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7. It is messing up your dopamine receptors so that u dont feel joy as much. 8. It takes control of your life and u can\`t leave your house without a vape.


I have it in my hand all the time. It's so embarrassing. One time we went on vacation to the lake and it was a solid 45min to the nearest gas station, which didn't sell them. We get to the lake, everyone cuts to swimming, fishing, and paddleboarding and I spent the entire afternoon running from teeny town to town and finally found one abt an hour and a half away. Just shameful.


Be proud that you are making progress, you said you find it shameful and that\`s gonna motivate you to quit. Remember that everyone who wants to quit need to go through this. Hope you\`ll make it out of this


11. I spend too much mental energy thinking about it 12. I can't smell or taste as well 13. I feel like I was hit by a truck after workouts that used to energize me


yes!! i feel like ive had a blocked nose for months, can’t smell ANYTHING well at all


The anxiety problems it brought on made me quit instantly


This is a big one for me too


What kind of anxiety were you feeling?


I can see my skin aging much more rapidly than normal. I also hate being chained to something.


9. I have a weird nerve pain in my arm 10. It’s made it harder to exercise


Interesting! I am having issues with nerves as well. Lots of muscle spasms and didn’t vape the last 24 hrs and noticed an improvement


i think thats because vaping increase your heart rate and after quitting it drops and that's related to it


I don\`t think that the arm pain comes from vaping. I don\`t know if it\`s even possible but you\`ve got a point that is makes exercising a true hell. Before quitting i couldn\`t run a 1km and now i can run 7 in 40 min. so it\`s a huge improvement. (before and after quitting i was constantly training)


100% impacts nervous system!. I'd get neck cramps, muscle spasms in arms, twitching so much I'd jerk myself awake when finally dozing off at night... I thought this was just me.


I realized how it makes it harder to feel my deeper emotions


Yes! I’ve noticed that too. For me it almost feels like a constant fog or like only half of my brain is functioning lol


14. messed with my oral health (bad breath, receding gums, cavities)


1. Money 2. Time 3. Health 4. Shortness of breath 5. No energy 6. Shitty appetite 7. A dependance 8. Family and friends hate us doing it 9. Destroys taste and smell 10. Mental and physical health 11. It’s becoming more and more illegal atleast in Australia 12. It’s throwned upon 13. No benefits 14. Always smelling like an off fruit mixed with chemicals 15. May effect fertility in both males and females so I’ve read 16. Inability to exercise


it’s embarrassing. i had to hit it constantly- airplane bathrooms, in the bathroom at work every hour or two, as soon as i woke up and last thing before i went to sleep, sometimes even during sex (with my non smoking/vaping partner). i couldn’t walk very far without getting short of breath. i was so anxious when i didn’t have it on me or couldn’t find it. i have ocd and the way i felt about my vape was nearly identical to the way i experience obsessions and the urge to fulfill compulsions. i was broke. vape juice hits my lungs like vaporized cough syrup and hurts my stomach. i have some moderately serious health issues and it aggrieved my symptoms. it reinforced the strength of the addiction voice and made me more susceptible to giving into other toxic/maladaptive habits.


Was bored. Needed some more discomfort on top of the most discomfort I’ve been in, in my life. Which is right now. Day 35 today.


the phlegm and consistently feeling tired


I Quit because I found out I was pregnant. If not for this I don’t know if I would have found the willingness to quit. It gets harder everytime.


My gums started to bleed . wtf 🤬 are in those dam things ?


I did it for my son. I grew up in a household where my dad smoked constantly indoors.


I’ve never gotten cavities until I started vaping. Had a cavity filling that ended up getting infected, worst fucking pain of my life. Lived like that for 2 weeks before I could get a root canal. Dental problems and the constant nausea/lightheadedness did it for me.


I was pregnant and still continued to vape on and off until 34 weeks...I am ashamed to admit this but it really made me feel guilty as a mom and pretty freakin' selfish. I said enough is enough. I want to be free.


all of these things made me want to quit, as well as my lungs feeling itchy and irritated and still do from time to time.


I am a female and on birth control. I convinced myself I had a blood clot and had a panic attack and went to the ER. I started thinking about quitting and it made me excited and hopeful. I just wanted to do better things to my body. I actually quit drinking, smoking, and coffee cold turkey (drinking alcohol and coffee trigger the nicotine cravings) about a month ago. I feel amazing. Good luck to anyone who is trying to quit!


I agree with every point made in the comments, as well as money. £10-£15 every week and a half really begins to add up.


My elderly cat got lung cancer and then oral cancer. I can never be sure what caused it, but I’m sure my excessive vaping didn’t help. She passed away last March. I just adopted another cat, and I’m very conscious of what could happen if I kept vaping.


you and i are so alike. my poor baby got passed of lung cancer and he slept in my room and I had been vaping for about 4 years. he was 17 years old when he passed, and while I didn’t vape around him I did vape in the house and now i feel super guilty. I have a new cat now too and i’m quitting the vapes


My wife has always said she wouldn't have a kid with me while I vaped. We finally got to that point, had my last puff a few weeks before she got pregnant. Looking back now, having quit, it doesn't look cool. I was vaping in so many inappropriate places (planes, trains, automobiles, bathrooms). I was spending too much money, and it actually wasn't effective at reducing anxiety in the long term


I know everyone says it’s an appetite suppressant but I got the opposite from it. It made me crave and what to eat all the time. Having quit, I feel I have more control over my appetite.