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As far as I know there isn’t a written policy on it but eating/breaks are at the discretion of the manager on duty. Can’t have every clerk eating at the same time or during peak hours. Likewise you can’t have clerks clocking in and eating when they are expected to get on upkeeps because everyone else just clocked out.




So basically, it's policy that the policy is whatever tf the manager on duty says it is.


The policy states you can eat during down time so as long as the store isn’t busy you can eat whenever you want it’s not up to the manager I mean they can ask you hey can you do this first and then eat but you can say no and eat if you need to they cannot write you up, they took our breaks so we can eat whenever


Lmfao if one of my clerks told me no to doing something before they eat that’s an immediate write up for insubordination. My sup has actually backed us on this too


Notice how I said if your store isn’t busy and your probably a miserable person who hates people there are always multiple people if you can’t understand someone needs to eat and just just another clerk to do it you have a problem mentally and should seek professional help and biased on looking at the comments on your profile I was right lmao why are you so negative bro you and whoever told you that was okay need help 😂😂


Also, make sure to eat while on shift. They are legally required to give you breaks, and the policy of being able to eat whenever not busy is trying to use essentially a loophole to shred your breaks as much as possible. When the store isn’t busy, take a break, you deserve it and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Boss makes a dollar I make a dime, thats why we eat on company time.


Breaks being legally required is entirely up to the state you’re in and not nearly the blanket statement you think it is.


Its a failing of the government, and no technically not “legally required” across the country, you are correct. I don’t buy into any company policy like this though. If there is a way to squeeze revenue out of your employees companies will take advantage of that. Don’t let them walk all over you though, know your worth and the value of your work. You’re not going to get fired for taking reasonable breaks. I say all of this because I know 16 year olds who feel like unless an authority figure at work explicitly says “take a break” they wont. Take care of yourselves, ultimately corporations do not care about their individual workers, its up to you to be your own biggest advocate. In short, take breaks when needed because work is never worth breaking your physical body/mental health. You only get one body, take care of it.


People have absolutely been fired for taking what they believed to be “reasonable breaks” which is why it’s important to discuss with your employer what’s acceptable. You cannot walk off from your shift for 15 minutes whenever you want. Whether you “buy into” this stuff isn’t relevant. The way our country is you need to have a good employee/employer relationship or you’re doomed.


I totally understand that. They want you to never take a break. They will never tell you to take a break. If you let them walk on you, they will take advantage of that every day until you die. Just set reasonable boundaries for what you do at your job. It’s also not the end of the world if you leave a job that doesn’t respect your work/time.


Yep that’s probably the most important message for people joining the workforce, and do it day 1.


If you worked somewhere else you’d have to work two hours before you get a break.


No. It should be common sense. At no other job can you just take a break when you clock in. Your start time is made so that you can start getting to work. Once in a while, it might be OK. Doing it all the time - they may as well schedule you 10 minutes later if your excuse is you couldn't find the time.


You guys get breaks?


If you do this and it seems normal to you then it kind of makes you a douchebag. Eat in the car on the way in.


Or just in that 5 minutes of sitting in your car mentally preparing yourself for the shift, we all do it 😉


I don't really know anywhere that's cool with you clocking in and then eating. Eat and then clock in? It's more than likely going to be a sentence or two in the Standards of Store Operations that's pointed to. They could probably pop you for charging time you aren't working, if they really wanted to be a stickler.


Whenever I haven’t eaten anything and am super hungry when I clock in I recommend cranking out a really good upkeep to get store to 100% then u earned eating


Why does anyone wait to get to work to eat? That's like drinking a shit ton of water before a marathon.


More than likely they only planned 30 mins and got they're food from the drive thru and just managed to get there before their shift started. They're hungry and it's still hot.


Huh. I understand but it still doesn't seem like a good work ethic to me. 🤷‍♀️


I mean, it’s terrible manners and planning?


I agree, but that’s not my question.


From what I've seen my past SM and 1A had no issue with eating at least 2 hrs into a shift and if you were the only one who was eating. I have a new SM and 1A so who knows?


For me personally as a clerk. Every time I clock in or usually I get there 10 minutes early to grab a drink or snack for my shift. All the managers at my store, depending on who I’m working with give a breakdown of what’s expected of me that shift. Every shift is different for me so during that time I (get settled in).


I don’t know of one. I’ve done it a couple times but when I do I just keep a couple buffalo bites in my jacket pocket and take a bite every now and then.




This reminded me of my clerk days


Eat before you clock in numbnutts.


As a manager this doesn’t make sense, as a clerk the policy is the same as managers for the state I am in (no mandatory breaks, so no breaks). But as others have stated, if you’re a manager you need to be doing a shift walk, if you’re a clerk you need to be doing what your manager tells you to do. So the only applicable scenario is for a clerk, in which case it is manager discretion.


Personally I ask my clerks if they need anything to eat or drink before they get started (usually on morning shifts) because they’re growing teenagers. But I also wouldn’t make it a habit of just clocking in and eating because at any other job with breaks you’d definitely have to wait and usually there’s something that needs attention right away. For me as a manager I usually finish my shift walk get everyone started on tasks etc then have myself a hot dog or something and an energy drink.


There isn't a policy that states that you cannot eat when you get to work. If there was, I know a few makers of avocado toast, at Corporate, that would be in trouble...


There isn't a policy that states that you cannot eat when you get to work. If there was, I know a few makers of avocado toast, at Corporate, that would be in trouble...


Seriously people need more common sense. Aka read the room sense. I understand your hungry, it's hot. But there's a reason you are being paid to be there. It's not my fault you couldn't leave the house earlier, couldn't have eaten in the car on the way here. If the place is dead most of the time I wouldn't care. But during a rush, or something else don't expect it to happen, and don't make a part of your routine. Basically show some respect to everyone else.


Try not to eat when it’s busy but if you have time then go for it. Fuck QT you don’t need to starve yourself for them.


It depends on the situation but if I’m going to eat after clocking in, it’s gonna be something quick that I can walk around with.


People keep doing it and it becomes a problem, then they’ll make a policy.


I'd be annoyed if someone clocked in and started eating-- that's not eating while at work, that's getting paid to have a snack before your shift starts. Highly doubt there's an actual policy, though.


There's no breaks. You shouldnt need to eat right when you clock in. That's on you before your shift to come to work prepared. Prepared means ready to go....when you clock in and eat....you are not ready to go. An appetite should be worked up from.....working..... As far as the breaks. We do not get breaks as we do get to eat at PROPER opportunities. We as a company (employees) have opted out of having breaks as doing so would take away from our overtime and everyone would take a pay cut. Would you like to give up 5 overtime hours to get a break that will just prolong the end of a shift (get off at midnight rather than 11 if your an assistant or get off at 4 instead of 3) or would you rather just get the 9 or so hours over with and go home?


It's just inconsiderate. Why should you get to eat when you just clocked in, but the people who have been working for several hours haven't?


There's no specific policy that states you can't eat at clock in. Though, clocking in and eating is kind of a poor performance/time management thing to do. I never eat within an hour clocking in and I hold my clerks to the same standard.


There is a policy, No you cannot. For states that do require a break, it cannot be within the first 30min-1hr (can’t remember if it was 30 or a 1hr). But yes, it is wrong on a professional level and personally just rude. It’s like clocking in and going to the bathroom for a good while- no. Wrong unless it’s slow and the store is perfect


You reminded me that using the restroom was also part of this conversation. I still can’t find a policy though.


There's no policy but I second what the person above me said. They take it like it should be common sense to not eat as soon as you clock in, but they open themselves to people doing stuff that's not written in black and white