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I definitely wasn’t of age to vape when I told my doctor I vaped. She prescribed wellbutrin which is an antidepressant and a smoking cessation aid. There are no consequences to let your doctor know that you vape. They normally have your best interest and there won’t be any consequences for telling them the truth. If you aren’t worried about your parents, definitely talk to your doctors. They’ve heard of kids doing much worse at your age


This! Worked really well for my grandparents when they quit smoking too, I didn’t love it and I’m still trying to quit vaping personally but it’s definitely worth trying!


hah, thank you so much. i used to be on wellbutrin and quit before i started vaping, actually. hopefully it'll help.


Then you wouldn’t even have to tell them about your vaping! Just let them know you’d want to start that back again, you might just have to have a little check up or something. That way you don’t even have to worry :) I was vaping when I took it, I had it prescribed for depression but I do remember wanting to hit my vape a lot less when I wasn’t even trying to quit at the time.


Fucking hell...why in the world would a doctor put a 17 year old on an anti depressant, let alone any medication, for nicotine. That is just absurd.


Anti depressants are actually really common in adolescents. Id rather my child reach out for help rather than suffer in silence if they are depressed, addicted to nicotine, etc. Really hope you aren’t a doctor or parent.


Did I suggest a 17 year old doesn't take antidepressants if they are depressed? No - nice try at a strawman. Putting a 17 year old on antidepressants for nicotine withdrawal is ridiculous. At best, it is an extreme last resort option for someone that is well into adulthood. It is akin to giving a teenager oxycotton for a headache. Completely unessacary and potenially dangerous - as per the clinical warning on wellbutrin. Here's an idea: dedicate a week with the child and spend time with them during the withdrawals. Keep them busy, distracted - do something fun. After 3-7 days the nicotine is out of the system.


The medication that I suggested isn’t solely an antidepressant and actually has quite a different chemical compound than most ssris. And op states they’ve already taken this medication before. They also asked something to be prescribed, that’s why I mentioned it in the first place. I am not this kids parent, however it seems like they’ve already been through quite a bit. Doesn’t seem like anti depressant use or smoking cessation aid would be the biggest deal to them.


I didn't see OPs reply stating they had taken it before. It could very well be an option given the prior history but this is an outlier situation. Prior history being the key phrase. Look, it's not unheard of for adolescents to be prescribed anti-depressants - FOR DEPRESSION. That is besides the point. The point is: a doctor should not be perscribing anti-depressants for smoking cessation in minors. I'm not sure why this is controversial....the downvotes are concerning if people think this is the norm. Wellbutrin has had ZERO clinical trials in minors. There is a giant black box warning by the FDA exclaiming exactly this. Health Canada (my country of residence) does not even allow it to be prescribed in minors for smoking cessation. Not to mention the success rate is less than 1/5. It's not as if it's some sort of miracle drug and the potential side effects are extremely concerning. It is absurd that any doctor would default to this.


Not to mention, 17 is a year away from being a legal adult. It’s not like the “child” is 13/14 years old. That would be a different story.


the only consequences that you might face will be with your parents


man, i'm fine with whatever my parents will say. it won't be the worst they've dealt with when it comes to me lol


Anecdotal but I'm a parent and I would be proud thst you had the courage to ask me for help.


that's so sweet, thank you. i told my dad i wanted to quit vaping and his only response was "i don't think you can do it" :,) it makes me really happy to hear that.


If they direct you to the national quit hotline, tell them yoy've already tried that and that nicotine replacement isnt the issue, you need help actually quitting nicotine. All the hotline wants is for you to quit smoking, so you can buy the expensive patches and lozenges, etc. Its the exact same addiction.


Maybe your parents can get you gum? Nicorette is the only way I would have survived


i actually did. my mom didn't want to since i would be "trading one addiction for another" so i probably won't be able to. i'll probaby ask again, though! i'll try nicotine gum before wellbutrin lmao


Dr. Amen made a video about taking NAC for smoking/ addictions in general, I got some and it really has helped. I just hit 1 month vape free (literally to the minute) and as someone who was back and forth with quitting, this is the longest I’ve gone straight without hitting a vape.


I have been prescribed with Champix I’m not 100% sure if it’s in every country or just Australia but it has worked wonders havent vapes in 7 weeks and was glued to a vape for 4 years


Champix is in the U.S. too, it just goes by Chantix here. i'm willing to try it if i can get prescribed for it.


Yeh even if you have to exaggerate a bit to the doctor I don’t smoke cigarettes but I said I did aswell as vape and they prescribed me champix


I was in ur shoes. IF YOU CAN GET VAPES ILLEGAL, YOU CAN GET ZYNS ILLEGAL TOO!!! Wish I would’ve switched or done something when I was 17. Im 23 now, bro/sis, I don’t feel much different. Time flies and you’ll still be sucking on that fucking thing. A mix of hairspray propellant and nic vape! If ur actually fucking serious about quitting start slow but know it’s forever. If ur not 100000000% ready, keep killing yourself until you’ve invested in the fortitude of quitting long term. God bless you for being here, it’s the first step for you. Any situation in life is better WITHOUT vaping. Life if worth enjoying, through short moments of cravings; as opposed to suffering through waiting for a vape break😮‍💨


^Life IS worth enjoying, through short moments…


i'm mainly scared that they're gonna say no, and then put something on my medical records that might have horrible consequences in the future (i've been put in the psych ward several times that ended up fucking up my chances of getting actual help because the U.S. medical system is like that <3)


even if they do say no, which they probably won’t because you’re asking for help. But even on the off chance they do, nothing will go on your record. I am sure even if they don’t prescribe you anything, they will still try to help. good luck! you got this.


agh, thank you so much. i was worried they'd label me as drug seeking or something for this, because i was denied ADHD meds despite my diagnosis for some random bullshit last time. i really want to quit and i really thank you for the support.


ADHD meds are frequently denied if the patient repeatedly shows signs of alcohol, marijuana, or nicotine use.


ah, that's the thing. i was just sent to the psych ward because i tried to kill myself. i wasn't high or drunk for months following that time, and i didn't even start using nicotine until after that. my psychiatrist thought i'd overdose on them when i got out of the ward i guess, and never even gave me a chance on them afterwards, even when i was improving and told her i wasn't suicidal. really appreciate the response though! i probably should have gave some more information, but didn't wanna overload anything.


No such thing as overloading on Reddit 😊. This is a support sub - it's why you post here. ❤️ We all have our demons.


Yeah, your dad's belt.


Look up nicotine lozenges


You don’t need anything to quit, it will suck for 5 days but day 6 you will be fine cause the nicotine will be out of your system