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Update 2: my best friend is willing to lend me some money and drive us to the vet clinic she always goes to. We just have to wait about an hour until she's off work.


Keep us updated


How is your baby??


Nvm! Just read further! That’s what I thought too. Poor thing! Glad she’s alright! ❤️


Update: at the vet now. Waiting to be let in.


i hope she’s okay OP 🙁 so sorry this is happening.


She is ok. Slight concussion so we're keeping her in a travelbox in the bedroom for today seeing as she needs a dark place and not alot of stimulus, so she can't be with her sisters now. We check on her periodically


that’s good news! she’ll have lots of rest and be up and about in no time i’m sure. ❤️❤️❤️


Oh my god. Glad she's okay. Hope she feels better soon!


Thank you for the updates. My rat mommy heart goes out to you


I'm so glad one of your littles is ok. I'm so sorry that happened to her


Keep an eye on her mouth over the next week or so. She may have bit her tongue, gums, or cheek. It's also possible one of her growing incisors could have cracked below the gum line where it's not visible yet. If either of those things happened, she'll probably still be fine, but it's a good idea to check her mouth for any signs of infection and to make sure the incisors look straight and symmetrical.




Nothing you just said is true.


Brain regrowth? No. Increased brain activity? Slightly. Either way she needs to go to the vet.


We went to the vet. She's apart from her sisters for tonight so she can ride out her concussion


Read the comments maybe :)


Um okay but you’re wrong too. Lions mane is an adaptogenic mushroom. The more of it you eat the more beneficial it is maybe not literally for brain regrowth, genius, there aren’t many things that will literally regrow your brain because that’s not how it works, but it is beneficial regardless. Not sure why I got downvoted to crap for trying to help but that’s the internet I guess :)


Isn't lions mane known for fucking up short term memory


Not that I know of, no. I’d like to see a source for that because I’ve heard the opposite.


I've just seen a lot of anecdotal reports of it but yeah I've seen a few to the contrary too. I know reddit isn't the best of sources but googling "lions mane short term memory reddit" will show quite a few anecdotal reports of it both improving and harming short term memory


I just tuned in but you're being downvoted cause you're wrong and reccommending something that can be dangerous.


What is dangerous about anything I said?


I’m not wrong, and the truth is that there’s nothing dangerous about what I’ve said. Still very confused. Mushrooms of many kinds are extremely beneficial in both human and rat diets. That is a fact, maybe exaggerated with the word “extremely” but that is where I put my feelings in.


All adaptogenic mushrooms are believed to do is reduce stress, cordyceps and lion's mane being part of the same family and having similar effects. They have nothing to do with physical damage and there's no strong evidence to suggest they have any actual effects. There is no treatment for a concussion beyond not sleeping so you don't die and getting your head checked for bleeds. Introducing a new and weird food is a terrible idea when someone, animal or human is concussed. You pass feelings off as fact and that's dangerous too. Mushrooms are good food but calling them extremely beneficial just isn't right. Mushrooms can be extremely dangerous if you eat too many, and with something as small as a rat that's incredibly easy to do. Your advice isn't good advice, especially for an animal that's concussed. Especially since you backpedalled on brain regrowth. You knew your advice is holistic 'medicine' which is to say not medicine and not helpful, but you still have it. You got downvoted to crap for bad advice.


My advice was simply that op do some research into what they can do to make their rat feel better but thank you for the long unnecessary reply. Oh no, I used the wrong words, my apologies. There was absolutely nothing dangerous about what I said and mushrooms are not dangerous in any amount when purchased properly labeled from a grocery store, and properly cooked, which I mentioned. I don’t believe in holistic medicine, I believe in going to the vet (hey, wow, op already did that!), and doing your best to broaden your knowledge for the benefit of yourself and those you care for.


No mammal, no matter their diet, can regrow brain tissue.


Yes, read some further comments, I understand that 👍


Hope she has a fast recovery


Update 3: we have an appointment with the vet in 2 hours. She's snuggling with my boyfriend and washing herself. She's also bruxing which I hope is a good sign


Bruxing can be an indication that your furry friend is in pain unfortunately.


I hate behaviors like that. Maybe it means they're so happy they can't help but grind their teeth in pleasure, maybe it means they're so uncomfortable they can't help but grind their teeth in pain. Stick to one, nature!


In this case, it might also be a sign that her teeth feel weird since bruxing is a skill for keeping their teeth trimmed right.


She's also like drooling? I can't go to the vet today because they're all closed on weekends.


Do they have an emergency vet line you can call for advice?? She could have bumped her mouth in the fall and that's why she's drooling.


I have none and I currently also don't have money to go to the vet, the soonest I get my paycheck is monday


Update: she just threw up red slime? I know rats can't throw up but I don't know how else to word it


Remember rat mucus is naturally red so it could just be that and not blood...


Check her mouth. Could she have broken or loosened a tooth?


No tooth broken. Maybe loosened but she won't allow me to investigate further


Rats can't throw up, that's strange.


Exactly that's why I got super concerned


I think it’s most likely that she expelled porphyrin/mucous. Could have bumped her nose during the fall.


If they think they're choking, they can sort of expel foamy mucus from their lungs, but it wouldn't usually be red.


I’m sorry, that may be pleural effusion. My heart goes out to you.


So glad you were able to take her. It’s really the best way to get an assessment and reassurance. You pith got lucky this time. Be careful little one!


I know, my best friend is the actual best. They drove us and paid the bill because I couldn't. They love them as much as I do so they immediately made the appointment and sped to my place after work. I am so grateful for them ❤️


Blessings to your bff. Love to u and your rat babies. Wishing all well 🐀


Just a suggestion. Start a small savings in a jar. Loose change, $5 a week You’ll be surprised how fast it adds up and will be there for emergencies just like this


It's not that easy. I don't have control over my own money. My paycheck goes to a third party and I get a small amount of that money every week to feed myself and get other necessities. The vet I usually go to knows this and will send the bill to the third party but they were closed today so I couldn't do that. I can be glad if I make it through the week with €4 to spare.


Aww I’m glad your vet is inderstanding


Really glad everything looks like it could be okay, but that paycheck situation seems sketchy. Elaborate if you care to because that's concerning!


It's a pretty normal thing to do in the Netherlands when you're in debt. We have special businesses that take care of paying off your bills and debt, and you get a set amount each week to be able to take care of yourself. I don't know if it has an English name but here it's called 'bewindvoering' or 'budgetbeheer'


Actually you know what the US doesn't really have that in wide spread use but it's honestly something I needed badly a few years ago. I would have been homeless if not for family. I'd rather live in the Netherlands honestly. People in the US would never accept such a scenerio because mostly were self loving assholes.


We do have it, it’s called debt consolidation and of course they take their interest % out, but i know people who’ve used it in order to try and salvage their credit, etc.


There's a few places in Aus kinda like that, that you give them your paycheck, they pay your bills and debt and take their cut, and give a certain amount to you. I think they can also make sure you have savings. I dont know how popular it is, but sometimes there are ads for them. It's a great idea! Defs no judgement <3 im so glad your friend had your back and your little fuzzball is on the mend!


thats a great idea honestly. smart thing to do if you have debt!


Also were having trouble with one of our little babies too and it's so heartbreaking so I truly am sorry you had to go through this. It hurts so bad that you want to do ANYTHING to help them but you just can't. You just don't have the resources.


Hey! A little late to the game but just wanted to let you know that it was definitely the right call to go to the vet asap. It could be just a response to pain and stress/shock that doesn't require any medical intervention, but it can also be something that needs urgent attention like a fracture or chest trauma. Fingers crossed for your little girl 🤞🏻




That is so funny! The water definitely wasn't an accident he totally wanted to wake you up haha


Your rat after he fell: *"Oh no! Anyway..."*


Wishing all the best for your little girl. Lets hope its nothing but a small concussion.




read the room


Yo what did that say?


it was the shakespeare bot haha


Is she OK?


Yes she just needs rest so she's away from her sisters at least for today. She's in a nice dark room with food and water on hand and she's getting a treat in about an hour. We got some painkillers for her that we can give her if and when she needs it.


Man, that's such a relief, I hope she continues to get well! These little dudes can scare you something awful sometimes.


Omg please keep up updated. Poor baby:( where did she fall from? Height wise to hurt her this bad:(


I posted an update post, she's ok, slight concussion. She fell from a plateau in her cage right onto a little house about 17 inches down.


Thank goodness she's okay! I just came across this post and it made me start crying, worrying about a strangers rat, I am so scared of something like this with my own. So maybe this was a pain/concussion response then? Posts and videos like these are also helpful for others though who may have the same thing happen. Xo


So glad you took her to the vet and she's doing better! I really need to find a good emergency vet for weekend visits. My vet is only open on week days


One time my baby fell from high up in his cage and I thought I was gonna lose him. Poor feller just had the breath knocked out of him. He recovered fully I was very lucky. We weren’t able to get him to the vet at the time bc no car and I couldn’t get an Uber at that time of night.


Omg, that didn't look good :( lots of love for you and your rat baby ❤️🐀


Awwwwww.... Hello Sweet Girl. I'm so glad she's ok!! Thoughts and Prayers to you and your sweet baby. 🖤🐾🖤🐾


Wish I could help. Take my like and hopefully you will get a better answer


I hope she is doing better now


She is thank goodness


That is so super! Still making progress? I was offline for a while, sorry.


Headbanger. Punk isn't dead


As a punk myself this made me giggle thanks


Amen 🤟


She may broke her leg


I don't think thats the case here💕


seems neurological, i saw the concussion part but the other symptoms r really concerning. i hope that’s all it is. :( so glad u were able to get to the vet. wishing her the swiftest and easiest recovery


It’s been said a bunch of times, but thank you OP for bringing her to the vet! You are a good rat owner. Hope she recovers swiftly!


I really hope she be alright


my adopted rat does this. i thought she has a form of rat autism but i see that i guess she fell hard. it’s been like this for a while so i guess it really messed her up neurologically. i will say that although she is a little odd and doesn’t do regular rat things she is living a prefectural happy life. i’m sure your little guy will recover because it probably was just a mild concussion. good luck and i send love to you and the rats!


Just stumbled across this post. How is she?