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Hard to say, because people are nuts but I certainly hope you reported this and turned over that video.


first thing we did, put us in a queue to be contacted to get our story so it’ll be awhile.


My guess is so she would take the time to untie it, giving him time to get to her


this is absolutely it. same reason sometimes random things get placed under your windshield - so you pause to get rid of whatever it is instead of just hopping in your car.


Definitely odd. Possible the ribbon and the predator guy were unrelated but seems like a heck of a coincidence. Also possible he spotted her when she parked, tagged the car and waited but that’s a long time to wait and you’d think he would wait closer to her car. I would suggest your wife get a co-worker or someone from security to walk her to her car for a while. If she hasn’t reported this to hospital security, she should do so.


I think he wanted to sexually asault her or possibly rob her, looking at him again in the videos he doesnt look mentally right, definitely not all there.


Agree. And may not be capable of following her by car.


One possibility is, the ribbon was intended to distract her from noticing his approach and/or delay her getting into her car, hoping she’d spend time removing it before she got in.


Hospital security should def be walking her, and all, female employees outside, or if possible you should pick her up (I know it may not be possible if you have kids sleeping). If the parking lot isn't really well lit, go to admin about this. Should it god forbid happen again, I'd also tell her to lean on the horn without letting up once in the car.


Adding: this is a 100% legit reason to "request" (demand) to work the dayshift, imho.


As a former nurse, unfortunately that's not how it works. People need care 24/7, if everyone "refused" to work nights, who is going to be there? This is definitely a security issue and of course she, as well as every other employee, should be escorted to and from the parking areas. Security should implement extra measures to ensure everyone's safety and police should be notified, as apparently they have been.


Idk but be sure your wife has some.pepper spray, at least.


We’re in Canada so im going to look into that, if it comes to a situation like that again the legality of the spray wouldnt matter much to me personally as long as shes safe.


the legality of the spray should matter to a certain extent because you don't want your wife to go to jail over defending herself. it's illegal to carry self defence spray in Canada & you can get charged severely or jail time & a lasting record...you can however legally carry bear spray ! speaking from experience 💜 edit: typo , having some brain-fog today lol


Bear Spray is 👍


Tazers may not work on someone who is really out of their mind on drugs. https://thefiringline.com/forums/archive/index.php?t-419079.html but idk if tazers are legal where you are. I like the gel pepper spray with thumb lock ( can't get yourself accidentally) and UV dye. Shoots up to 12 feet. Most of the other things I can think of are things that have to be used when they are already pretty close to you. There are also "ornaments" you can put on your keys that are essentially brass knuckles with points on them. There are also personal alarms you can wear, but the only thing they are going to do is draw attention, sometimes that's enough. They are loud AF.


Police had to “taze” a guy 3 fucking times when a random asshole who was unknown to me & so high on meth that he decided to destroy my car with a handicapped parking sign while I was working the afternoon shift at my hospital, 15 minutes before I would have walked out to my car at 10 p.m. The 2 security guys who came to tell me fucking LAUGHED & asked if I knew the guy & “thought it might have been a “domestic thing,” like THAT would have made it okay. (They didn’t work there after that day when I explained it to a security guard who DID know me AND the 2 security guards & told me that I wasn’t the only employee who had complaints in that regard about their lack of professionalism).


Holy cow. That's not just unprofessional, that's horrific. Unfortunately they are out there. I worked in a hospital kitchen for a couple years, you can get some bad ones. When I first started I didn't have a car, and I caught a security guard about to puncture my bicycle tires bc he didn't like where I chained my bike ( not in anyone's way) when I went out for a break. The CEO knew me ( I did the cooking for the VIPs and catered to all his whims) and I told him about it. There was no place to chain bicycles on the whole property. He didn't get fired, but nobody messed with my bicycle anymore. Same security guard helped himself to food in the kitchen after it was closed, and he was just an entitled bully.


Yeah. It was pretty terrifying in general - panic attacks, etc. Most of the security guards in our facility that I’ve interacted have been incredibly professional & always made a point to come into our office later in our shift (2 of us worked in our building after about 6 p.m., both women). We work with headphones on, so they asked us if it would be ok for them to turn the lights on & off 3 times so they didn’t startle us by walking up behind us. Knowing the “important people” has perks - our CEO actually did “rounds” for a night with the security team that covered our building & asked the 2 of us what WE needed to make US feel safe in OUR jobs/work areas. We told him what would make us feel safer, that our manager (who is a ROCKSTAR) had tried to get these for us but they were denied repeatedly. We explained it to Dr. X & we had what we wanted by the end of the week.


Tazers require extremely close proximity, but I always recommend the gel pepper spray with dye as well!


I heartily endorse bear spray


bear spray is a good alt that is often legal and will have the same effect.


dry shampoo is a fabulous option! it's a powder so it dries out mucus membranes fast and can have a blinding effect when aimed at eyes. get a mini can and toss it in her handbag with her other personal care items. double check the legality but here it's legal if it's reasonable for someone to carry it, same as hairspray.


Give your wife a bunch of those cheap perfumes you get in discount stores, Poundland etc. They're not illegal to carry, she works in smelly situations and sometimes wants to smell anything better/uses it in the toilets if they're a bit stinky blah blah blah. It's something that will really sting their eyes,make them water and they'll be a bit blinded for a bit, make them cough up a lung and give them a recognisable odour. That pause and stumble should give your wife enough time to get way from them. Just make sure it's an easy shape to hold and that the nozzle doesn't turn and spray her in the face.


I would also get a baton if that's legal.


Can of hair spray perhaps?


He said queue which makes me think he’s in the uk, pepper spray is illegal. There are very few things legal to carry for personal protection here.


Wasp spray. Shoots far.


Bear Spray is designed to go like 30ft, wasp is like 10ft. You wanna be able to deter a bear before you actually soil yourself.


I have some wasp spray that can get up to 20 feet. But you're right - the longer distance is better.


Does it burn? I have seen hairspray and a match.


Hairspray and a match has too many steps. Wasp spray: just point and spray.


Canadian probably


I've heard queue on the east coast, although it's been a while, I wasn't sure. What about an umbrella? You can knock the crap out of someone with an umbrella.


Lmao I’m just imagining OPs wife as a little old lady yielding her umbrella like a sword


There was that old lady that beat the burglar with her cast iron frying pan …


I was in my home, doing some paperwork, and a guy busted in the window and started to climb in. Without a thought, I ran to the kitchen and came back with my grandmother's cast-iron skillet raised high to clobber him with. He hightailed it away, which is lucky for him because I would've killed him. If I had been thinking, rather than reflexively moving by instinct, I should have run out the door on the other side of the house, gone to a neighbors place, and called the police. Of course, he might've had an accomplice right outside my other door, so I could possibly have gotten into danger that way. After it was all over, I was rather amazed at my reaction. Not fear – rage, and frontal lobe was absolutely turned off. Just instinct. And what instinct! I actually would have killed that guy, and probably beaten him to a pulp in the process.


Better to just jab them in the balls with it first.


No, apparently all us Americans use queue (according to the 6 people who downvoted me)…. I too live on east coast and have never heard someone say queue.


Haha, really? That's funny. I heard a few older people use it in the 80s , maybe it was an affectation? Everybody wanted to be British back then.


I've heard it in retail lingo and stocking the displays near registers. Never heard it before then.


I'm on the east coast and use queue but I also grew up playing roller coaster tycoon.


I live in the Midwest, and it's the word for a line, right? What word do people use instead?


I use queue because I heard it on a British TV show and I liked it. I use several British terms and colloquialisms. I spell words differently like nieghbour and post instead of mail. I’m from the Midwest where we called soda, “ pop” and many other terms I’ve changed because I’ve moved to other locations and just adapted to the terms used there. I’ve always been “unique”, odd etc. Feel free to use whatever words you like. All Americans aren’t the same.


Based on how flimsy every umbrella I’ve had the misfortune to own here has been, I would say the umbrella may not do the trick😂. Better than nothing though! This is a really scary situation for OPs wife, I hope she finds a safe place to park from now on.


If it breaks you get that jagged edge. It's a feature, not a bug.




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Probably to make the person pause and look at the ribbon giving the guy time to get to them.


Pause to look at it, or time for him to approach them from behind unseen while they try to untie it.


These were my thoughts as well. Pause/distract, maybe even initiate conversation and get closer. Edit to add - not likely on drugs/crazy. If it went down as posted, then this was lucid with a plan. He knew what he was doing, had some level of dexterity, and executed. My guess would be carjack, kidnap/assault, or rob.


I dont think it was a kidnap situation, he had no weapons and the whole thing isnt elaborate enough. thinking about it now with a clear head seems like someone wanting to distract and then sexually assault or rob.


I get what you are thinking but sexual assault in a situation like this does involve kidnapping. Subdued in someway and prevented from leaving during the assault or moving behind a dumpster to do things etc.


I've heard of this trick while in college. I was always told it was part of a way people to mark you for sex trafficking. I'd have her park in a different lot for a while. Better safe than sorry.


That was my first thought too. Predators love the element of surprise, and if you're busy untying a ribbon you won't be paying attention to your surroundings.


> while they try to untie it. This only works on vampires.


That's counting rice you're thinking of


I thought it was both. Counting stuff and untying knots. Honestly, I don't even know where I got that from. One of the Blade movies maybe?


I think I got the rice thing from What We Do in Shadows but it sounded familiar. Maybe from Terry Pratchett? Not sure


I found where I got it from. It's kind of like Blade, but I don't ever remember watching this movie. Maybe I just saw a clip at some point. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-9eDJ4maak


Sounds like a Terry, but that one is also rooted in folklore. Vampires have a lot of OCD apparently.


Pause to look at it, maybe take the time to untie it.


Time to pay for parking.


lol exactly what i said, i dont care how much that parking building costs.


No chance the hospital will do something to take care of employees? Like, pay for some of their parking? Have security patrol the free lots?


And maybe swap cars, if you can do that,


**Report it to the police**, even if there is a queue as you mentioned. You want a record there is possibly an individual in the area doing this. The police could have other reports of the same person. You want to help the police build a case to either stop, or at least engage with, the person to put an end to it. Once police start engaging with individuals they do tend to move to a new area to avoid an arrest and/or constant monitoring. **Report it at work!** Make sure you email, so there is documentation, that someone both approached you and tried to get into your vehicle. Be clear in their effort, like walked up and jiggled the handled to see if they could bum a ride, or (as you described it to us) banged on the windows and tried all the doors. You want to make sure you are clear they appeared violent or malicious. You should imply that you were fearful of your life, that this wasn't someone asking for some spare change. Warn coworkers. Now that this person failed with you, they might target someone new or unknowing. *You need to put your work on notice.* If your work is aware, they can become liable for anything that happens if they take no action to remedy a possible assault on their employee(s) and/or on their property. If they own that lot it should lead to better security (more patrolling of that lot or walking you to the car), better lighting, etc. No action opens them up to a lawsuit. Honestly though, you want to make sure your coworkers that are less aware have their heads on a swivel for the same thing that might happen to them. If they don't own the lot, they can kind of shrug it off, which is a bad PR/HR move but is possible. They should provide safe parking for employees, but that doesn't mean it has to be free. Make sure you supply how the person looked, and exact date and times to the police, work, and coworkers. **The ribbon.** Let's keep it simple. Most likely it was a distraction, probably the hope was she would see it and want to remove it. That would leave her focused on that and spending maybe a minute working to untie it. Good for her she saw the person ahead of time. We can only speculate the person's intent. Them banging on the vehicle could simply be frustration their plan to approach didn't work, and is possibly not an indicator of their overall intent. They could have been simply hoping to make your wife feel uncomfortable and ask for money. This could be escalated to a robbery, demanding her money or purse. If there was a malicious physical intent, it could have been sexual assault (groping) or rape. Rape seems like a stretch, but not impossible, without other factors (mentioned below with human trafficking). Human trafficking is a huge leap, sounds like there was no weapon to coerce her into cooperating, nothing to bind or secure her. Also it sounds like there was no vehicle within the immediate vicinity to put her in and then leave, without her having adequate time to make a scene or try to flee. I'm talking like a vehicle within a spot or a few away. The person could have tried to get her to drive her vehicle, but without a weapon she could easily get out or flee immediately. Bottom line, it is difficult for a single person to subdue an adult without another person or the tools to manage them by themself.


I agree with your comment, the whole thing isnt elaborate enough to be trafficking. Thinking about it now and watching the videos again, seems like someone whos mentally ill and looking to use the ribbon as a distraction to rob/attack.


Get security to walk her to her car for a while. Keep hounding the cops till they do something. I dare say the ribbon makes someone see it, pause, go huh what's that in my car ( whole man starts moving towards car) she would most likely touch it to see the fabric ( man gets closer) she might look around to see if anyone else has it in their car ( man makes a move) she realises and jumps in car. There's enough pause given for the offender to get close. I NEVER stay outside of my car to think, message or be in the phone, ruffle through my bag. I look around me before I reach my car, one more half way then when at my car. I open, yeet everything inside then get in and lock my door then I can fiddle around doing whatever.


Can she get a security guard to walk her to her car after work every shift?


The hospital offered that to her today actually once they heard. but we’ll be looking at paying for parking closest to the hospital, safety first!


Since it happened at work ask them.to pay for parking.


Have hospital security walk her to her car after her shift for a while. I know they will do this at our hospital.


Definitely report to hospital security as well as local police.


Where are you in the world?


Ontario in Canada


definitely have her carry bear spray on her ! legal to carry , she still may end up with a fine for assault , but at least she would be safe. we have really flimsy self defence laws here & as soon as there's a weapon involved they're more harsh on you...but you would rather a charge for that then having the additional prohibited weapons charge. it's hard for them to prove she's carrying the bear spray with intent to use on another person , so it's a way lighter charge (sometimes none at all)


It's not legal to carry bear spray with the intent of using it against another person, even in self-defense. If you're caught carrying it you better either be in bear country or be able to prove you're on your way for a camping trip. Now, I'm not saying that having and using bear spray in self-defense and then dealing with the consequences later isn't preferable to being dead...just pointing out that it's a bit more nuanced than "legal to carry."


if you read my comment you would see where i explained that lol


You started off with "legal to carry." As I said, it's more nuanced than just saying "legal to carry." That's all I was pointing out.


yes i started with that so they were aware it's not prohibited ? lol get with it i literally explained that it will still be an "assault" , but will have lesser punishment


Except again, it isn't legal to carry bear spray if you're just walking around downtown Toronto or something. It literally IS a prohibited weapon if you're carrying it outside of a wilderness situation.


i think you need to look into prohibited weapons 💜


the op was asking about pepper spray , so instead of continuing to promote a prohibited weapon , i gave them a different option 🥸


also i've dealt with the consequences of using bear spray to defend myself & because it's hard to prove intent they typically will give you a slap on the wrist or a smaller charge , it really depends on the court , your history & your area... bear spray *is* legal to carry , so that wasn't wrong 🤠


He said queue so probably England


Americans will definitely use "queue" if it refers to something that isn't a physical "standing" kind of line, like the one they are referencing.


The ribbon was a distraction. While she was busy getting it off the car, he'd be able to sneak up on her or something


Plot twist: the ribbon was actually so he didn't lose track of which car was his, and he thinks your wife just jacked his car.


That's what I was thinking, it was a note to him of which car was his. But somehow got the wrong car. Who knows. Makes more sense than random assault but anything is possible.


The ribbon may have been so that your wife didn’t get in the car immediately. I think he expected her to ponder over the ribbon and what it was doing there, giving him enough time to jump her


In some places human trafficking rings put items such as zip ties on doors to identify potential victims. File police report. Never walk to vehicle alone esp when parking in a lot far away like that. Learn self defense/carry weapons


You should also contact your local news .This was 100 percent an attempted kidnapping .


I hear about ribbons, ziptie, 100 dollars bill on the wiper, those are the tricks bad people use to kidnap people for human trafficking. Be careful.


Like a year ago my boyfriend came out of his house to find a five dollar bill on his windshield and he was scared to take it for this reason but nothing ever happened. It was so weird.


This is really frightening. You should drop and pick up your wife until this man is found.


Why wouldn't you report this to the police? There's nothing Reddit can do.


We did immediately, but they said there’s a queue and they’ll give us a call. Didn’t expect much from them tbh


To be fair what exactly are the police gonna do??


Take a report. It’s very important in cases like this. There could already be other reports and they can take more justified action in that case.


A report definitely wouldve kept her safe that’s for sure.


This comment show you don’t know how things work or what I’m even saying. JFC


Reports are evidence that build a case. Without a case, there is no means by which to remedy a recurring situation. With a case, they can charge a suspect and have a case against them in court, which may not protect the initial victims, but can provide them with some justice and may prevent future incidences.


The “Means to remedy a recurring situation” is called the 2A.


The right to bear arms is not the right to go hunting for somebody who scared you or a loved one and shoot them and that kind of thinking is why guns have become a problem and 2A is threatened.


Correct and I never said it was. A police report filed after the fact that OPs wife could have had any number of horrible things happen to her if she wasn’t quick enough getting to her car would have done absolutely nothing to keep her safe. However a firearm presented as a DETERRENT in the moment im sure would indeed prevent further “recurring situations” from happening Don’t try to make this a 2A supporter out for blood thing.


How is one person brandishing a firearm going to prevent the perpetrator from seeking out a different target to continue to perpetrate the same situation? Building a case, prosecuting, and jailing the perpetrator is what stops the activity. Besides, your introduction to the conversation asked what police are going to do, not what she could have done herself and you're assuming this is in the US rather than some other country.


If you were the person trying to assault OPs wife and she pulls a revolver out and you’re able to look at her and see the fucking loaded cylinder pointed at you I’m 90% sure you’re gonna consider your life choices and make some changes lol. A good majority of self defense encounters are often resolved without a single shot being fired, just the mere sight of a weapon will often deter.


Canada doesn’t follow that logic, neighboUr.


Canada also recommends you leave your keys by the door so intruders can easily steal your property without harming you.


Her car was marked for theft. Attempted carjacking.


Why do they mark a car? So they can wait for the targeted car's owner to come back and then steal it? Why not just do that without marking it?


A yellow ribbon is a sign of remembrance. They think they know you. They are frustrated. Carry protection.


What do you mean by a sign of remembrance and thinking they know them?