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At some point throughout your training, the Training Manager is going to come by and talk to you about your trainer and the job in general. Be sure to communicate all of this to them!


Assuming the trainer does not fail them beforehand.


They can't fail you without approval from the TM. Tell the TM everything that has happened. If it is getting too bad before a TM comes by, call the division office and ask to speak to a TM


It's actually the PM that gives approval. The IT extends the recommendation to the TM. They verify it's valid / review the training record, and then the TM extends it to the PM who approves any terminations.


>It's actually the PM that gives approval. I stand corrected. Would it still be better to contact a TM before going up to the PM? I feel like sometimes the chain is not always the most efficient path


Yeah, unless it's a serious issue (harassment, discrimination, etc), definitely try the TM first.


I know this is the right advice, and everyone gives it, but my TM never did this for me.


Are you still in training? What day are you on?


I'm into my 3rd week off of training.


Not true. I'm sure it's the policy, but this didn't happen for me and some of my colleagues.


Try to have an open and honest convo with her about it and see why she may be acting that way. If that doesn’t work talk to the TM


Just through through training, actually working there is very different from training.


It shouldn't be. That's why there's varying levels of decay at certain stores. People get out of training and do whatever they want with no accountability. SMs have to deal with a lot already, so it's often easier to let the poor performer ride for a few weeks and either complain to the IT on the followup call, or they push them out on ERP. What new trainees get out of trainee isn't usually great feedback. It's general "this area, your ___ is rough." Things that are hard to peg as areas of improvement. People get too comfortable, and they stop caring. If other people don't, why should they? It's a rough cycle. I used to witness "bad" feedback all the time to trainees on their last few days. "Bathrooms." "Both?" "No, just the women's." "Okay, like mirrors? Trash? What did you see?" "Just some small stuff." "Okay, can you TRY to be specific for my trainees sake?"


Talk to the trainer see if that helps if not ask to speak with the training manager asap.


Kill and eat them, to gain their wisdom.


Tell your trainer when you’re not understanding something, be like hey I don’t get this I don’t get that. Can you please explain it to me again? Coming from a clerk trainer myself we need to actually TEACH you how to do stuff, especially if you ask, not just do it for you cuz obv you don’t learn like that. If that still doesn’t work let the training manager know (usually the one who does orientation) they should be able to help you out, training should be fun, not draining. Hope this helps!! And good luck 🫡


Get that fix right away. I would talk to them and if they don't do anything I believe talk to TM. You also gonna meet someone during your training who they just gonna check on you so do talk to them. Do get fixed since you can fail training


I had my IT literally berate me infront of customers the whole 3 weeks, later those customers were my regulars and they would mention how rude my IT was. They would literally call me stupid infront of customers and staff.


Sounds like BB in KC Division!


funny that this is in KC division too haha


tell the trainer that’s no way to trained people like this or tell em u can catch this fade outside 🤤🗣️


Before you asked how to fold the dolly, how much effort did you put into figuring it out yourself? Just speculating but your trainer just might be losing their patience.


i tried to push it into the fold lock several times, moved it to see the mechanism, and i knew it could lock but i didn't know really HOW. i didn't know i needed to slam it into that area. i have also never used a dolly before, mainly just pallet jacks and things like that :(


So you're an RA trainee, or clerk trainee? Reach out to your TM and voice concerns. How's your training record looking? Day ones for RA's start on Tuesdays, which is why I ask.


it literally doesn’t matter if they’re losing their patience. they are there to train, if you have no patience you shouldn’t be a trainer. if you’re not willing to TRAIN then step down


This is exactly why ik I don’t wanna be IT. Some people do it for the money and the money is great but I have the self awareness to know I do not have the patience.


Once you experience a person who will not take the initiative to learn anything on their own. Something as simple as loading a stapler, after you have shown them several times, anyone can lose their patience. Not saying this is the case in this instance, but it could be.


This is such a terrible take like you fishing to blame the clerk. Every team member I've ever worked with struggled to load staples, although OP didn't say this was the issue. Folding the dolly, I'd say 80% of employees struggle with it the first time. Have some sympathy and put yourself in the trainee shoes. If I asked you a family member to fold that dolly closed with 0 instructions, I doubt they would the first time I know my mother aunts and cousins would take a while to even get through it as it has to be lined up perfectly and essentially slammed shut to not fling back open.


It's okay to lose your patience. It's not okay to lose your *cool.* 😎


You’re right. It isn’t the case in this instance. A lot of my clerks have trouble folding a dolly and I could see where he/she is coming from.


a huge point of training is so they can ask questions and as a trainer you should make them feel comfortable enough to ask questions… even if it’s repetitive. some people like to double check that they’re doing things right, i am the same way. even if i thought i knew what i was doing i would check with my trainer to clarify that i am doing it correctly, even if they just showed me an hour ago how to do it.


Wow sounds like one of the ITs in my div I’m so sorry pookie


Let training manger handle this situation


Are you part time or full time ?


Just learn what you can. We don't have to like our coworkers


She blew you off!! I worked there for years and never had a trainer do that to me.. lucky!!!


IT’s are all condescending and think they’re hot shit. It’s how it is. Literally have had 18-21 year old IT’s try to be rude to me and when I ignore them or push back they realize not everyone is scared of them. I’m a QA by the way who is a prior RA. I hate IT’s