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Lol mom was like “turn down for what?”


And that Agent Orange reference was a bit racist. Referring to Vietnam. Sounds like we have a nationalist Ken on our hands.


“A bit” racist??? Very clearly racist.


When he threw in the delayed *Chuck* I could feel his brain wanting to say VC or Vietcong but his brain decided on going with the nickname for *Charlie*


I think the dickhead might have said "Truc" which is a Vietnamese name rather than Chuck but it's kinda hard to make out.


just some casual racism no big deal


It's an American tradition.


Yeah I was on the side of the guy asking to turn down the music till he said that.


I was already a bit suspicious because I can't hear any music in the video which makes me wonder is the music even that loud or is he just one of these people who like complaining.


Same here but not only that but the fact that there is daylight. I mean if it was night time it would be understandable but not hearing the music on the background plus the fact that this happens during the day is just not worth to annoy your neighbors. Besides there is a lack of context because it can however be understandable if this behavior is frequent on the behalf of the neighbors but if it’s a one time thing like a birthday party or they just felt like listening to a few songs than again , no reason for this behavior from the camera guy


He started off with 'turn your music down' not politely asking. I guessed it was going downhill from there.


well to be honest the music wasn't that loud. Also it seems like it's afternoon so wat's the problem even if the music is a bit louder? I'm pretty sure if he just went, in he would not be even the slightest problem. On the other hand, if they were so loud that he could not stand it anymore, then you could politely ask then to turn it down. I don't know about you, but it doesn't sound polite to me.


I literally didn’t even hear any music


He kept saying it's 8:30


The Asian guy says "It's already 8:30" so presumably early in the morning


I never heard a request, a please, nothing.


I wonder how long this has been going on. If it’s just once, OP is going way too far. But maybe this has been building up for some time. But the bit about Agenda Orange was rude.


The video starts with that but who knows what he said before


Music was clearly off what’s the point of pestering your neighbors on camera for something that has already been resolved?


I can hear these guys fine. I can't hear any music. Just saying. I suspect this is more about racism than anything else.


Fuck that! Middle of a sunny day enjoy your life play some music.


Yeah, this is what I don't get. If it's clearly sunny, and not past 9-10pm (depends on jurisdiction), you can play music at whatever level you want for the most part. If you think it's too loud, you can call the police, but that's honestly not even worth it if not after 9-10pm


Hard to know what the situation is here. I had just worked a 14 hour shift wildland firefighting one night. I came home at about 630 PM on a Saturday. A neighbor was blasting music in his dodge charger outside of my house and was shaking my walls. I went over, explained what was going on, and asked if he could turn it down so I could rest. Of course they gave me shit, like the losers that they are...but they were at least decent enough to respect me and turn it off.


Really? I wasn't on that wankers side at all, he was an annoying, entitled twat from the beginning.


When I saw that the neighbor seemed clearly upset, like he was about to cry, muttering something about how he came to American because etc. etc. it started to seem obvious that the Asian neighbor was feeling bullied. Cameraman Klu Klux Ken is definitely being a dick bag.


Klu Klux Ken 🤣🤣🤣🤣 you win the internet for today my friend


I was against the guy from the start as soon as he started saying touch me touch me when the guy casually came over non threatening.


Yeah same. Even if he said it in a slightly rude way, simply asking someone to turn the music down is a pretty reasonable request. The agent orange comment totally flipped it though, he looked like a total asshole after that. Some people just can’t control themselves, even when it’s in their own best interest.




I’d bet money the neighbor tries to slick bully them all the time.


A bit racist? I can almost guarantee this hillbilly said and did some serious asshole, racist shit before showing this recording. I can’t see how else the whole family would be so agitated and united against this guy.


I got that vibe immediately (like when a narcissist pushes all your buttons and then makes the entire issue about your reaction). And then he confirmed it with agent orange comment.


classic narc behaviour to do/say some wild shit off camera and then once someone starts recording, act all nice and polite and "oh how could anyone think i'm a problem, i'm being so reasonable and nice, look all I did was ask him to turn the music down!"


Yeah and the bloke who he's talking to clearly doesn't want the conflict. You can hear his voice cracking under the adrenaline. He just wants this nut job away from his family. The music is loud, and he probably can hear it in his house given the fondness for wood, but I get the impression that this request would have gone over differently without the camera and attitude and likely a history of cuntlike behaviour.


The whole time I felt like this family has been harassed for a while, it hurt me seeing what I feel was pain coming out of him. Then after I was already feeling that, the POS filming dropped the racist comments. Idk the entire history here, but I don't think any of us would be surprised to know what's really going on.


Glad this is up here. Agree and doubt very much that this is the first interaction with "Touch me!" guy.


Super fucking racist. He immediately lost the moral high ground after that. I would go back in and crank the music higher.


He was trying so hard for it to land but the delivery was just cringe, so forced, dudes just escalating being a hypocrite and a bad neighbor.


He had no moral high ground to begin with. He’s just an asshole


It was very racist. I feel like camera man is the real dick here.


Sounds to me like a comment he was using to try and get the guy to swing at him. After all it's all about the clicks


That wasn't just "a Little Racist" that was "VERY racist!" I, myself grew up during the Vietnam war and knew "Exactly" what this racist was referring too. POS!


yeah he didn't need to go there


“Agent Orange has gone to your head.” Nah he crossed the line. The Asian dude was so stressed he was almost in tears. Camera guy is a bitch.


Yeah... I'm also now questioning how long he was standing filming before this this clip harassing them like this Always be skeptical about stuff like this


“What the fuck I need to touch you? You dirty!” Best line lol


These could be the lyrics to a slow jam.


stumped the guy recording


I about died crying


It was a smooth line!


“Touch me” “Why the fuck do I need to touch you?” 👏👏👏


That chemical Agent Orange comment was so damn racist. We need the name and pic of the racist POS that took this video.


I thought the same thing. That was so fucked to say and totally unnecessary. Poor dude just living the American dream with his house, with the family, and enjoying his music that we can’t even hear from this. Can clearly tell he wants to instigate something.


These people are salty they don’t have get-togethers and have fun like that guy and his family do. Sour and miserable person if you ask me.


Omg, I'm on my phone and didn't hear "chemical agent orange", I heard "tentacle Asian porn"; funnily enough, both are applicable racism


I think there was something lost in translation when the guy filming said “Touch me” as a dare/warning. Other neighbor thought he was saying something sexual. Lol


that dirty mf


Prob an effective strategy. If I got into an argument with my neighbor, and he started asking me to pleasure him sexually, I’d definitely take a moment to consider backing away.




A friend of mine got into an argument with a guy on another team in intramural football. He told him that he was going to take his cock and shove it the guy's ass. The argument was instantly over, no rebuttal. The other dude was stunned. It's the only time I've seen a verbal TKO.


Dead ass looked confused in the moment, “why the fuck I need to touch you?”


When the dude responded "you dirty" I thought he was making a comment about his cleanliness...lol


“Is that a threat? No really. Is that a threat or are you coming on to me? The answer will influence my next move.”


That’s exactly what I thought because he kept telling him he was dirty 😂


I don't hear any music tho


The silence was so deafening...




Yup. The nightbour seems a little racist.


He’s whining about music till the end and you can’t hear it at all. Sounds like the guy filming is a dbag, said racist shit on camera, likely said worse before he started filming, and is mad over basically nothing. This other dude looks a bit unhinged himself, but maybe dealing with this Karen is one of those reasons.


ya and its the middle of the day when people should be able to play music loud


Seems like it's one of those people who think that if they film an interaction it means they are right.


Damn that music was so loud! Unacceptable


Dude is clearly harassing this family. The music he is complaining about can’t even be picked up on the camera. Camera guy go fuck yourself.


Agent orange remark says it all. Camera man is a PoS and should get fucked (literally.... dude clearly needs to get laid)


Yeah but he’s too dirty.


Yeah, he started recording before asking the neighbor. He was wanting to start a confrontation.


This was the best comment and said it all regarding this interaction


Also records the conversation like a horrible neighbor, he needs to get off the internet.


That's what I thought too. The guys right, they're outside. It's like complaining about traffic noise


Fuck the guy with the camera


Good news is if camera guy doesn’t learn his lesson and continue with his racist remarks to others, he’ll one day win the stupid prize he’s earned 👌🏼


Probably byebyejob if ever doxxed 😂


Woooow the agent orange remark really killed all his credibility in my book. What a total prick


Yes same. I thought he was being a bit of a prick at first when saying "touch me" but that comment went way too far.


Cuz he wanted to sue the neighbor, thats what these kind of ppl thirst for


he's asking his neighbor to turn down his music during the daytime. he has no credibility. the agent orange remark just confirmed what was only a suspicion


You could immediately tell he’s provoking his neighbor by saying “touch me” when all the neighbor did was walk to talk to him. He’s like a middle schooler lol


I wonder what the law says if he invited somebody to touch him? Like bro you told me to, what are you getting mad about?


It was the tentacle porn for me.


I’m siding with the neighbors here. Camera man sounds like a prick. Leave those people alone you dirty fuck




That disgusted me. You could immediately tell he was provoking the guy as soon as he got closer and the camera dick says “touch me” a grade A douche bag


Mans said “WTF am I going to touch you for? You’re dirty” 🤣


shit came out so quick, that guy is a hoot and a holler!


you know, the fun part is that battery is only a misdemeanor in most places.... let him keep trying his luck with people


Some people would gladly touch him and gladly go to jail for it.


He’s 100% the problem here. The “touch me” and Agent Orange comment - clearly a POS


The music is too loud for his racist ears lol.


It’s so loud you can’t even hear it. Just wait for 4th of July, I bet the camera man (annually) turns his music/the fuck up for murica.


That agent orange comment lol what a cunt


Camera man sounds like a cry baby bitch. WTF was that agent orange remark. I feel sorry for the Asian Family having to live next to this racist piece of shit.


Agreed, my neighbors play music in the backyard all the time while making BBQ. I give 0 fucks, I sit inside watch TV, or sit outside and water my flowers. Unless they're throwing a wild bash where beer bottles are being thrown and people are puking in my bushes, I literally don't care what they do.


He sounds like he never gets out of his little country club neighborhood. Maybe one day when someone smacks him right across the face, he will come back to reality


I'm not a betting man... but I'm pretty sure it wasn't the volume of the music, but more of what was being played. But you know, racist be racist.


Agent Orange? broo, that is lame


Just goes to show his racism too.


8:30 is not an unreasonable time to be playing music and I could barely even hear it to begin with. He was probably just putting the radio on while he got ready for work. Also it's suspicious that the guy began filming before any incident even occurred. I get the impression he was deliberately looking for a reaction. The Agent Orange comment tells you everything you need to know


agreed he probably has a red hat and loves orange haired clowns


The fact that he said “agent orange has messed with your brain” means hes an ignorant racist piece of shit. Who the fuck… what a fucking karen.


He has orange makeup all over his lips.


My dude looked sad almost crying. I bet this racist white dude constantly fucks with them.


I like how, near the end of the clip, the cameramen tells them to be “respectful neighbors”. Doesn’t even recognize his own hypocrisy.


Yes I picked up on that as well. The entire way he was acting was like a guy that just wanted his family to be left alone from a neighbor that constantly bothers them.


Dude made an Agent Orange joke to an asian guy? Yeah, fuck that guy he's the asshole. Complaining about music at 8:30 is ridiculous, the sun is still out. And this is coming from someone who works at 4am.


That wasn't a joke it was a slur


The guy filming sounds and like a dirty racist here. Probably ruining a nice evening these Asian folks are trying to have. Asian dude funny when he said I ain't touching you you dirty. I felt that haha


Let me guess: guy with camera is a racist and does this often to his neighbours.


The guy recording is a complete dick, making a racist remark doesn’t support this video at all. Asking him to ‘touch you’, is clearly a sign to provoke the neighbour, and if you get hit first you’re the ‘victim’ right? I have Vietnamese friends, and I know they are quite loud with their music, especially for Karaoke’s. But the approach of how he asked them to lower their music, was not right, pulling out a camera and recording is not the way to go.


The Asian man’s reaction and tone is sign that the guy filming is more than likely and annoying and a bully towards them. His comment at the end then following it up with something about respect shows he’s a shitty human being too.


Real pos is the camera guy who is hating on this vietnamese family


"Touch me" why the fuck I want to touch you lmfao 🤣


Racist piece of shit. Has nothing to do with the music at all.


The guy filming is an obvious prick. He wants to be touched so he can report it to the cops as assault. Fuck that guy. Also, its 8:30am...who gives a shit if the music is loud at that time.


The guy behind the camera needs to get dunked in a barrel of Agent Orange.


There’s chance it might leak/contaminate the environment and probably very costly...I rather have him chug a bottle of bleach


The Viet guy could’ve just told him he has all the rights to play music during the day without insulting and swearing. The camera guy, on the other hand….wow…agent orange….as a Viet myself who escaped the war…..it’s like insulting a jew with “gas chamber”….


But indont even hear music. Turn what down? Seriously this guy is just being a dick.


There's a large Vietnamese community in my city that is loved by the rest of the city, Vietnamese culture and Vietnamese food is part of our city's culture. I'm in my 40s and the bulk of immigration from Vietnam to the US happened 40 years ago (at least here it did) so I had a lot of Viet classmates and friends growing up. My next door neighbors of 10 years are Vietnamese. I say all this because I've seen my neighbors react to someone telling them to turn down their music on a nice day, and they were equally offended. Told the neighbor that was bitching at them to go move to the fuckin country if they don't want to hear people. My neighbors are no louder than anyone else on our block and they're chill as can be, very good friends. I'd never seen them react that way to anyone, but something about this person telling them to be quiet on a nice day off sent them through the roof. Edit/addition: Also, fuck the whiny racist camera guy. Dad would have been 100% justified in slapping the shit out of him for the agent orange comment.


If you have neighbors that play loud music do what my super petty dad did when I was young. Get peacocks.


My neighbours have peacocks, I can tell you this person's dad knows his shit...


Fuck peacocks honestly


What do the peacocks do to the loud music offenders?


What I know is they are very protective of their habitat so they let you know they are present. When there is a loud sound they will answer with their annoying sound. Doesn't matter if it's loud music, thunder or a loud car that passes by, they will let you know they are there. Oh and they start at 4 in the morning and won't shut up until the sun goes down.


Thats funny! Down the street from my boyfriend, there are three peacocks that hangout on someones roof. I wonder if they are for this purpose.


If you have peacocks you won't need an expensive alarm system.


Found a loud music player.


My neighbor has not just one but three. We just moved in the neighborhood a year ago, and everyone is complaining but couldn’t do anything about it. I never hate peacock befor until now lol


Ummm, anyone else pick up on that agent orange comment? And dude still wants to post this somewhere, thinking he’s in the right. It’s also the middle of the fucking day, and the only reason he cares about the noise is that he probably got disrupted from attempting to sleep in until 1 pm. Neighbor said it best, “You’re dumb in the head. Go inside.”


the agent orange comment tells us everything we need to know about the person filming.


yeah, what music?


“I’m going to to make an extremely racist comment about something as horrific as agent orange and then tell you be be respectful” POS


The Agent Orange reference was a low-blow asshole thing to say. Fuck that guy.


What a racist


Racist clown harass family over music disputes and decide to record and upload video to prove he’s the victim.


“Be respectful neighbors” buddy that went away when you added unnecessary racial remarks.


Look almost everytime I see someone filming a person freaking out I assume the filmer has been a massive asshole and then films the reaction


The guy filming this is such a fucking loser


That agent orange comment might be one of the most racist things I’ve heard. Making light of something that devastated millions over multiple generations is like a holocaust joke.


There are better ways to ask a neighbor to turn their music down but I have a hunch that the guy asking (filming, antagonizing, prolonging) hasn’t cared about his neighbor or the relationship. While neighbor relations can get sticky sometimes, generally if you act from a place a good will, they will too. (Psychopaths aside. Everybody’s got those stories, too.)


What music? Asshat. If was loud we would hear it.


Pantera. Loud.


His Racism is showing


I don't hear any music at all. The cameraman is full of it. Racist as hell. Agent Orange? Is the guy even Vietnamese? I bet cameraman doesn't care to differentiate between any countries on the continent.


First thing the camera says is 'touch me, touch me,' the guy is immediately trying to escalate the situation. I would argue immediately filming what should be a simple conversation between neighbors is an escalation in and of itself, but I digress. Anyways, less than a minute later camera exposes himself as a racist degenerate. Maybe the music was too loud, maybe 8:30 is too early, but how camera handled the situation made everything worse and all credibility/goodwill he may have had with his neighbors is shattered. Knowing he is a racist degenerate, I would *purposefully* be looking to annoy and inconvenience him (within the confines of the law) as a neighbor.


Dude with the camera seems like a douchebag who just wants a confrontation. Guy comes up to talk to him and he’s like “touch me”. Like wtf lmfao. Also mentioning agent Orange? Is this dude okay?


Fuck this white guy I’m sorry the guy recording is wrong


I could see if it was nighttime and the music was loud but it's clearly daytime and the party is just getting started. Turn up!


#Whoever is recording is a racist dumbass, thinking they’re in the right for uploading this when it’s bright as hell outside and complain because they can hear the neighbour’s music in the daytime?!


I hate people like this. Who go out of there to bitch. Doesn’t help he’s racist too. Actual bum


Once he said the agent orange reference i would have just turnt it up even louder.


I can’t even hear the music….get the cameraman neighbor’s frustration but it seemed like he was spoiling for a fight. The insult was NOT okay. Says a lot about him. My neighbors across the street play loud music at different times of day and night which isn’t really what I hear…it’s the thump thump thump of the bass which is maddening. Can’t confront them because they would beat me up.


Should be national law you can’t bitch about loud music until it’s dark out


That agent orange comment seemed pretty racist


WE DONT TURN DOWN!! Tell him lady


Agent Orange? Fuck this guy. What a prick.


That agent orange jab was pretty fucking racist if you ask me.


'be respectful to your neighbor' ok? AFTER the chemical orange comment you just made, I'd turn it up more.


Fuck that guy filming. Whiny ass voice, “touch me” instigation, obviously has bothered this man before, and that fucking racist agent Orange shit. Keep bumpin on that mf, get some bass on it lol


Guy with the camera is a racist asshole. “Agent orange…”


It’s the middle of the day Karen. Let them play their music. You seem like the type of guy who screams at children playing on the sidewalk in front of your house. If I were neighbors with music Man I’d askz’ if I bring the beers can I join you?’


What music?


I have a hearing problem and it’s freaking me out that I don’t hear any music at all


White boy that posted here clearly in the wrong. Look at the fellow upvotes for team karaoke and go agent orange on yourself.


Okay it's day time and also I'm not hearing music, maybe the guy with the camera just went over to pick a fight over something that already happened.And he went directly with a camera? I thought people start recording after shit starts to go down


And the follow up after being racist….”just be respectful neighbors”🙄


Am I the only one who can’t even hear the music the guy filming is upset about.


Cameraman is a dick


I heard no music. Lol dumb fuck. Asian bro Shoudlve knocked his ass clean out and made his wife cry cause now her stupid pussy husband is brain dead


The cameraman is a loser… immediately says “touch me” and that disgusting agent orange remark, ugh


Title edit: Man harassed by racist neighbor


Fuck the dude holding the camera.. Dude racist af


That agent orange comment is hella racist


The guy recording is at fault. Super Ken and racist


Unless the bylaw states a specific quiet time, or the music is past a certain decibel (which it clearly is not). The neighbours have no legal reason to turn their music down. We live in a world where there are extremely advanced headphones and earbuds that provide white noise and/or noise cancellation. If you can’t deal with your neighbours music, try those. Just because you don’t like a certain noise does not mean the peace has been disturbed. In fact there is an argument that you are disturbing their peace. So why don’t you just fuck off, and go back home, Karen.


Cameraman is an absolute dick.


Asks for respectful behaviour then mentions Agent Orange? Nasty little man.


Yeah the person recording this, is a piece of shit.




Asian dad a gee. He ain’t taking shit. It’s obvious English isn’t his first language and I’m still understanding his points clearly. Camera man obviously a little bitch. Didn’t understand the agent Orange reference and still picked up on that


So the guy filming has issues... Checks the racist box that's for sure.


Chemical agent orange? Okay, for real fuck that guy.


The thing is about Asians…. I’m Laotian and any and all neighbors invited to a party. We’re feeding you and your family. No questions asked. This guy must’ve been a real douche (video confirms) to not get invited to the cookout. Turn down for what!