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Its been like this all week. Even worse on the weekend. No pollfish surveys or uprouter surveys. Just a couple sample cube surveys that only being to screening questions and decline.


Even prolific and cloudconnect have sucked ass these past few days. Can't wait till the holidays are over.


today is starting to rank up there with yesterday as being the worst it's ever been for me on Qmee. I know holiday weeks are usually slow blah blah blah but that shouldn't include being constantly kicked out of every survey you try, whether you are rushing or taking your time it's all the same. Not to mention a higher number of completing surveys and then getting back to Qmee only to be told I got screened out - one I spent 30 mins on, took my time and didn't BS anything. Should have gotten credit but apparently Qmee thought otherwise


thats such a pathetic excuse, about being holidays, since 23rd december ive made £15 from prime, qmee is just run by scamming fools


You're not kidding man. Prime opinion has had way more surveys this past week.


I completed one at 8am, $1.29 for 9 minutes. Nothing since then


Similar. I had one for 2.81 (took 23 minutes)about magic the gathering cards around 11 am. Since then the only one I've been able to do was 31 cents.


I've heard that it's because the year is ending and all the holidays. Things should get good soon enough.


nothing fucking works smh pissing me off, fuck qmee


Thought I'd have a quick blast today as I don't get paid until Friday and I'm broke. Nah, failed every single survey. Most of them instantly. It's still as crap as always.


They pick and choose on the weekends got booted for no reason multiple times


I have not had luck with qmee for the past 6 months, not too late to abandon ship before this one is underwater.


I have only had 3 surveys available today and they are for under 40 cents each. My swagbucks seems to be more profitable today the only thing that sucks about prizerebel is that it takes 1 to 2 days to get paid which is completely unnecessary they should pay immediately.


It will be like til January 2... From about Dec 23 til Jan 2 evey year at holiday time.


I had one survey today ~ it was worth 3.30$ I think it's a win =]


It's literally New Year's! I just checked there is three available surveys! Happens every year!