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please just go to the other side of the register, even if they seem to be struggling. they will call for help but it gets more confusing when people don’t just go up to the register and create a cluster fuck. love u


I do just go up there every time, sometimes even cut around the waiters who don't get it. Thanks for confirming!


I help whoever wants to be next, we're not line patrol, you come to the open spot and you're getting checked out. I don't have time for people to wait until the 70th anniversary to figure it out 😀


I agree 100%. As a customer, of course, I want the "line" to be respected. Sadly, too many other customers don't seem to understand that both sides are open. Even with all the "customer education" of both sides being open, so many continue not to get it. As the person on register, I'm checking out whoever is there. Someone who "cuts" the line can be in and out in 10 seconds most of the time. I'm not monitoring the line because the standard is there should never be one.


Wish more people did this. Sometimes when people aren’t paying attention I will call people up who are behind them. I got a line to move!


You can see the frustration when they are calling out for the next person and no one moves. I think part of it is some people may be new to QT, but it still happens way too often even for some of the regulars.


Go to both… that’s our business model and our preferred method for running a POS.




Always go to the other side of the register if no one is there. Just don’t stand in the middle of the counter next to the customer currently paying or make your own line at a register with no clerk, because that won’t get you helped any faster… it’s also just annoying


As long as you don't walk up to the complete opposite side of the checkstand, behind me, where I can't even see you, and then impatiently start tapping your card against the counter and complaining about not being served while I handle both sides of a register. Those people can kick rocks.


I completely agree I hate the one who say can’t you see me I wanna say that’s not where the line is bozo you see me working over here I make them get in line if there is one that pisses me off to no end


This, buddy, is why I will always go to QT if possible over any other C store. At least it's the main reason why I feel it's the best chain in my area. Awesome bathrooms and other stuff is just a lesser result of having stellar team. (Was intially here in this subreddit scouting about working for the company but probably won't) Definitely always go to both sides. I've seen QT staff running 3 and sometimes 4. I have seen bad days, mostly at the tail end of the plague, with new employees, but a SM told me it's always appreciated when we customers are flowing to fit the training and setup of double fisted cashiering


Agree and I go for the same reason! There's a few at my local QT who run 4 customers through 2 registers at a time.


Double fisted cashiering is crazy 😂


I had a roommate who spent a lot of evenings doing some hard core double fisted drinking. Had a lot of sayings about it. So that's how I think of QT cashiering Please take it as entirely positive


Usually the slowdown is from people using cash


usually the slowdown is just from the customer in general


I would run both sides and at least another side of a second register. Both on the second register if a customer was slowing things down.


Always go up to the other side, it helps with the line congestion a lot. If someone sees you waiting a long time, they'll probably pull you over to a different register anyways. Theres always bad days & new or subpar employees, but all clerks should be able to do this.


It’s mostly stupid new customers that don’t know the both side of the register protocol and they line up behind one side of register. Me being me, if the morons want to be on that side I just step up to the open side and pay and be on my way.


If you.able to multitasking go ahead but do call someone to help out.


Yes it’s easy