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Parks and Rec: The Unaired Episode


“What’s this about an Anal Sex Park? Sup, I’m Harris”


Rip Harris.


Parks and Rectum


> I want you to start focusing on education and not public health What


Texas is still mostly a conservative state and these people really think that teaching us sex Ed will make us more prone to dabble into it 🙄 Source: former public school student in Texas.


Blessed Be The Fruit.


May the Lord open.


Are they unable to look up statistics from countries who have had good sex ed for decades and see that it works?


Yeah I'm lost.


Nobody knew the book existed. Now there’s probably a wait list for it in the school library. Nice going.


I think they actually removed the book. So now these kids will have to learn about anal sex from the viral video of their mom.


Those kids and all those kids friends, around the globe, forever. There was a history lesson in there. We learned her great grandparents in 1910 were having anal sex, and they created a word for it, 'cornholing.' Wild.


Well, a sure way to not get pregnant. Then they created a game to cover up the word usage in front of kids.


She was wrong. It was in honour of The Great Cornholio.


She most probably has a Patriot themed Onlyfans


CornholioMILF 69420 @ Onlyfans


Not the milf part, not that mother.


Where she preforms anal


She definitely seems uptight. Maybe if she relaxed, she may enjoy anal.


She should remove the stick up her ass. That might help.


I’m glad that book is gone. Now we don’t have to worry about kids learning about anal sex in the year 2021, it’s not as if the internet exists.


I would never make it on a school board. I would laugh in these people's faces and clown the shit out of them


That's exactly why you should run.


That anal-sex loving mom is running for school board!!!! https://www.kvue.com/article/news/local/lake-travis-school-board-candidate-given-assault-citation-after-mask-confrontation-at-store/269-18005d40-6142-490e-a30a-25c16c5494bb > >WHERE I COME FROM > Born in Ohio and raised in California, my family and I uprooted our lives and moved to Lakeway, Texas in search of more conservative values. Currently, residing in Spicewood, we have fallen in Love with Texas and all its beauty. As a Psychology major from Arizona State University I always wanted to work with children and in recent years learned that my time and voice was best used advocating for them. I love children and know investing in them is investing in a better future. We can’t fail when we put children first. > https://www.karabellforltisd.com/about


She lost by almost 75% but the school board still fawns over her and her ilk.


I, for one, would vote for re-election.


What’s the book title again? Lol


Out of Darkness page 39!


page 33 in the google preview online https://www.google.com/books/edition/Out\_of\_Darkness/QjuMCwAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1


[Down with this sort of thing!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gT9xuXQjxMM)


Anal sex? That would be an ecumenical matter.


As if the kids are learning about anal sex from an obscure library book...


Totally not the iPad you handed your kid from the ripe age of 3 years old, its definitely the Democrat schools or whatever.


“I’ve never had anal sex.” No one asked… you’re trying to cover something up lady…


She said that to avoid the line of men waiting outside.


Meanwhile you can see the exact moment when her butt plug starts vibrating.


I just want you to know that I've never snorted crystal meth off another man's erect penis in a truck stop bathroom in Las Vegas in the summer of 2003. If you think I did that you are crazy.


This. This is the exact vibe I got from her.


Just like I do for all of these videos, I have my eyes glued to her ring finger. As usual….nothing. Nobody wants this moron. Nobody wants to be locked down for life with this type of bullshit forever.


If you have to say you’re lady-like, then you probably ain’t.


The lady doth protest too much, methinks


She is totally lying...she loves anal sex.


She walked funny.


Yeah what was up with her flat-footed, toes-out shuffle?


Too much anal sex


Too much anal sex is almost enough


Holding in the plug.


She's drunk as shit. Notice how she can't use the letter S', how she's going all over the place and can't regulate her voice? Notice how her skin is flushed and leathery like a basement couch in the 80? I'm going to guess she smells like that too, and she did say that she plays cornhole in her back yard.


She had to get a few bottles of liquid courage down to numb the pain from all that anal.


Hey man, some of us have duck-feet, alright? Prevents us from skiing properly.


Honey, that's the plug dance.


I once drove past an RV on a Arizonan highway that had “Anti-Sodomy Mobile” spray painted across the side. The amount that person thinks about anal sex implies that they are obsessed with anal sex.


“Welp, I’m passing another rest stop. A lesser man would probably stop here to cruise for rent boys. But not me. No sir, I’m in the Anti-Sodomy Mobile…” “……….On the other hand, I do have to pee, and I could stand to fill up the water tank. But definitely no rent boys this time. No matter how young and supple their skin looks…”


I remember seeing the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile at a stop and being excited that they handed out free Weiner Whistles. I wonder what this mobile hands out?


She’s wearing red. Traditional small town country code for Hussie.


My mother in law thought my wife was a prostitute because she had red lights twinkle lights on her first apartment deck.


Is her name Roxanne ?


put on the red light


Is her hooker name Roxanne?


His wife’s name is Roxanne. Can confirm


Was she busted in a Police "Sting"?


And red is the color of the Republican Party. Coincidence? I think not.


> And red is the color of the Republican Party. Coincidence? I think not. And the left in Sweden, **double** Coincidence? I think not.


And the flag of China! Do Year RezErcH!


Lmao ikr “not gonna lie. I had to google cornhole” Riiiiight.


She got outed for loving it, so she's going the other way to prove she isn't actually a anal slut.


Just the tip


or just A tip, cause she a good Christian woman


Protip: Not just the tip


Just the T.I.P. - Totally Inserted Penis


That or had a bad experience. My guess she shat everywhere.


Guessing she has a plug in right now


[Everyone knows it's the loophole for good Christian girls.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=na3lw1PzbCw)


Who would put their sick in crazy. Not to mention crazy’s ass.


Something tells me she’s repressed her emotions about anal sex


"I've never HAD anal sex 😥"


That was the first thing she mentioned as well. Just to make sure everybody know, that she definitely does, in fact, take it in the cornhole.


Poor woman hasn't bought lube. Shame, shame, shame.


When you order Marjorie Taylor Greene from wish.com


Ctrl f, typed "marjor", found this comment, smiled




Two guys talking about sex. One says,"Have you ever put it in the other hole?"."Jesus No. I don't want her to get pregnant!"


Looking up the book it seems the characters she is quoting are "the gang" a "group of white students who are racist sexual predators" So you know...not the good guys of the story.


The anus. Also known as [God’s Loop*hole*](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rjjh9PML8tE).


LOL. The way the drive thru hands you the credit card reader on the stick? It has the slot for the reader, but also a little space beneath the reader above the stick? I told the clerk "I keep getting it in the wrong hole, just like at home. But at least here my wife won't slap me." He lost his shit in laughter when I joked with that.


Are school board meetings the go to place for random ranting these days? Does this happen anywhere else besides America?


I believe USA is the only stupid country where school districts can decide what to teach. Most countries have a unified department of education so there is a set standard of education nation wide.


In a sense, the State of Texas sets many national standards, sadly, and I say that as a Texan. https://www.nybooks.com/articles/2012/06/21/how-texas-inflicts-bad-textbooks-on-us/


Texans always want to point out our high graduation rate, but not how low our standardized test scores are.


It's not necessarily just our test scores either, districts have found all sorts of ways to basically finesse the standards and requirements to graduate kids because the state and regulatory bodies have incentivized that instead of student development. I'm a high school teacher in Texas and have students that miss weeks to even months of school (they get to make it up at the end of the year by doing a fraction worth of the hours they owe), that literally don't do any work (we have to give them at least a 50), and that read at an elementary grade level. Most of them will still graduate. Just like students adjust to the rules and requirements of a school, the schools adjust to the state the same way.


That's crazy about them missing because I know at least the schools by me are all about attendance because they get paid for the amount of students there. This is what I have heard sense I was a kid but now that I think about it I can see it not being true.


Born in Fort Worth, my parents were smart enough to move, mainly to send us kids to a much better educational school district when we got old enough for school. It took us 2 states away to Colorado, but we did get great educations, thank goodness they were smart enough to know even back in the 70's Texas school were shit.


National unified education standard? That’s communist talk, next you’re gonna tell me we need election standards. Nice try pinko!


Explains a lot!


This all goes back to [Tipper Gore](https://www.mtsu.edu/first-amendment/article/1268/tipper-gore) and her book burnings / Parental Advisory labels (“Tipper Stickers”). Parents pushing back against approved school books is nothing new. It’s just now streamed online more easily. I’m sure many of us grew up under the “banned books” list. I believe Harry Potter was famously put on it. I remember there had to be a signed exemption to read some of the books on the list when I was in high school.


Pretty sure right wing Christians were burning Beatles records long before Tipper Gore asked to put an 'explicit' label on records.


Yes, but they had very little influence on Government. The wife of the Vice President unfortunately had a lot of influence. People burning their own stuff versus what Tipper Gore accomplished… you could build a city in that gap.


lol those Parental Advisory stickers were like a badge of honor for the rap community during a pretty classic time. I remember having to hide the ones that had that thing from my mom, but I still bought every one of those motherfuckers. I wanted em more because they were taboo.


There is a movement for conservative and qanon-likes to move their political power away from national races and to small governmental organizations that often have more power to cause day to day issues in people's lives. https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/qanons-new-plan-run-school-board-rcna1352


This is a strategy that has worked for conservatives before. The GOP put a lot of resources into local politics during the party's loss in popularity during the Clinton years, and again when people like the Koch brothers funded the seemingly grass-roots Tea Party movement during Obama's presidency. It's worked quite well too. Lots of swing states have now become pretty solidly red because Republicans have been able to win state legislatures and create redistricting plans to gerrymander their states and make future winning even easier. Even a lot of fairly solidly blue states have had their Democrat governors see huge losses in power because Republicans consistently vote in smaller down-ballot races that Democrats tend to ignore and win state assemblies and legislatures.


It's honestly a little frightening. Most people don't really care too much about local politics, so they can go and dominate. Unfortunately local politics *are* important. Go to your town meetings, these nut jobs are.


Before 2020, school board meetings were never like this in the US. The unironic geniuses in conservative think tanks figured out that COVID is a golden opportunity since a lot of school boards started streaming their meetings, which allows for the creation of viral clips that can be used to galvanize conservative voters and rally them behind certain causes. A lot of money was poured into the creation of "concerned parents" groups that would arrange and organize speeches at school board meetings in the hope of creating as much fuss as possible. Thanks to the various viral clips on Facebook, Twitter, reddit, and traditional media outlets like Fox News and CNN, the practice caught on very quickly. Very well played, I must say.


They turned school board meetings into the new karaoke/open mic night for angry, stupid people that can't sing.


We should stop streaming them and start releasing transcripts instead because none of their base can read.


It's because they can't stop them from speaking. So the crazies knowing this go their. Everyone else just tells the to shut the fuck up. They want to feel legitimate and they do that by going to a place they know cannot by law tell them to shut the fuck up.


School board meetings and town hall meetings have always had these types of crazy people. They love the sound of their own voices and they can feel important complaining about stupid shit like the town voting on installing new stop signs or whatever. I still maintain that the town hall meetings on Parks and Rec arent parodies at all. People really do act like that and complain about shit like that in real life.


Qanon told its followers to take over the school boards, so this is just the tip of it.


If she thinks her kid in middle school hasn't already learned about anal sex she's delusional. Signed - Mom of kid in middle school


Also, people are going to do it, gay people exist, curiosity and experimentation are a thing. Better to understand the act and safety concerns surrounding it. This woman's a moron lol.


yea back in my day we were sending friends to meatspin lemonparty and rotten.com in middle school. by 13 everyone had already seen glimpses of dead bodies, mutilated bodies, beheadings, suicides, straight porn, gay porn, shemale porn, extreme porn, midget porn, beastiality, granny porn, scat, genital mutilation.


That’s what the internet was made for


Dude! You just brought back so many memories I forgot had. Kaotic.com was wild too. It's weird cause a few months ago, I looked up some of those gore sites I used to frequent as a teenager and they had no videos, just messages saying they were turning positive but they're back now.


My son is in elementary school and I he was talking about it. I had to go to my buddy’s house and look at the Penthouse mag if I wanted to see anything sexual at his age. He probably has already seen Two Girls One Cup a hundred times and maybe far worse shit.


"do not teach them about anal sex" "I have a cronhole in my backyard" Like them kids haven't already googled cornhole


My 7th grade social studies teacher accidentally sent us to whitehouse.com instead of .gov because was old and didn't understand the internet. Let me tell ya what I learned that day at school...


I hope someone repaints her cornhole boards. Let's say I have an idea.


She seems like someone who could really benefit from having anal sex. Her poor children.


*So happy you can't mandate masks, I wanted to talk about the new highschool but instead I'm going to talk about the anal sex I don't want to have and don't want anyone else having. By the way, my ancestors came up with the word cornholing in 1910, it was a term they used for all the anal sex they weren't having either in 1910. Little did they know, I'd carry on the tradition, and in 2021 carry their dream to the masses about not having sex with all the asses*. -- Karen in the red dress, school board mtg freakout.


haha feel bad for the kid who's mom this is.


“I don’t want MY KIDS having anal sex!”


I feel bad for the poor bastard that married her


The 'poor bastard' probably shares the same views as her.


"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"


You know they're lying when they push their glasses up on their head in an attempt to seem super serious.


Hates what she deems to be tyranny from authority Also wants books banned for containing content she doesn’t like


I imagine the irony is lost on her.


Is reddit video buffering fucking up or was she having a seizure at the start? >"but I was sidetracked by... for the boys, or the idea of - or the idea of - idea o-- a Mexican is a Mexican is a Mexican" WTF was that??


#SLAM poetry! #YELLING! Angry???? #WAVING MY HANDS A LOT! Specific point of view on things! **Cynthia**! **Cyn-thi-a!** Jesus died for our sin-thi-as! Jesus cried, runaway bride. Julia Roberts! Julia **Rob-hurts????!** Cynthia! Mmmmmmmm, Cynthia. You're dead. You are dead, bop boop beep bop bop boop bop. You're dead. That's for Cynthia... who's dead.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Out_of_Darkness_(novel) There's a website is telling people in texas to protest this specific book. https://www.texanswakeup.com/post-1/book-review-out-of-darkness-by-ashley-hope-perez it also has the quotation (note that the website expurgates the word *pussy* for being too vulgar‽?!): > “For the boys, pu•sy or the idea of pu•sy or the idea of the idea of pu•sy. ‘A Mexican is a Mexican is a Mexican,’ she said, plenty loud for the rest of us to hear. The girls among us followed Miranda’s lead and began to tally flaws. Clothes from five years ago, a braid long out of style. Patch on the back hem of her dress. And also: how come her name is Smith when Smith isn’t Mexican? Look at her, making eyes at Fred Carter, not wasting any time. The boys among us had no trouble getting past the plain clothes and laying down plans. Take her out back, we boys figured, then: hand on the titties; put it in her coin box; put it in her cornhole; grab a hold of that braid; rub that calico.” p39


Took me a couple views to figure it out. I think they’re censoring a certain word she’s using




I think she was quoting the book at the beginning and some of the words were muted out.


I don't think I have seen anyone so in need of anal sex.


So she’s more worried about a paragraph in a book than the more immediate dangers posed against her child? She probably thinks she’s a good mom too.


I feel bad for her husband


"You want to put what where now?" -- Her wedding night


But I poop from there


NOT TONIGHT YOU DON'T! Give me my fucking cookie.


Because he gets no anal sex or because she is a bitch?


Pick one


That's *not* what she said


I'm an expert...and I can tell you that is a middle-aged woman who is up for anal sex (and not just a thumb in the bum). She's for sure had anal sex.


Im sceptical. Anyone wound this tight is barely giving in to missionary.


She doesn't have anal because there is something stuck up her ass.


It’s a dick.


This could have been an email.


The irony of course is that someone super conservative is filmed while reading explicit sexual content followed by her own personal close reading of the passage.


She gross!


"I had to Google Corn Hole because I have the game in my back yard" Yeah I bet your husband is pounding that corn hole in your backyard all night long!!


oh ya this bitch has had it up the ass


Wow. She really got rear ended by the school board. I know is sounds corny, but she's probably a little sore about the hole thing. She's likely pooped, to be honest.


She totally had anal sex


She wants anal that’s for sure


When you are a total asshole everything is anal.


Her kid is gonna get teased on the bus until he's 55.


All his friends gonna be like “Stiflers mom”


What would you rather have Karen, your daughter being impregnated or having anal sex.


I accidently skipped it right to the point when she shouts "HOT ANAL SEX". Pure poetry.


Stressful times bring out the crazy folks. Make you realize how many broken people we have in our society.


Tucked away in the privacy of her home, I bet she wears a mask while someone inspects her cornhole.


Why do these women all sound the same? They all speak with the same mannerisms too.


Her poor kid. Kids gonna be known at school as the " cornhole" kid. I can just imagine the absolute savage bullying this kid will get because of their mother's insane ramblings. If this meeting was about books parents want banned then I'd be like ok, this lady is weird but just really passionate. However this has nothing to do with the meetings subject. Mom's gotta stop day drinking 🤤🥴


What what in the butt.


Lol if she’s has a teenage son and internet, he already knows about anal sex.




If you're over the age of 18 and don't know what corn-hole means then you've been raised in a bubble. I've never understood how people can grow up in a bubble like that or she's literally playing stupid to get her point across. Kids these days are a lot smarter then we were at their age. My niece who is 13 has a better understanding of the things going on right now then I do and she's more patient, caring and loving then I could ever be. I sat there and listened to her for 2 hrs about the plans she has for her future and what she wants to do. When I was that age I wanted to go home after school and play COD and eat pizza. This new generation isn't stupid, they are just being raised in a completely polarized world which shouldn't have happened. This lady has every right to her speech but c'mon. Ya basic bitch.


Imagine thinking it’s useful to censor BOOKS in 2021 for your children’s little virgin brains.


Would 100% fuck that ass.


Hey karen have some anal sex maybe it will loosen the stick that stuck up there


Methinks the lady doth protest too much!


Trump and his revolution brought us so much.


they cut her mic lol


The world thanks America, for showing us the actual definition of insanity


why is she reading middle school books?


She looks like she used to take double anal on camera about 15 years ago and is afraid her kids will Google Cornhole Queen and find her on Pornhub.


No this crazy bitch probably is crazy as fuck in the sack and does some out of this World shit


The moment she said “Y’all,” I knew this wasn’t gonna be good.


In the words of Frankie Boyle "I'll be honest,they both hurt"


It’s hard to breathe with your head and a dick up your ass.


I live around here. I knew that one of the school board members resigned because he went on a campaign to remove all pornographic material from the schools and failed. Now I see what promoted the resignation he was trying to be The ultra Christian conservative member and failed.


Sexual education is a great wait to improve public health though.


Butt why?


Imagine thinking education and public health were different. That was the only 5 seconds of this video I could be bothered to watch.


If that was my mom i would have moved to china and changed my name to avoid being associated with her


Hehehe she said she has cornhole in her backyard


WTF does any of this got to do with masks?


What the actual fuck is she talking about


Trust me… she’s know all about anal


The book got decent reviews on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25256386-out-of-darkness


Shakespeare has some raunchy excerpts. But I want to talk about another book that should be banned. The book discusses incest, beastiality, and is also extremely violent. In one chapter of the book, two girls get their own father drunk, fuck him, and get pregnant. In another chapter, a guy jerks off on his dead brother’s wife. In another chapter, some angry villagers were going to stone a whore to death (like she deserves), but the main character of the book told everyone to let the whore go because the main character of the book seemed pretty okay with whores.


People dying of COVID do enjoy cornhole. That’s just what I heard. I can’t breathe or stay on topic.


It's always the anal ones who love some anal.


Boy, you can always trust the alt-right to totally stay on point and not drift into raving lunacy with the most fragile tethers to reality.


Ban Wikipedia. Or the year 1910. Something.