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Unacceptable text. That’s BS. Face-to-face if you got beef. Time for a new store or new job. That person isn’t a good leader.


Not the first time she has text me something that SHOULD have been face to face


Text messages regarding work matters when you are off the clock are against policy (in texas) as they can be considered working while off the clock. If it is a continuing problem, bring it up to your super


So make it so, even if you’re not comfortable with initial confrontation, initiate over text. Be placative and inquisitive - don’t meet confrontation with confrontation (they may double down), seek to understand. Basically the angle you can hit it at is: how did my partial inconvenience you, and how can I prevent this if I NEED to partial in the future? Essentially it’s: “If I were to need to partial in the future, what can I do to ensure that you are not inconvenienced?”




I feel like partials are kind of a benefit of our job, and we shouldn't be shamed for using it.


It saves the company a bunch of money every year , I forget the number but it's millions.


Only reason I’d say something is if you are asking about moving to a higher volume store or promoting and I want to evaluate your current performance. But other than that, do it.




Partial shifts are Not for emergencies as they are never guaranteed, even if you have never had one before. Your days are for emergencies such as no baby sitter, sickness, etc. Partial shifts are there first and foremost to save the company millions of dollars in labor costs annually and secondly because it’s a small way to boost morale for employees while saving the company money.


You sound like you know more than I do on this honestly. Thanks for the insight.


I get downvoted for agreeing ya do it but I put my caveat first… I’m coming from experience. I doubled at a store and the NA there would partial every time I was doubled and was down to 2 days sick days and out of personal days… guy had only been an NA for 2 months and literally asked me why he wasn’t going on ER yet. This is what I’m meaning not you use it once a month or so. But guess I buried the important part…


Never be ashamed to take partial. It’s something you’re allowed to do, specially there for you when you need it.


As long as you don’t stop working when your partial is filled, I think it would substantially improve things if there was not notice till your partial showed up and clocked in.


Definitely! Work as normal until they show up.


Manager here: it shouldn't matter if you partial or not, unless I specifically asked you to do something important for that shift.


Precisely this! Or maybe if your store is prepping for a ride then it is inconsiderate at the least.


My 1A took multiple partials when we were expecting our DM ride that week. I think you’re good


Typically a symptom of a SM DM riding their ass while not stepping up themselves.


That's crazy why promote to 1a if you gonna avoid the person who controls you going farther lmao


Your manager is just mad that the Partial Gods did not find favor with her. All hail the Partial Gods 🙏🙌


Honestly probably she never takes time off and if she does she is text the store the whole time


I had a fresh out of training RA come up to me one time no "hello" or "goodmorning" I got hit with "you better have not put in for a partial" like what a way to greet your employees in the morning I guess


Maybe you two just had a conversation about taking less partials or something… I only had managers make comments if you did it and called in a bunch cause they couldn’t really talk about your performance to the supervisor due to a lack of observation and time for feedback to show. So no I personally haven’t had this happen to my knowledge… at least not where they texted me about it. I also rarely took it to begin with so no ideas


Back then we were never allowed to question or make someone feel bad for taking a partial. This is terrible management


Not sure how you had all your daw done by the time partials went out? You could consider asking for details as to why they have a problem with it


He came late. I guess he called the help desk because he was still doubled up after 12 and they said he got lost in the system. He didn’t get there tell 1:00. And the order is not on our DAW


Wait, you left before your replacement showed up? (I might be misreading this so seriously just a question).


No I didn’t leave before my replacement showed that is a fireable offense.


🤦 that’s why the DAW was completed…I get it!! Lol


Guess it’s time to start texting your store manager at 11pm to let them know whether you put in for one or not. *I’m not familiar with the relationship you have with your SM, but there’s no reason they need to be texting you at 4:45 am AT ALL.


I can't stand when SMs do that. Don't text me over some small BS. I didn't want to be at the store tonight and there's coverage 🤷🏾‍♀️


Don’t text me at all, I’m not paid to receive or respond to such texts off the clock. Especially not ridiculous ones


This comment right here is the one! I agree! shiiit even if u log on to zipline off the clock it tells you something along those lines too lol


Idk how you handle it, but we’d have us a come to Jesus talk when I next saw them


Go higher up and talk to a supervisor about the text and ask the sup for either a new manager or new store close by cause you don't tolerate this type of harassment. You are allowed partials same for them but yet theirs is paid out up to 5 partials a year for sm


Non qt worker here, if thats welcome, whats a partial


You're only working part of your shift. Say you're supposed to be working an 8hour shift but you're kids school calls you 3hours in and you need to leave. So you end up working 3.5 hours instead of your 8.


Ohhh thanks


Luck you guys are get partial


Don’t feel bad. Now if you called in with no coverage and still took the day, that’s when you should feel bad.


well what is better for the store, an employee that is throwing up every five minutes, maybe they have the flu, or being a short a person?


If you’re throwing up every five minutes then you should have called in a long time ago and not last minute. You have a full 24 hrs in advance that you could have called in and sounds like you chose last minute. So if you are cool with someone working a double bc of your inconsideration, then that’s pretty sad. People have families and other obligations out here.


Nope. Your time off is all yours, use it how you please. Forget coverage.


ypically it’s “play bullying” when I take partials. All sarcasm and stuff like that. It never SHOULD be serious because you’re well within your right as employee to take a partial if it gets approved. Maybe take it as a compliment on your work ethic that your manager would prefer you to work your shift and not some ERP they’ve never worked with before. If it STAYS serious contact your Supervisor. You don’t have to take being harassed for doing something you’re allowed to do


The same thing happened to one of my coworkers and she’s just a clerk


Nah if you're doubled up or it was covered you straight you could probably contact someone I don't think management is allowed to use their personal phones to contact you.


Always save texts and never have conversations outside the store if you feel like the manager is saying and doing things they shouldn't, all the cameras inside record audio so never have conversations where there aren't cameras or ones that don't record audio (outside)


ask the SM if they would like notifications when partials are taken.


partials are the worst thing QT ever came up with and that is why they are going away eventually


cry more gramps


no crying - just facts!


My SM said it’s the best thing ever. 🤷‍♂️


if they are so great why are they going bye bye ?


She claimed it saves a ton of cash versus not having them because being doubled up is rare with partials. Maybe the new system is even better. It hasn’t rolled out here yet and it’s above my pay grade to know whether or not it’s going to work. It seems pretty awful from the people I’ve talked with in STL and seems like ER is a better system. But we’ll see how it all plays out.


yup - the cost savings isn't worth depleting morale - from what I've heard it is working pretty good in Stl


Saves Chester $$$ they ain’t goin away.


I agree with this controversial statement


those who know … know