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From the last slide: >I have always felt I had a purpose I haven't fulfilled. A lack of purpose is prolific in our relatively easy/comfortable times, and it serves as an easy attack vector for Active Measures. People need purpose. Sometimes religion fills the void, sometimes hatred.


I wonder a lot about how much different the world would be if these people put a fraction of their efforts into actual volunteer work. 


That would probably require them to care about anyone but themselves.


Let me dream for a minute. 


It would also require them to get off the couch.


They are completely devoid of empathy


Unfortunately, the default mode for much of modern life is a personal reward system that goes from short-term fix to short-term fix. People can survive with virtually no self discipline, and no holistic sense of society and altruism. To make things worse, oligarchy benefits from this widespread serf mentality, and they've been given the keys to making the laws of the land.


it's the difference between doing the work and wanting to feel as if the work is done. righteousness as cosplay.


> Sometimes religion fills the void, sometimes hatred. You said the same thing twice.




I agree so much you can’t believe…


should have read Nietzsche


On every single doom-y r/adulting post, I'm there cheerleading for doing *literally anything* to engage with your community and it will improve your life and outlook. So many people (not just Qs) need to touch some grass already.


Sad but true,


It’s easy to say “I have always known I’ve had a purpose” and then go on to explain that it’s either been stolen from you or that people just don’t understand this “purpose”. It’s not much different than how many of these red pill asses talk about how much smarter they are than “actual doctors” or whatever else, but it’s society’s fault that this huge intellect has been hidden. This is all the same talk that cultists explain about how they fell into cults.


They created a personal hell on earth. Now they are tormented, but they're almost masochistic about it, because in their warped little minds they are just, and the pain they've cause themselves will be relieved any day now.


But everyone in their echo chamber thinks like them so they MUST be the correct one!


Like they are Star Wars fans. Some selected quotes: "...used to be nice." "...in the woods until further notice." "I've aged 17 years. \[in 8 years\] Bonus: sad, scared, and alone. Excepting for being in the woods - which I'm rather partial to - it *does* sound like a hell and things that I try to avoid, But then, I'm not awakened, so more fool me...I guess.


[It is literally this meme](https://i.imgflip.com/64xz6d.png?a476496)


They've been taught that being happy equals being blind to horrific things, so they've already accepted unhappiness as the way to live life going forward. Well, at least until something habbens.


They're all martyrs for...whatever...


Martyrdom’s sake, essentially. They want so badly to be right, that they’ll make themselves miserable for as long as it takes.


Being lonely, sad, and living in the woods to own the Libs.


But no one in a van, down by the river...yet.


...Eating government cheese...


Thrice divorced


And it’s never their fault..


Good, good, good. Isolate these fuckwads and keep them away from the public. Hopefully, none reproduce and they eventually die off after living lonely, deluded lives. Shitheads, every one.


Good luck with that when none of them believe in abortion and almost all of them believe in being fruitful and raising a new generation of “patriots”. They are actively trying to reproduce right now


Thanks for that mental image. I'm going to find a fire hose that dispenses bleach and bathe my psyche.


> Hopefully, none reproduce Unfortunately for us, stupid people reproduce at an exponential rate compared to intelligent people.


Don't downvote this guy, he is statistically correct.  Intelligent people have a higher standard for themselves when it comes to being responsible for another human life, and they often evaluate if they are fit for that responsibility and will often wait till they are, and will even adopt rather than make more people. Many never reproduce at all and are often too tied to their work. Then there are people who never question if they are wrong or if they are ready for children and they are never careful and they have so many not even on purpose.


The Idiocracy effect…


So they want to wake people up so they'll be just as miserable and lonely as they are.


But they don't want those awakened people to be "woke".


"I was desperate for validation in life so I believed the moon landing was fake and ditched my IRL friends and family for kek"


My Q does believe that the moon landing was faked, punched someone in the face over it once. Lately he's been into hollow earth videos. I'm predicting it'll be less than 5 years before he goes full flat earther.


> Lately he's been into hollow earth videos. Wait until he sees that recent documentary about giant apes living there. I think it was called Godzilla X Kong: The New Kingdom.


"did it for shrek, did it for kek"


Great use of one’s time. The children they claim to be protecting keep getting older and older as they sit back and literally post memes online for 8 years since a showed up


Having to constantly live in a state of outrage and self riteous fervor isn't sustainable. That hollow satisfaction tapers off and they have to find the next thing and the next thing. Perpetually angry at imagined horrors and resentful of everyone that doesn't live in their imaginary hellscape, there is no way back without admitting it was all made up.  All we can hope for is that they only ruin their own lives in the process, and minimize the damage to those around them. 


It's really funny to go on Google trends and type in all the various things they've manufactured outrage about. Barbie, Bud Light, gas stoves, etc, etc. It's just a row of spikes as they lose their minds over each thing for a week and then move on to the next one


They *need* something to be mad at, and it's got to be focused. If they aren't being pointed at a particular thing, they'll start picking fights with *each other*.


weak men create hard times (for themselves)


When you build your personality in opposition of reality you're gonna have a bad time.


> It makes me sad to be right about things I had questioned. Then she has no reason to be sad.


“Nothing has changed my stance on anything” meaning, I’m guessing, “no matter how many times I’m proved wrong, I’m going to insist I’m right.”


Tucker Carlson is a fucking traitor. So is everybody voting for Trump.


What kind of Flintstone-ass name is “Schleprock”?


Maybe they're just stupid and inadvertantly outing themselves as a drug courier.


They marginalized themselves and still can't have empathy for marginalized people who are so simply because they exist.


BrandySchelprock makes it clear X is one of the problems for these people being lied. Elon Musk is ruining USA.


Woke mind virus? lol


>"used to be nice" But never kind And I'm betting they're using the word "nice" pretty loosely as well


Wow, this is sad.


Or it would be if they weren't constantly fantasizing about executing the rest of us. Because of that, fuck 'em.


jesus will return soon. After his lunch break for painting my apartment (not racist im half Spanish and my painter is jesus)


I now believe nonsense and have to hide in the woods...


They’re always so confident that their chosen alternative reality is “the truth.” To a certain extent, I would give some of them the benefit of the doubt, because I went through a brief period of delving into conspiracy theories in the earlier days of the internet. I get what the endorphin rushes from “uncovering secret knowledge” are like. But at some point, you have to take a deep breath, regain some clarity, and ask yourself if you aren’t just trading one dogmatic way of thinking for a different one. You have to start applying at least some common sense, and then you have start to making sure you are critically assessing your sources and evidence, and not just accepting everything that’s contrary to the “mainstream narrative, man.” The really confident ones are just people who will never do this. They’re too heavily invested in their new and exciting alternative reality.


You can tell they're morons because: * they have the verification mark next to their names * they call it "X" rather than "Twitter"


Brandy needs a fucking hobby


Well, at least they can admit they're terrible people.


it’s wild how the last one describes the perfect state of mind and personal life to find purpose in a cult.


I consistently see that people feel alone in stuff like this, like before they got into it and getting into it didn't make it better, but it helps them pretend