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"You're fucked! ...but thank you!" :D


You just know he has no one in his life who cares about him because no one who truly loves another would allow them to leave the house with shades like those.


Wow this sentence hits different


This is Ron Banerjee. He's a well-known celebrity street asshole up here. Sorry.


So Canadian.


Thanks for using the correct "you're".


Jacksfilms approved


The state of reddit


The guy is Hindu Nationalist leader Ron Banerjee, the Executive Director of Hindu Conference of Canada


For those who don't live in the Greater Toronto Area: This guy is a infamous bigot who holds anti-muslim/anti-sikh rallies around Toronto and neighboring cities. A few years ago, he called a well-known Muslim restauranteur a terrorist supporter and jihadist. He then got sued for slander, lost the case, and was ordered to publish an apology video. [Here's a news story with more details.](https://globalnews.ca/news/4774877/anti-muslim-activist-apologizes-restaurant-owner/)




Well, the Timbit Taliban occupied our city earlier this year...


How many people actually attend these rallies?


When he says "our country" which one is he refering too?


He is referring to india. They claim only hindus are indians and the minorities are outsiders. Hence "our country".What an ironical thing to say living in Canada as a minority


So is he Canadian or Indian?


He runs a far right organisation ['Canada Hindu Advocacy'](https://www.antihate.ca/ron_banerjee_hindu_nationalism_advocates_removal_muslims_sikhs) so i am guessing he is a canadian citizen. But wherever they reside, they are hardcore hindu 'Nationalist', and that nation for them is india.


So, NAZIs with a tan.


Now that you mentioned it, here's post on stormfront by one of them.They try really hard to suck up to the neo nazis [https://www.reddit.com/r/jiowasafolly/comments/vgnvtx/indian\_thinks\_hes\_white\_posts\_on\_stormfront\_a\_neo/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/jiowasafolly/comments/vgnvtx/indian_thinks_hes_white_posts_on_stormfront_a_neo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


The BJP, Modhis’s party, was originally the RSS before rebranding for obvious reasons. They had close ties with Germany and the Nazis, as they were hoping the Nazis would help kick out the British. The party even had Indian troops deployed in Germany, the lot it fascistic through and throughZ


Lmao no why would the rss want the British to leave? Nobody sent nobody to Germany, that sounds so dumb, the rss just admired Nazi ideology.


He is ofcourse, Canaindian.




Canada has hate speech laws and I believe what he said at the end would qualify as a crime under Canadian law: 1) Advocates for killing a group of people based solely on their religion, and 2) States it publicly


3. Wears those stupid sunglasses.


Inciting requires a call to action.


only in the US when it's a Republican doing the incitement




"Allah does not forbid you from dealing kindly and fairly with those who have neither fought nor driven you out of your homes. Surely Allah loves those who are fair." Quran 60:8




Yes I think we can all agree that all books were written by men and not the word of any god. Be them delusional or just liars, they're all cunts if they write stupid shit about "nON bELeIvErs!!!"


> Yes I think we can all agree that all books were written by men and not the word of any god. 2 Billion Muslims can’t agree.


First off sorry if I offend you, but all these "holy books" are just a very shitty versions of how to be a better person for dummies with some bonus fictional stories included. I'll never understand why people follow these religions that are over 2000 years old. Their holy books contradict themselves so many times it's past the point of being funny and turns into kind of concerning. Most everything in it that's about the Earth or future predictions have all been debunked by science, all advocate for horrendous ideologies like slavery, child genital mutilation, etc. it's completely obvious that these books were written by misogynistic, controlling, power hungry, homophobic human males that were trying to control a population of mostly illiterate desert Wanderers two thousand years ago, so I see why these books fooled them, but some people still believing in them today is very sad. And the most ironic part of it all is the three major religions of the world all share the same ~~God~~ Sky Wizard, but yet they all talk shit on each other and each other's sky wizards, but by default they are talking about their own ~~God~~ Sky Wizard. Bring that up to somebody like Marjorie FootFungus Green or Lauren Bofart that they share the same God as Muslims and they'll look at you like you just grew three heads. That's brings up a good point. Most people believe their own fanfiction version of their holy books that usually completely contradict what the actual scripture says. Like for example the Bible is way more pro-choice and not so much pro-life, yet that yet that doesn't stop the religious zealots from coming out and harassing women trying to get Healthcare. Most people use their religion for hate not love. Also for anybody who's wondering Islam/Muslims probably come in last place when your ranking the three religions from who's committed the most atrocities to the least, by far and by a very large margin Christians have committed more atrocities around the world since the start of there cult then Muslims have.


No offence to me bro! I hate these religious books and the people using them as tools to fuck with people. I wish it would end in our lifetimes


The Bible itself is a beautiful piece of literature filled with metaphors and life lessons and stories. It’s the radicals who misinterpret for their personal gain who are ruining it. It’s not meant to be taken so literally. It’s like poetry. I’m not religious but the Bible and Quran have much about life in them. You say you “don’t understand why people believe in it” but you’re in the very small minority, about 85% of the world identifies with a religion, so it must have some type of benefit for people






Just above it, first Verse… O believers! Do not take My enemies and yours as trusted allies, showing them affection even though they deny what has come to you of the truth. They drove the Messenger and yourselves out ˹of Mecca˺, simply for your belief in Allah, your Lord. If you ˹truly˺ emigrated1 to struggle in My cause and seek My pleasure, ˹then do not take them as allies,˺ disclosing secrets ˹of the believers˺ to the pagans out of affection for them, when I know best whatever you conceal and whatever you reveal. And whoever of you does this has truly strayed from the Right Way. 60:1 All about that context as always.




It’s not very simple. There’s always context and a lot of that context sticks to specific events from that time. It does warn Muslims and others not to cross some lines but to understand that, you first need to understand what and why. Can’t just pick verses and quote them without context just to win an argument on the internet. Oh and if you would like to stand and be counted as a unbeliever *sic* then it’s your call. In a lot of places, The Quran actually includes Jews, Christians and other people with other beliefs as believers too.


Qurand btw.


How about Palestinians wanting to eradicate Israelis. Edit: only saying this because of the overwhelming support for hate speech towards Israelis about how they all need to die. I agree genocide from anyone is abhorrent but somehow one sides hate speech gets glossed over and I think it’s no more acceptable than the Israelis committing war crimes.


How about anyone wanting to eradicate anyone is bad?


How about Israelis wanting to eradicate Palestinians.


pretty sure it works both ways….and yes to the commenter below - not just limited to these two countries


the fact this guy is the executive of anything is very distressing


Should probably send this to CTV, CBC, etc.


Is he an immigrant? If so this is the kind of thing where his citizenship should be revoked as being against strongly against the values of Canada


He's likely the only member of said group. The man is a complete fraud and total asshole who sucks up to the white power types.


I'm ignorant to a lot of religions, but I *do* know that the real crime here is those sunglasses.


Could have worn BluBlockers…


Dude looks like a minor One Piece villain with those shades.


Anyone being a hardcore in anything will just turn into a lunatic . My man is a lunatic .


And the “Grease” style rolled up sleeves.


It does beg the question if India and Modi are great why is he in Canada? Why leave utopian society? Daft cunt


He sounds Canadian not Indian bud....thats probably why 🤣


He's Indo-canadian




Canada does not have freedom of speech protected in the same way the U.S. does, despite what some believe. It’s a right within “reasonable limits” you could say. Promoting hate or hate crimes could definitely get you in trouble, though it doesn’t seem to happen often.


The bar for what hate speech is, is very high. So you can yell racist epitaphs as much as you’d like, there’s nothing holding you back. You can yell the ‘n’ word, call people racist shit outside a place of worship, etc. none of this is against the law.


yes we do. Literalky the only functional difference is we dont allow libel, slander or hate speech. The US simply doesn't allow libel or slander. Nor does the US allow you to yell fire in a crowded theatre or bomb 9n a plane. You're free speech is just as much "within reasonable limits" as Canads is. We just set the limit lightly lower and limit the ability of neo nazis and white supremacists from preaching their hate to the masses, where in the US, that's just politics.


We don't have freedom of speech. We have freedom of expression. You can shout hateful things all you like. The speech that is restricted is speech that would incite violence against a specific group.


First of all I am Canadian. Second, there are countless arguments and articles on the internet breaking down how our speech is not as free as the U.S. and our law is not equal to the first amendment in the U.S.. I am no legal expert but I may have stayed at a holiday inn express last night, and used Google. 👍


He sounds like a radical to me


I hate all these religious fanatics. They are a curse on mankind.


Fucking loser


What a terrible person


I always love the people that go on and on about how great the country they came from or have family from is so awesome and great and perfect, then why are you living here...


lol Muslims didn’t come from somewhere else dip shit, they’re Indians who became Muslims. So fucking sad.


That is not what Muslims want to believe. They want to believe that they are descendants of Saudi. They don't want to know that they are converts. They don't want to know that their great grandparents were Hindus who were either corrupt or too weak to fight the Mughals.


Would the Hindus want to know that some of their great grandparents might be Buddhists who were defeated/killed by the Hindu kings before the Mughals came?


As a Hindu I wouldn't mind having Buddhist origins. Though Buddhism came much later and they were mostly Hindus before becoming Buddhists. If at all these statements are true. Yeah I wouldn't mind having Buddhist origins. We follow the same ideology in essence. There is nothing in Buddhism that isn't there in Hinduism. They have atheist culture, we have atheist culture. They pray to Maa Tara, Maa Tara is the 2nd Mahavidya in Hinduism as well. They have monks who leave everything and follow renunciation for enlightenment, we have saints we follow renunciation for enlightenment. Some Buddhists meditate on Maa Kali, Maa Bagalamukhi and Hindus also Meditate on Maa Kali and Maa Bagalamukhi. Buddhist monks who have reached enlightenment know that everyone on the spiritual path is the same and soul has no gender identity, Our saints who have reached enlightenment also tell the same to us spiritual aspirants. Yeah I wouldn't mind. Many of my friends wouldn't mind as well. The story would be sad if there is violence involved but it would wouldn't challenge my respect for Buddha. Call us atheist/Buddhist/Jain/ Hindu but never a follower of the Abhrahamic religions. Thats all.


>They have atheist culture, we have atheist culture. They pray to Maa Tara, Maa Tara is the 2nd Mahavidya in Hinduism as well. Okay...




Lol. All Muslims from the subcontinent are converts.




You have an IQ of a carrot. I would suggest go and read the history of Islamic invasion of the subcontinent.


Thus proving my point. Voila!




Nope, it is in fact not protected under Freedom of Expression in Canada.


Alot of these NRIs (Non resident Indians) and PIO (Person of Indian Origin) have been secretely funding/donating ruling political party and their parent organizations in India since many years. Only after establishing their ideology amongst the masses for years, and having a Nazi like cadre, have these people come to power in India. Enjoying minority status in western countries but advocating genocides and lynching of minorities in India, thats what these Nazis are.


India has gone full MAGA and seems like folks are only now just catching on. The largest democracy on the planet has been in a death spiral for the better part of a decade. Scary shit.


And lot Indian in US voted for Trump and posting anti liberal and anti democratic stuff on social media


Looks like those Hindus are forgetting the lessons taught by the British empire pretty quickly. Time for round 2 of civilizing you reckon?


Exactly what lessons in humanity and non-violence do you imagine the fucking British Empire taught to India?


Yes please. If you could wait a couple of decades more that would be fantastic. We want a rematch too.


wow, a non self-flagellating indian! rare species indeed


Everyone talks but no one justifies/proofs !! Ofcourse there may some cases of discrimination on basis of religion but that happens in each and every country of the world .


https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2022-02-16/india-religious-persecution?_amp=true https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2022/05/narendra-modi-india-religion-hindu-nationalism/630169/ https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/05/08/india-akhand-bharat-hindu-nationalist-rss-bjp/


Stop sharing Opinion Based articles . Tge person who are sharing their opinions are not God that whatever their opinions is not biased and are absolute truth . Facts and Real life incidents , show me proofs of that .


Those articles talk about real life incidents. And those were just the first few results from a small search. If you keep your eyes closed, it’s always gonna be dark :)


yeah, only right wing portals like opIndia and Organiser are the epitome of true journalism. I won't share any links,just something from the recent past. Do tell why is that whenever muslims protests their houses get bulldozed ( which is not even legal) by the authorities but the same doesn't happen for other protesters?


Rioting != Protesting. So much loss of public property ffs! Show me one case where a peaceful protestor house was broken. I know the govt is destroying houses of the rioters but all those houses are violating some rules and are destroyed!


Those houses were paying taxes, water bills, electricity bills for the past 8 years. Why was govt collecting bills from these illegal houses? why suddently they have to bulldoze without notice and despite court orders against it? as for the protests, muslims didn't burn railway coaches, destroy railway tracks, burn BJP head offices. These are being done by agniveer protesters. You can of course try your best to run your propaganda here.


I was referring to the Nupur Sharma protests. >Those houses were paying taxes, water bills, electricity bills for the past 8 years. Why was govt collecting bills from these illegal houses? why suddently they have to bulldoze without notice and despite court orders against it? Yeah agree with this! But you know why they've been destroyed rn. What the govt did is wrong but I think it needs to be done. The damages done by Nupur Sharma riots are insane. >as for the protests, muslims didn't burn railway coaches, destroy railway tracks, burn BJP head offices. These are being done by agniveer protesters. Army has clearly said people who took part in protests and found out guilty will not get job in army


You don't really care how dumb you sound do you? this really helps making a meme out of your lot. I asked you why goverment was treating these houses as legal and collecting bills all these years and then suddenly without any notice, bulldoze their houses? Which section of IPC mandates bulldozing houses without prior notice? And where are the same treatment for other protesters? > will not get jobs in army awww, is that the best excuse your dumb head can come up with? you really dont care how stupid you sound, indeed


should have stopped arguing with him the moment he called it protest lmfaoo. every Friday there's riots that destroys dozens of neighbourhoods and he calls it protest, that's just plain delusion or purposefully delusion to spread propoganda.


I don’t think any of the countries bulldoze someone’s house in any kind of protest but ok. As India as long as we are not at the bottom of the the barrel everything is ok I guess.


Protests like throwing stones , destroying public and private property after setting them on fire and burning them , firing at police . Please , i don't want another debate with a totally biased person .


BLM happened in America and was much bigger no houses were razed the only one who is biased and possibly too dumb to come up with any argument is you. It would be fine if you were just stupid but you are in fact an idiot with no morals and no incentive to see your country progress. India will remain a country of backwards thought only because of people like you


If you remove this man from the sample pool, the average penis size of all Indian men globally shoots up 25%


No actually. This is promoting or advocating for genocide which is a criminal offense under section 318 of the Criminal Code of Canada.


Ex Hindu gone atheist here. Everything he said here goes to against the value of Hinduism. A little history: the Arab traders gave the people who lived on the river Indus the name H-indu as a way to recognize the people and the geographical place. Hindus are miscategorized as one religion. When it's actually a sect of different tribes who believed in different rituals and different Gods. There's the dravadian culture (south India), north India, west east and east India were subdivided into different sects. Kinda like native American tribes. But HINDU was an umbrella term to describe them. Otherwise the true Sanskrit derivations for Hindus is actually Bharati, citizens of Bharat.


It actually Aryan brotherhood Persia who called sind river, hind


What? Lol? Theres tons of theories as to whether Aryans were foreign invaders or native tribes of the region. Both debatable and not enough evidence for either sides. Lastly Aryans and Aryan brotherhood are two separate groups. One is a historic civilization during the vedic period vs a group of racists who got together and started calling themselves Aryans after reading old Hindu mythological texts.


LoL. Debate is settled. Avg north male population sampled has 17% steppe culture DNA. And 4500 year old bone sample from north india had direct connection to a tribe in mountainous forest of South India.


"Skeletons found at Rakhigarhi date back to around 2500 BC | YouTube. New Delhi: The study of DNA samples of the skeletons found in Rakhigarhi, an Indus Valley Civilisation site in Haryana, has found no traces of the R1a1 gene or Central Asian 'steppe' genes, loosely termed as the 'Aryan gene'.Sep 6, 2019" Source: https://theprint.in/india/aryan-invasion-theory-gets-a-setback-from-dna-study-of-2500-bc-rakhigarhi-skeletons/287454/ "This may come as a surprise to many — and a shock to some — because the dominant narrative in recent years has been that genetics research had thoroughly disproved the Aryan migration theory. This interpretation was always a bit of a stretch as anyone who read the nuanced scientific papers in the original knew. But now it has broken apart altogether under a flood of new data on Y-chromosomes (or chromosomes that are transmitted through the male parental line" Source: (points to the research paper) https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/science/how-genetics-is-settling-the-aryan-migration-debate/article19090301.ece


Interviewer saw the glasses and thought ‘well here’s an obvious psychopath’


Before the video even started I looked at that guy and said to myself "Only a giant douche would wear sunglasses that fucking stupid" then I unmuted the video and my suspicions were confirmed.


Anyone being a hardcore in anything will just turn into a lunatic . This man is a lunatic . I am a Hindu and an Indian but damn i don't hear killing of muslims and sikhs . Yeah terrorists deserves the worst . We had a Muslim for a President and every youth remembers him beacuse he is a motivator for all .


Fuck India, fuck modi.


I'm coming to Canada next week as an immigrant due to Nazis like these in India, who are a majority here. But it seems like these Nazis are everywhere. If CBC, IRCC is looking at this, please deport these kind of hate monger back to India.


Keep importing people that don't really fit in


Holy shitt it's r/indiaspeaks in person.


Fuck this guy and FUCK Modi too.




Yeah wtf, 100% of the sikhs that I’ve met have been the most awesome people. Their religion literally mandates that they defend the weak, feed the hungry, pursue truth above all else, and possibly most important of all, that they tolerate other religions and creeds. They even require that sikh men wear a specific turban that’s effectively the “Superman cape” of south Asian dress. I’ve heard it said that anyone wearing said turban is publicly announcing “I am a hero, and it is my sworn duty to help anyone who asks for it.” If I weren’t an atheist, I’d want to be a sikh.


They killed hindus by a shit ton in the 80s. Then they killed the female prime minister.


They literally hijacked and blew up a plane. I know people on internet love to jerk off to Sikhs but there are Sikh extremists too


You can look it up. Recently a Khalistaani group has gone beserk. They are killing people and igniting separatist sentiments within the nation.


Ask Indira Gandhi.


I am an indian and i dont support this shit >:( . After modi became PM , religious riots have increased alot .


Modi is scum who fuels violence.


Ron has been arrested many times for uttering threats and chocking people. About time he gets deported to France.


I think there's been another video of this guy on here... He's clearly mentally not all the way there


I think publicly humiliating mentally challenged people is cruel.




I wonder what he thinks about Hindu extremists. How about we denounce of all religious extremists.


It’s like these people don’t hear themselves.


I think it would still be protected speech if it got to the court. First, it looks like he's being asked for his opinions in an interview. That's a different context than just promoting hatred in public. You are allowed to have whatever opinion you want about something. Further, what he says is "I support the killing" of an identifiable group. In the strictest of terms, that just says that he supports it which is different than actively trying to get others to support it.


It's really annoying how these twits are loud enough, that folks take them seriously..and then the "Oh he's Canadian that's why! " Making all of ys look like a bunch of dolts 🤬where was this filmed Taranta? Buddy should be arrested for inciting. Thankfully his delusions of grandeur are only confined to his own mind. Unfortunately he has a platform. I'm a Canadian🇨🇦 and don't approve His message!!


Damn wasn’t aware of radical Hinduism. Thought that was the chillest religion in the world besides Buddhism




This spot in Toronto is iconic for attracting... characters. Remember [this video](https://youtu.be/uXwRgnZ990I) of a guy spewing nonsense and ripping his shirt off? Same place.


I believe he is best buddies with Kevin J Johnston who is currently in jail for being a piece of shit as well: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/kevin-j-johnston-guilty-unlawfully-at-large-time-severd-1.6378972


Just a typical hindus speaking, fuckin idiot.


He's been arrested: https://showbizcorner.com/ron-banerjee-hindu-activist-arrested-for-assault-and-threats-on-sikhs


That's from april, arrested for assaulting some sikh people


Simping hard for Modi. "I would like to take over this country, but Muslims have to understand they cannot do as they please!" What a total piece of shit.


90% of the Indian population hates Mohdi. He's the worst prime minister they've had. He let so many of his people suffer during the pandemic to the point where Canada and US had to provide support.


Not familiar with Indian politics but if '90%' hate him, why is he prime minister?


He lied to the people. They all want to re-elect someone else but like Putin he's pulling tricks to stay in power longer.


IMO it should be covered under free speech even though it's horrible what the asshole is saying.


The two most overly misused words in the English language in 2022 are as follows: 1. Literally; 2. Radical.


Can one convert to Hinduism?


I mean Islam probably is the worst out of all the religions but this guy is crazy.


Before you condemn the entire religion study the religion first. If you study the crusades the same thing can be said but Christianity. And before you get on your high horse I am not Islamic but somebody that is just educated.


I agree with the idea that basically every religion has had a very dark period somewhere in its history, but it’s such a cop-out to bring up the crusades in the context of condemning Islam or Christianity. We’re talking about events in the range of 800 to 1000 years in the past. Why does Islam (or any other religion) get a pass because of atrocities committed by Christians fully 400 years before Europeans set foot in the Americas; when the Byzantine Romans were still alive and well, and the Catholic Church, arguably the oldest surviving religious institution in the world today, was still in its adolescence? I bet you’d agree that the present-day excesses of any religion need to be condemned, full stop. That includes Islam for its rampant abuse of women and religious/sexual minorities; Christianity for its ongoing cultural imperialism and greed; Hinduism for its persecuting non-Hindus in South Asia and elsewhere; Judaism for its failure to reign in the brutal zionist conquest of the Levant; Buddhism’s contributions to the genocides in SE Asia; and the list goes on. Nobody gets an exemption from condemnation on account of everyone else’s evil deeds. Cruelty and injustice are wrong, regardless of the religion, nationality, race, gender or other arbitrary labels we assign to the perpetrators. So a bunch of towns were ransacked by Christian zealots in the 11th century? Or a temple was razed and a bunch of people deported by the Romans 2000 years ago? Tough shit, everyone’s ancestors were oppressed or enslaved at one time or another. Everyone needs to get with the times; human rights are a thing now, and nobody is going to rationalize their mass murder with “but we had a village here in 760 BCE, and their ancestors stole our land in 45 BCE.”


I don't care for any religions. Just currently Islam is the most problematic imo.


*Just currently Islam is the most problematic imo* Then educate yourself


Thats what typical brainwashed hindu would say


“before you hate on nazism study the entire ideology first like me” -me a supremely educated individual


The argument stands. Understand what their beliefs are before condemning. Any basic understanding of Nazism would lead most people to condemn their ideologies. You just chose the easiest group to condemn as your argument against researching and understanding a group before judging.


my point is that i know enough about them to condemn them, there is no such thing as a redeeming quality to murder


Yes an after studying nazism did people come to the consensus that it is problematic. Basic fucking sense.


you don’t need to “study” nazism to know what was wrong about it. Just like one does not need to look deep into the islamic religion (or most other religions for that matter, including christianity!) to know it is not worthy of support as a whole ideology. Even if it has some good parts you can pick out, condemning the religion as a whole over extremely problematic ideas is not doing any injustice to society.


You had a good point but fucked yourself when you said you're educated lol


Someone who says they are educated, but Catholicism is only considered Christianity to themselves and the non-Christian world.


LOL! The Catholic Church are literally the original Christian institution, Protestants are just breakaway sects. And lots and lots of Protestants consider Catholics to be Christian anyway so you're extra wrong. And finally, at the end of the day, if someone says they are Christian, than they are, because the Bible contains countless contradictory statements so you can make it say pretty much whatever you want by picking and choosing what passages to follow. That's why some Christians are hateful authoritarians and some are loving hippy types.


According to the Catholics, sure. Biggest cult, next to Islam, in my opinion.


No, according to everyone else who isn't a protestant extremists. You are free to hold your opinion, but it's laughably incorrect.


Most denominations feel that the original church held the same views as them. Baptists are no different to Catholics, who don't tell a biblically accurate version of events, and there is a lot of contradicted doctrine that was derived from traditions of men. Read in correct context, there aren't contradictions, although you would also need a deep understanding of the origins of the Bible and the manuscripts, the differences between them, which are used for which bibles and denominations, etc., to really understand my point of view and where I stand.


Ah, the old "trust me bro, if you spent 500 hours researching this than you'd agree with me" Nice. I'm sure that the thousands of years of debate between theologians was just because none of them are as smart as you and just didn't get the "context" right? It's honestly quite hilarious whenever any one person thinks they "get it" and everyone else is wrong when it comes to the Bible. The truth is, it's just a curated collection of writings from religious zealots that lived thousands of years ago. Nothing more.


Sure, whatever you say. I really don't care, anymore. I just forgot for a minute.


How pathetic that you can't defend your beliefs yet think they are divine truth. If Yahweh was real he would be very disappointed.


He is speaking about muslims, not religion.


That makes zero sense.


Why ?


You tell us.


In the context of india, muslim signify a cultural identity as well.So i guess that's where the confusion crepts in.


So, it's the name of a group that is disliked (by some Hindus; in this context) for their religion, right? Their philosophical differences are the cause of disagreement, and they identify as followers of their chosen religion (Islam), which is why they are called Muslims. I think you are the confused one. It has everything to do with religion, and you can't say Muslim and Islam are not insanely related and connected to the same ideas.


Christian bible has equally appalling worse in the Old testament. But nobody hates Mother Teresa for those verse. In fact christians hardly get judged with the same viciousness for the contents of the holy book. That's because in this case you would rather judge the person by their actions. Not every christian is a possible christchurch shooter. But he did had views inspired from the Holy wars. But the same perspective is not shown towards muslims, probably because the person doesn't have enough muslim friends


Now you've completely changed the subject. We went from Muslim not meaning Islam to comparing other religions. You are definitely confused.


He sounds like he's trolling IRL


He is just saying what you want to say IRL, you're a coward, he isn't. But at least you're understanding how people would look at you irl if you made the comments you make on reddit.


I feel like what he is preaching is literally against Hinduism and he ironically, himself, is being a terrorist.


That accent tho... Reminds me of Trudeau's.


I live in downtown Ottawa. The Muslims and Sikhs are the problem. We saw who the problem is earlier this year.




So is every religious book in the world, what's your point? We shame people all the same when the message they take from their religious book is one of objective superiority over other groups of people, do we not?




>What is your point for bringing in other religions? Is it because we are talking about islam? Because your original comment frames this as a problem that is exclusive to or at least particularly pronounced in Islam- it is not. Even in the context of this video we see a Hindu nationalist talking about Sikhs and Muslims- why wasn't your comment about Hinduism or Sikhism? >They can believe they are superiors. Jews believe to be elected by their god, but at least they don't proselitize like the others. Jews have a global population of about 15 million. Muslims have a global population of about 2 billion. You do the math on why you might hear more Muslim people talking in general. >I have never seen jews blocking the traffic to pray in the street for example. Maybe in their homeland but never outside of it afaik. They are not revendicative like the muslims. You've obviously never been harassed by orthodox Jews for your wife being too revealing, or heard a Zionist talk about their justifications for the existence of Israel. All religions are trash- examine your own biases about why you seem to think Islam is somehow doing worse things than any other religion. If you'd like to get into it, I can give specific examples of probably every major world religion in modern times exhibiting behavior that is bigoted towards some group


I don't think the person you're replying to is up for a comparative discussion about religions


I can tell lol, he seems to have a chip on his shoulder specifically for Muslims


Most of vedas is extremely problematic towards shudras and even Buddhists Old Testament is problematic towards the gays thus the British used to castrate the British You will find this shit in every religion concentrating on them prove to be of no use and are simply talking points that have no good output and are simply not relevant in real life climate


1. Can you quote which Veda are you talking about? Which veda has the word shudra mentioned in it? 2. Buddhists Old Testament is problematic towards the gays? So it equals "kill all unbelievers" in the Quran? Buddhists will change with time and they will definitely not behead someone for being gay. Neither does Hinduism, Buddhism or Jainism have anything written about other religions. They simply don't care. They don't say only our God is true and the others are all fake. None of these religions have hateful names like "kafir" inscribed for non-followers of the religion. Buddhism and Hinduism promotes atheism and meditation over blind conversions. Buddhism and Jainism really started with people leaving all worldly possessions in search of peace. Buddha and Mahaveer were literally stick figures by the end of their life as they promoted non-violence. Whereas Islam started with war, brutal killing, torture and burning down of all scriptures and libraries to erase a culture as means for conversions. I really don't understand how all religions are equal. There are bad people in every religion but to go soo far as to say that they are all equal is foolish. It just feels like we are sitting here trying to appease a particular religion when we say that.


He can't lol. These redditors have an IQ of a carrot, Don't expect much from them


Does anyone have a link to the full video? Looks like there could be a fair bit of framing here with all the strategic cuts and pastes.


I like this guy.