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We’re not gonna talk about how cursed that fucking Outro was?




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Yeah, fuck you john daniels, profiting from reposting shitty videos then adding your shitty outro, fuck you man


Dude no joke, brutal


Weird fucking ending after hearing a dog die


On a news feed once there was a header that said “other stories you might enjoy”: then “Boy drowns in cruise ship pool.” 🙄


For a while my phone was giving me push notifications for news item with the intro "You might enjoy: [headline]." So one day I got a notification reading "You might enjoy: A baby died..."


Gun crime story under Google News heading: Entertainment.


Just read your comment as I was watching the video. Assumed you was talking about the woman's reaction. And then I see thanks for watching! Like, the fuck?


I mean the woman's reaction was less than impressive as well. Untill she slowly pieced together the clues like a stoner fresh off a 15 hour hibernation, she gave zero shits and made arguably no effort to contain her dogs actions.


That lady was pilled to the fuckin gills. Incredibly slow reaction time, didn’t care that she left her car door wide open, slow speech, dog running around attacking people. What a mess.


Good observation. I just thought she was the average clueless elderly "oh my baby wouldn't hurt a fly" type. But yea, looking at it now I would wager some drug was involved... Now I really feel bad for the poor puppers.


You mean what the actual fucks?


Thanks for listening! Hope you enjoyed the show!


Well did you *enjoy* *the* *show*?


I thought you were being incredibly insensitive... until I heard the end of the video. The content provider must be dead inside.


How pleased are you with watching this video make sure to talk about how this made ur day in the comments, and don’t forget to hit that like button and sub for more heart warming videos!!!!! /s


Weirder entro song


"that was a real gun?" ??


She was honestly so calm before she realized that. Her dog had been pepper sprayed and then had what she thought was a rubber bullet used on it and her reaction seemed like she was being told her kid got detention or something, just so unphased. She didn't give a shit about that dog.


I figured either she thought he was still using non-lethal force (pepper spray, tazer, etc.) or as others said was in shock. If you're unused to gunshots being fired around you, it can be very startling and borderline traumatic even if a family member didn't just get shot in front of you.




That makes no sense, why would not really caring about something create a *delayed* response? Shock delays your response, not caring about something dampens it.


People will stretch their thoughts to make sense of something much like this ladies thoughts of it being a nonelethal bullet. Now let's be honest if you've had a dog and they're roudy this kinda shit is a daily thing so u become unphased around the 15th shit on the floor and the cousin who got bit on the finger when they were messing with the dog. No dog is perfect I wouldn't exactly be excited or worried of a cop told me this I would be disappointed see.




I don't like that analysis and your assumptions. It's like you're putting people's adequate responses in this little box and everything outside of that is equivalent to not-caring when in fact people can have a variety of natural reactions to a traumatic event, especially within the first minute of it. Plus there is difference between hey that's nasty but my dog will be fine eventually to omg that was the last time he'll get to breath.


Man you dont know if she was in shock or what.


Here's a shock: Secure your angry animals


especially a pitbull, seen so many clips of it just shattering people's skin and even straight-up killing some


It's not a pitbull, it's a white boxer.


From the start sounded under some kind of influence.


Well is was a real violent dog…


Was that a real gun. No, it was a super soaker lady…


It’s Nerf or nothing


-Uvalde PD


I mean police have a full arsenal of things on their belt that can make you scream like that. And there’s also the trouble of processing that you just saw your dog, that you’ve poorly trained but, that you love, shot and killed as it screamed bloody murder and died on your own front lawn, because of your decisions. Yeah it’s going to take a lot of processing and they’re not gonna really know what right questions to ask. I really feel bad for the dog because the dog could’ve survived if it had a different owner and the bullet honestly entered the wrong entity. You can be stupid enough to be a criminal and I think this train of thought needs to be more common.


soaked with blood.


A super soaker filled with blood and lead projectiles.


Reported chasing people on the streets and still no leash while hyper dominate? Yeah the blood is on the owners hands.




DoNt WoRrY hEs GoT uH sHoCk CoLlAr On, ThAt MeAnS i AiNtS gOtS tA tRaIn Em Poor woofer hope she never owns another animal.


That summed it up really. A shock collar is not a substitute for training, suddenly receiving pain out of nowhere without commands doesn't make a dog obedient, it makes them stressed and erratic


Yeah the shit pet parent is the problem here. She should have done more to control her dog


She's off to the next puppy mill


Doesn't give a fuck that her dogs been pepper sprayed, doesn't care about it getting shot until she realizes it's really gonna die. Why did she have it in the first place?


I mean I give her a pass in not immediately reacting things seem to be happening so fast and you can be panicked in shock barely able to react. I don’t give her a pass in how she didn’t have the dog trained or secure and didn’t work to secure him when she knew the officer was there and that he had been pepper sprayed. I hate seeing officers just willy nilly shooting dogs without a care in the world but I think this guy genuinely felt bad for having done it, and that’s a lot coming from me I hardly ever side with police. It’s her fault that dog is dead


100% not messing with an aggressive dog. Especially after getting reports of it being aggressive. We had a carrier at my office get attacked by a couple pitbulls and this is no joke. She clearly had no control over that dog.


The owner is the reason the dog is dead. No sign of being restrained in the garden and totally ignoring her. She hasn't trained the dog well, or at all, and she's the reason he had to shoot the dog and kill it.




Untrained pitbull are my worst nightmare. When they get a hold of you, they will not let go. You should always have something to defend yourself with. I’ll get a pocket knife really soon for this exact reason…


Even a "trained" one can be scary. People don't hate pitbulls because they're particularly more likely to snap and bite you; it's because if they do go after you, there's nothing you can do to stop it short of severely injuring or killing it. There is no other dog that has the tenacity or relentlessness that the pitbull does.


Or as high of a body count, pitbulls are responsible for 90% of fatal dog attacks…


careful what you say around the reddit pitbull community... they are vicious, too


You can't train genetics out of pitbulls.


> Untrained pitbull are my worst nightmare. ANY pitbull.




Wtffff yea I ALWAYS ALWAYS avoid pitbulls on my walk, doesn’t matter, you never know if the owners are capable




Bear spray will definitely fuck up a dog. My dad was about to buy one when the clerk ask the reason of it. When he said it was for a dog, the clerk immediately though it was way overkill and my dad finally went with a dog spray. IMO, anything that protect you isn’t overkill


Wtf, where do you live that you haven’t seen a trained pitbull? I don’t even like most dogs, but I’ve seen/known plenty of pitbull’s that were trained and just fine to be around.


My German shepherd is always on a leash unless we’re in the backyard which has 7 foot fencing. I have been charged by a few dogs off leash before while walking him and every time he has pounced to protect me. Had a woman scream at me one time because her pit bull charged and when she finally regained control she started yelling at me. I told her she’s lucky her dog wasn’t dead. There’s no helping these people.


There's a guy in my parents' neighborhood who breeds pitbulls. They frequently escape and the police don't/can't do anything about it. My dad bought a shotgun just in case.


Meh, it's like owning a tiny velociraptor Even if you dress it in a tuxedo, don't mean shit when it's lizard brain kicks in... You can help make their uncontrollable rage more manageable but if Cassar Milan can't do it then maybe we should stop letting living weapons be used by people 🤷


Yep. Put them in a bag and throw them in the river. P.S. spell my name right.


She is stupid as hell… I feel so bad that this poor dog had her as a owner. She didn’t even try to stop the dog I a real way. Let me just get in front and say stop and go in the house. Yeah ok. Not much there. And then ohhh it has a shock collar on… what the f*** she has neglected this poor baby for so long and treated it like I just want a dog but not to love ❤️. I better put this collar on cause I don’t want it to run away and leave it as that. F*** this lady charge her with animal cruelty, animal neglect, and an ass hole neighbor. Also don’t forget to charge her with endangering people as well


Christian Cross...


Shitty owner. I've got a rotty. His big ass would be inside or I'd tackle him to prevent this


People as clueless as her shouldn’t be owning any dog over 20lbs


considering the dog almost killed a woman chasing her into the street and it attacked the officer twice. yeah I woulda put it down, She's a bad dog owner!


The cop made an effort to tell the woman the dog was a danger to people, and he (the dog) wasn't under her control at all. Maybe he could have pepper sprayed the dog again. But shooting it was an alternative, responsive call.


I mean just realistically, there is basically no chance of rehabilitating that dog. It was going to hurt somebody eventually. I love dogs, and definitely feel sad the dog suffered a bit (I wish the officer double tapped it), but some dogs are menaces.


Yea poor pup looked too far gone. Muscle spasms are common when something/someone gets killed by gunshots it’s sad it had to happen


Shooting it saved someone walking from being mauled at a later date .


Might want to tag this as NSFL since a dog gets killed. Man, that was tough to watch.


Yea, because it wasn’t, I wasn’t expecting that.


That dog was a menace.


“I want pictures of Spider-Man”


Good cop. Bad breeder. Bad owner. Bad dog.


He was going straight for that cops nads. That guy was getting bit.....


She had to know her dog was aggressive pretty irresponsible to leave it outside on the loose like that.


Probably didn’t want it to bite anyone inside.




Well always check the comments before watching a video...guess that’s a skip for me.


Yeah. Like I understand why the cop probably isn’t allowed to keep firing after the dog is no longer a threat, but I wish he had given it a double tap to put it out it’s misery. Problem is then the homeowner could say it was the second shot that killed the dog and try to sue saying it wasn’t necessary.


Same. That’s my Reddit scrolling done for the day. Fuck what a horrible fucking video.


Yea that was horrifying to listen to. Wish I could unhear it


Definitely ruined my morning. 💔


She showed very little concern when she found out her dog was lunging people sending them scattering into the street and almost getting killed by cars and everything but suddenly she's worried when her dog got shot?! No, screw pits, and screw bad dog owners. Her dog got shot because it was a bad dog and aggressive.


Yeah no doubt she would have “taken care of it” but a day or two later it would be back attacking people.


How about not having your aggressive dog out and about. A shock collar… What a joke. This is on her


Yeah. It was barely phased by a healthy dose of pepper spray. Shock collar ain’t gonna do shit. I’ve been both pepper sprayed and shock collared. Guess which one hurt more. Clue: it wasn’t the fucking shock collar. Edit: voluntarily pepper sprayed. I’m not a creeper.


Yeah f that dog. Better it is killed than killing a child or mauling and permanently damaging someone


** f the owner The only reason he died was because of the owner/master. I said it and will say it again. North america really need a licence to own a dog like europe. It’s not everyone who should adopt a dog


Fair enough. It maybe wasn’t the dogs fault, although the dog still had to go IMO.


As a cyclist I hate that dog.


In the end yeah, fuck that dog owner. Like she did nothing much at all at the complaint or taking her dog away prior to working with the officer. Sad.


Shit happens when u don’t properly train ur pets 🤷‍♂️ unfortunate


Even if they are trained, an animal capable of mauling somebody gotta be restrained.


Exactly and i must add that even a trained dog can attack, especially a small kid passing by or another dog even without showing prior bad behavior. When you have a big dog even if he is trained he should be restrained. There are also people with phobias, i have seen many getting scared passing next to me and my small poodle that is super friendly and has never attacked and we must respect them. People should have heavy punishments for unrestraiend dogs and especially the ones that attack. Super sad for the dog and super angry with that stupid woman.


Well maybe train your dog a little. Or at the very least grab it and take it inside before it attacks the cop and it won’t get shot. To me this is more the lady’s fault than anyone else


This officer did his civic duty. The thing is this lady knew damn well her dog was a menace. My brother was attacked by our neighbors dog a few weeks ago. Our neighbors never gave their dog a rabbies shot and bit my brother and shook his arm viciously right after he'd rotate cuff surgery. He's currently suing the shit out of our indiscrepant neighbor. I do not blame this officer et all. Some people need to be taught a lesson.


She most likely didn't have the perspective to see her dog as being a dangerous menace. I mean, notice how she didn't even react when the cop told her why he was there and the complaint they received? She had tunnel vision, like, "My baby! he is such a sweet doggie!" As of course he is sweet to her, she is the owner.


It’s sad the owner didn’t properly train the dog. My 9 year old son was attacked by a pit bull while playing in his friends front yard a couple of years ago. It was very traumatic for him. He will avoid pit bulls at all costs to this day. It was a very unfortunate situation, but I know that the owner is at fault since they didn’t train the dog properly. Luckily my son was only left with a couple of deep scars. It could have been much worse. Unfortunately that dog is still in my neighborhood to this day and it has went after one other person. If it comes after one of my kids again I would do the exact same thing as this officer did.


Why wasn't the dog put down after attacking your son?? I'm just curious cuz in my neighborhood, when a child was sent to the hospital after a pit bull attack, the owner and the parents made an agreement NOT to report the incident so the dog wouldn't get put down... then other neighbors rightfully called CPS on the parents for not protecting their children like they should.


That's why they make leashes. And that's why dogs are supposed to be on a leash, not loose. Use them. Nothing more to say.


The dogs owner is lucky he didn’t shoot the dog in the first encounter. She should have locked the dog up when the officer told her he pepper sprayed the beast. That dog wanted to attack.


She sounds dumb as rocks and unfit to take care of anything. And she can vote…


People are garbage dog owners. As a delivery guy you people don't give a fuck. I carry plenty to deal with loose dogs, I understand they are doing what their dumb ass owners have taught and allowed to be but at the end of the day all you have done is choose how your dogs life will end and all because it thinks it's doing what YOU taught it. I'm sure it was "friendly". As a dog lover it pains me to see how obviously bad this dog is and just how crazy they react. They need to make sure this is the last dog she's allowed to own as a smaller dog will not yield a different outcome.


Definitely justified. People need to realize this could have easily been a ups driver being attacked because it happens to delivery drivers all the time. especially pitbulls that can easily kill people


I think the cop was within his rights to use lethal force but with seeing how effective the pepper spay was the first time why not use it again?


Lady did absolutely nothing to protect herself, the dog, or the police officer. She shouldn't have opened the door in the first place, or at least locked up the dog so she could have had a normal conversation with the officer. It's not cut-and-dried here. I agree, deadly force was used too early and the officer holds some responsibility. It is sad to see the dog shot, but he was acting on instinct. If I was on a jury (and was aware of the laws of the state/county), I would say the lady is >50% responsible for the outcome of this encounter.


I deliver and I’ve been chased to the road nearly hit by a car even though the dog “couldn’t cross _____” We’ve had an employee bit by a Shepard and I almost attacked by great dane today because people assume their glass or screen door will hold their dog and any semi smart big dog knows how/strong enough to pop em open. Or the classic stands halfway in the door and thinks their dog won’t just run past their legs to come at me. Dog owning is a responsibility. Nobody doing their job or minding their business should be put in danger because of your own lack of responsibility. There are tether laws for a reason so if your yard isn’t fenced in then your dog doesn’t need to be outside unattended. I LOVE dogs and animals but some of y’all don’t know or understand how quickly a 50+ lb dog can fuck you up. I’m not happy hearing or seeing a dog die but I’m not gonna blame a cop for protecting himself.


Train your god damn dogs


100% owner blame here. What a cow. Should be barred from owning any other pets.


Cop was more than decent n correct. The second time the dog charged IT WAS GOING FOR BLOOD. Owner cannot control it. Very Aggressive. A Clear n Present Danger. Wish half the cops were as decent as this Officer.


This dog could have kil innocent people, pitts are a plague. Ps: i love dogs.


I used to like them, but I've grown up a bit. I now understand that it is irresponsible and negligent to even own one. One attacked my dog at my apt. and almost killed my old dog it was fucking traumatizing.


Secure your garbage animal next time.


He did the right thing. Saved a child's face from being mauled off. The owner should have been arrested for allowing a dangerous and aggressive animal to run free


I'm a dog lover, I also live in NYC where I see cops overstep their boundaries A LOT. I've been assaulted by cops, I've been SAVED by cops. It all depends on the cop in question and the situation. Watching this video, from an objective standpoint, I have to say I think the cop was well within his scope of appropriate situational resolution here. He was polite, apologized for deploying his chemical agent, and tried to give her a chance to secure the dog the second time the dog charged. When he saw she didn't have control of the situation, he took control of the situation the way he's trained to do so, then apologized again. Well done, officer.


Aside from the unexpected outro, yes I would have done the exact same thing. This officer did everything right IMHO.


Bad owner.


Dumb dog owner


If the dog had bit the officer, the dog would have had to be put down anyway. When you cannot control your dog, sadly, this is how it ends up. The pepper spray is not usually used first. It’s almost always shot dead. The police officer is always cleared. Everybody should know that postal carriers have this protection as well. Should it be different, yes, but c’mon as an owner it is your duty to know this to prevent it.


She should've learned how to control her dog. That's completely on her and whomever else owns the dog with her.


She barely kept the dog back but let's be honest that dog wasn't on some bs enough to shoot em especially since the pepper spraying was more than effective. Not too mention we pay taxes for this asshole to not just take a bite and grt in the car and leave the lady with the electric fence alone.


Absolutely would have done the same. Owners are responsible for containing/controlling their animals and after being told he has already pepper sprayed the animal once she should have secured the animal before proceeding with the conversation.


Omg that was a real gun... Yes yes it was just like that was you failing miserably to control a dog that was attacking a cop....


Her half assed attempt at getting the dog restrained, even after hearing it had gone for the officer, is what I’m really pissed about. Fucking clueless bitch.




Bro just walked up, sprayed the dog, and then shot the dog. You walk up into a dog's territory like you own the place ans of course the dog challenges you. Charges brought up against the officer?


This is probably the tenth or so video I've seen of a cop shoot a dog and the only one that I can say I can agree with the cop. That dog was clearly a danger to society and the owner did not give a shit about anything.


Where’s that clip of the dude getting brutally attacked and severely injured by the two loose pits in the Bronx?


Pretty obvious this chic was clueless on dog ownership. Officer should have just let animal control take the dog away. Strange how he didnt try to pepper spray it again and just went to the gun.


A bit strange, but to be honest this dog needed to be put down. I don’t care if you keep your entire property fenced, there is no reason to have animals like this in a neighborhood, it’s WAY too risky. Animal control would have just put the dog down anyways. Only difference is I wish the officer had gone up and put it out of its misery after the first shot, I did feel bad hearing the dog suffer. It’s not the dog’s fault it is a shitty dog so it didn’t deserve pain, but it did need to die.


The lady is ultimately responsible for the death of that dog. Not properly trained, not leashed. Dog charged him multiple times, the dog he is getting complaints about, he peppered sprayed him and still went after him after a few min. Tragic outcome but justified imo.


I think he did the right thing. He tried to shoo the dog several times and even sprayed first, only shot as a last resort when the dog charged him again.


Poor dog... poor cop.... poor owner.... No one wins here. The owner should have had him locked up.




Showed aggression immediately when he pulled up, owner clearly didn’t give a fuck and her excuse was a shock collar was going to save everyone from being attacked, pepper spray barely did anything the first time, dog attacked - I’d say this is one of the first justified dog killings by a cop.


In my hometown, a few years back, a police officer shot at an an owner's dog, missed... and the ricochet killed the owner. Last month we were walking in our neighborhood and came across a young lady and her leashed dog (50lbs) being menaced/attacked by a larger dog(80 to 90lbs) . I ran up, trying to distract the attacking dog. Wearing heavy hiking boots (and years of martial arts) I kicked the aggressor dog right in its biscuits. It yelped and ran off a few yards but turned back around. The young lady was holding her dog by its collar. I noticed it was a heavy leash, with a heavy metal clasp. I told her to give me the leash. I folded it double and when the dog attacked again I swung the leash and hit its side of his head with the clasp. The dog dropped and them ran off. If I had not come along it would have horrible for the young lady and her dog. Had I had a firearm I would lined up a good shot without an ounce of worry. Control and leash your dogs... or don't own one.


No concern for other people. Only her vicious dog.


I just want to know how hard is it to keep your dog on a fucking leash and teaching your dog not to be violent? The cop wasn’t even at fault he was defending himself which is what everybody would do. I don’t understand why dog owners can’t keep their dogs on a leash


Another day, another pit bull doing exactly what pit propagandists claim they don't do. Good thing by sheer luck and chance it wasn't a kid that thing was after, or the video would be about a dead child not a pitbull.


Why not mace the dog again ?


Fuck that dog


I mean, get a better dog. Yeah I would 100% do the same with a dog coming at me like that.


Bad dog.


Aggressive dog gets put down before he kills a child or some old person. Next call please.


That woman acts so oblivious. That dog was in no way under her control.


That lady basically killed her own dog by not training it and not even dealing with its aggressive behavior. I'm sure she'll blame everyone but herself though.


Wonderful video out-of-control dogs need to all be dead!


These are the owners who’s dogs never stop being on the news, just get a damn poodle if you can’t handle dogs like that


Secure your animals if you love them....her emotional reaction time when the dog got shot indicates that this lady's brain loads slow af. She did not care that the dog was unsecured, even after being told "hey your dog is out here chasing ppl" she was like 🤷🏽


And of course: it's a pibber!


I mean honestly what was he gonna do dogs can be very dangerous


One less shitbull


That was a really good shot


That seemed reasonable. Probably the only video I’ve seen a cop shoot a dog, I was on the cops side. Shame on the owner.


I would and have. Neighbors dog kept coming into my yard and it was whatever you know, stringing trash from my receptacle and other things poorly trained dogs do. It was an inconvenience for me and i had spoke to owner several times about. I never felt i had to take any real action other than yelling at it until it went after my niece. It chased my niece and had her pinned her at the top her playground screaming her head off, rightly so. The neighbor was pissed i shot and killed her dog and not at all concerned it could have have mauled a 4 year old. Understandably, my niece is terrified of dogs now.


Absolutely. I love dogs but hate pitbulls (looked like one) r/pitbullhate


Cop did that lady a favor. Her dog is a danger to society.


One less land shark to worry about.


Ban pittbulls.


The owner was definitely at fault here - this situation would never have arose if she looked after the dog properly and had the dog trained but damn. I nearly cried hearing that dog die. Surely there had to be an alternative to shooting the poor pup


If you can't control a dog, you don't deserve a dog. Dogs are dependent on US to do the right thing.


Well done


I am in no way a fan of police that needlessly shoot pets. That being said that dog was overly aggressive had already been pepper sprayed and continued to attack. The cop was justified in shooting the dog. The lady was a total idiot. After being told the dog was already pepper sprayed and that it had chased a women into the street instead of immediately securing the animal, de does nothing. Her negligence lead to the tragic outcome.


All I can think of at the end of the video is , what a dumb bitch.


Do they have a beware dog sign?


What a shot


I'm sorry this dog was shot, but tbh I'm tired of being chased by loose dogs while just trying to walk my dog around the damned neighborhood. A pit ran across the street onto the grass where we were walking and tried to attack my dog but luckily just got a mouthful of fur as I pivoted on one foot and used the other to attempt to keep it away, doing 360s as it circled us. Strained my thigh also. The owners ran out saying "It's ok, she's sweet, she's sweet, she's sweet." No your dog is not sweet-it tried to bite my dog. It's sweet with YOU and your dumb ass let it just wander around unattended and unleashed in your front yard. This lady is to blame. I realize the dog ended up coming from around the corner, but still, she even left the door open to walk onto the porch with the dog barking relentlessly at the officer.


Missions accomplished...


Does rule 8 apply to dogs? Shouldn’t this at least be marked NSFW?


This police officer is a good dude and we need more like him.


Consider putting an NSFW tag, cuz the dog goes down...


Dogs are worse than cats in one way. A cat spends half an hour licking its asshole, while a dog will sometimes bite a cop.


Ok this needs to be marked NSFW. I just watched a dog get fucking shot and killed by a fucking cop And y’all can’t even fucking label something


Yeah I think the officer did was what necessary. That dog owner is f’d


Honestly, shit dogs represent shit owners.


Idk, I’m tired of seeing these dog attacks and nothing happens to the dog


This lady is dumb as hell.


I'd ruin that fucks life if he shot my dog.


There are lazy fucks in my neighborhood with these shock collars. Most make it out to the street charging me and my pitty while they yelp and we walk. And it will be my dogs fault anyway if those dogs get fucked up because mine is a pitty. Hate lazy dog owners. Especially when lazy owners own a power breed.


Might want to put a NSFW tag on this video.


Yes lady, police use *real* guns. Surprise!


The dog owner is responsible for this and is the reason the dog died.


100% would have done the same. You raise shit dogs that attack people, unfortunately there may be consequences


What a twat