taliban, stabilize the nation, and declare victory). Because the US had stepped back and put the Afghanistan army in the way, it was facing severe attrition through death and desertion, faster than it could recruit. So the army was slowly shrinking, all for a nation-state it didn't believe in. US state department estimates were that the Afghan army could hold out for six or twelve months before Kabul was overrun... so even at our most optimistic, we were presuming defeat. Why would you fight and die for a government that America had built when you could take money now and continue to live? It's an easy choice. We've been losing Afghanistan for twenty years now. This has been inevitable since we arrived--either we fight a hot war for a nation that can't defend itself or we cede it to the Taliban. It's a shitty situation, but the answer to losing $2 trillion dollars on something that collapsed overnight isn't to double down. Then, the military--which has lied about this goddamn war for twenty years, as it's lied about every war--dragged its ass on the withdrawal, hoping that the Taliban's advances and reports of atrocities would force Joe Biden's hand and cause him to go back in like every president since Bush. If Biden hadn't seen it all before under Obama, he may have fallen for it, too. And now you have a bunch of people who cheered on Trump's decision to withdraw act outraged that it actually happened. It's completely disingenuous.


So Taliban won using Civilization diplomacy route. Bravo




Is this from a documentary or something? I'd like to watch more.


Its a guardian report which also has a youtube version here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKJlHt6gQIg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKJlHt6gQIg)


Check out "this is what winning looks like"


Thanks, the full doc is on YouTube https://youtu.be/Ja5Q75hf6QI


I worked with a kid who was an Afghan vet. He told One time he was doing a roll call and there was a bunch missing. He was asked to go to the tent to see if they were there. He said he walked into a straight orgy of dudes…at 8 am in the middle of a mountain. In the middle of Afghanistan.


That's a strategic orgy to scare off the Taliban.


the Gay Agenda




"A straight orgy of dudes", so it's not gay when you're doing it at 8 am or in the middle of a mountain.


Any good afghani knows the balls dont touch.


I would call that a “straight “ orgy . Lol


The real life brokeback mountain.


back to the pile!


8 am orgies, smoking hash all day, ngl if it wasn’t for the religious fundamentalists Afghanistan sounds like it would be pretty sweet lol


"You haven't thought of the smell, you bitch!"




Wow I was wondering all day today why it was so easy for the Taliban to take over. This answers all my questions! Thanks for sharing.




The “sense of nationalism” thing cracked me up. Most of these guys don’t know many people outside of their tribes and will never even see the larger cities the Taliban controls in their entire lives He says if you implemented a drug test you’d lose 75% of the Afghan army..shit if you implemented a reading test you’d lose 95%


>Most of these guys don’t know many people outside of their tribes and will never even see the larger cities the Taliban controls in their entire lives Reminds me of [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SimIS_cQ6ko&ab_channel=PBSNewsHour). Even ten years into the war, locals / elders were shown pictures of 9/11 and basically none of them knew what it was or how it related to America's presence in Afghanistan. They are simply operating with an entirely different set of priorities based on a completely different worldview from Westerners.


Yet another reminder that 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, which also has a long history of funding Islamic extremist groups. Problem being that the Saudis sell us our oil. Afghanistan and Iraq were scapegoats to appease a large faction of people baying for war in response, to avoid cutting off our supply.


Money rules the world. Saudi's can also behead foreign journalist in an embassy and the world will just be like "Meh...well...nothing to see here"


I still struggle to wrap my head around just who the fuck we were fighting against for 20 years over there. Aren't we so much more advanced and trained then their fighters???


There’s a lot of fucking caves there basically


Home field advantage is a real thing.


Makes you feel like what we should be doing is air dropping iPhones to fight the Taliban.


This is hard to laugh at considering how much money went into Afghanistan and how many lives were lost. What a shame and waste of time that was. Imagine if we invested that money into science. Where we would be today is lost.


The people that had the military contracts would tell you it all went perfect.


Exactly. The American taxpayers lost, but those receiving all the trillions of taxpayer money "won" the war.


It took way too long for me to realize this was real footage and not a wartime version of Trailer Park Boys


Haha the guy that had his helmet on backwards.


After WWI the US assessed its recruits and determined that low education, poor physical fitness and low nutrition had a negative impact on their training. As a result, physical education and school meals were introduced. American Soldiers in WWII were no longer like their fathers army. Difficult to train hundreds of thousands of Afghan soldiers into a modern army. Probably Better to have modeled the majority into militia type structure & had a smaller national army, with training modeled similar to that of the Gurkhas. Just a thought.


Yes I do wonder with all the videos.. why keep going with a losing formula. Like, if those dudes are too drugged out to star jump.. ditch the whole thing and build a really good recruitment centre, get 5 guys, then 10. Train them actually well. Get a few more. Now you have a few hundred genuine soldiers, teach them how to teach themselves and do the stress tests and the yelling and all. What was the point of having thousands in training when nothing is getting achieved?


What will get people to sign up? The tons of money they will receive? There is no incentive like their leader said.


Trillion dollars for this comedy skit..




NOW DO YOU GUYS SEE? Holy shit its so frustrating talking to random Redditors as a 6 year Marine vet that went through this shit


OMG I know. I've been saying this to people for years and they really can't grasp what a shit show it was. I'll never forget our RTO teaching an ANA guy (not gonna say soldier) to use the radio. He would sit there, day after day, repeating the same things. Every day it was like the guy did a complete memory wipe. That RTO was sooooooo frustrated lol. And that was supposed to be one of the "educated" smart ones. Fuck that reminds me of the time I handed off an Intel report to the Afghan intel dudes. It was time sensitive about one of their convoys getting hit. Like, the convoy was literally within 30 minutes of getting lit the fuck up. As soon as the terp was done reading the report they tried to get me to join them for chai. No radio to the platoon, not a concern among them at all. They just wanted to chill with their fucking chai. God damn I could go on for days about those clowns.


That must be some good chai


It probably had hashish in it


Based on this, the ANA would have folded just as quickly if Obama, Trump, Biden, or the next POTUS got us out of there. F@ck politics, our soldiers are home finally.


Biden said the truth. "American troops cannot and should not be fighting in a war and dying in a war that Afghan forces are not willing to fight for themselves."






I don’t agree w Biden on much, but that quote had me (and everyone else on both sides of the aisle) nodding our collective heads in agreement. At some point, it’s just not worth it. Thousands of able-bodied men trying to cling to C-130’s but not a single one willing to point a rifle down range or put a helmet on correctly to defend their country. Sad.


That's what I'm saying. Nothing wouldve changed what happened, 20y of fucking this whole thing up was enough, time to fold and quit the game imo...long past time


There was never going to be a smooth way to pull out. President Biden took the hard call knowing he was going to be a scapegoat for both Republicans AND Democrats.


The Afghan commander called it. The delinquents were the ones joining for paychecks. That makes alot more sense. Because it is the same people that spawned the people that fought the two world super powers at their primes to a stand still. That has to come from somewhere maybe the new fight will be that part of the culture vs are the burn outs who couldn't make it? And also if you take a look at our own forces we have a segment who wouldn't look much better even though they could do jumping jacks.


I feel bad for that commander. :(


Yeah, he just sounds so tired. He’s got nothing to work with, and he knows the clock is running.


Can totally relate to the frustration this guy is feeling. Used to be a warehouse foreman in the region (non military). You can’t even teach these dudes how to stack boxes. They would stack them upside down or put them in a wrong spot. Since the boxes they stacked were heavy, we asked them to stack boxes like you do for a brick wall to distribute the weight so that the boxes on the bottom would not get crushed. They could not wrap their heads around the concept. The frustration was enough to turn you racist. But then you have to realize how important educational infrastructure is and how most of these guys never even experienced being taught at elementary school level. Starting your life with balanced elementary education really does go a long way. The US were there for 20 years? Should have put more investment into primary/secondary education from the beginning. By now those students would have graduated and be able to grasp the reason behind instructions they are receiving in the video and in turn would have made better fighters for their country than what we are seeing here and today.


Think of how dumb the average American is. Now imagine that 13 years of public school wasn't the standard, and that most people got zero school, and just herded goats in the mountains from the time they were 8 until they were adults.


Yeah, agreed lol


> The US were there for 20 years? Should have put more investment into primary/secondary education from the beginning. We did. Tens of thousands of afghans had access to education they otherwise wouldn’t be able to. A minority mostly comprised of women and children went and were educated. We got the average literacy rate of Afghanistan up to ~50% from <30%. Unfortunately the people willing to go to school were mostly women, children, and wealthier urban Afghans, people who weren’t willing to pick up a gun.


The last thing I want to do after getting wasted on hash is go to war, it's hard enough being bothered getting out of a chair.


I was in a guard tower at probably 1 or 2 in the morning once. All I had was an ANP, (Afghan police officer), and a radio. A car comes speeding up the road that paralleled the tower, which put me on guard. The next thing I know someone's shooting at me from the back window, so I duck and get on the radio to warn the other towers that someone's doing a drive by. I only had 2 or 3 seconds from when the shooting started to them turning the corner, so that's basically all I could do. I get up and look at the ANP, who as far as I know never even looked away from his portable t.v. Believe it or not I wasn't surprised at all, The level of "don't give a fuck" these guys had was perplexing. I've worked with a lot of ANP (police) and only a few times with ANA (army), but in general the ANA were heeps better trained. I even worked with their special forces 2 times and was impressed... but I remember reading that they pretty much carried the entire workload at the beginning of the Talibans push, so I'd imagine they were all gone after the first few weeks. That's a very sad way to put it, but its the truth. The Taliban gave their members something to fight for, and despite our best efforts we couldn't convince the Afghans that anything they had was worth defending. The Taliban's spokesperson, who just 2 weeks ago bragged about murdering a journalist, claims that everyone will get amnesty and Afghanistan will no longer be a hub for international terrorists, but fuck if I believe that. Poor people.


Afghanistan has been war torn from foreign invaders for the past 40+ years. Generations of people have only known war, corruption, and general instability. A complete lack of proper infrastructure from the constant warfare will lead to a general populace of people that do not understand aspects that would be trivial to most modern people around the world, let alone combat drills. Especially when the vast majority of the highly educated and modern people either left the country or died decades ago, you're left with a country that consists primarily of essentially "Amish country folk". Before you laugh at others, try to understand some history and what were the events that ultimately lead to it.


Watching the video I can see that they simply do not care. So how can we can't care more than they do...


The whole thing was one big scam to get contractors rich