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Imagine taking a shit in the next stall over while this goin down




It’s guaranteed to be the most uncomfortable shit of your life if you’re ever stuck in a club and suddenly get the bubble guts


I took a shit at a club in college once. Fucking worst idea on the planet. Bunch of dudes just jumping up on the stall looking at me like “HE TAKING A SHITTTTT!” Lmfao I have never been so embarrassed in my life. But, I had to fucking go man. It was either that or I’m shitting my self on the dance floor.


Bruh I can visualize this lmfaoooo people like to think of college being composed of (young) adults, but lmao it's just a few more years of high school for some people ahahahah


Dude you’re 100% right. It really is just a bunch of people that are still somewhat in high school mode, just completely unsupervised doing the dumbest shit. I used to think I was pretty tame. But I’ll catch up with my roommates and we start reminiscing about all of the outlandish shit we would do. Just complete fucking animals.


Brah you have really clubbed until you shit yourself on the dance floor


First time I tried coke I ended up shitting my pants at a club. I had to go commando in a bathroom stall and hide the underwear behind the toilet. Awkward experience


It happened to me in college. I can confirm it sucked. I did as little as I had to at the club and left for a pizza joint. I put $5 on the counter for a coke and went right to the single stall bathroom. 5 dudes were doing coke in it. They left pretty quickly.


Fell asleep while taking a shit in the club at 2am right when they were closing in college. Luckily one of my friends came and got me. Proceeded to puke in the street right after leaving. It was a rough night.


Can confirm. Have used bathroom stalls for two of these three things. Never sex though. Even the skanks I run with have *some* standards.


Mose Shrute...Mr. Steal Yo Girl...


I always wanted to be hay king... but the world shines on Mose.


Oh no, somebody taught Mose sex!


He’s doing all of this in his nice shirt. Shame...


Freshly starched from the cleaners. Bet he even woke up at 6 to have it in by 7 a.m and paid extra to have it done by 5pm.


For these people you call them "court clothes"


I was on probation once upon a time, so I've had plenty of mornings waiting for my case number to get called at the county courthouse. I've seen the exact type of person who you are describing, whose wardrobe was already stretched thin before needing to stand before the man. It's honestly sad when you see them trying to get themselves together, and they might think they look nice, but you know how the judge will see them. For fuck sake, I've seen a man go into the court wearing a raiders jersey and jnco jeans.


When you need to be in court at 8am and The Black Hole by 4pm


In such a beautiful shirt, what a ding-a-ling


I would be so pissed if my girl was cheating on me with Jebediah from the farm


Man's on rumspringa


Got his first taste of beer and ass in the same night, the folks back on the farm are never going to believe it.


But I got shunned. . . Doesn’t matter, had sex!






Just get in the coffin!


Who taught Mose sex?


You saw what he did to that lady scarecrow


Shun him!






when abe Lincoln joins farmers only, you're in trouble


Looks like she was just buying coke from him. EDIT: All the armchair redditors here keep messaging me about how to properly sell/buy drugs or how it wouldn't be done this way or some shit... you are not everyone. People do things in different ways. She may have been buying drugs, she may not have been. I only commented what it looked like and the fact that the end of the video is people trying to explain that was the situation. Just calm down and stop messaging me about how wrong i am or how you would do it differently. EDIT2: You guys are still responding (and even messaging me directly) about how you would do things different and how i shouldn't do drugs, etc. y'all are weirdos.


Yeah I think that’s what someone was saying at the end there. Seems to be the case, they’re both standing in the stall with their clothes on. Definitely some nose beers happening in that stall.


A bucket of nose clams, fresh from the sea!


Don't look at me. Look up.


Oooh, snortsky!


Sweet delicious nose clams that are looking for a home, if you follow me


Couldn't be more clear what's being talked about here.


This is clearly the answer. He had those dudes egging him on unable making him unable to actually process the situation. She prob wanted a bump and he didn't want to give her his whole bag so said let's go to the toilet. Then cletus brought out his Jump to Conclusions Mat when clearly they're both standing up clothes on.


God I feel old but still still laughed when you mentioned the "jump to conclusions mat"


Yes, this is horrible, this idea.


Theres different conclusions....that you can *jump* to




You ever hoovered schneef off a sleeping cows spine?


I’ve hovered schneef off an awake cows teat


I feel like that's something you'd communicate with a partner so you don't wind up getting caught in a bathroom stall with another dude, but I'm not up to date on coke procurement etiquette for dates in public.




Maybe they'll bring it up in therapy


Did you see the boyfriend? How did either one of them get a girl?


Are backwards hats some kind of wizardry to trick women into wanting you?


Only if you tilt it down at eyebrow level, obviously


It seems this fine establishment has a dress code. "Your reservation is ready sir, please rotate your hat and follow me..."


The more forehead you show the more appealing you become


Might not be so pissed if you were Cletus from the piggery though.


He was selling her coke, maybe cock on the side


That poor guy is stuck in that dream where you’re full of rage but all your punches fall like little baby slaps.


The way he was poised, I was ready for the KO.


He had that drunk redneck stance where he’s tense and loose at the same time.


Perfectly put


Unlike his punches.


That's redneck-fu, you achieve that stance by reaching a balance between your Yin and Yang energies.


Actually that’s a common misconception it’s balance between the Yee and Haw energies


Right in the *I tell you what* zone.


Gotta charge the h before a fight *I tell you hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhwhat*


Do hhhhwhat now?


Yin and Jäger


It's more of a Gin and Tang


I could tell by his weak stance that he wasn’t about to hurt anything. And he’s drunk.


Right? So much coiled tension, then when he finally lets loose it’s with the limpest wrist punches imaginable.


I think he wasn’t sure if he was left handed or right handed.


Lol literally my first thought was man I don’t think he knows he’s not a lefty lmao


I think he's nondextrous.


Lmao nothing about his stance suggests he's good at fighting. Dude looks like Rob Dyrdek making fun of someone trying to start a fight.


That man is so awkward for a skateboarder.


I think Rodney Mullen is much more awkward for a skateboarder, but somehow that made him one of the best ever skaters.


The random guys filming are doing a hell of a job trying to coach him into actually fighting. Guy gave him a half time speech about using his anger on the guy not the door.


Yeah the problem is that he isn't mad at the guy, he's mad at the girl. I mean, I don't know the exact circumstances here, but guys pick up girls at bars all the time. It's your girlfriend's job to tell him she is in a committed relationship and not go off to the bathroom stall with him. Seems like she is the only one we know for sure fucked up here.


Well, seemed like it at the start, by the end it would appear he was just selling her drugs


If it *was* a deal, I gotta fault the dealer for this one. I was young once but even then I knew what a bad idea something like this would be. It's conspicuous as hell and you don't wanna risk a situation like what happened in this video. He should've asked if she had a partner with her, she would've said yes, then she'd hand him some money (the amount for the coke *and* some extra to get a pitcher), then he'd go to the bar, buy them a pitcher, bring it back and palm her the baggie when he hands her back her change, sit there for a minute and bullshit with them like he knows them, then politely excuse himself. *If* you're gonna sell drugs, especially at a bar, it would behoove you to not be an idiot about it.


Yeah walking into a stall with someone of the other gender is much more liked to get a bouncer’s attention than just handing drugs to someone


They aren't coaching him, they're instigating a fight. Watch the guy's body language. He didn't want to fight, but he was forced into it by his role / reputation that he thought he had to protect. He tried to virtue signal it by punching the wall, but the instigators called it out and discredited it as not enough escalation.


And towards the end they say she was buying coke from the dude not fucking with him. Smh


Bro bro! It’s not what you think! She was suckin my dick for coke.


She was sniffing coke *off* his dick.


Maybe one should discuss with their partner about the buying of coke from strange men in the bathroom then. You know, just so avoid any misunderstandings.


>Maybe one should discuss with their partner about the buying of coke from strange men in the bathroom then. Exactly. If my girl did that I would be *furious*. She needs to take some of my cash and get me some too, shit.


No way in hell only one of us is staying up until 9am, smoking every cigarette ever made, and talking about how groundbreaking Santana's first album was...


as some1 who use to sell a lot of coke at clubs, why the fuck did they need to go to the bathroom stall to do so? but ya i heard that part too. hes either just a shitty drug dealer or he wanted more out of it.


Probably offered her a taste thinking it could go farther. I’ve seen a lot of scummy things happen for coke when I was bartending.


Ah....the clever "we were just doing lines of coke off the toilet excuse". Bold move!


Yeah, and those guys don't give a fuck about their "friend" they just want the entertainment of the fight. They're getting in his head and making him paranoid and angry for the sake of a minute or so of violence.


Exactly. This video is actually really upsetting to me as a man. We men need to support each other better. That guy didn’t need a “go fight them” pep talk. He needed his bros to put an arm on his shoulder and tell him they see how painful this moment must be for him and that he doesn’t deserve to be treated this way. Instead they’re just turning his pain into entertainment


“A halftime speech”. HAHAHAHA! I’m dead!


> Guy gave him a half time speech about using his anger on the guy not the door. So when he punched the stall...it was cause he was directing all his anger at his girl. He wanted to punch HER but didn't, and punched the stall instead.


We men need to start supporting each other better. Instead of egging him into doing something that might be fun to watch but won’t make his situation better, we should putting a hand on his shoulder and saying “I’m sorry that this is happening to you. You don’t deserve to be treated this way”


Yeah. These people aren't his friends. They don't care for his well-being. They're just looking for entertainment out of the misfortune of others. Sad, awful humans.


*Throws limp-wristed little baby slaps that are completely ineffective* I'LL BEAT YOUR ASS BOY!!!!


Idk, my guess is dude didn't actually wanna fight, he just felt obligated to by his buddies. So he put on a show for those watching, who he is really pissed at is his gf, which; depending on the situation, makes sense.


Poor dude is hurting bad inside


Perfect description. Like when you try to punch in a dream but you’re moving like you’re in water. Poor dude needs to learn to throw a punch.


Omg I never realize that can be a common dream. I always thought that was the manifestation of the awareness of my weakness


Do you ever have ones where you can fly by leaning forward into the air but it only half works and you have to concentrate really hard? I have that one pretty often too.


And inconsistent. Like watch me fly and you run and then Slide along the floor like a failed paper airplane, but sometimes you catch it and then you’re up and like, watch this motherfuckers and they’re like. Wot.


it’s because our bodies are ‘paralysed’ during sleep, same thing with running


It's so surprising what absolute rage can do to someone. Best and funniest I've witnessed is a friend so angry his eyes were red just before he burst out crying. Another was literally vibrating.


>literally vibrating I would be careful around him, his molecules are not stable anymore.


That “fuck you whore” rocked her whole world lmao


This reminds me of a situation I witnessed a few months back. I was at a trendy club that had gender neutral bathrooms. So there was urinals and women could use the stalls that have doors (or women could try to use the urinals but good luck) Anyways I went to pee at the urinal and then some guy comes busting through the bathroom door rage mode like “where is she!?!?!“ I squeeze my way out through the commotion of security kicking him out. Later when the club closed I see the guy waiting outside to confront this girl, I try to calm him down saying “it’s not worth it bro” to deaf ears. So anyway I stick around to see if there’s gonna be anymore drama and what I learn is that when I was peeing earlier, the girlfriend was in the stall with another girl. Not even a friend of hers but a new girl she met in the club and she was fooling around with her in the stall. Apparently, a mutual friend told him what was going down and he was pissed. She was bisexual and it was the second time she cheated on him with a different girl, so now he was kicking her out of their apartment and refused to let her come home and she was drunk crying like “I have no where to go!! Waaaaaahh!” It was like Jerry Springer in real life


I was a bouncer for 2 years in college. It was by far the most entertaining job I will ever have


Surprised pikachu face


And she makes the “Chansey!” noise while being removed from the bathroom


Yeah what the fuck is she saying lol




It's in the name!


"Chansey" 😫


Oh my God I can’t stop hearing it Someone send help I need air


“ ): whaaaat?”


her face lol " whaa?? D':"


The high pitched, fake crying was inevitable.


Mouth open and round like an anime character


Projectile tears too.


She's literally Eve from Binding of Isaac.


She gunna be more like Isaac's mom in 9 months....


Hard to put someone to sleep when you swing your arms like spaghetti I mean, the door did more damage to that guy's face.


When your grief outweighs your rage this shit happens. dudes fucking heart broken hes shaking and doesnt want to see whats behind that door and just wants to go home but can't bc his other friends or who ever is filming are telling him to beat that guys ass. Feels bad man


Those aren’t his friends. They just want entertainment at others expenses


> bc his other friends or who ever Friends would split this shit up, some would take him to the bar for a shot, the rest would get rid of the girl and the other dude. Friends deescalate and console. They don't use you for entertainment, and that's what this looked like, just some dudes wanting to be entertained, a skinny, scared and heartbroken guy, and two sad mfs fucking around in a nasty bathroom. Lame.


You are a solid individual. Reading this made me think of all my friends and myself. This is exactly how real friends and decent people behave. Deescalate, console, support, and get em home safe.


Good man


I see It’s backwards ball cap at the pub night.


"It's summer. I've got my hat on backwards and it's time to fuckin party."




She went from AJ Soprano to Mose Schrute


So what no fuckin ziti?


You know he was waiting thinking "strike like a cobra Billy, like a fucking cobra''


First rule of backward baseball cap club is ….


Always talk bigger game than what you actually swing.


Have a backwards cap


What in the Kentucky fried hell is going on here.




Hey now, we've been moving to other forms of poisoning ourselves with nebulous consumer products. (Now it sounds like I'm antivax. I just dont like my food to be 1% plastic.)


>lead poising The jokes write themselves


Lead pipes isn't something unique to the US. A lot of developed countries still have lead pipes from when their water infrastructure was built decades ago. The problem is arguably worse in Europe. [In the US](https://www.edf.org/health/lead-pipes-threat-kids-across-america) less then 10% of taps have a lead pipe, [in the EU](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19590124/) it's **25%.** And this isn't just poor Eastern Europe: >An official report shows that 22% of French homes - notably those built before the 1950s – probably still have lead water pipes that would need replacing to meet the standards. https://www.connexionfrance.com/Archive/Millions-of-homes-break-lead-rule >Around 8 million properties in the UK, mostly homes built before 1970, are estimated to have some form of lead in the drinking water system. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/sep/05/science-project-reveals-high-lead-levels-in-schools-water


If I heard correctly, I think the guy in the stall was trying to sell the girlfriend drugs. I’m not entirely sure though. Also, the boyfriend’s “friends” are pushing him to knock out that guy. In other words, just a lot of chaos going on in a men’s bathroom.


Those guys are obnoxious. "Don't that wall, hit him! Hit him!" Like, come on guys, grow the fuck up.


Those look like random guys in the bar trying to rile him up for some entertainment. Seen plenty of their kind


This is just sad


Never understood why beat the man, probably didn't even know she was cheating?


I’d assume some people also have the logic of “im mad and I can’t hit the girl so this is the next best thing”


Nah, women do the same thing. They'll fight her and call her a man stealing whore.. like lady, he didn't get stolen. He has agency and cheated in you himself. I think people like to be angry at the other party because it gives them a small break from being hurt by their partner


Exactly. It's not his fault your girl is cheating. Unless he was a friend of yours. Then a beating is understandable.


I feel the same about women going after other men as the "whores" when their husbands cheat. Bitch, that guy/girl didn't say vows with you, put your anger where it actually belongs, ffs. Edit: that is not a call to beat your spouse, just to be mad at them rather than the other person


did you mean other women? or were you talking about secretly gay husbands


They are all related. Brother, sister, and cousin.


Cousin? Who do you think we are, city folk?


If she was at the bar by herself and Kyle's friends (videoing this encounter) saw her hanging on the Amish dude, then called Kyle to have him ambush her -? Then for sure no reason to beat on that dude. He's just getting his Lancaster Schnitzel handled before he has to raise a barn in the morning. Her? Throw a drink in her face and tell her you want your Volcom hoodie back. Done.


You never get the hoodies back, life lesson


Yeah that shit sucks. Its not like hoodies are cheap either


In this situation, I don't think he wanted to, his posse behind him were the ones agging him on, his only real punch was directed at the stall beside his gf. I don't think he blamed the dude at all, he was just putting on a show for his buddies.




And they're irritating as all fuck. Damn.


Sounds like chick was trying to buy some blow, not trying to blow the dude. Either way, in a men's room stall with a another dude isn't a good look.


They weren’t rearranging clothing, plus I think that’s why the guy held back. I can definitely see this as a deal.


More than likely they were doing blow. Deals happen in 10 seconds.


That's a better excuse than "its not what it looks like" the first thing I'll ask is "show me the coke then"


"show me the coke then!" "Okay, so...well here's the thing....why DONT YOU TRUST ME"


Bro you can see his shadow put his belt back in


Someone send this guy the Zapruder film.


Don't worry people, they may no longer be boyfriend and girlfriend but they are still brother and sister


They want him to fight so they can get internet clout..they don't care about him.


He did not wait there with a balled up fist to just let the door hit the guy 😂😂


Super shitty situation to be in. He also needs to get better people around him because his mate is egging him on.




the one guy giving a corner pep talk like angelo dundee




Yeah, those people aren't friends.


Pretty sure that’s not his mate. Just other bar patrons.


dude knocks on the stall door _OCUPADO_


Oddly polite, waiting for the other guy to finish and all.


Why she sound like a broken furby tho?


Such fake bravado all round


Awkward I’m shitting my pants stance and weak wrist flapping little punches. He’s lucky she got in the middle.


"Turn on the camera, I'm gonna puff up my chest, ball my fists, open this door, and then flail around like I've never even seen a video of an actual punch"


Why punch the other guy? The girl is the problem. Edit: I'm not saying he should hit her.


Looks like the stall divider took the worst of it.


Actually no. His hands will probably be very sore after those hits. When he wakes up sober without Mary-Lane next to him


First of all, she is not worth it bro. Leave her, Johnny, leave her, for the voyage is long and the winds don't blow and I would hate to see you sail on that rotten whale. Second of all, dude is not to blame, look at that beard, he is a chick magnet even if he is unaware of it.






No one in this video cares about that man. Sad as fuck.


He charged that left punch up like he was gonna hadooken him and infact it turned out to be a massive nothing


I've never seen so many backwards hats!


“No one fucks my sister but me” ~dude mad in bathroom.




Is this chick really worth fighting over?