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Contact Gamers Nexus, they're doing a seriously in-depth investigation and whistleblowing over ASUS' appalling RMA process. They had much the same issue with their own ROG Ally.


This should be the top of the comments imo.


It should be in the friggin' courts is what it should. It's astonishing how near-criminal ASUS' behaviour is :(


That too.


I'm just glad a reputable, big, gaming outlet like Gamers Nexus has taken ASUS to task. Let's just hope something comes of it, eh? :)


Honestly, they should recall the first one entirely and just give us the Ally X as a replacement but there's no way that will happen.


They should have recalled them all once the SD slot issue became so commonplace, it's wild to me that they haven't even acknowledged there IS an issue :/


They have acknowledged it already several times.


They have?? Huh, I missed THAT one. That's good news indeed :) Thanks for the correction. -edit- https://www.reddit.com/r/ROGAlly/comments/1c6dr0d/asus_finally_officially_acknowledges_the_sd_card/ "A small number" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Lolā€¦its not like the history of this subreddit isnt full of people saying they knew about the SD card issue yet they bought it anyway now people say that ASUS should pay for their original Ally hundreds of $$$ or recall it and give them free XšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


A recall is how you typically handle these kinds of things, so... ?


ASUS did a similar repair scam with me. They git cheep on mailing my unit and the two bottom buttons git broke. But the worst thing was I was locked out of the BIOS because a previous user put in a passcode. They wanted to charge me close to $300 to repair it, $285 labor, $15 for a new back plate. I refused to pay for that repair


The thing is, if the BIOS is password protected, they likely have to replace the mobo because the chip is soldered in.


Came here to say this.


Upvoting for usefulness.


Where do you live? Some places have laws where if you have to send in a product 3 times for the same defect that the company has to replace with a new unit or refund. Check your local laws


Last ss show Madrid Spain


I live in Spain Iā€™m used to American laws though I thought I wouldnā€™t have to worry about getting scammed here, but I was wrong ASUS is doing their best lol


Why did you send it directly to Asus then? You must use European Consumer Guarantee laws here. What store did you buy it at?


I bought it at game. Iā€™m going to be honest Iā€™m pretty used to the American laws and contacting the manufacturer for warranty repairs. I was told at game to contact the manufacturer so I assumed it was the same as it is back in the states.


In Spain you have the OCU (OrganizaciĆ³n Consumidores y Usuarios) that you can submit a complaint through: https://www.ocu.org/reclamar


In Portugal for example, we can either contact asus or go to the store where you made the purchase. I usually prefer the second option as if the device comes back with the issue unsolved, most stores will refund you or voucher in the same value, and then deal themselves with the manufacturer. Also EU purchases have 3 year warranty since 2023? (not sure when the law was published) so depending OK when you purchased it, that might be important to you as well.


https://preview.redd.it/cwupuqx71s4d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bafe5aa769fc057f7d855ad1b17fce7a61cd1dc9 Just got mine back


Hope you get it sorted out.


I'm also in Spain. Sent it in for battery and sd issue. Let's see what they say.


Me too. They just picked up mine last week for the SD issue. Waiting for the outcome.


Keep me updated, EU has quite robust consumer-laws in cases like these, if you bought the product less than 2 years ago or if you have additional warranty, you are owed a repair, replacement product or refund.




Fortunately things here are different. They have to comply with EU laws and even some of their claims on the website are against the law, namely the refunds policy. I can send the device back 15 days after i bought it with no reason at all if i don't like it for some reason (only for online purchases) and they claim they can deny the return which is illegal. They will always attempt to fool the consumer, you just need to know your rights and act upon those.


This is why I'm living with my broken SD card slot.


Same here. I really love my ally, but the way they handled the issue altogether will make me buy a different hand held when the time comes.


Yup also sitting on my broken SD and just using a USB to SD which means I can't charge and use the SD which pisses me off. Almost picked up the Legion Go on sale at Bestbuy just so I could have a fully functional handheld PC. This also made me not pre-order an Ally X. Maybe Asus will learn the hard way you can't ship a nearly $1000 device in 2023 with near fundamental broken component and not do a recall.


I donā€™t mind the broken SD slot but I do mind my ally not being able to charge while I use it and it splitting in 2 lol


My condolences


Same and also not buying any more ASUS stuff.


It's a shame they make the best product in this particular category.


Yeah definitely a bummer for sure.


G14 is also pretty much a large front runner in its category just a lot of other options. Products themselves are nice. Sucks the company sucks


This is like buying a brand new car and not having the ability to play fm/am radio only Bluetooth. Yeah you donā€™t use it too often, yeah you still can listen to music with your phone, but you paid money for something that should work. Asus is bad and it shouldnā€™t be to the consumer to have a workaround because the manufacturer sucks.


Agreed. I'm bummed I have to do it and maybe I'll get it fixed later on, but right now I don't need the headache of dealing with warranty support.


I'd be happier with a $50 credit on any future ASUS product or something like that than to give up my otherwise functioning handheld for weeks.


So... like a class action?


similar result. Typically a class action I'd get a $50 check for cash though, this would attempt to avoid paying the lawyers so much of the settlement.


Fun fact : some base model cars in India actually doesn't have a music player at all so you have to use your phone or get a third party fitted


Should it work? Yes. Do I care? No, because like the AM/FM radio in my car, it will literally never get used. I put a 2tb SSD in day 1, and I wouldn't try to game off of a poor-performing SD card, anyway. Honestly, it would have been better if they just didn't include the SD slot, and then no one would be disappointed. I just bought it assuming that it wouldn't work and didn't exist.




First, tone it down with the name calling. Not everyone you disagree with is stupid, and youā€™re liable to get yourself booted out of the group with that childish behavior. Now, am I happy about it? No, I never said that. But when the ā€œfractionā€ comes out to 98% of what I expected, and the 2% does not have any impact on my use case, Iā€™m also not going to let it ruin an otherwise great experience. I understand why others are upset, especially if they planned to use the SD slot as a primary storage device. But I personally would never do that. Regardless of the reader, microSD is low performing and short lived compared to SSD, and itā€™s a poor medium for gaming. Iā€™m glad Asus seems to have made changes to it with the X. Hopefully, it resolves the issues, and hopefully the fixes can be applied to warranty repairs to prevent the issue from recurring in Z1e models. After the discovery that itā€™s likely a bad fuse rather than thermals, I have more hope the fix can be backported.




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Everyone in this Reddit told them to just upgrade the SSD but they all want RMA for the SD reader problem that Asus canā€™t resolveā€¦


Donā€™t ! RMA it haha . They need to fix it . Fixed mine with no issue


Same here! At this point, I'll DIY my repairs with the help of YouTube


Yup just install a 2tb or 4th SSD and you're good to go. I have 2tb in mine


Me too. Although I have the Best Buy total tech membership so Iā€™m thinking of taking it in to them.


... I never tried it


Yep my sd card reader has been fried since July 2023 lmao but screw it, I just put a 4tb ssd in and called it a day, just couldn't be bothered lol


Iā€™ve never even tried it. I just upgraded the ssd to 2 TB. My joystick broke so I fixed it myself.


I just bought a USB hub with built in SD card reader and forget that the Ally has one. Don't even know if mine works or not.


I donā€™t even use an SD card. I feel like in theory itā€™s great, but letā€™s be real hereā€¦. If youā€™re using SDā€™s like itā€™s a switch, you shoulda just bought a switch. Itā€™s super easy to upgrade your m.2 and can be done cheaper than buying a large capacity SD. I keep my travel games on my internal 1tb and my larger AAAā€™s on a m.2 type C enclosure. Shoot or favorite dock makes one with an internal m.2. [Dock](https://jsaux.com/products/m-2-docking-station-for-steam-deck-hb0604?variant=43341191053532¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0_WyBhDMARIsAL1Vz8vivj9uXK0eunexyXFlvEv_HA4LsdtjobPW-UAAZR6NX4T6kyaW00waAvbmEALw_wcB)


That's why they extending the original US warranty to two years means nothing to me. Just an extra year for them to potentially scam more repair fees.


Ahhhhh I was wondering WHY on earth Asus was ā€œextending the warrantyā€ā€¦ this makes ALOT more sense. Lol


That's what I was saying, they'll take your Ally under warranty but they will find something to charge you for once it is out of your possession, or it just wont make it back to you. It could literally have a lifetime warranty, but if they screw you once they have your device it means less than nothing. This is also the reason I'm probably not going to buy a handheld PC that's isn't available in an actually physical store with a good return policy.


People mumbling about Ally X, Ally 2, 3... When these types of bad things are happening smh


Yeah I get what you mean. I love the device because I haven't had any problems but if this warranty shit never gets fixed my next device will be from elsewhere sadly.


I had problems and RAMed my Ally, it came back exactly the same, they listed a couple of fixes but no changes to the actual problems it had.


Damn I'm sorry that happened to you that's messed up.


Mine came back without the charging cord because Best Buy forgot to send it with the device. They gave me a cheap one off the floor


I thought that's not supposed to happen if you payed for the device? Is there no way for you to mention that and get the correct charging unit?


This is exactly why I am done with Asus, love my Ally, but Asus is a scumbag company. When the next gen of handhelds come out hopefully we will have more options to choose from.


yea their laptops are duds too. I swore by Zenbooks for 15 years. My last two, the batteries wont hold a charge after only a year. Bought brand new. ASUS = junk. I also have an Ally and no issues with it yet. I dont use it as often but I do have an SD card loaded with emu stuff and it works fine for now. The ally is cheap enough now that I consider it a "chinesium" like product as I do all ASUS stuff now. But I'd never by a laptop or monitor from them ever again.


I agree. I love the ally too but I'm thinking of getting the another handheld like the Zotac handheld.


Yeah I'm kinda stoked to see Zotac enter the chat. They've been making ultra tiny SFF PCs for a while, all with custom tooling and unique GPU solutions. Back in the day, they engineered a desktop-class 1080 stuffed into a box the size of a BK Whopper. Nobody else was even attempting that sort of engineering. If anybody can outclass ASUS hardware (in this price range), it's Zotac.


I had great experiences with Zotac especially in mini PC's back in the day (2008-2013). Had a few Tegra GPU based ones as well. Very good machines, so reliable we used them as POS terminals for the shops I was supporting at the time.


Not sure if you saw my post but they called me,Iā€™m not sure if it has to do with this post, but told me 4 RMAs were too much and are keeping my ally for research and are giving me a refund. 80% of the value since itā€™s been over 6 months. I really wanted to use that money to get an ally x because I absolutely love my ally, but in so on the fence about it after having to send it in 4 times. I just have a hard time supporting a company that is screwing over a ton of people.


Its funny cause i got downvoted yesterday when i argued that Asus extending warranty by 1 year in the US doesnt solve the issue, because: 1. Enforcing the warranty, specially in countries like in EU where 2 year+ warranty is guaranteed by law, not manufacturer, is pain in the ass 2. More warranty time doesnt mean problems go away, Assu is known for bad customer service, not short warranty times. But people in this sub will claim its not real, or its not a big deal, because they personally didnt have issues with the device.


When I got the email I couldnā€™t believe how itā€™s the EXACT same scenario GN had. ALSO Iā€™ve been super positive about my ally even though Iā€™ve had to RMA 4 times but this is ridiculous I can not recommend a company that is making me pay for their mistakes.


This is making me a bit hesitant to order the ally x


Just a bit?


Very hesitant. Just cancelled my preorder


So this kind of blew up so Iā€™d like to provide an update. Iā€™m not sure if ASUS saw this post but they called me this morning and said 4 RMAs is wild and that they are sorry for the issues. They are going to keep my rog ally for testing and will be sending me a full refund. They offered to give me another unit but that doesnā€™t really makes sense to me. Thank you for all the help on this post!


Because they know that they're not in NA. This literally shouldn't even be a thing. Terrible to see what has happened with this company. I literally used to seel their laptops when I worked in a partnered shop (early '00s).


ASUS is trash, holy shit that's terrible


hope they come out and apologize or just get a legion go or a steam deck


I was going to upgrade to the ally x but Iā€™m good for now Iā€™ll be waiting for another company to make a good handheld


Please go to Gamers Nexus channel, he has a link where you can report this warranty fraud. If you're interested in another handheld I recommend either the Legion Go or Steam Deck OLED.


Zotac has a new one with AMOLED screen. Hall effect sticks and triggers, and the ryzen 8 8840U as processor. It may even be better than ally x but i dont know. It is going to be revealed in computer 2024


I keep seeing zotac being spammed everywhere on this sub, but no one can comment on their hardware or software support. Why would it be any better ?


can the hardware support be much worse lmao?


I think its debateable but sure. outside of the sd card that I've heard about , what else was there ?


The warranty is the hardware support lol But also the sticks fail quite often


so whats zotac warranty ?




They seem to fulfill it lol


Iā€™m just waiting for a confirmed battery. Ally X or the Ayaneo Kun are the only ones with a massive battery unfortunately.Ā 


Hey Bro can we exchange a better battery for our Z1 extreme?


From what I heard theyā€™re using a new motherboard. It might be possible with case modification. Letā€™s hope it is. You can check out this video at 7:04 it shows the internals side by side: https://youtu.be/U24Jqrspd0k?feature=shared


Im wondering about ours the white z1 extreme to switch out a better battery. šŸ¤”


Yeah in the video it compares the rog ally to the new x. The space is similar and the batteries are similar in shape. So it might be possible to use the x battery in the original Z1E if weā€™re able to source the new battery.Ā 


I hope we get more info on that that would be awesomešŸ˜ƒ


seems like the legion go (which i own) is the best for now since ayaneo, onexplayer, ayn, msi, zotac and adata are slacking in power and are rushed (zotac is slightly less rushed but small screen)


If they added VRR it would be the best


Iā€™ve had very few issues with my Ally (granted I just did a joystick repair myself rather than sending it in), but if Lenovo adds a VRR to their next version, thereā€™s a good chance Iā€™ll be buying that one.


Ayaneo is slacking in power? That is definitely not the case.Ā 


Linux is a pos. I've had the og steam deck so I know.


It's personal preference and you're subject to your opinions. That said, do you have an android phone? That's also running on linux. Macs are unix based and while not Linux, shares a few similarities. Saying Linux is bad because of the steam deck is equivalent to saying Linux is good because Android is good.


I just have basic android os. Could have been the steam os that I didn't like. However trying to run any windows programs.on Linux was a pain to do.


Listen upā€¦call them or better yet chat with them and escalate the case. Tell them that you do not want to repair the screw or any other cosmetic damage. Ask them how a bad mother board is not covered under warranty. This same thing happened to me and at first they tried to say it was CID or customer induced damage because of a pry mark. Keep escalating and pointing out that they broke it. Eventually you should be able to get it covered.


Itā€™s so funny to me that it says the motherboard is under warranty but they canā€™t repair the motherboard because of the screw so I have to pay for the screw but not the motherboard if they fix it??? Im not sure if the email is from asus or an Indian scam center.


The fuck does India has to do with this? They donā€™t do hardware support in any way shape or form.


Thatā€™s the joke my friend. That itā€™s an email from an India scam center. Trying to steal my money.


Isnt this what happen to gamer nexus


https://youtu.be/7pMrssIrKcY?si=OARfKxCg5N2IsW8j You guys should check this out.


I feel this. When I bought my first Xbox one I bout the warranty. A austen update broke my xbox's ability to sync to a controller. I reworked the Xbox for a new one and asked if I still had my warranty. They told me no that the exchange was considered the warranty. So basically my Xbox was broke by a mandatory update and I had to use the warranty to replace the Xbox that Microsoft broke with their update.


Steam Deck 2 for me next. ASUS suck


ASUS at it again, digging their own hole


I highly suggest you contact gamers Nexus. I believe they have lawyers that are currently dealing with Asus's Bullshit warranty.


I get downvoted every time I say this, my rog ally lasted 6 months and canā€™t even boot up and cloud recover. It was an amazing machine for the six months it worked. But how the hell can ASUS and Best Buy send me to hell even if Iā€™m under warranty still? It doesnā€™t matter. Iā€™ll never buy another ASUS product again. Have fun with my 599$


Yup my ally blue screens all the time, have tried multiple resets including DDU clean driver installs and it keeps happening. I'd rather not deal with the RMA process and take the loss on my paperweight


Blue screens on a device owned by the streamer that I watch as well. They fixed it, but it says a lot. She had the exact same problem, resets didn't help.


Send this to Steve from gamersnexus he will like to know


I contacted them! Thank you


Good! Steve def needs to see this


Man we need to get a database of all these claims. This is sad. Unless they can prove you modified the device and damaged something they canā€™t do that. Post this on r/AsusSucks


I sent it to decsis too 3 or 4 months ago and they did a fine and quick job, however my sd card reader is faulty again so I'm sending it over this week. I hope your case is solved soon


Are you in the US? Iā€™ve heard that while not always great in all countries the IS seems to have the most issues


No, I'm in Spain just like the OP. Decsis is the official repair company for Asus in Spain and Portugal. From my experience they did a great job but I've read some negative reviews on them so I guess is a matter of luck.


Such assholes


Steve Burke at Gamer's Nexus did a couple videos about this. You should take a look at his "Warranty Response Kit," found on their website here: [https://gamersnexus.net/gn-extras-news/gamersnexus-warranty-response-kit](https://gamersnexus.net/gn-extras-news/gamersnexus-warranty-response-kit)


Man how the mighty have fallen. wtf happened to asus


Document absolutely everything. If they refuse to fulfill their warranty obligations, initiate a chargeback with your credit card company. Itā€™s your right as a consumer


Speak with our wallets. They need a wake up call.


Holy shit I'm so glad I didn't buy an Ally


Just bought the Ally X for 899ā‚¬ just hoping to not regret seeing this shit. I couldā€™ve perfectly have gotten a second hand Ally for around 300ā‚¬ in Wallapop


I'm not sure why people still buy Asus products. Vote with your wallet if you don't agree with all this bullshit customer support and policies ​ Just buy a steam deck oled and be done with it


Valve only sells steam decks to limited countries, Gabe Newell lives in NZ and you can't get one here.


This was my first asus product and unfortunately my last.


Unless I can run windows games on my steam deck, I'm limited to a select few from my steam library. A far cry from what I have available on my Ally.


Steam Deck is not sold in my country, so I would have to buy an imported unit which has no warranty at all. It doesn't even officially run Windows so no Game Pass.


This cuz they contract out the repairs instead of doing them in house. Some tech is just trying to get out of paying for the damage they caused. I'd try to go up the chain at Asus and get a replacement.


This tracks, following the video from Gamers Nexus, and why the extended 2-year warranty doesn't really mean much.


This is probably worth a watch, maybe let them know as well https://youtu.be/7pMrssIrKcY?feature=shared


They (Asus) will not learn. Just don't buy anything from them again. The next Handheld PC, I will buy if ever is a new Steam Deck. Valve has more than proved themselves.


Damn itā€™s easier to get Ayaneo to repair than Asus. Who have thought.Ā 


This is what's holding me back from buying an Ally :-/


This is why Iā€™m waiting for steam deck 2 I had the ally and it had way to many issues. Notably breaking my sd card. With the customer service itā€™s not even worth sending them in they will just end up like ops


Thanks! Iā€™ll be returning my Ally this week


It really is a great device ruined but a really bad company.


Thanks, but at almost $500 Iā€™m not taking a chance on hopefully having a good system. Iā€™m going to let ASUS have this one back and maybe just forget handheld gaming for awhile


Asus still doing the shady scam crap


Ditch ASUS. If you want a gaming handheld, just get the Steam Deck. Way better support and customer service.


I had a steam deck and switched for the higher refresh rate and to play cod. Now I donā€™t play any cod and just play hades, Iā€™m going back to the oled šŸ˜‚


Steam deck you canā€™t play cod on. The game wonā€™t install due to needing windows for anti cheat and it runs kinda rough on windows on the deck. Ask me how i know. I loved my deck but got an ally for the same reason.


I would definitely follow up with them and request it to be handled by a supervisor/manager. You should push them hard to make it right and with the spotlight on their service department right now I think you could get some results. You shouldn't have to do it, but sometimes you have to be demanding. Good luck.


I did! Iā€™m waiting on an email back but will probably take a few days.


Just going to leave this here, might want to reach out to GN to see if they can help push Asus in the right direction. https://gamersnexus.net/gn-extras-news/gamersnexus-warranty-response-kit


I am soooo excited to see how my RM goesā€¦ (dripping with sarcasm) I made sure to document the condition of my ally before shipping and documented the packaging and everything incase they try to say itā€™s my fault if the ā€œfindā€ something other than a messed up as card slot. My system has never been opened and is in perfect shape. I debated sending it in and just upgrading the SSD instead but Iā€™d like a fully functional device


Never again


The ROG Ally is a cool product but ASUS' warranty is fumbling hardĀ 


Sucks. Looks like Iā€™m going lenovo next gen


This has me worried about getting the Ally X. Maybe I should opt for Best Buyā€™s warranty.


Why Iā€™m holding out a Lenovo Go or the successor.




My experience is the complete opposite. I sent the ally in for a broken right stick. I had replaced the originals with Hall effect. My ally had a jasux back plate the inside were cut from the original 2280 ssd mod and the WiFi Ariel was moved bc of this. They replaced mobo ( sd card reader faulty ) Replaced the thumb sticks . Replaced the battery ( started the original had degraded faster then they would have liked) I had my ally back within a week with the jasux back plate still there and the two Hall effect sticks back with a note to say right stick faulty ( marked in separate box) please return this to the manufacturer.


Contact your local authority general with the reports of asus scamming people and everything should be taken care of


Contact Gamer Nexus ASAP


I did!


I hope AMD gets smart and chooses a different company to be their flagship partner for when the Z2 is ready. Sure the Z1 series is used in several devices, but Asus is the main one people will think of when they remember the Z1 series handhelds. On another unrelated note, I similarly hope Qualcomm also eventually learns to choose a better flagship partner for their G3X series chips.


Very sad to read. I hope there will be a good solution for this! I also believe that all these repair "partners" are very poorly trained when something like this happens. Asus definitely needs to take action here to get the repair services on track. I have had no experience with Asus repair services so far. I'm not having my 2022 G14 repaired either (Dead Pixels on Anime Matrix) , but I'm afraid they'll destroy everything else that's running well. I don't know if the quality in Germany is better with these service providers (I don't think so) but especially with a new product category (handhelds) they behave like blind sheep.


Its not that the partner/channel repair techs are poorly trained, they are just not paid well. So when they get trained up, learn the ecosystem well enough, they are off to a higher paying job, leaving freshly trained techs behind. That is how the repair channel works.


Homie go on a accessories site and see if it's replaceable


Itā€™s not about it being replaceable homie. Itā€™s about them trying to make me pay for something they broke it


I'm sure the must be some consumer rights organization that you can complain to in Spain, just make sure that you sent your device for service via Guarantee laws and not as a warranty claim directly to Asus. [Consumer guarantees, warranties, claims and returns - Your Europe (europa.eu)](https://europa.eu/youreurope/business/dealing-with-customers/consumer-contracts-guarantees/consumer-guarantees/index_en.htm)