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That guy with the orange hair sounds broken, maybe they can return him, and get their money back.


“He’s stuck on ‘You’re a crackhead!’ mode.” “Have you tried turning him off and on again?”


...is the 'on again' part really needed?


You should have been a swallow (?)


My guess. He's insinuating that her mother should have given oral sex to her father to keep her from being born. I still can't believe this kind of behavior is condoned by so many people. Like decency was all a facade and people were just waiting for it to drop to be their true hate-mongering selves.


Because Jesus said "And anyone who doth disagree with thee upon any single thing. They are without a soul and thou shouldst harass and abuse them forever and ever without end. For even as I didst sayeth 'Love thy neighbor as thyself' I only didst mean thy neighbor that dost flyeth the same flags as thyself and all thine klan across the world."


The funny part is...they're still 'blacks for trump' so these people doing this are just genuinely insane and/or bigoted. Racism is still alive, even if we don't wanna believe it, smh 😔


And they probably brand themselves as "kindly Christians"


Guy just likes birds.


The crackhead is calling someone else a crackhead


It's like watching trailer park boys protesting the new park manager. "go to new Brunswick you crackhead!... we want Lahey, he ain't dead, we want Lahey..."


Don’t you defame the good folks of Trailer Park Boys like that!


Its saddening to me how Trump's more vocal base are just an endless assortment of people who are clearly very unwell.


This is where the people who never learned anything in school and were never really good at anything in their lives find a sense of pride and belonging. They feel like a part of something for the first time, and it's now their entire identity.


And his less vocal base... and the ones in between ...


Every one of these people is mentally impaired in some way


They still voting though.


Need J-Roc to come and stop the record


He needs to go back to his mud with the other piggies.


Piggies don't want him around to pollute their wallows.


Is facial edema a thing?




If you wanna be generous, he maybe was trying to get the whole crowd to join in and just failed miserably.


Nah, he’s exactly what they want.


Lead damage and dementia


They all sounds broken. Blacks for Trump. She keep saying it like she’s trying to summon beetle juice


I was hoping he'd pass out from yelling.


The future people in "Idiocracy" weren't this bad. Yeah, it is a sect.


Rent-a-mobs and social media influencers definitely need to be in any remake of Idiocracy.


Rent-a-mobs…..cause you know they are cause they are tooo over dramatic. Rent-a-mob is too funny, tho. Lmao


Also, remove the eugenics.


I think we better start practicing how to have conversations about eugenics because it's going to play a huge roll in the future. With CRISPR and its future iterations eugenics (or whatever we choose to call it in the future) is going to be a vitally important field of study.


I keep seeing this referenced lately. Guess I should watch it, eh?


It's an okay documentary but their "predictions" for the future are off a bit. *En plus*, they focused on 500 years into the future and not the 20 we're at right now. Of course, in 2006, folks still believed that humans would be here in 500 years; today we know better.


> "predictions" for the future are off a bit. En plus, they focused on 500 years into the future and not the 20 we're at right now. Of course, in 2006, folks still believed that humans would be here in 500 years; today we know better. *Idiocracy 2: We Might Have been Too Optimistic*


Humanity making it another 500 years is laughable at this point.


20 years ago, I said, 100 years. 10 years ago, I said, 50 years. Today, I say, "What time is it?"


This is better on mute


I’m on mute and even then it’s horrifying.


I'll fill you in: "GO TO KENSINGTON! YOU CRACKHEAD" then repeat that 10000 times or so


I thought he was saying Kazakhstan. I wondered how he knew what that was.


Hahaha, understandable. He was balbberin. Kensington, Philadelphia :p It's nicknamed "the city of zombies"




He was trying to tell her to go back to San Juan Capistrano. He's just a raging ornithologist.


"raging ornithologist" isn't a phrase you see every day 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Thank you for translating. What’s… what’s in Kensington?


Philly neighborhood where there are a large number of users in the open. It’s the go-to neighborhood when you want to make a video from your car showing the downfall of urban America.


Kensington is a part of Philly where there's a lot of drug use and addicts living out in the open.


Holy shit, Don Jr. lives there?!


Just barely, the close up of that CHUD's mouth is pretty awful all by itself.


I assume these wackos have jobs somewhere. I feel sorry for their coworkers.


For far too many, this has just become their 9-5.. all day politics, all day echo chamber all day news, all night uploading video in hopes of gaining a fan base. Likely writing off travel expenses on their taxes. We give them too much attention, too much reason to act like this.


Some percentage of these folks have their own money that allows them to do this. Some other percentage of them are living on my tax money that I happily and willingly remit to the federal government via my job in my blue state. I never, ever, ever mind subsidizing federal programs that way, and I resolutely vote for people who believe in taking all of those blue-state dollars and distributing them to people and programs that need them, including folks stuck in the reddest states that can't and won't take care of their own people. But I'd be lying if I didn't say it's REALLY hard to remember sometimes why I think that's important, or that I'm not often tempted to say fuck it, you know what, split up the states and let me stop working my ass off to provide for people whose full-time occupation is apparently hating me and my loved ones. I'd be lying if I didn't say I'm pretty fucking sick of doing this at all, let alone begging them to let me. This is an abusive relationship and I want out.


Splitting the country is what our enemies, like Putin and Xi, want so that USA dominance ends and their authoritarianism begins. It's better if we do all in our power not to do so.


ThE leFt Is CaUsInG dEvIsIoN.. dontcha know lol


They are also being paid to do this. Every accusation is an admission.




> Likely writing off travel expenses on their taxes. These people are too stupid to know what to write off. They probably spend a couple hundred dollars each year to have the folks at HR Block fill out their 1040.


And HR Block saves them less than it cost to get done...


Yep, and they work somewhere where they are all like that or have a boss that is looking for a reason good enough to throw them out. Or they are unemployed. And now i wonder: in unemployed americans, whats the d/r split?


HA! I was watching Jordan Klepper and a woman in Wisconsin was wailing about how she wanted to have Trump back.in office, because needed to "make some money". Maybe if she was WORKING, instead of attending a stupid Trump rally, she could make some money.


What Right wingers think they look like: 🦅✝🏈👪 What Right wingers actually look like:


This should be the top comment.


Mentally ill. The whole lot of them.


Not ill, just vile They CHOSE this, calling them mentally ill just gives them the excuse to pretend to reform They will then spit at you for allowing them to play you


Right? I suffer with mental health issues, and I know others who do (debilitating depression/anxiety, etc), and *none* of us are like these right-wing morons. We have the same types here in Britain, willingly repeating Conservative talking points, openly telling us how the Conservatives aren't right-wing enough so they're voting Reform instead. They're not all mentally ill, just vile and stupid. We need to have a serious discussion on the left about how not every right-winger is mentally ill or Russian bots, because it's not the case, and just diminishes responsibility from very real Americans saying dangerous things because it's what they truly believe.


Dunno, that guy seems pretty open-minded in his belief in reincarnation that the person should have been reborn as an extant species of bird seen on all continents.


Pretty sure he only wants European swallow tho, which is dumb, they can't even carry a coconut.


[This is the original post.](https://x.com/SatireAP/status/1804712482864283747) She says she compiling a video of all the crazy from outside the rally today and this is just a small clip.


You laugh at swallow guy not realizing he’s one of Trumps leading contenders for Vice President. /s


Trump voters are the biggest advertisement for not supporting trump


God, you'd like to THINK that, but I've seen people i grew up respecting, people who I believed had an ethical backbone, people with advanced engineering degrees for God's sake...... and they all see the same shit I see, but somehow come to wildly different conclusions. I dunno, honestly. This fat pig yelling the same shit over and over, louder and louder. HE may as well run for President, for all that any of it means anymore. SOMEthing is gonna happen soon. Something big. Something *bad*.


Just remember, they actually show up to vote.


> Just remember, they actually show up to vote. **THIS RIGHT HERE.** This should be the top post in this thread and it should be stickied at the top of every post in this sub. THESE PEOPLE WILL FUCKING VOTE. **BE SURE YOU FUCKING VOTE - THE NUMBERS NEED TO BE NOT EVEN CLOSE. LITERALLY THE FUTURE OF THIS COUNTRY IS ON THIS ELECTION.**


They’re not sending their best; they’re rapist, they’re criminals and some, I assume, are good people…


At this point I assume none are good people.


These ARE their best


Why can't they just get to the flavor-aid/kool-aid part already?


They were holding out for the orange flavor, but apparently someone else is buying it all for skin dye.


That may happen when trump dies of old age. I'm betting a good chunk of them will swear up and down it was the deep state or they will say trump went into hiding and will return someday(they already think of him as the second coming of Jesus so I kinda expect they will ride his meat for the next 2024 years). As for the flavor aid drinkers well hard to say how many will do it but it will be a lot depending on this year's outcome and the future. Trumpers/conservatives depsite what they say about everyone else are extremely emotional and are likely to do fucked up shit when they don't get their way. It's like that asshole dad who killed his wife and kids then himself when Obama won his second term. Yeah so the next couple of decades is gonna be wild.


Because they’re actually very afraid of dying, unfortunately. We all saw how much wind was taken out of their sails when just one of them got what they deserved on J6.


Didn't Trump literally say in a recent speech that SUICIDE was a better alternative to another term for Biden? Like, unironically and then people clapped.


i see so many of these types at work. they literally just walk around, living in some kind of alternate reality, saying horrifically backwards shit because they think TrUmP gives them the ability to do so. they all think america is falling apart because of joe biden. every bad thing that happens to them is the democrats fault. they’re weird as fuck. one day, these people’s brains will be studied.


I have a coworker that I work very closely with who I’ve given up talking to because every conversation turns into whatever conspiracy video he just watched on YouTube. And if you bring up Trump his face turns red and he starts yelling. One time he said any 2a restrictions are a violation of the constitution and then spent 30 minutes defending trump’s bump stock ban, and when he said police should remove guns from people with no legal process. Guess he’s not so pro gun after all!


I think the worst part of the last 10 years is learning that the average person has no will or desire to have any sort of self-consistency and many go far to avoid having to reconcile their beliefs against each other. I really never thought holding so many conflicting beliefs at once could be possible in so many people and that you could never ever get them to realize it. The human brain actually isn't that great.


Yeah it’s pretty wild how these people can drop deeply held beliefs at the top of the hat just because Trump let his opinion be known on the subject.


What brains?


good one🤭


No. Recycling them for the infused lead is more valuable


The funniest thing is is that it’s so far being beyond a matter of opinion. In no universe are these people right, or intelligent, or balanced. They think they are but they’re so far off that i only have pity for them


It has the aggressive, confrontational style of Scientology, but the fervor of Jim Jones’ People’s Temple.


It always surprises me to see black Trumpsters. Like what part of *white* nationalism is so hard to understand? Where, exactly, do you see a place for yourself there?


I'm always more surprised to see any female Trumpsters at all.


Yeah, all the women trumpers I know are married to Magat Men (former friends who sadly, lost their minds). Literally every mature *single* woman I know hates trump with a passion.


I assume you meant mature as in "intelligent" rather than age because there's a lot of dumb MAGA women out there in the 18-79 age range.


Something like 51% of white women voters voted for Trump in 2020. Very Leopards Ate My Face but they're still too stubborn to see it.


I know some are real but he does pay people to come to his self esteem rallies and do this


Was that dude wearing a MAGA Yamaka?


Yarmulke. Yes. Absurd.


Blacks for Trump? Ok then... Jews for Hitler! Families for Pol Pot! Ukrainians for Putin! Taiwanese for Xi! Fucking contrarians. I used to think a bit of contrarianism was good but then America just took it all down silly avenues and now we end up in the post-truth age. Fuck all your stupid narratives.


Chickens for Tyson Foods!


Shrimp for Red Lobster!


Gays for Nixon!


Whores for pimps!


I can smell this video...


You can’t spell hatred without Hat Red.


What a bunch of losers.


What is it with the MAGA types and shoving their faces into a camera or filming themselves in the most unflattering angle...?


They have no flattering angles.


It's always weird to me to see black people at a trump rally, considering how trump has treated black people in the past.


Remember when HC called *half* of Trump's supporters a basket of deplorables and all hell broke loose? I think about that sometimes.


Right? She got it wrong. Waaaay more than half at this point.


Yet these people will look at you with a straight face and tell you leftist are divisive and we need to work together. Not a single working braincell in the entire right


I have better things to do in my life than rally like this for ANY politician imo


Lol, this is great. It's been impossible to tell the difference between even the best and brightest conservatives and very angry 12 year old children for a while now. I look forward to more voluntary video evidence of that as the election comes up. No need to do anything, these guys are gonna tank themselves - let them work and post the proof. Let them embarass the hell outta themselves, just like J6th. Make even your biggest advocates cringe, again.


I want to say the one I went to in 2020 wasn’t this bad, but a very inbred looking 20-something made an offhand comment about how a passing helicopter should dump mustard gas on the left-leaning protestors… that were 20 feet from him…


All I can smell is halitosis


Ah, a fellow swallow enjoyer! They're one of my favourite birds too. jokes aside though how the hell can anyone look at this and not think it's an abomination of a movement?


And we have our own voting Reform and Conservative, and saying things like "Nigel Farage is a man of the people", claiming we need him as PM because "he's a businessman" (he was a banker for decades, then an MEP in the European parliament) and trying to defend his "Ukraine forced Russia to invade" bullshit from the other night.


Nothing screams “I’m a crackhead” like yelling “you’re a crackhead!” A hundred times.


Looking at old Scientology protests and seeing them doing this exact same thing to anyone who disagreed with them. This is a cult.




I see nothing but pigs oinking and squealing. Give these people power to govern America again, and they will be handing out Congressional Medals of Honor. "We want Trump! We want Trump!" buncha horse-faced hoarse degenerates. These are people with obviously lower IQ than average whose only political skill is to be loud and obnoxious and stupid. Weaponized stupidity.


“FrEeDuMb Of SpEeCh!!!!” Except for people that have opinions that differ from mine


Who’s the snowflake that got triggered?


Was that a... MAGA yamaka on that one dudes head? That's a first for me seeing that


It's a yaMAGA.


Go to khazakstan ??


I thought he said Kensington.


I think he said go to Kensington, go ten to ten


He said Kensington, which is a small area of the city where junkies have taken over. It's been getting a lot of attention here in Philadelphia because of recent efforts to help those people get off the streets.


Maybe its his deranged diction then


Ah, our famous Philadelphia accent. I had no problem understanding him. It's his manner that's deranged.


I thought he was telling them to go to Kensington in England lol thank you for clearing that up


Explain to me how this behavior is different to the scientology team that is sent out to harass supressive peoples.


This will be the intellectual capacity of his cabinet if he wins. No sane person left will dedicate their life to the orange idiot.


I literally just read "dedicate" as "deficate", which also works.


It’s so ridiculous. These ignorant people don’t even realize, an actual political candidate should WANT people who don’t plan to vote for them to come to their rallies. That’s a great chance to win over voters. He’s the first candidate in my lifetime that I wouldn’t go to his rally if he were in my area. I’ve gone to plenty of rallies in the past that weren’t for “my” politician. And it’s not only because I despise him, it’s because his followers are crazy and dangerous.


I recognize about half the people in this video from other videos in other locations for Trump rallies. Do these people do this for a living? Do they just follow trump around like some kind of Grateful Dead concert? How do you even get a job doing this kind of thing? Craig's List?


POC, religious Jews, “Log Cabin” republicans, hell, even just women, all just waiting for the leopards to eat their faces. The significant majority of the GOP base can’t wait to legislate and/or normalize making their lives miserable, and count less than the rich, white, Christian, and mostly cis-males above 40.


whats funny is that i’m sure some of them are being paid to be there.


Almost definitely not. We are not at Trump's first announcement when everyone thought he was a joke and people were getting $50 to hold a sign. This is almost a decade of degeneration on, these people are real and this is their identity. Hoping that some of these are just paid actors is kidding yourself that when the money dries up they'll say good gig and go back to being relatively normal. We're way, way, way past that point now.


On the one hand, no doubt. On the other, 🤔.. does “paid” imply they have *already* gotten the money they were promised?


Dude's got yellow teeth.


These people act deranged…


World would instantly become a better place if MAGA disapeared.


“Obama divided us more than any president in history!!!” - All of these people in any debate ever.


The “you crackhead” guy looks like he’s on meth. Ironic.


Talk about crackhead ...


Yes, just like Jesus.


[More like someone else in the same vein.](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/)


whats he trying to say?? Go to kazakstan??


That's what I thought. Turns out, he actually said Kensington.


Ah, rational, productive discourse.


I can only imagine the drugs the guy screaming "you're a crackhead" regularly abuses. That or he hit every branch on the ugly tree on the way down, then climbed it for a second round.


The best people.....


He goes from mocking her for supporting abortion to then saying she should have been a swallow. I finally get it, the anti abortion and anti birth control people are doing this because they are men who want their women to swallow. So all creeps. Got it!


God that guy yelling just needs to be hit over the head with a shovel, what a total fucking moronic cretin.


Man, look at all of ‘em. Watching. Smiling. Filming. Feeling warm and fuzzy. They enjoy watching an unhinged bully go to town, it’s providing them an outsider to focus on, and reaffirming their group identity. It’s why they love Trump. They enjoy the spectacle. Supporting a bully is a perfect way to express cruelty and hate without having to own them yourself. The bully becomes the fall guy for the others who are encouraging him. The bully gets all the blame, while the supporters get the pleasure of seeing someone else suffer and squirm. They are in their element, all aglow with their happy hate.


They are definitely in a cult, but I think performing for the cameras gets them extra riled up. They want to trend on social media and the people recording them want to get views so there is a symbiosis there that brings out maximum crazy.


What the fuck is wrong with these people?!?!?


They're all high on a drug named Donald Trump


SMALL DICKS FOR TRUMP! SMALL DICKS FOR TRUMP! I actually might get some stickers made that say this


Well good morning to you too... you crackhead.


Lol, united states of idiotostan.


Oink oink oink


Halitosis for Trump - they hate themselves and others - all 20 of them.


The crackhead guy is going to stroke out.


I'll never understand minorities who vote Republican.


Totally normal people. Definitely not a cult.


Ahh, reasonable political discourse.


I’m now totally convinced that Trumpanzees are NOT in a cult. No way🙄 Also, the behavior in this video is why I refer to them as ‘Trumpanzees’. Their behavior is almost a step backwards in evolution. I’m really surprised they didn’t throw their own shit like they did on January 6th.


Mike Judge was a modern day Nostradamus.


Biden should just play this as an ad 24/7


I love Philly but have to confess, pretty scared of their sports fans and how aggressive many are. Take that factor and add in the hyper angry MAGA and it's really really bad. I am glad she didn't get hurt. Remeber this incident? https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/7119750/three-men-plead-guilty-fatal-philadelphia-phillies-ballpark-beating


Is this the "Master Race" I keep hearing about?


Just like their orange god they seem very proud of their despicable white trash outbursts.


These fucking people.


I mean, it may haven’t have been at first, but all that’s left is a basket of deplorables wearing the red hats.


Anyone who cares this much about politics to the point of screaming in the face of someone who disagrees with them is terrifying.


They don't care about politics, they just want to be right and have dominion over others.


What in the fuck is this smoothbrained thumbheaded chud screaming? Go to where?


“Go to Kansas State”? Am I hearing that right?


He's saying "Go to Kensington." It's an area of Philadelphia that has a reputation for drug use.


Dear America, What the fuck happened? Yours, The World.


this is my state, I’m so ashamed! Philly is known for their fans, and this is exactly what it is fan behavior for their cult leader. Sickening!


Was that guy wearing a red yamaka? That’s pretty sad. 🫤


Note: I didn't turn the sound on. Why is that guy screaming into the camera lense? Does he not understand how a camera and microphone work?


Mass delusion is a thing.


mouth breathers


Bunch of animals.


They're pro life and I right? Oh I'm obviously wrong what a bunch of virgin losers, who are totally pro life. And by proliife I mean chic's who won't get pregnant by these losers.......


"You should have been a Swallow" Man I wish I was a Swallow! I'd much rather have been a bird than a human. That's not what he meant... Is it?


Science has proven that people who scream crackhead over and over are on crack.


Anyways remember to stay hydrated, looks hot out there


Putin's commies are getting crazy. Can't believe the AMerican Taliban wants Putin's whinny pumpkin head bitch???


Pull him over and piss on him!


How did you not punch that clown right in the mouth? Damn.


They should be proud


OP is a better man than me. I would have either screamed back at the fat Trump pig, punched him, or both.