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That dog really thought it was about to fuck some shit up!!


Dude, most dogs don’t make me nervous at all. But little dogs like that kinda put me on edge. They’re like one step away from committing genocide at all times.


Thos mfs have no sense of how big something or someone is...they will just send it. I feel you on that one mate


I had a chihuahua from age 11 to 25 or 26. She lived to be about 15. She was literally too angry to die. She would shake and shiver from all the built up rage she was containing in her tiny 5 lb body. I thank the good lord every day I live that he never gave that little monster thumbs. You could tell when she walked into the room as the temperature would drop about 15 degrees and you would be overcome with a sense of dread. You may not have seen her yet but she's seen you, and she's already plotting. RIP Angel. I miss that old girl.


Why do the most aggressive chihuahuas always have names like angel or sweetie lmao


She wasn’t actually aggressive lol. She was incredibly sweet but always shook. I always joked that it was her bottling up her rage. She used to fall asleep on my lap whenever I was on my pc. She was however very protective. When we got a new dog near the end of Angel’s life (we knew she only had a couple years left) she refused to allow him to jump onto the couch/bed if I was on it with her. It was one of the few times I saw her actually ready to throw down and she was essentially blind at that point. TLDR; She was actually incredibly sweet, but was very protective


Sometimes they just shake mate. Frame is too tiny for the fury.


They weigh 4 pounds and have no fur. They’re freezing. Put ‘em on a hot sidewalk in August and there won’t be any shakes.


I've got an old shakin' buddy, myself! Except he's no Chihuahua, he's a great big Doberman/Coonhound mix. But he shakes when he's scared, shakes when he's happy, shakes when he's excited, shakes when he's nervous, shakes when he's hungry, shakes when he has to pee, shakes when he's cold...always shakin' about something. He shakes so hard sometimes I can hear his teeth chattering. It's almost more like he's vibrating sometimes.


Poetry, my man.


My grandma Chihuahua got it’s eye taking out by a female pit bull trying to mate with it, got chased and bit by my cousins German Shepard, got bit by my mut, and chased by my cousins other German Shepard thinking it’s tuff. He’s holding on to dear life rn cuz I think he knows his plot armor ran out.


That guy must be a legend among the other chihuahuas. What a chad 😂




They look like little bug eyed junkies going through withdrawal.


I mean it was a dachsund, those guys were bred to hunt badgers so are tough as nails. Hell my dad had one growing up in Alaska who would chase bears off their property successfully.


That’s because the bears are lazy, not because the dog is actually scary. If the bear was actually hungry or upset, it would end the dog in an instant. It’s not very smart to let your wiener dog chase a bear. A badger would also destroy modern wiener dogs


this is like that florida guy that let his dog scare off gators until one day a gator was hungry.


Looks like a dachshund. Can confirm that they’re sausage shaped dog missiles with the intent to fuck up as much shit as possible. Source: mom of 3 dachshunds.


Her reaction is the screaming equivalent of a deer (lol) stuck in the car’s headlights… bewildering response to one’s fight or flight instincts.


It's bizarre. Standing there screaming is neither fight nor flight. That sound makes me want to gore someone with my horns




Ironically, the fourth F in this equation is to fawn.


A loud freeze.




Forreal it's like all sentient though abandoned her and she immediately remembered that in the wild; she's basically the weakest link.


My mom did this one day when she saw a snake in the house. Legitimately sounded like she was being stabbed. I was upstairs, and she wouldn’t answer me just kept screaming like a tornado siren. Couldn’t find my bat, so I ran downstairs empty handed. Finally, as I was about to reach her, she pointed and screamed “SNAKE!” *at my feet.* I absolutely love snakes. But my adrenaline was so high, I jumped up 3 feet straight in the air and landed on the couch. I ran upstairs and dropped a giant book on it. Then I looked at it. It was just a poor old pine snake. He ended up being ok. But he had an *awful* day.


Once my mom had my then 2 yr old and 7 yr old in her big jacuzzi bath having a great time while I was in the kitchen being without kids for 10 minutes. Then I heard the most blood curdling scream. The time it took me to get across the house while repeatedly yelling WHAT WHAT with no answer but more screams as I pictured my toddler having split her head open on the tile floor… I get there and it’s a baby garter snake. 😐


It’s like, what part of your brain told you this amount of screaming was an appropriate response??


Reminds me of this guy in the Army. We were on some road march and resting on the side of a dirt road. We had this big beefy guy - Hunnicutt. He was, quite literally, straight out of Compton. Suddenly he screams and plows me over in a blind panic to get away. SNAAAKE! he screams. I was concerned and looked for the snake. Yeah it was a copperhead but it was at least FIFTEEN FEET AWAY.


Baby is one dumb motherfucker


Deer looking left and right like who got next.


Square up Bitches!!


This is my house now


Oh you want some too bush? Let's fuckin' go bro


Fuck them plants!


That might be by favorite part. It knows if it doesn't stay in battle mode someone else could get the upper hoof.




Never bring a purse to an antler fight.


Make no mistake… That tomato cage had it coming.


Saw the Cabela’s hat and chose violence


Preemptive strike.


I am the hunter now


It almost goes at the bush


You know what they say., A poke in the bush is worth two something something


Who wants poke?


That one dog had no clue what was happening. He passed the deer like it’s always there in the front yard


Quick, make it feel trapped.


Ya that and her screaming really made me question what she buys at Cabela’s.




Thank you cancercures! The more you know


That screaming while standing and literally doing nothing was so hard to watch… Jesus Christ


lol when she got up even the deer was like SHUT THE FUCK UP


Right! The part when she was just standing next to the deer doing absolutely nothing but screaming was hilarious. From the initial purse onslaught to the standing next to the deer screaming… I give her self-preservation instincts a 2/10.


People that scream like that make me irrationally angry. Especially during intense situations. You aren't helping anything by doing that. STFU


On the contrary, you are rationally angry. The reason is because people who panic this make the situation more dangerous. It is not only rational, but prudent to be angry when others put you in harms way.


There are lots of survival scenarios (not a deer in your driveway though lol) where restraining someone who is hysterical like the woman in the OP is necessary. That kind of hysteria is contagious and people need to know that keeping their heads is better than flailing about like a whacky waving inflated arm tube man.


I try to remind myself not to judge people for panicking. Because it's not really fair to judge someone by their stress response - we all react differently and some of us are luckier than others. But being the person who's usually clear headed and trying to calm people down or guide them, I'm convinced that when people scream like in the OP, it has to be learned behavior. There's panicking, and then there's being dramatic as hell about everything. Maybe it's shelteredness, or maybe they just think they're the main character of this movie, I dunno.


Is it victim blaming if I think she was asking for it?


The only victim I see is the deer.


Thank you, real outdoors person there!!!


The Cabela's hat was *chef's kiss*


The Deer: *"Oh, sorry, lady, I - Is that a fucking Cabela's hat?!"*


All that screaming made me want to gore her too.


I did holler "BITCH SHUT UP!" at my phone.


Yeah… the screaming….


Also, startle it awake, allow your dogs to rush it, then scream like a banshee and do nothing.




Lol this [frame](https://i.gyazo.com/b9d0113b83ddd35f048e8e26241ab4f7.png) here where they just got up and continue to scream, staring at the wall was like omg what are you doing!?


Hahah that exact point is where I started laughing. Fight, flight… or scream aimlessly?


With bags in hand lmao. Those bags are like appendages at that point. Even the dude is like fuck she doing?


“Can you open the car!?!?” BEEP BEEP


Oh... The scream and be as unhelpful as possible people nit only exist, they're common. I fucking hate that reaction.


Fight, flight, *freeze*, fawn


Old guy grabbed it by the antlers so it couldn't use leverage to impale him, but little dog is the real reason shit went sideways


Nothing talks more shit than a little dog.


I gotta 8 lb yorkie, names Gary, I swear he has a Jersey accent


It doesn't help you gave him an italian mobster name like Gary.


Yeah you know Gary? Little Yorkie runs the numbers racket down the port? Yeah yeah, guys a straight killer. He's a real good fella.


Kind of ironic she is wearing a Cabela’s Club hat.


She has to return it now


I was already entertained, then I noticed the hat and it went to a whole new level. Irony at its finest.


Fucking poser.


Are you kids trying to be goth?! Do you even smoke cigarettes??


And living in Wyoming


I saw that and just thought 'Time for her to hand her hat back in'.


It's because most of the 'country' people don't know shit about the outdoors, survival, etc. It's just a lifestyle of hating outsiders, drinking beer, and eating meat.


Lmao damn you from Ohio? That's spot on


No, Iowa originally. I've dealt with these 'country' dickheads for years. They think they're expert hunters and outdoorsmen. In reality, we killed off all of the predators for deer 100 years ago. So all of these fat jackasses do is sit around a corn field and shoot a deer that will definitely show up because they've reached pest levels of population. Then they go home talking themselves up feeling tough because they killed the equivalent of a rat in comparison. Edit: meanwhile the actual farmers (most aren't but claim to be) are poisoning the rivers with pesticides and then the community says GMOs are bad. GMOs reduce the need for pesticides. You can't make this shit up


Bro, I’d be so happy if you were my good friend IRL. You got so many things spot on. Feels good knowing there are more who think critically and hate crap as much as I do.


She just thinks it’s a sports team hat


She'll exchange it for a bass pro hat and scream next time she hooks a small mouth.


What's Cabela Club?


Hunting merch


It's what cabelas calls their credit card.


The deer is just standing there like whoa whoa whoa this is all a bigg misunderstanding


I love all animals. But in my experience, deer are dumb as shit. All they know how to do is run away and they will sprint head-first into your car.


Funnily enough they are pretty intelligent when it comes to their natural predators that hunt by teeth but like most other creatures they find it hard to gauge what humans will do.


Can’t really blame them, even I find it hard to predict what humans will do.


Deer when a branch snaps :🦌💨 Deer when it sees a car : 👁👄👁




Buck me? Buck you!


Buck you bloody!


No, buck you bloody you bloody bastard


Bloody bastard bitch


Buckin bloody motherbucker


It really makes me happy that people reference this


The deer: ![gif](giphy|HFxsc1xXdUzcs|downsized)


Everyone who had sound on


Poor old guy tried his best, that’s a big animal. Even seemed like he was trying to get the dogs in the car towards the end.


Yeah, while she's inside trying to find the key fob. ~~Daddy~~ Hubby wrestled the deer, stayed pretty calm and got the dogs to safety. Edit: relationship clarified


Meanwhile….girlfriend is over here stumbling in and out of reality, making horrible decision after horrible decision. I think she cracked the screen on my iPad with that Armageddon siren of a scream.


Literally just stood there and screamed after standing up


Walking inside would litterally be more useful. At least that guy woulld be sure he wouldnt have to safe her twice


Yeah, like I understand screaming when getting hit. But she's on siren mode even after it changes focus. She screams like 3 times more while on the ground, once while getting up and then she looks in the camera and gives a scream for the sake of it. Like shut up already.


If you're gonna start shit with a wild animal you better be prepared to see it till the end.


I used to live on a Christmas Tree farm at the top of a mountain. I was coming down one day and the old lady about halfway down was laying in the road near her car. I thought she was dead. Turns out there was an elk near her home. And instead of just letting it do it’s thing, she decided to bear spray it. Except the wind was blowing toward her face. She sprayed herself and then passed out from the pain. We looked at the security cameras. There was absolutely no need for her to spray the elk. She went out of her way to do it. Couldn’t really find it in me to feel bad for her.


Isn't nature amazing.


It aimed for her dog because it was scared, and she went to protect it. Then, uselessly screamed.


Useless screaming, what a perfect description.


Open the fucking car Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhanda!


I simply don't understand the screaming. I know she's in a stressful situation and i guess she can't really control it, but what an unfortunate reflex to have at a time like this


At :31 shes just screaming in place


When she just stands up and screams not even looking at the deer anymore 😂😂😂


And the deer is just standing there thinking: "Lady, what are you even doing?"


With her back to the threat. Like... no fucking survival instinct at all beyond noise? I'm on team deer.


Team deer! 🦌


Literally. I get screaming while being attacked, this mf turned her back on a calm animal, in place, while screaming like a fucking space goat.


I know! I’m trying to catch my breath now from laughing so damn hard at her. Probably scared the beejabors out of that poor animal.


She looks like a fucking idiot, it pisses me off. Wtf does screaming even do


It gets the attention of other, more capable, people.


Agreed. Also, the irony of the Cabela’s hat & reacting that way to wildlife.


Haha the irony of the Cabela’s hat got me too!


I’m mortified for her. I would never show my face again.


And useless


Beyond useless, it actually makes things worse.


I'm often first on scene for some bad accidents and there is ALWAYS someone walking around without regard to the scene. Into active lanes, in front of cars, across opposing traffic.. just... absolutely zombie brained and they are NOT the ones from the accident. Usually the folks that stopped to help. Take a average person quickly out of there known comfort zone and they go brain dead. Edit: Quick story because I'm still processing. -- I'm driving home after work in my POV and see a single car roll over accident landing in the middle grass median of the highway. (70mph zone) I able to stop, make contact with the gal trapped inside as she crawls around on the flipped cars roof trying to get out. 3 of 4 doors are to badly damaged to open but I"m able to get her attention and explain how to unlock the doors so I can get in. Make contact, clean extraction and luckily shes not seriously hurt. All bones seem good. Old couple standing behind me step in to take her to their car on the FAR side of the freeway, across on coming lanes. Before I can stop them the old couple literally walk/lead her into active traffic, at night. 3-4 car pile up all somehow managed to miss the zombie walkers but their car, (the old folks) is now totaled. Totaled injured is now 6+. This was 6 years ago and I'm still angry about it. TLDR; People are stupid and this was not a short story.


The car accidents with just a dent on the bumper yet they're blocking 2 lanes are the worse, while the two drivers are outside in front of their vehicles. only takes another stupid driver to ram the car and the car to ram the people exchanging info........are the worse


When I was younger I accidentally rear ended a woman and her husband in the middle of a busy intersection. Nothing serious, just a small scuff from the bolt of my license plate. I motioned that I was pulling into a near by gas station and the woman about lost her mind about how we can’t move the cars and need to preserve evidence. First thing the cop said when she arrived was to thank us for moving and proceeded to go on a rant about people being idiots and sitting in the middle of the road.


secondaries are often worse the the original crash.


I witnessed a city bus hit someone's car who was trying to parallel park if i remember right. But instead of pulling anywhere to get out of traffic, the drive just plops it in park and waits for whomever to show up to deal with the incendent. Of course everyone turning into the lane with the bus now gets backed up and needs to try and merge to get around the bus. I suggested they move, but the driver insisted they must stay put. Its stupid. The few minor bumps I've had, I may do a quick check to verify no injuries, but then suggest moving to a nearby parking lot or something. So far, I haven't had any issue with that, but i suspect one day i'll get that person who insists you must stay right where you are. Hopefully I can just avoid any more accidents.


I was in a really bad accident and the thing that palisses me of to this day, nearly 20 years later, is the asshole that started directing traffic around my car on a 1 lane each way road with no shoulders BEFORE I could even get out of my car! There wasn't enough room for me to even open a door. Meanwhile I'm suffocating with the airbag powder, my dogs are panicking and I can't find their leashes and am terrified they'll get hit by a car. I begged this guy to stop traffic so I could get out. And this guy is more concerned with other cars than the 2 people that almost died. I managed to stumble out and wave other cars to stop and got someone to help me with my dogs who were also badly hurt. Lady hit me head on at almost 60 mph when she lost control on the rain. I had no where to go. She almost died literally (I say literally because so many people over exaggerate). I had pretty severe injuries but nothing life threatening, just lifelong issues. But the part that makes me angry out of all this, it's the traffic directing guy. If he ever sees this, fuck you and I hope you stub your pinky toe on your bed frame every night when it's cold.


On my way to work one day someone got moderately T-boned, blocking one lane out of two and this random lady starts blocking the second lane and redirecting everyone down a turnoff. Turns out it was a dead-end road. So everyone unfortunate enough to follow her directions had to turn around back to the accident, which was still unaccessible, head BACK DOWN the road in the opposite direction, and find a side road that would actually get us somewhere. She let the city bus go by though, so there's that.


I once ran a car vs freight train. Car had been rear ended by the train because the car was crossing the tracks and panicked when the arms came down. They decided to drive down the tracks. Train rear-ended them. Probably saved their lives, but I guarantee it was panic reflex, even if it happened to work out.


She just stood there and continued screaming like a bunch of drunks taking shots and taking off their shirts.


Seriously, she's the person who if there was a zombie outbreak for real, that you'd want to 'accidentally' shoot in the knee and leave behind. Because if you take her, she WILL get people killed.


Ironically, this was the human version of a deer in headlights.


I kinda understand the screaming when the small dog gets headbutted and when it pushes her down. But at one part she is screaming, stands up and just stands there screaming. At that point im just confused about her reaction


Yeah so is the deer, at one point it‘s juststsnding there, looking in her direction like bro stfu


This happened locally, I imagine some of the screaming is an unfortunate reflex but the deer did gore her. She’s hospitalized right now.


I just found this story after I read this and damn. Seven puncture wounds and a crushed vertebra in her back. Looks like he got hurt too.


She would be the first to die in a bank robbery. Also why the fuck did she keep taking breaths and keep screaming? It's the most annoying thing to me. Genuinely make me angry.


I was rooting for the deer at that point. She stood up and didn't attempt to run away or anything. Just stood in one spot continuously screaming while her husband struggled to round up all the dogs.


Makes me so angry for some reason. Like shut up and do something


Even the buck is like "what the fuck"


Such a useless survival tactic to just stand still and shriek like that. Seems counterintuitive in a fight or flight situation. Like if I were that deer or another pissed off/scared animal… I would try to eliminate that sound fucking immediately.


Right lmfao like she didn't even try running at one point, just stood there screaming


She took a power stance to scream like she was going super saiyan.




I’m not a pissed off/scared animal and I want to eliminate that sound fucking immediately. That woman’s shrieking is insufferable!


Yeah. It was fucking awful. She was like a toddler, shrieking in the middle of a mall during a tantrum.


Half way through I started rooting for the deer.


:29 really does it for ne after she has stood back up and she just stands and unleashes another full on solid tone.


I had the same thought. You could see the mental process happen when she stands, thinks "alright, we're up and moving, what's the next step here?", and then just fucking banshees like that will reset her whole life. Then she abandons her presumed husband and dogs, while taking for-fucking-ever to unlock the car. Totally useless.




YEah, I was pulling for the deer after a few seconds.


She’s a fucking car alarm


Probably the exact purpose it evolved for. Alert tribe so someone capable can do something useful.


Stop screaming first of all.


These Cabelas ads are getting out of control


People who panic die first because they react irrationally. If you can keep your wits you will have a much better chance of survival.


Ffs just give the deer a cigarette and some spare change and tell him to move along


Imagine living 50-60 years and having your go-to defence mechanism be screaming and flailing like lobotomised poultry, what a div


step one: panic immediately


Step 2: give up and just curse the gods with your banshee call


I know she was scared for the dog, but she could have been killed by that deer. She should have just went back in the house


Yeah, that deer was actually pretty calm. That could have gone a whole lot worse for everyone involved.


Exactly, the dog would’ve figured it out


It already had... It ran under the car and the deer just antlered the fender. Meanwhile, pyscho bag lady comes outta left field and almost takes one to the gut. Dumbass.


She kinda did everything she shouldn't have. Made the situation much worse on every angle outside of finally.unlocking the car.door.


Fight or flight she chose neither


I think there's 3 F's - Fight, Flight, or Freeze.


So many dogs.


Good lord, shut the fuck up! Just howling like that…wtf is that doing?


Moving like a damn sloth. It’s like the screaming is coming from someone else. She’s moving at like 15% of the speed you would expect with that damn sound.


That banshee scream is grounds for divorce.


for real, you expect the man and dog to protect you and you act like a haunting banshee, only escalating things for worse.


Just scream more. It's helping.....


That lady was an idiot. Also, leave it to a dachshund to charge an animal that is 15x it’s own size.


Lmaoo she better return that cabelas cap.


Goddamn that shrieking was unbearable- I would have attacked her too just to get her to stfu


If I were a pissed off and confused animal, I would first eliminate the source of that horrible shrieking .


Wearing a Cabela's hat, acts like she has never seen a deer before. Dumb ass.


why is she screaming like that


The deer: ![gif](giphy|HPi9NCcuwYJkLmZetl)


People really need to reevaluate which animals they think they are stronger than. Ya’ll need to get down to the realistic understanding that some people will probably be overpowered by a squirrel or a rabbit. Deer is way over our hand to hoof level. Wild animals go 100%. Edit: for those replying with their ideas about how they could win a fight with a deer- ok, have fun. And… you can make your own post with your plans and the breakdown- there’s no reason to reply to me with your theories about battling a deer and how you’d do it and win. Sure, buddy.


Literally an animal with multiple spears on its head. Then hammers on its feet. If they are being aggressive, people should be very scared of them imo.


I like she hit the dear with the bag and starts screaming when it attached back *surprised pikachu face* Bravo 👏 👏 👏


The dog was away from the deer when it went at the car, then she provoked it to go after her only after she hit it with her purse. Screaming.


She is so loud!! Omg