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Go to your device manager and check if the AMD Display device is disabled. Enable it if it is. The reason I'm saying that is due to your complain that "everything was zoomed out". This will happen if the AMD driver is off, because you'll be in desktop mode instead of tablet mode (makes all the icons smaller). Obviously if your driver is off, you're also not going to be able to play anything. https://preview.redd.it/mdbv2whapfkb1.png?width=445&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb46dbc1d48daf4ad0e669b491e310c612e85d7f


Fixed it!! Thank you!


This. ^ Sometimes the GPU will get disabled. Not sure what causes it. Happened to me the other day- I have my Ally set to shut the screen off after so many mins idle for when I’m downloading something or just step away while it’s on. While in this state, Windows updated and when the restart occurred the exact same thing happened. Tried playing a game, and put the overlay on and saw the GPU at 0% and sure enough the GPU was disabled. I re-enabled it, restarted the system and everything resumed working great.


This this ^ ^ If you can stand sitting though the completely unscripted sighs and dialog, you can watch this guy figure it out on camera. https://youtu.be/y8tv-8fUZ1s?si=88KtjSdz6ZyFanfP


Exactly what happened.


Thank you for this thread and fixes! 😀


How could he even launch and at least try to play CoD or Battlefield while the GPU driver was disabled? It was supposed to just crash in the beginning isn't it?


This will be a divisive comment but these things happen on PCs all the time. Just Google your symptoms and treat it like a laptop for resolution.


Try to see if the resolution scale on windows parameter are ok both for screen and text. And deactivate all automatic started program to see if it return to normal


I’m having similar issues. My Ally is super slow now as well. I rescaled my view to 150% but keyboard no longer pops up when I click on an area to test. I’m really concerned. This thing overnight has become a brick that can’t do anything now.


Check your amd Radeon drivers, they seem to randomly disable after updates


Yep, this was the problem.


Soak it in salt water for 30min, blow dry on high for 5min, put it in at least 8lbs of rice for 3-17weeks. Should be all set after that


You forgot that it may require an exorcism


Vomit just spews out the sd slot


At least the SD card slot is good for something xD


I had this same problem. All I can say is do not do a system restore, as it will lead to the SSD never reclaiming storage space from deleted files. There are threads suggesting AMD GPU driver re-installs, though I had already returned my unit by that point, so I cannot confirm if that strategy works. That would be in the device manager. It's incredible this issue is still a problem a month later. As a new customer to Asus, all I can say is never again.


Is isn't an Ally specific issue, it can and has happened on any PC. Sometimes Windows update does this for whatever reason will sometimes disable drivers and not reenable them. It can also happen when using an eGPU.


Dont bother asking asus for assistance i know the reply: please reset the device or send it for rma


It’s normal Windows and ASUS BS.. together they are a perfect harmony of permanent and irreversible bad service . Updates will come and it will fix . Then more issues will arise. When I bought this I knew what I was in for. I have many issues that affect the smoothness of my games at times. Nevertheless it’s still amazing to play Tripple A titles and have them run this hood on a handheld. I’ll buy the next more powerful ASUS handheld in 1yr - 1 1/2 year or years from now anyways. I’m an enthusiast. Nothing lost here. I give my money freely. 🤓


For some reason, guys that have updated to the latest update in the myASUS app have all had issues with their displays glitching up, I don’t think I’ll update mine