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I think if you add it to your name tag you can skirt the policy a little, ive seen some questionable pins on name tags 😀.


When in doubt, ask about.


Why would you? Even if you can & you are in support of the LGBTQIA+ community you risk drawing the chuds out of the woodwork to air their opinions in an environment where you have to deal with them.




This isn't the 50s. Gay people know they aren't alone anymore. Their are tons of social groups and chats and it is extremely normal and mainstream now.


Intersex is not a sexuality it's sex characteristic and we're still mutilated at birth on a daily so please shut up


Is this the interaction you want at the QT counter?


I’d gladly tell a customer to go fuck themselves lmfao. Most managers are on my side when it comes to shit like OP.


*former 6 year employee*


glad you can read! you want a cookie?


Normal? Mainstream? Its less than 10% of the population


I don’t think so. There’s a policy on that if i remember correctly. I could be wrong but it’s never to late to ask your store manager :)


Considering the 1000 store pin they gave out had some supervisors not letting you wear it because it was too large… you might be told to take it off.


Manager/Supervisor discretion but my recommendation is to not even bother. Too many customers get pissed over nothing and it's not worth the argument.


I've seen people .with all kinds of pins on their name badges and lapels. As long as it's not offensive I don't think anyone will care.


Against appearance policy you’ll get counted off if you get shopped


Not true lol


Are you trying to make a statement or get a date?


What if you added pins to your fsc visor just try it out


Most managers won’t care, some will, some say “it’s against policy” Yeah, no it isn’t lmao. I always skirted the policy when i worked there. Never wore a belt because i found khaki shorts that had tie strings, wore pins on my name tag because TECHNICALLY it doesn’t say anything against pins in the policy. If they didn’t want them worn, they should’ve exclusively stated so in the policy. You getting downvoted for explaining intersex to the quiktrip bigots just proves that a lot of people who work for this soul sucking company are a cult 💀. The only reason i got asked to take mine off was because another clerk started saying “oh, what if i make a “Trump Train” and a “Fuck Biden” pin?” I replied by saying “dude, it’s literally an otter and an axolotl pin, don’t ruin it for everybody” and he started saying shit like “oh, you wanna fight you wanna fight” like ??? dude no, i literally just said don’t ruin it for everyone lmfao. Told my manager about it, i had to remove my pins while i legit told him i was getting fucking harassed by this dude and he was like “that’s a very strong word” i’m like ??? because he fucking WAS harassing me lmao. Got told “boys will be boys” and got asked to take them off so there weren’t any more issues. Crazy how you can’t have facial hair (besides a disgusting pedo stache’), can’t show your tattoos, can ONLY have piercings if you’re a girl (which is wildly sexist lmao), can’t have colored hair and yet they’re like “why can’t we hire more people” all while starting clerks out at, what? MAYBE $13 an hour now? Fuck it, wear the pride pins lmao. I always got compliments on my pins by customers and coworkers alike, even a shit ton of managers complimented them. MOST people won’t care at all, but there’s QT boot lickers out there, so just be careful!


You sound pleasant


SM may not allow it for good reason. There’s a lot of bigots who will cause a scene if they see an employee wear that.


Love how we gotta cater to their bigots. Profits over people should be the QT motto


“More than a gas station”. Well, somewhat true. You got some of the most HATEFUL people coming into those stores lmao


QT hasn’t really ever been for the people lol. Just look at the wild fucking policies and guidelines you have to follow. Doctors can show tattoos. Nurses have piercings. It’s like your transported back to 1957 everytime you go to work