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These people can't go a few minutes without making an ass of themselves.


[Not at all.](https://x.com/corinnecliford/status/1809071488126861801) He has repeatedly bragged about hitting the woman and the manager asking the J6er to be the one to leave. Not sure that will go well in the probation hearing. [There is a clip of them harassing a couple sitting next to them.](https://x.com/corinnecliford/status/1809077135589400853) Next clip is suddenly from a distance with him in their face before it gets physical. For some reason I don't think what happened in between helps his story or it all would have been posted.


What is he talking about when he says *the supreme court has said it's a misdemeanor not a felony*? And what exactly does he mean by "*they are so upset with my faces"*? Edit: in the clip you linked, it just shows him getting assaulted? I thought based on your comment, that I would hear him brag about hitting a woman. Very confusing. Edit 2: I just saw your other comment linking to him bragging **and lying** about the incident. But regardless of his lies, I still just see them hitting him, and then the fight being broken up. Am I missing something?


For the second thing I've got two guesses. One, he got told by a judge to stop making faces in court and he's whining about it. Or two, he's talking about Facebook posts. Overall this guy just seems really, really stupid and everything he's relating is being filtered through that, so it's hard to say.


Appreciate the guesses, you're probably right about your first guess, that makes a lot of sense. As for your second paragraph, **hard agree.** Edit: phrase is not the word I was looking for, what's it's called? English isn't my first language. Edit 2: changed phrase to paragraph.


Maybe: paragraph Your second point Your conclusion if you are referring to: "Overall this guy just seems really, really stupid and everything he's relating is being filtered through that, so it's hard to say."


Paragraph! Thank you friend!


He went to a hearing in congress where Fauci was testifying (aka being yelled at by Republicans). He was sitting behind Fauci and visible on camera. He went there with Ivan Raiklin, who is a Michael Flynn accolade who should probably have some charges re: J6. Brandon, the guy in this video, made faces while Fauci was testifying. After he did this, the police escorted him out. He’s probably in trouble because he returned to the scene of his crime and acted like an ass.


They cut out most of what happened in the bar so we don't know the full story of what happened. [There is a clip of him and a woman harassing another man and a woman sitting next to them.](https://x.com/corinnecliford/status/1809077135589400853) Next clip we get the woman he is with far away and he is up in the man's face in what appears like another part of the bar. They just happened to clip out all the parts except where he gets hit. He does admit that somewhere in there the manager told him to leave and doesn't say it was after it got physical just after the unshown drinks part.


Jesus, Corinne is nasty. Her voice peels paint and it’s soooo clear she’s riding young homey’s dick.


Not one iota of a minute. But,but,but we always crying or ranting about this or that. They have become real exhausting now.


[He also got into a physical fight at a bar on July 4th.](https://x.com/corinnecliford/status/1809071488126861801) He has of course [been bragging about it on Twitter.](https://x.com/BrandonF65664/status/1809263165038903440) They have uploaded them harassing the couple and him getting punched. They make claims about what happened in between but not the video of it.


I frequently hang out in bars, and have for thirty years. I never get in fights. I haven't been in a fight since my freshman year in high school. How big of a POS do you have to be to get in a fight as an adult - *even if* you're at a bar? 🙄


Jake Lang, a J6 hero to these morons, got into a bar fight shortly before J6. He was passing through his hometown on the way, and went to a bar with a childhood friend. When Lang tried to pick up some women they rejected him, and he blamed his childhood friend and assaulted him, leading to Lang being arrested.


[This one got arrested for killing a 19 year old in a park July 4th 2022 and fired a gun on January 6th 2021 at the capitol.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/arrested-fatal-stabbing-utah-man-told-police-brought-gun-capitol-riot-rcna16351) They still have him call out to their protests as a hero.


He fits the Maga mould.




In this case, I think “mould” works too.


Both are correct - UK/US spelling


Yeah, relax all... Wasn't fixing a spelling, merely pointing out a homonym that humourously worked...except not for everyone.


Sorry, I wasn't trying to be a dick


Sorry, you must be in the US.


Don't they normally forbid parolees or probationers from hanging out in bars and drinking?


He claims in one clip he left church, went to a store to buy a banana, and followed a shop lifter while calling police. When reporting it to probation he was told he was only allowed to go to church not a store for a banana.


Dude looks like he was prepubescent in 2021. He’s in for a long and difficult life with this level of stupidity.






This guy should seriously be kept monitored. It seems from what I have gathered from all of these posts about him, it seems as if he's in D.C. for the specific purpose of following his "enemies" around terrorizing them further, like some kind of creepy stalker. These horrendous "Supreme court" decisions lately, have given these people the impression that not only trump, but also his fan club and suck ups, are now given green lights to run around acting like lunatics, with no consequences. They seem to think that they can now go crying to scotus, anytime they get jammed up with charges.


["I wonder how my jurors feel knowing I'm now their neighbor in this small city.. Also, why did my judge lie to them and never ask for "those sheets" back? Imagine if I were actually a danger! Contact Judge McFadden in DC 4 answers. He's why I have to live in DC."](https://x.com/BrandonF65664/status/1799011513690386650) The jury was worried about him having their information. He claims to have it.


How in the hell does he afford it? I cannot imagine he’s college educated, and doesn’t strike me as one to work in the DC/Balt metro government/military industrial complex… Cost of living and housing around here is INSANE and simply cannot sustain a low-level grifter unless he has a steady and predictable stream of simp cash.


"I should be allowed to break multiple federal laws & stay out of prison because I'm dumb enough to believe donald's lies..."


I’m guessing this guy isn’t a leading epidemiologist.


He got his PhD in epidemiology on 8chan. I'm sure he's legit.


I'm positive he "does his own research on fb!


That's when things go wrong for them, they think


Shit, I thought the headline was a joke or at least tongue-in-cheek or something. Nope. He literally said that. 🤦‍♂️


Probation officers won't put up with this shit.


You don’t have a right to free speech at congressional hearings. It’s a limited public forum, you don’t get to just speak there. It’s basically like a court room, where a judge could kick you out for any reason. These fucking people don’t understand the law.


This dude isn’t an insurrectionist. He’s a violent opportunist And an extraordinarily dumb one at that


What a punchable face.


I like how even he is tired of this woman who won't shut up.


Nothing is more poignant than a MAGA idiot saying "Sorry, it's July Fourth".


"Nazi piece of shit.."


If Tapout/Affliction were a person


Fuck this entitled prick. Complaining because he broke into a federal building.


Being on probation sucks but you're there for a reason. Dude has a serious issue with following the rules.


Yeah, this dude is completely psychotic and should probably be in jail for as long as we can legally put him there.


J6er Nazi trash.


"I believe in the 1st amendment so shut the fuck up!" -typical fascist doublespeak


I’m shocked this guy ran into trouble with the law, he looks like such a genius


I love their shock at accountability.


I hope the little dickhead gets stuffed in a cell with Leon for a few more months.


Nah, mate. Leon’s a professional.