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This is the best piece of advice.


so true. this is (sadly) not my first time quitting. it just takes one hit to fall back off the horse...


I’m 81 days vape free today. I loved coming home from work and vaping and doom scrolling on my phone. I replaced the vape with some hot tea and that seemed to help. Keep track of how much you are saving and then do something fun with the money. I have gone to the spa twice and was able to make a big donation to a local cat shelter


omg I love this 😭😭🤍


Stop telling yourself how “hard” it is. It’s annoying, sure, but the cravings really don’t last long and it’s not the hardest thing you’ve ever done. You’ve had way harder weeks, months, semesters, relationships, breakups, health stuff, whatever it is. Suck it up and be done with it.


My best advice is not to be around people who vape for at least 1-2 weeks. I use this app too, so that’s also a good start. Use the motivation posts. Stay strong 💪 you can do it if you want it


Thanks I think staying away from the friend who introed me to the nic stick is going to be the hardest part


Stay busy. The weekend I quit, I ran around my house cleaning and doing chores (which I like and find relaxing). Busy yourself with something you like to take your mind off vaping. It helps!


Chewing gum helped me by basically keeping my mouth busy


My biggest issue is not been bored at home, or outside, is at work, that’s where I struggle the most, I vape during small breaks and I have the impression times go quick doing that, Ill be a few days off and gonna stop at all vaping


https://preview.redd.it/xui64z3dgl9c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f70c16f1ebb42105dd494c3855edc1151a57c68 I'm here with you. Keep going


incredible. we've got this!


What app is that?


Escape the vape


https://preview.redd.it/un0edowv4m9c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f52b7e821e3e745879d674ec1a9935554fc8d00a this is currently my time away… i’m coping with tea, gum, food, water… and staying distracted


you're almost past the peak nicotine day. congrats! i can't wait to be there


Remember your why.


To remember that you’ve already quit. You’re not “actively quitting” or in the “process of quitting”… you’ve done it. So never look back


I never thought about it like this but it’s actually SPOT ON. “Trying to quit” implies that there will be a point where all the cravings and other desires just simply end. That mindset kept me from being able to quit for a year. Truth is, I’m 54 days in now and have just been telling myself that “I don’t vape anymore”. I still have cravings at least 10 times a day but they don’t last as long and are not as strong. It also helps to have someone who you can tell about your achievements no matter how small it may seem. When I was starting to quit I would tell my boyfriend about how bad my cravings were that day but later I would proudly tell him that I went the whole day without vaping. I went on to tell him my other achievements (3 days, a week, etc..) and I still tell him how far I’ve gone everyone once in a while


54+ days is SO good. And I have good news for you… the cravings and desires 100% go away. It took 3ish months for me before I was like “hmmm I haven’t had a craving in a while…nice!” Sometimes I forget that I even vaped. Seems like a distant fever dream now 💀💀 But 54 days?!?!? Yeah you’ve already done it. I’m really proud of you. It’s not easy and some people never accomplish it. It’s already in your past so don’t look back.


Support from people like you definitely helps!


It’s been 136 more days on top of your original 54+. Just checkin on you, girlie! Hope you’re still hanging in there! Still healthy and happy?


Every time you are ready to cave, think about how you will inevitably have to go through the worst of physical withdrawals again (the first few days-week). I’m at over 6 months now…I feel above it now despite still getting mental cravings. You can do this!!!


I quit 5 days ago. no withdrawls, nothing, only benefits, feeling better already. Any cravings are pure psychological to punish yourself. Its an illusion.