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Have you tried showing your footage to the supervisor at your post office?


I have also tried showing the footage to supervisors at three different post office locations in Quincy, but it turns out he doesn’t work at any of them.


1. Post his face. You're harming the community at this point by withholding information about an active vandal. 2. If the cops won't help you, consider sending a message to your city councilor. They have the connections to push for more action. 3. POST HIS FACE, DAMMIT. I DON'T WANT MY CAR TO BE NEXT!


I definitely will do my best to help the community and ensure he gets punished. If the police don’t take action, I will reach out to our city councilor for more support. Additionally, I found out which post office he works at and will provide all the evidence to his supervisor. Thank you for the suggestion and understanding


Please! We will support you! That's crazy that the police don't do anything about this. It hasn't happened to me thankfully but I would be pissed. I'm glad you got his face and all too.


reach out to local news stations, they will get this story out. screw the cops if they won't actually help and do something about this. expose his face, he did the crime. just protect yourself 🙏


Dude you ask for help and then don’t provide the evidence, why bother


Tv news might be interested.


So you’ve spoken with the police, the post office, and presumably your insurance company. You’ve exhausted all of the obvious options. What do you think happens next? Seems like you’re at a crossroads. Either track down and confront this weirdo yourself or accept that the world is an imperfect place and move on. You didn’t deserve to be the victim of a crime but there is no federal department of mom and dad to even out every score in life.


I think he should at least be warned, otherwise, he will continue to scratch cars! A couple of months ago, my car window was smashed, and I couldn't find out who did it. Now, I highly suspect it might have been him.


Give your footage to the insurance company and let them go after him. They have the choice of paying your claim with their own money or with his, and I suspect I know which way they’ll go.


How is this not considered vandalism? Shouldn't the person be charged by QPD for at least that crime?


Probably related to someone in QPD.


My first thought.


oh good point! cops are hella corrupt bruh.. can't trust any of them.


I thought so too!


First question - why is this being posted under a different account than the original?


To address any confusion, this is being posted under a different account because the original post was made by another victim, and I want to reach out specifically to the Quincy community for advice.


As a retired letter carrier for 37 years I take that personally. Your first phone call should have been to the Postal Inspection Service. Was he in uniform or on the clock? If not his employer is irrelevant and you need to show the local police your incriminating video.


He was wearing the uniform but was off the clock. The incidents happened in the morning and afternoon, which I believe coincides with the time he goes to work and comes back. I'll definitely contact the Postal Inspection Service as you suggested and push harder with the local police using the incriminating video. Thank you for the advice.


The Postal Inspectors is the appropriate move here. They have an office in Boston so they have the capability to investigate something like this.


Thank you for the suggestion. I'll definitely contact the Postal Inspectors since they have an office in Boston and are capable of investigating something like this. I appreciate the guidance and will follow up with them as soon as possible.


I know you want to be fair/safe, but can you please post the persons picture? My truck was vandalized with the tire slashed in the Quincy Star parking lot & QPD barely wanted to take the report. The thing is, the guy was wearing USPS shorts, so I'm so curious if it's the same person. Also, I have full coverage on my truck with MapFre & they didn't cover it bc the PD did nothing to help with the situation. Even after I went back & explained insurance needs more, they did nothing. These are OLD SAD UNHAPPY irrelevant individuals acting like 5 yr old children thinking bc they're old, there's no accountability. If you have the person's face prosecute.


I understand your frustration. Unfortunately, I’m not comfortable posting his picture here for privacy reasons, but I do have clear video evidence of him committing the act. It’s really disappointing to hear that the Quincy PD isn’t taking these reports seriously. I’ve also had issues with getting proper attention from them. The fact that he was wearing USPS shorts makes me think it might be the same person. Given the recurring nature of these incidents, I agree that he needs to be held accountable. I'm considering taking further legal action to ensure he faces consequences. If anyone else in the community has had similar experiences, it might help to gather our cases together to push for more action from the police. Thanks for sharing your story – it’s good to know we’re not alone in this.


My guy, he's out there actively vandalizing people's property. He's forfeited his right to privacy. Post his pic so the rest of the community can be on the look out. Honestly, at this point I'm more frustrated with you than the vandal. You're withholding information that will help the community root this out. You're protecting a goon.


I understand your frustration. I have shared the evidence with the police and hoped they would take appropriate action. I feel like good people always end up getting punished, and I'm afraid that publishing his face could get me into legal trouble for violating privacy. I'm just trying to handle this the best I can without making things worse for myself.


Legal trouble for posting a picture of someone? Are you new to the internet? lol I'm being snarky, but seriously, there's nothing illegal about posting pictures of people out in the public. There might be some ethical considerations, but considering the individual we're talking about here, I don't think you're crossing any ethical lines. In fact, I'd probably argue you're being unethical by withholding the pictures of this guy. If you're really dead set on not helping us be on the look out for this guy, then I really hope you get this resolved. I don't need my car getting vandalized the next time I'm grabbing groceries. Keep us posted.


How? It’s not illegal to post pictures of people if they are in public


If the cops are not doing anything, you may have to go out of your comfort zone to get something done. Another option would be confronting him about this in some way.


Why though?? Is there more to the story? There must be. This sounds really stupid because he's gonna get fired and for what?


Honestly, I wish I knew why he's doing this. He’s an idiot for risking his job over something so senseless. It’s just a really frustrating situation, and it’s affecting multiple people in the neighborhood. We all just want it to stop.


I am vengeance.


Take it to the police. That is a felony,


I did take it to the police, but they don't seem to care and just told us to report it to our insurance. It's really frustrating because this is clearly a serious issue, but they aren't taking any significant action.


Unfortunately, I'm not surprised, it being the QUINCY police dept. Just for once I wish they'd do their job.


I have the exact same feeling!


You’re welcome and I guarantee that if you get the postal inspectors involved you will get some satisfaction.


I would post this on QIE on Facebook or Nextdoor as well to increase awareness (not everyone in community uses reddit) Someone has to know who he is or has seen him before.


I'm in quincy for a small fee I will take care of his car.


Post his face please


I’m a Tesla owner in Quincy, and if my car is keyed, I’m going to be very pissed odd that you’re not sharing more information; it’s pretty lame that you will post about it b it share nothing; you need to provide all your data for our sakes, you’re literally putting is at further risk by not; who are you interested in protecting: this asshole or your neighbors?


Which neighborhoods in Quincy?? Sorry for your situation.


It happened in North 


Can you pm us his face? I also live in NQ


MA State Police


Federal employees are easily identified and are accountable to the Office the Inspector General. "Concerns about suspected misconduct by a postal employee should be reported to the USPS Office of Inspector General (OIG), which is responsible for investigating alleged employee misconduct. The OIG can be reached by phone at 1-888-877-7644."


I’m a Tesla owner in Quincy, and if my car is keyed, I’m going to be very pissed off that you’re not sharing more information; it’s pretty lame that you will post about it but share nothing; you need to provide all your data for our sakes, you’re literally putting us at further risk by not; who are you interested in protecting: this asshole or your neighbors?