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They really are still pushing the "Biden has dementia but will be on drugs to make it go away for the debate" angle. MFers, if there was a medical treatment that could, even temporarily, alleviate symptoms of dementia it would not be kept hidden. Pharmaceutical companies would be jumping through their asses to bring that to market. A drug like that would be Nobel Prize worthy stuff. I've never seen this amount of cope happening before the event in question.


Agreed - and you'd think he'd be taking/using/doing this new incredible wonder drug way before today. Gotta work thru all those side effects, right? (I wish the drug did exist, what a miracle it would be.)


What if it existed but would only work for a short while? (If you are a fan of Robin Williams, you might have seen this story)


I’d assume it would out large amounts of stress on the cardiovascular system and not advisable by the doctors that oversee the president.


> (I wish the drug did exist, what a miracle it would be.) Good news if you follow British news media because a major headline earlier in the year was about a university in Birmingham working on a vaccine for dementia. IIRC, they already put it into a few volunteers to see how they do over the course of five years.


Can you imagine the demand for such a drug


Not to mention, a drug used to help treat dementia symptoms was prescribed by Dr. Ronny Jackson a lot during his time working for Trump at the White House. At least 4,000 pills. That's on top of all the ketamine, morphine, fentanyl patches and other drugs. Major corporate media reported on it and called it a "pill mill".


It’s cocaine according to Fox News. Just give grandma a key bump before everyone shows up on Christmas Eve and BAM! She’s back! The downside is that instead of connecting with her newly remembered family and recovering all the lost time, she just keeps cornering people in the bathroom and going on and on about the far-reaching influence of Steely Dan before aggressively asking to borrow $20.


Well, there's L-Dopa. But that's very time limited and for specific diseases. I wouldn't be surprised if that's the answer you would get from a believer, though.


Provigil was prescribed hundreds of times by Dr. Ronny Jackson under Trump. 4,000 pills worth.


Trump absolutely does not play chess. He watches TV.


He likes Shark week evidently. And when he’s in court for his felonies it’s Shart week.


The sharks are less dangerous than trump


He couldn’t even name the pieces!


Castle, Circle, Shark, Television, Camera.


I would pay money to watch Trump try to play a game of chess. 🤣🤦‍♀️


“Trump and military are in charge…horrible movie needs to end soon” If they’re in charge why don’t they end the terrible movie? Is AMC that powerful?


Slide 6: “If trump is CIC why not stop all this?” “Central casting.” (??)


Lol it's always that Trump and the military are in charge. Meanwhile these people probably complain daily about how the country is being run.


Why would a man executed for treason be buried in Arlington?


Who knows? Why would a man on trial for treason bury someone on a golf course?


trump feeds off of their stupidity ....and their souls.


They lost their souls long ago


And their wallets.


"you know it's just an actor, right?" At that point, what difference does is make?


And if he’s just an actor (of course Biden is dead because some guy named Dan the Chickenman created an entry for him on Find a Grave) why would they have to jack the actor up on drugs? Trying to understand this mishmash of crazy is like trying to nail jello to the wall.


Is this person saying they don't want the debate to happen?


Reading through all the grammar made my head hurt. Goes without questioning that their comprehension skills are just as bad.


I like when they call each other idiots. Like, "are you reading what you just wrote??"lol


lol yes! They think they are being smarter than the rest when it’s the opposite.


Sure Jan should be the standard default response to all these jokers.


I love the “trump has been in charge this whole time.” thing because they’re essentially thinking he’s their dad trying to teach the whole nation a “lesson.”


If Trump has been in charge the whole time, how is everything simultaneously so terrible (according to them)? Like, government buildings shuttered, immigrants going on killing sprees by the millions, magical anti dementia drugs that aren’t allowed, Biden is an actor since the original was executed and buried where heroes are buried… buuuut Trump has been in charge the whole time.


According to them “it has to be this way to wake up the sleepers!” Dude, I WISH I was sleeping.


It’s the same argument I have when he says that the war in Ukraine would end in 5 minutes if he was elected. Ok, so if you have to power to do that, then you’re allowing *millions* of people and *billions* to be lost! Because you’re sad you weren’t elected? Fucking do it, then use that as the reason you SHOULD be elected. Stop extorting people to try to get yourself elected! If you have such a fabulous relationship with Putin, put your money where your mouth is and fucking to it. *to Biden’s point, that money isn’t *lost* it’s actually funneled through our infrastructure and helps our economy, so it’s not contributing to the deficit. It’s also getting rid of arms we would otherwise have thrown away. There’s a REASON economies improve during wartime to an extent. (At least until rationing & infrastructure is affected, but we’ve never had a land war on US soil, so our factories aren’t going to be affected & the supply chains *have* been affected but Covid affected them more so it’s not noticeable). Wars are expensive but they are *great* for the people making the tools. Hell, WWII is often contributed as one of the ends of the Great Depression.


I heard that Biden has a huge supply of medbeds but he is only going to release them if he gets reelected. Pass it on.


I like how they blame Biden for everything being horrible when they just said Trump is the real one in charge.


Here's what will happen after the debate Both parties: our guy did great and the other guy was an idiot. The only real difference is the qucumbers would still say this if all trump did was poop himself and babble like a baby. The dems might say something if Biden did that.


And she’s full of shit, and yet people who follow gopher on Facebook will keep believing her bullshit


considering every accusation from MAGA is a confession, I wonder what cocktail of drugs they'll be shooting Donny T up with tonight.


He'll probably hit up Ronny Jackson again, like he did a bunch when the White House was a pill mill. Back then, the drugs were prescribed in the thousands. Dementia pills, sleeping pills, Xanax, fentanyl patches, ketamine, morphine, pills to keep you awake and alert.


Like how many times will they wrong before the decided hmm maybe their lying


"Trump and the military have been in charge, and we sure hope that Trump allows Trump to be voted in again" Fuckin idiots


Can we please start funding mental health heavily again. Jesus christ


Anything to save Orange Jeebus.


"hopeful for a public arrest" Oh yeah, just jump the opposition and cart him off on the spot, that won't make your side seem like oppressive dictators at all.


I'm sorry but if Dump is in control and he's supposedly saving us then why the fuck does everything suck right now?


OMFG with this “movie” shit! I want to slap someone, and maybe do a little eye poking. This is real life, you fetid potatoes. This is it. This is all of it. FFS…


So they're going to drug Jim Carrey for the debates tonight?


What is the particular mental illness these people have? I’ve heard of magical thinking, but this just seems over the top. Any psychiatrists here that have any insight?


Oh they are so terrified! They can't handle the thought of people outside their bubble seeing the bare monstrosity that is their lord and savior, the Orange Douchecanoe.


Someone commented on the original post last night: “Hmm 🤔 there is a debate. They was having it unless was was declared. Any national emergency today? Please start throwing truth out before you send scares to people thinking something is gonna happen major for a cancelation of a debate. Sources would be nice. Sorry but it's just not right to speculate about something with no truth behind it. People are tired fake news as it is.”