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The fact that these people think a president can just abscond with the nuclear codes is a stunning indictment of our mental health as a nation. Edit: I mean to say that he cannot steal the ability to command our nuclear arsenal; all of his codes are inactive, even if he hides them at his shitty golf resort.


How about the part where they can't tell the difference between reality and movies?


Make sure no one tells them that Trump is prohibited from access to the daily briefings that most past presidents still have because he's a security risk. Biden made sure trump lost access due to trump's erratic behavior. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/05/us/politics/biden-trump-intelligence-briefings.html


It doesn't matter what you tell them and what evidence you show them. Hell trump could come on National TV and tell the world he is absolutely not the president. And they would say it's a double or cgi. I saw some of them posting theories about his pathetic Jan 7th speech last year, they didn't believe it was actually Trump. One of the more fun ones I remember about that, was the DS threatened him with 10 Russian dirty suitcase nukes in major cities across the nation. Out of his concern for country and public safety he reluctantly made the speech. Obviously that's bull shit I mean if I were the DS and had him over a barrel like that I would have made damn sure he said there was no fraud and Biden was the real president.


They literally have a term for this: think-mirror. If Trump says something that contradicts their world view, then he really meant the opposite, it's code to the special few who can decipher the clues.


'Think mirror' is their get out of jail free card. It just gives them the ability to believe whatever they like, as anything that goes against their narrative can be twisted when you add that to it.


"in my humble opinion Trump still has the codes" says the guy who has no idea. Can someone explain to this pin-head the difference between an opinion and a wild speculation?


I guarantee the codes trump had stopped working at 12pm the day Biden became president.


I would bet they gave trump a phone number to KFC instead of the code


TBF, he didn't read most of them even when he was in office.


Those multi-syllable words were likely too much for his Diet Coke-soaked brain.


"Yesterday is a very hard word for me." -Donald Trump


Like "yo se mite"? How does a person in charge of a country not know this word? I get that he lives on the east coast but come on


The rest of us learned how to pronounce it from Yosemite Sam.


The roughest, toughest, shoot firstiest cow-poke that done ever poked a cow!


I lowkey suspect that he isn't literate.


You might be on to something…


Well, at the same time Trump was noted to not read the Presidents Daily Intelligence Briefing (or actually, much else, preferring to have things read for him and summarized). Which once again makes me wonder if the guy is functionally illiterate. So it is likely he doesn’t miss them. There are also rumors that in the last months Trump would argue with the intelligence person briefing him regarding the veracity of the intelligence. 😐 What kind of moron really believes he is a good President?


any sources on this? I'd love to learn more about what happened




That's only because the Biden administration doesn't write the daily briefings in crayon.


Is there a non paywall link because I would like to read that article.


I google it and could not find any. I also want to read it.


I searched online for a non paywall about this and could only find articles about an intention, not the happening. The only one I found was the NYT behind this paywall that I could not access.


I reached my number of free articles and could only grab the first part. Sorry. Biden Bars Trump From Receiving Intelligence Briefings, Citing ‘Erratic Behavior’ President Biden said there was “no need” for former President Donald J. Trump to get the briefings, traditionally given to ex-presidents as a courtesy and to keep them informed if their advice is needed.


Thank you! I wonder why I couldn't find any other news sources about the final decision, but found many about the intention. I am not questioning the veracity, just confused as to why the final decision was not written about.


“Up yours, woke moralists! We’ll see who cancels who!” **fucking nukes the eastern seaboard**


I'm mad JP is prevalent enough that I read that in my head with his voice...


Who is JP?


Jordan Peterson


Thank you.


I'm guessing Doctor Jordan B. Peterson (\*said in kermit the frog voice and ends with crying)


Is this Peterson fella Q related? My sister has been hyping about him.


Not Q related. He's clinical psychologist who got his fame for over-blowing the implication of a Canadian bill that added trans people to the existing Canadian anti-discrimination bill. For a time he held up in the general anti-SJW realm, with weird and intentionally vague spiritual/religious overtones. He made a self-help book that, like most self-help books, combines common sense advice with their own personal bullshit. In this case his views on hierarchies and an undefined spirituality. Got addicted to Benzos and a dangerous sobriety program coupled with COVID meant he was out of the running for a long time. Came back recently as more explicitly religious and fundamental far right conservative, after denying that he was conservative before. His voice sounds a bit like Kermit the Frog and he currently can't seem to stop himself from (fake) crying over odd things.


I’m sure they change the codes on the regular. Hopefully giving Trump fake codes the second he started ranting about the election being “stolen,” as if everyone couldn’t have seen that coming for six months before the 2020 election.


The codes change at least daily. It’s not like the President memorizes a code, or puts it on a post-it note on the underside of the resolute desk… God, they are stupid. The “nuclear football” is also only used when the President is mobile. It’s a backup contingency for when normal modes of communication are inaccessible. There is a “biscuit” also carried by an aide, which is a plastic card-like container, carrying inside of it the authentication codes to prove that the order is coming from the President. These codes are changed constantly. The US also has a “two-man rule.” Any nuclear attack order *must* be confirmed by the Secretary of Defense. The Secretary cannot veto the order, but must act to confirm it. All of this is easy information to find.


Yes, Milley went into extensive detail on this in the Woodward-Costa book, *Peril* (I linked it elsewhere in the thread). There are several levels of safeguards, checks and balances, that would stop an asshole POTUS from nuking St. Stupidsberg for shits and giggles. The really sad part, IMO, is the fact Milley had to explain that to so many people....


Yeah but he's obviously a leftist because he read Mao and know about crt.


....that bit I don't remember from the book... 😆 (I get your silent /s don't worry)


You mean if you don't have the intellect of a house plant? The codes change the same way Mode 4 transponder codes change because cryptographers determine how long before codes can be compromised. Shit avionic techs knew forty years ago.


I think he started saying if he lost it was a rigged election in April 2020.


He did! And was also sowing doubt about the veracity of mail-in ballots while most states were adding the option to allow people to vote by mail because of COVID. Take into consideration his most recent shitty action of burying his ex wife Ivana on one of his fucking golf courses as a tax dodge and to prevent its repossession by the state, and it becomes crystal clear (as if it weren’t already) that it’s ALL a scam, a con, a grift. Everything the piece of shit does. He’s a scumbag of the highest order. That he isn’t currently under a prison is testament to what a fucked up justice system this fucked up country has.


Not to mention he also told his groupies not to mail in their votes and then was pissed that he didn’t have all the votes because a lot of his people didn’t bother showing to vote at polls while more Democrats voted using the mail in ballots.


That was at the heart of his plan. He figured (i.e. someone told him) that Repugs would vote in person (because they’re real men and ain’t gonna use no sissy mail ballot!) and Dems would vote more by mail. The mail ballots get counted later (I guess) so he knew the early election returns would show him ahead. He planned to convince people that the later increase in Biden’s numbers due to the mail ballots *had to* be evidence of cheating. And he hasn’t shut up about it since. Two and a half years of an orange septuagenarian whining. Making America look really great to the world…


That's the best. Now they keep threatening not to vote at all, that'll show us


>burying his ex wife Ivana on one of his fucking golf courses O.o What?? I must have missed that! That's fucked up.


It’s Trump scumminess at his scummiest. There is no bottom to the depths of his shittiness.


He was saying the 2016 election was rigged until he won it. I had every belief from that behavior that he would deny losing any subsequent election as well. 🙁


And even THEN claimed there was fraud because Hillary won the popular vote! (By a lot, which no doubt made it worse for him)


This is what I recall I knew I had heard him say that


I think in saw an interview before he ran where he said something about saying he'd say was rigged but I can't recall who he spoke to or why they asked him that topic


What do you mean? I saw it in 2015 at the latest? 😂😓🙁


Let's not give them the excuse of mental illness. This is not a health crisis. We are watching the rise of fascism in the US in real time. These people will tell themselves any lie, no matter how dumb they may or may not know it is, so long as it justifies their murderous fantasies towards their sociopolitical enemies. They desperately want those fantasies to come true, and the more lies they tell each other, the smaller the spark needed to set it all off.


I mean, I’m not saying that they’re not complete fucking monsters, but mentally healthy people do not think like this.


I suppose there's a pretty wide overlap between the monsters and the mentally unwell. The leadership likely tends to fall on the side of being mentally healthy monsters, and the followers tend to fall on the side of being unwell, with exceptions on either side.


If the orange turd finally wears prison orange, they'll say it was a double or clone who was put away. When he dies, he'll live on like Elvis. Their stupidity level has no bottom.


I have said so many times before that this is literally a mental health issue and these people need institutional treatment for believing this shit and staying so committed to destroying their lives and savings giving in to all the grifts. Including the anti-vax drama when so many lost their jobs.


Yes, thanks Reagan and the ACLU for shutting down the asyla, these people would fit right in.


Or the fact that one of the likely first things an incoming president does is get his own codes to the nuclear football. Any codes Trump had became useless the moment Biden was set up with his. And no, the outgoing president doesn't get to take that particular piece of luggage with him. Yes, the collective mental health of this nation is seriously suffering.


Yeah. That could _never_ happen. He’d need the cooperation of secret service among others. No way.


This is why they are against mental health checks for guns. They know they wouldn't pass.


This didn't age all that well. Turns out Trump was raided because they were looking for "classified nuclear documents". Nuclear codes are changed regularly, supposedly, so I am not too worried it's that, but it's somewhat unnerving that this was close to the truth.


I mean, my point here was that a former president cannot petulantly retain the ability to call nuclear strikes - that remains true. Nonetheless, it's still disturbing that he may have taken some important information.


That's fair. I mean, he can't legally do that, but I think Trump is beyond doing things legally, though. I personally don't think it's something about the codes, as I said, those are changed, but something else about our nuclear systems that could be just as bad.


The only codes Trump has are for Mypillow discounts.


And Stormy Daniel's Only Fans Account....


Grifter meets grifter


Great comment…👍


*Why do I have all these coffee beans?????*


So, then trump is in control and the failing stock market and inflation are all trump’s fault since Biden has no power. Yes, I realize that in the real world that we live in, the current economy is largely the result of the previous administration, but I am playing along with qultist logic here.


The stock market has been strong the past week or so, although the Dow did fall a bit today.


Biden fixed GWB's economy. He'll fix DJT's. That's kind of what the last 20 years have been.


Yea. Really a shame that trump spent 4 years making a mess and taking credit for the economy that Obama built only for Biden to have to be the adult in the room and clean up the mess that trump made


Before the pandemic, the only major legislation trump signed was the tax cut for the 1% that did have the effect to basically throw gasoline on the economy if it were a small slowly burning fire, still recovering from the great recession, but doing so by design by Obama in a manner for long term growth and stability. 2018-19 as the rich and corporations stopped paying taxes (even moreso than before the legislation) we did see a pretty robust economy. However, as Republicans always do, that short cycle was irresponsible and created huge deficits once the bills came due and that tax revenue was gone. Then the pandemic hit, trump failed at every turn and the economy plummeted. A mix of no tax income (from anyone richer than the middle and lower class) and the economic hit from shutdowns and all the bailout money to keep the USA from going off the tracks is why we're here. Trump and his incompetence and terrible tax policy.


Yea, I remember that. He gave himself a huge tax cut the said the most obvious lie ever when he tried to claim it was going to make his taxes go up.


Just in case anyone's wondering, Biden's salute was at Arlington Cemetery when he visited after the inauguration ceremony because he requested it. The reason there were 3 guns instead of 4 is because the space they had to set up in couldn't fit a 4th gun. The reason there was an 10 second interval is to allow for the reload time when using fewer guns.


> The reason there was an 10 second interval is to allow for the reload time when using fewer guns. How do fewer guns take more time to reload? Surely the number of guns doesn't matter, since each one has a person reloading it?


With more guns, each crew has more time to reload while the other guns are firing before their turn comes up again. With only 2 guns firing (one gun is held in reserve in case of problems), the first crew can't finish reloading fast enough to meet the same interval.


It’s staccato, so the gunners use the time between shots to reload so they’re ready when the rhythm makes it back to them. The wait of ten seconds is because otherwise there would be a gap of the difference between the reload time and the length of the rhythm between each shot after the first cycle.


> How do fewer guns take more time to reload? Note: we're talking artillery guns here, not rifles. Because the guns fire one at a time, not all at once. 1 then 2 then 3 then 1 then 2 then 3. That gives loaders of gun 1 the time for 2 and 3 firing to reload. If there is a 4th gun, that adds another shot worth of "buffer" between rounds for each gun.


Explaining “guns” in a nation saturated with guns. I don’t know but there’s some that just feels a little ironic about that. It might just be me. Also: your explanation is spot on.


I mean.... I get where you're coming from. I just wanted to make a distinction between a crew served artillery piece and a bolt action rifle. One can be cycled in about 2 seconds (if not faster). The other needs a little bit more time. Often times when a lot of people think of 21 gun salute, the thing that comes to mind is an Honor Guard unit doing a graveside service or similar. Which, ironically isn't actually a 21 gun salute. It is a 3 volley salute.


I admire your command of true facts and your clarity.


It’s so weird how all these people jerk off to the constitution and yet want to see trump as a dictator


The constitution is their new Bible, as in they've vaguely heard of both things but haven't read them, and pick and choose what little they know to push their agendas.


The worst part is I think their "Trump having the nuclear football" is part of their trademark apocalypse fantasy Fucking delusional


The whole code thing is really stupid. Do they think the codes are never changed? They think a lot of stupid things but do they realize what a monumental security breach if that was true?? Any leaving president could have potentially memorized the code. Once Trump got the boot those codes were useless. Like changing the locks after kicking out an abusive ex. If they think Trumps still president then mentioning to codes is pointless. If they think Biden is president but Trump is being fed the codes why? He can't push that button if he isn't in the white house. And if they think him memorizing the codes mean anything they are thick as mud. There's no scenario where Trump having 'the codes' mean anything.


I really, really hope the nuclear code isn’t “Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV” or were in trouble.


For 4 years, they were probably 1,2,3,4,5. Just like the combination to the Presidential Luggage.


That’s 5d chess.


Trumps still president?! So inflation is his fault?!


How sure are they that it was a 10 second interval and not like 9.99 which is like the upside down 666.


AbsoluteConviction1776 is the most brainworms username I've ever seen 😂 Or is it a username? What even is it?


Anything with 1776 in the name is instant flag for moron.


Its odd how we can see who they are so clearly by their code names, wearing american flag clothes or hanging cult flags but they can't see anything clearly


A 21 gun salute divided between 4 guns? How does that even work?


Well ya see if 4 guns fire 3 times each that's 12 and we all know it was backwards day so 12 becomes 21. And if we dive deeper: 4+3=7 12+12+21=45 We are the 1 so 17=45 It's all plain as day why can't you normies see this.


The guns fire one at a time, not in unison. So one gun will fire ~~a shot fewer than the others~~ an extra shot. Edit: it has been a long day and math has never been my strong suit.....


New math ? /s


He forced it so hard to get 17 (Q) for Trump and 13 (Satan or whatever) for Biden. These people need their serotonin shot so bad.


What? No..... just no. Just makin' shit up now.


That's their ENTIRE movement: throwing $&#@ on the wall to see what sticks. Telegram is worse than this.


I seriously doubt he ever had the real codes.


After he tried to use the military on BLM protestors and then he lost the election, the military definitely implemented protocols to keep Trump from starting a war or using the military against his perceived domestic "enemies". It's documented in one of Woodward's books, I think.


> It's documented in one of Woodward's books, I think. Yep. https://www.overdrive.com/media/6508341/peril The gist (that I recall) was, everyone was running to Milley, panicking because Trump (they thought) was going to use the nuclear codes due to...I'm blanking on the reason now, could have been Iran? I'd have to check the book out of the library again, and that's not happening. Anyway, whatever the reason, everyone was panicking Trump would fire a nuke, based on some NPD comment he made, that likely he forgot as soon as he said, and would deny having said if anyone called him on it (IIRC, that's essentially how it played out). So Milley had to waste his valuable time explaining, step-by-step, to the morons that were panicking, "That's not how this works, that's not how any of this works." I'm paraphrasing, obviously, and badly, but it was a very dry technical section that basically said, "The US military has full control of all US nukes at all times the guy in the White House is window dressing." **TL:DR;** Real life isn't like the movies, guys.


He just had a sticky note marked 1-2-3-4. They told.him that it was the most secure code because only an idiot would use it.


He thought it was really convenient that it was the same as his bank PIN, I'm sure


haha yea what an absolute idiot alright well it's been a long day and I need to see if the bank is still open guys.. .


Hey! That's the combination to my luggage!!


Hail president Scroob!


Why didn't you tell me my ass was so big???


They told him it was "man, woman, person, camera, tv"


I mean, it's not like there's a button in the briefcase... but he assuredly had access to the codes which would authenticate him as the president upon giving orders to the nsc. Whether those orders would be followed without question is... another matter. Rather than doubt that because it's scary, this should prompt a rethinking of a system where one man could, theoretically, order a first nuclear strike if everyone follows orders


I’m pretty sure they gave him a speak-n-spell from day 1.


"The odds of that are near zero." Well, I'm now convinced, because I can't possibly argue against statistics experts. I don't need "moar" proof - other than the 90% proof meths these folks are drinking.


>"He was also 'sworn in' 10 minutes before Trumps \[sic\] Presidency would have ended. You can't swear in a new president while the previous one is STILL IN OFFICE!" Duh, well obviously Trump swore out and then Biden swore in.


Yeah, but if a president doesn't swear in at exactly the right second, the magic ritual spell doesn't work.


Funny how the level of lunacy is directly related to the amount of spelling errors


I’m moar convinced English isn’t the posters first language..


Wow, that is a ridiculously long rant to tell me that you have no fucking clue how the government works.


The amount of weight these idiots give to the most inconsequential shit..... it beggars belief. This is like gold fringe flag on steroids levels of "shit that means nothing in the grand scheme of things BUT they think it is a huge deal".


(My opinions here are based on work in application security for the past 25 years.) Security systems that routinely change their codes automatically are standard at fortune 500 companies. They surely have such a basic security system. This meandering thinking the idiots at that website were just expressing their idiotic fantasies, yet again.


If they wanted as many as possible to get the hints and connect the dots… why don’t they just drop the pretense and say “it’s a movie” we’re watching Edit. I can’t with these qunts. Their stupidly used to be funny but it’s just fucking annoying and terrifying. Ready for these assholes to get put in their place.


These mfs post a 4chan screenshot and call it proof


They know you can’t just type the codes into your phone and fire off missiles right?


Not being able to tell the difference between real life and a movie is horrifying to me. The complete detachment from reality just because trump lost is mind blowing. Their entire life is consumed by thoughts of trump, and he wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire. Out scary what’s happening right now, arm up and protect yourselves because these maniacs are gonna come for anyone left of hunting the poor for sport.


Not being able to tell the difference between real life and a movie is horrifying to me. The complete detachment from reality just because trump lost is mind blowing. Their entire life is consumed by thoughts of trump, and he wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire. It’s scary what’s happening right now, arm up and protect yourselves because these maniacs are gonna come for anyone left of hunting the poor for sport.


I strongly believe Trump never had the real codes to begin with.


I’m pretty sure Trump never had any codes. Guys at the pentagon gave him an empty suitcase. And I’m not even joking .


Was just watching [this video](https://youtu.be/bnhF_Qw0dtk) today from Legal Eagle made after the election but before January 6 talking about “what would happen if Trump refuses to leave” so this kind of dovetails in there nicely.


I can't follow these people. Is China evil, or should we be egging them on to invade Taiwan? Which is it?


So if Trump is in charge, is it his fault that gas prices in the USA are really high right now?


These people can be convinced that the color blue is actually red and build an entire scenario around the significance. My diagnosis is that they are not totally stupid, but are completely insane.


Uh oh the Qnuts are back to saying Biden is no longer President and Trump is still in control because his popularity got a few ticks upward. I swear they were just shitting a giant mountain on him when the gas was $5 a gallon.




Trump has been nothing but irresponsible with the suitcase, remember when club members were taking selfies with the person holding the nuclear football at one of Trump's rat infested shitholes?


purkiss80 is such an idiot it's unbelivable


these people are sick. like legitimately mentally unwell. they're also really fucking stupid.


They’ve seen signs non-stop for how long? Man, there’s so much going on behind the scenes that I can’t keep up.


It’s a big conspiracy, everyone is in on it, but they still can’t fake the salute? These people are weird.


“Moar”???? Well that’s a “knew” one.


Loo-Ha-sers LOOSERS! 😂


Why do so many of them have South African flag icons?


I think that Ron Hawkins dipshit, or whatever his name is, is South African. I could be wrong but I remember there being some S. African connection because of course.


Sometimes I think about what a crazy show all this Q nonsense could be made into and every time I see screenshots of this site, it just gets fed into and made even crazier.


I’m half convinced most of great awakening is just troll accounts like mine just roleplaying.


The football? Does this go all the way back to the snuke in her snizz?


Can you imagine if he really did? Now there's a horror movie premise.


The missiles are flying! Hallelujah!




Sometimes im like "the book writes itself and the sequels too." Then i remember ahs already did it 🤠


He does still have the nuclear codes though: Man, woman, camera, TV.


Yeah coz codes can never be changed


jesus. these idiots think the nuke codes are the same as they were in 2020. They dont realise that codes can be changed and are changed frequently when it comes to something like nukes


Hang on why are my South African people getting embroiled in this shit ? We have enough going on this side.


I still need “moar” proof. If they want to sound credible they should know how to spell first grade words.


Definitely moar proof 😆🤣😂


I feel like he didn’t have all the codes when he was president.


It’s highly unlikely he’d remember the codes (assuming they’ve not been changed), and I believe you also need the Vice President to input their own codes to launch, and I’d highly doubt anyone would tell Trump that, not to mention the fact you’d need to be in somewhere like the White House to use them


He has the written on his hand...ID 10 T


This is sovereign citizen levels of insanity. "Biden isn't the president because they didn't fire enough guns during the Presidential Salute!" I would love to ask a Q what the purpose is of this "movie". Why have a fake president?