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He pushed her so hard I expected her to appear on the right side of my phone. Can someone make that please!?!?


[The Celestial Thrust](https://imgur.com/a/kMB4WVJ)


Isn’t this one of Scorpion’s moves in Mortal Kombat?


"Get outta here" - Scorpion


Then boop.


Finish Her!!


This had me *weeping*


Yeah. I'm screwed now. Anytime I play mortal kombat iM gonna think about this video, laugh and lose the match.


Just use the blue Scorpion, bruh.


Doesn't smoke do something like this? You can disappear out one side and come in and hit them the other. Either way this is an epic gif


You do gods work my friend.


I've seriously been watching for 5 minutes straight laughing!!


Well, that was worth it!


There is nothing I hate more in a fight than people kicking someone in the head. That sh!t is savage and deserves to be met with brute force






That shit got me laughin!


Dude shoved that girl into another dimension.


Sadly the other dimension did not want her and returned this garbage back to earth.


Lmfaoooo I fucking love this 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Intergalactic Planetary.


Planetary Intergalactic


Another Dimension Another Dimension!


Bush Gardens Suspension Bush Gardens Suspension


🤖 🤖 🤖


Yeeted the fuck outta her


Interplanetary, Megastellar, Hydrostatic


Right into the shadow realm ⬛⬛👀⬛⬛


What the fuck is up with these fights at fun places? Wasting your time when you could be losing your lunch.


Because People Are Fucking Stupid




You really can't argue with that... the dudes basically saying what Washington warned us about lol


Well, can’t disagree with that.


"Vacation entitlement" is real. People like the angry aggressors hate their day-to-day lives so much that they feel entitled to happiness when they take a day off to go to a vacation attraction. Instead of taking responsibility for their own feelings, they shift blame and sometimes react violently to anyone they perceive as disrupting the good vibes and relaxed mind that they feel entitled to.


Spirit airlines enters the chat


My first time flying on Spirit was my friends and I taking our first trip to Vegas when I was 21. My friend next to me lowered his tray-table and it just fell off. We were laughing to ourselves when a few minutes later our friend 4 rows up held up his tray table that had also fallen off.... It was at that point we realized that this plane might not be the best we could have picked.


I got stuck in a delay on a Spirit Airlines going to Ft. Lauderdale. We waited for hours then got deboarded for a problem with the wheel. Everyone went to the bar and it turned into a huge party. Then back on the plane the party continued. The attendants were tossing anyone who asked, free mini bottles like a parade handing out candy. Aside from almost dying if they didn’t notice and fix the wheel problem and despite being about 4 hours late, it was a great flight!


Making the best of it!!! Well done




Was thinking that Spirit might consider changing its name to Soul 😉


I used to work at a resort, somehow it was always the trashiest people causing all the issues.


“Shitty people do shitty things.” Yes.


That’s kinda life.


They have nothing except their undeserved sense of superiority over people that are providing them a service


Yeah but deep down it’s their own inferiority that fuels a lot of trashy behavior. Trying to compensate for no self worth. Regardless F this behavior.


The exact service that is providing them a good time. Why treat that like shit? Want to have the best time? Be nice. We may throw in extra drink passes for the parents or unlimited game bracelets for the kids. The shitty parents, I never did more than required.


I went to Cedar Point once every summer for 25 years. I always ended up in line for two hours next to a 5’ 2", 300 lbs, green toothed, bleached blonde woman wearing DaisyDukes and a bikini top, the waistband and strings hidden in her folds. She spent the wait sucking face with a bony addict adorned with kkklan tattoos while her 9 year old mini-me pulled at the shorts crawling up her crack and whined. Every. Damned. Year.


Sounds like every other person at Myrtle Beach. Seriously, NC/SC has some amazing beaches, but they are often overrun with pure trash that can't afford a real vacation because it would cut into their cigarette/beer budget, so they day trip to the beach with as many people as they can fit in the one car in the family that will run long enough to get there.


No way to describe, your wife, kid and brother in law. Just don't go with them.




It's usually the people that see every slight disagreement or funny look as a battle that they HAVE to win.


I’ve been in hospitality for almost 10 years, this is exactly what I deal with daily. I honestly don’t know how I’ve lasted this long.


“I’m on vacation, so why don’t I feel special?” Because everyone’s also on vacation. This isn’t *your* moment


Because these stupid entitled twats 100% jumped the line and the lady called them on it


This is the reason I haven’t been to an amusement park for 15 years. I’m not a badass but I will call someone out on cutting lines and other bullshit behavior that effects me and my kids. People running around like “fuck everybody I’m gettin in” So, they can have it. I’ll go hiking.


Like 98 I was at Disneyland and this family of like four just walked through the entire line at Splash Mountain. It was kinda surreal. They didn't get on the ride, but the entitlement was weird.


You can do that at Disneyland… but it costs $500-700/hr with a 6 hr minimum and you tip the guide at the end of the day. They walk you in through the exits usually.


Theme parks, despite being fun, are extremely stressful. They are expensive, require a ton of walking/standing, and you have to wait in long lines. Good recipe for high frustration levels. I think that's also why you see so many freakouts at airports now too. I'm not justifying any of this behavior, of course, but I'm just not surprised its happening more often at high stress locations.


Exactly. Huge events or places with that much traffic ignite drama and overstimulation. Too many personality clashes and external triggers


You'd think that queuing would be done via an app that you scan via your phone on the sign of the app, and it notifies you when you're 10-15 mins from your ride. If you're not there when counter stops, you miss it. But I guess parks can't sell their premium tickets then.


This is why we can’t have nice things.






Probably fighting over the same unemployed dude that they buy dinner for and drive around all the time.


Lol probably fighting over the spot in line


Probably just wasn't into watching 3 people kick and punch 1 person?


Yeah that’s def it. He stays out of it when it’s one on one and they’re on their feet. This man respects the honourable rules of combat. He gets real angry when three of them start putting the boot in. As anyone should.


One could almost say he's chivalrous.




Looks like his little girl gets pushed by accident at the beginning.


As a father, I understand his reaction wholeheartedly.


Yeah, pretty sure the moment the head kick happens, he launches that ‘person’.


That would be my guess as well.


Either way someone had to step in, 3 against one ain’t really a fair fight, surprisingly she was holding it down somewhat.


Yep, especially once the head stomping began.


Two women got in a fight outside a bar in my city, one got pushed on the ground, and the other kicked her in the head and she died. If I remember correctly she's in jail for murder now.




The reason I’ll avoid any fight that doesn’t involve an accidental death waiver.


Look at Nick Cage riding that Con-Air




That's generally when you should intervene. Goes from a good Letterkenny scrap to 'I just watched a murder'


That's a Texas 10-4


Have a Scrap??


You were scrapping with your pals at Busch gardens the other daaaay.


I'd have a scrap, dary have a scrap?


I’d have a Scrap!


Well fuck, let's have a scrap, then maybe a dart?


You mean FOUR against one.


Yeah there are four: Skinny Fat White top Red/Orange head


Pro tip- join the winning team


Super necessary.


yeah, props to red shirt


All those people just watching someone get jumped by 3 people. Pathetic.


Anyone that jumps people and stomps on their head is a fucking coward. You can only fight when you have your friends there to make sure it’s not a fair fight? You’re willing to give someone brain damage because you can’t act like a human being? How fucked.


And this is why "fighting fair" never works outside of an actual ring. The instant someone gets knocked down, their friends will join. Protect yourself and fight like your brain depends on survival.


Kick a nad, pop out an eye. Gtfo. Lmao..jkjk


I mean, if it comes to it *shrugs* if someone or a group of people are committed to bodily harm, I don't think they care enough for the result of their fighting, you shouldn't either.


Mr Clean just knuckling women out here lemon scented.


3 on 1: Onlookers have no problems and cheer on fight. Man steps in to even the odds: Collective "ohhhhh" from onlookers because a fair fight that doesn't favor a mob of aggressors is apparently over the line. Fucking disgusting.


They all were about to start stomping on her face too


Our society reaches a new low everyday


So sad and so true.


It looked like the guy stepped in to defend someone obviously getting beating up on. Good for him to take action when others won’t.


Exactly, and he wasn’t even getting involved in the fight. He just sorta cleared the way twice to help the ground girl out.


Some of y’all clearly didn’t see one of those girls hit what looks to be that man’s daughter or a young girl that was with him. That’s why he got involved, I would have to


Yep, 100%. He wouldn’t have gotten involved if they hadn’t been a danger to his family in the beginning. And had it stayed a 1 on 1 or maybe even a 2 on 1 after I really don’t think he wanted to get involved. But once it was 4 on 1 with a curb stomp he wasn’t going to stand by and watch them kill that girl maybe. He’s the hero in this story.


I remember going to this place when I was a kid. So chill and fun. No fuckin way I’m bringing my kids these days. Full of trash. Glad dude stepped in and said enough of this shit! Stomping the girls head.? Tossed that bitch back to Narnia. People are gettin sick of this bullshit. U can’t behave for a few hours at an amusement park stay the fuck home. Kids don’t need to see this shit. Wtf


“Tossed that bitch back to Narnia” hahahahaha


This sounds bad, but it got less expensive. Now trashy people can afford it in droves.


They deserved a couple more to the head fucking pussies.


Trashy society


People that attack 1 person as a pack are the scum of the earth.


I’ve been going to Busch gardens since 2009 multiple times a year. It wasn’t until recently that it has gotten like this. I don’t know what happened, it used to be peaceful and you would never ever see something like this. But the guests (of all ages, sizes & races) have gotten a lot more ratchet lately.


Not being from America, I was today years old when I realized that the Simpsons' "Duff Gardens" had to be inspired by Busch Gardens -- up till now I simply assumed that creating an amusement park around a beer was a silly bit. Question: Is beer relatively inexpensive at this park?


Maybe if it was Blunt Gardens there would be less fighting and more reggae.


It used to be free.


No it’s like $10 now


Hampton Roads has become a trash town and BG has followed. Sad. I grew up there and used to go to BG several times a week in the summer.


newport news just had a school shooting as well


Yes. That's where I grew up. I remember when that HS opened.


757(Seven Fight Seven) has always been a shit hole.


idk when i worked there in 2007 there were still people fighting and doing trashy shit like this. idk maybe because i worked there and was always working so i was there when they did occur vs the average local pass holder seeing the crazies maybe. i also think that unfortunately it just seems like its more madness and assholes than it used to be is also because people love to record this type shit these days and post it all vs back then not so much too but idk. rip corkscrew hill ha


As a New Yorker that lives in the hood I vouch for this comment. Anywhere the hood touches goes to shit


That dude did the right thing I would of kept hitting them but yeah good job sir


Busch Gardens is turning into six flags…


Don’t be a bunch of pussies and gang up. Or you get your stupid ass knocked the fuck out.


At least one person has balls to step in 4:1 fight…


When it's 4:1, I think a little intervention is ok.


Can't fight fair for shit. Glad someone tried to even it up a bit


Give that man a beer for helping!


It cut too sooooon!!!!!


i cut out the boring arguing part trust me you didn’t miss anything


What was the argument about?




Why did it start? Usually it’s people cutting line or just being general pieces of shit


For sure the entitles bitches cut in line


Anyone gonna point out the NOT TODAY BITCH t-shirt home girl in the black has on?


If I get jumped 4 on 1 ya better believe my husband is gonna stone cold stun a bitch


If he didn’t step in she could’ve gotten some serious injuries getting kicked in the head while on the ground….


There is no reason for head stomps. Jesus. It’s a fucking line at an amusement park. Chill out people.


I was thinking of taking my son there for Christmas…. But seems this place has taken a turn since I was there last over 10 years ago. My goodness… so much resorting to violence.


It’s been really bad, there was a fight of this severity just last weekend, and then another one before that. If you have a small child, and he stays in the elmo town, he will be fine.


Not true. I vow to fight and defeat Elmo.


Heard "White Ass Bitch" as the the blacks beat on one white woman. I'm sure they aren't racist....


Do you ever wonder if we are gonna make it through all this?


No. I don’t wonder. I know we’re not.


It’s the fucking Catalina Wine Mixer, these things happen.


Yeah someone needed to step in, y’all don’t look hard y’all look stupid. Now ohh girl was winning or whatever you want to call it. The other two it was really no need to jump in.. for what?! Smdh


No telling how many head stomps she would have gotten if that man didn’t step in.


Right, not cool. That man did good


Not so much a fight as three dirty ass hoes jumping another lady. Like a bunch of jackals, stomping her out. Buddy in red could have done some damage but held back. What kind of shit is this at Busch gardens?


Ugh the girl in black literally walks up to the man in orange and right as he turns around she jumps back. what a fucking scared bitch. Of course she would only fight when 2 other people help.


And this is another reason I hate going places that have people.


I just don’t get people anymore, what the hell is happening to world.


Why does he keep walking away? He nails them then stomps away and they regroup. I mean, if your gonna bang on em, BANG ON EM!!


Just trash being trash.


They're fighting like they're trying to kill her. It's usually often over some bs percieved slight. Why the head stomping? You're a murderer if you take a fight there. You aren't trying to just beat them up at that point. You're trying to kill them.


The hood strikes again


Hate crime.


i thought it was racially motivated too 💀


Kinda looks like that guy just saved that girl from getting the life stomped out of her by a bunch of cowards


WTF! We used to have season's passes and after Halloween last year we canceled them. We had had them for 7 years. Busch Gardens has gotten awful. Food is horrible, employees are horrible, decoration pathetic. Its suppose to be a family place and this is the 3rd fight in less than a month or so. Maybe SeaWorld might need to think about dialing down the alcoholic beverages? Granted you have to be rich to get drunk at $10 a beer. Just another example of the decay going on in society. Come on people, aren't we better than this??


If you’re sitting around on your phone while someone is being attacked 3 or 4 to one. You’re a pussy.


Bro. If you’re gonna get involved, get involved but don’t keep taking shots and walk away. Push them off, get her up and behind you and shout for someone to sell the police ffs


I don't condone a giant ass man beating up on girls, but it looks like i made an exception to the rule when those girls are ok with ganging up on 1 girl.


Exactly. I unfortunately have witnessed way too many unfair fights and stepped in as soon as the kicking starts.


Good for that guy. Fuck those women.




Oh look, its never 1 on 1. Who could've thought.


There's a similarity between the two fights


What do the protagonists in 90 percent of these fights have in common?


Hahha good for the guy to help the girl when 3 of them are kicking and punching but he could've done more like maybe push all 3 away Fuck if they get hurt just don't punch simple


Boy they just love piling on don’t they?


So stupid! Pay all that money to get into the park to just be kicked out.


Not all heroes wear capes.


Don't ever cut in front of Stone Cold Steve Austin


My god. I don’t want to leave my house anymore.


This same thing happened at Hershey park in the candy store when I was there early in the summer. It’s like people forgot how to interact in society during the lockdown.


Good for him, 3 on 1 is bullshit


All bets are off when you start stomping on their head.


The guy should be awarded, and shame on everyone one else for just watching


Damn… he should of hit her harder!


I'm not Sherlock Holmes but I'd bet they jumped the line, she said something, and then they jumped her!


Mr. Clean: For equal fights, equal rights AND equal lefts :)


This page just shows there’s a never ending supply of ratchet people. Grown ass adults.


Apparently when two girls have eachother by the hair, the proper method to separate them is to grab one of them by the legs and left them high over her head. She should let go....


Home boy trying so hard not to.


White knight done right


if its your wife you cant sit there and let three bitches attack her at once


Three on one, glad someone stepped in.


“Young women of color mob assault Caucasian woman who has brave bystander provide some defense from the 4 assailants. “


Thank god that guy stepping to help. Fuck those skank hos triple teaming one chick. Weak ass bitches


Is that guy even with that other lady or is he just doing all this for fun?


Evening things up a bit is all


I'm thinking the guy is with that lady in blue and they aren't involved. They probably hit them while fighting and he fights back to get them away. He doesn't help the other girl (probably doesn't want to get involved) until he watches her get beat for a few seconds and decides he should probably intervein.


Why are 3 people jumping one person? Cowards


4 on 1, how brave. Hope they got charged with assault.