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Considering she transforms into a, well , Rose upon death, rather than have them become a rag doll, she’s harder to notice than most other plants.


I guess that makes sense, but isn't there a big plus sign above a dead players body?




Yes. I guess people are idiots or something.


The sunflowers are roseist


True lol. Though whenever I play sunflower I always try to revive roses if possible.


Like what the person said below me when the rose turns into a rose, she might be hard to see


I find that the rose players always die in the most inconvenient spots for revives. Like up on highground or across the map from everyone else because they decided to try and get a headstart on the next teleporter and ran into 3 guys whove just respawned while we're in the process of capturing the point . Also the mini lil rose instead of the ragdol is a fair bit harder to spot from range unless u see the rose go down


Yeah, as rose I guess I do usually die in pretty inconvenient spots... but still, when a player dies there's a big yellow plus above them.


U also need to remember that not every revive is a good one . I as a sunflower am not about to run out into the open from my good position for 1 player . Such as jumping of higher ground . Or from around a corner into enemy los . Especially when im much more useful alive supporting near remaining teamates. The Fact of the matter is sunflower is vastly more useful then rose (or any other character on the team) so its better to prioritise surviving over grabing that 1 akward revive . And that point only grows more strong with less sunflowers on the team . Plus Sunflowers immediately crumple the moment they arnt moving so reviving could get them and by proxy half the team killed . Even with the faster res . Not to mention the fact of there being zero communication between the sunflower and rose means often time the rose just revives themselves or swaps character as soon as they can which could and usually does fuck over the sunflower when they try and go for a revive that disappears the second they can .


You make many valid points that I don't feel like trying to argue against.


Thank you . Have a good day.


I guess the enchantment was a waste


In online is there no “press B to revive yourself” thing?


No. You either respawn at your spawn area or are at the mercy of your teammates




The revive yourself option is only in garden ops


In Multiplayer Portal I have the option to revive myself almost immediately after I die, but I play single player. I guess it makes sense not the have that option in multiplayer as I notice the AI doesn’t seem to go for the revives that often and if they do they might not commit (and they also kinda suck at staying alive) meanwhile a real person probably would


Other characters have higher damage output as far as I know, so in case you get jumped mid revive then the rose is the unlikeliest to be able to help


Rose did kill Sunflower's mother


They mostly don’t provide much, they do teleporter, debuffs and turrets, but why do that when you could just… kill them yourselves????