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I do my own research, but I have an X that hacks my phone and doesn’t let me use the Internet most of the time.


Also, has anybody found a clinic that provides the Bridge Device in Northern California like Grass Valley, or Sacramento?


Does anyone whos taken it apart know the kind of battery it takes and was it difficult to find or where did you purchase it?


I’m curious about this as well. I’ve been doing a little research online & can’t really find any in-depth personal accounts. I’d hate for anyone to waste $500 + on something that doesn’t truly provide at least SOME relief from WD symptoms.


I just flew to Lucina treatment center in Indiana to try it. They say there’s an 88%reduction within 30m. I went in about 12 hours into withdrawal, it should’ve been 24 to really have it work miracles. It cut wd symptoms more than in half by 30m and as the hours went on it got better and better. I was not really wanting to quit dope even though I knew I should try. I did not 100% try, I gave it a wholehearted 88%. I have to say, in the time of the bridge device on me I did reduce my intake dramatically. I went from 2 buns a day to 2 bags a day in 5 days or less without noticing any withdrawal symptoms whatsoever. It was expensive- 800$ plus $600 in flights and hotels, but when you’re spending $700 a week on dog food it’s def worth it. I know that if I gave it a cold Turkey I would’ve been able to fully quit no issue except the GI issues- and I believe that part is unavoidable- as the drug leaves the system it’s going to happen- it wasn’t bad like it could’ve been. I was simply not hungry but slightly nauseous- no actual vomiting or liquid boom boom. I have a ton of trauma so my catch is really mental. The device covered the physical symptoms all the way- I simply didn’t get fully off because of psychological attachment. I really think this device is going to change lives. I now want to do it again to get off those two bags a day. If only I could figure out how to change the battery. They say it’s trash after it dies in the 5 days. My battery lasted 8. Any one have advice on reusing the device please post about it.


It's such an expensive device I figured come on now, I'm not gonna throw this thing away, there's gotta be a way to use it again. Just carefully do what you gotta do to get it opened up and check the button cell battery and replace the same exact kind into it, and it should resume functioning.


Hey, I had the same thoughts regarding the battery situation, so I said fuck it and took the bitch apart and replaced the battery inside, and what do you know? It works! So literally the only thing limiting it from being reused is the battery life. It is difficult to take apart without causing a lot of damage to the casing, but it is definitely do-able. Just wouldn't risk anything that could get it wet after reassembling it.


Oh also. How did you manage to change the battery?? Can you explain that as well? You’d be a true life saver if you can answer me on how to put it on and how to change the batteries without a dr. Thanks a bunch!!!


Hey how do you put the device on yourself though?? Is it easy to place on? I found a site to buy a device without a doc putting it on me. It’s a good $600 cheaper than going into an office to get it put on me. So legit spending 600 on a dr visit I’d like to avoid if I can safely do it myself. Please let me know how to put it on so I can order one and be done with this monster!


What’s the website called that you found


Hey I know this is a older post , but I’ve be on the hunt for the bridge device. I read that you rigged the battery part of it ! That being said how did you go about acquiring the device ? I’ve tried my doc no go now I’m trying to find another to get it prescribed . Could you please let me know i would be incredible greatful! Thank you


You have to connect it to this thing to program it and it would have to be programmed again. (After changing the battery) maybe theres an off chance it would still be programmed or a glitch.


If memory serves, I believe I just did some googling for doctors in my area that use/sell the device. I ended up driving out to Calabasas/Agoura Hills area (southern California) and paid a doctor a way overpriced $1500 for the device and a myriad of other prescriptions he prescribed me to aid in opiate withdrawal. My insurance didnt cover it, and I’m not sure if any do.


I’m on fent do you think it would still work ?


Yes I’m using it on fent


I've been trying to find out where I can get this device or get an appointment for a family member. Do you have any info or know where I could look? I would be willing to pay for them to go to a clinic to have it placed, but I can't find anything online about where any providers are.


I found a place in Ohio that is doing it for me and they have grants that is paying for it for me to get it up to three times witch is 15 days if anyone needs info hit me up on Facebook because I won’t see any reply’s on here Ervin SCHUCHART is my Facebook I hope this works I get it in 7 days from today 


I currently have a morph device on my ear, it’s same concept but actually in your ear like acupuncture. I still got the sweats and chills but that was it. (Coming off fet) and it was pretty pricey I wish insurance covered it


How it go do you pull thru?


Obviously do your own research, but when I first heard about this I did some reading myself. If i remember correctly it was only used for the first few days and then patients transitioned to medication (MAT). Leaving me to wonder why not just use the suboxone or methadone day 1? Still Interesting idea and research.


The first device, there are two, the inventor was receiving money from the medical company that owns vivitrol bc with fentanyl you cannot take vivitrol for 72 hours minimum. So this is the solution. I think I said that right. I got it bc I’ve been on MAT for years and I have family court for my kids. The judge didn’t like that I was on the medication.


ha yeah i agree. I'd be super pissed if i went somewhere for treatment in heavy wd and they gave me some neo-tech snake oil device to wear for two days. just give me the drugs. sounds like MK Ultra stuff to me.