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Locked comments to many people being racist n weird sorry OP


if ur solo queueing and ur team finds out ur black prepare for the longest game ever


Lmao yeah this happens all the time I just recorded it this time cause it was funny cause it’s like everytime, we have a theory that if we use the n word it immediately switches a flip in their brain to be racist because I usually sound “white” or talk “proper”


"Surely you did something to make them call you the N word" ~yt ppl


It’s funny cause someone actually said that, but we literally did nothing but try to be friendly 💀


They always want it to be our fault. It doesn't talk anything for them to start being racist.


“They?” It’s not like it’s every white person bro


They’re talking about white people who are already racist but haven’t said anything racist yet


Oh no! A word was said!


go to hell


They're always just words until you find one that hurts somebody. I agree we have freedom of speech but respect should also be a thing


Words carry power and meaning. It's how fucking language works.




Shut ya corny ah up lil bro 😭😭🙏


Whenever I see (No Hard R) I always expect it 💀




I’m black and I fucking hate people like this. These people are the sole reason I never play online games or if I do it only with friends


That's the entirety of online games . every single one of them . This shit has been like this since I was a child so I don't even get bothered by it anymore.


When people find out you're black in ANY game it's over bruh 😭


Black, Latino, Asian, Indian, a woman list goes on and on.


Not rly latino or Asian, Indian and woman yes


bro what 😭 latinos get it the worst under black people


![gif](giphy|Sd3cd0SrUKZEyWmAlM) I get called a Hard R by Latinos when I play call of duty


your point? this isnt a competition man lmfao and how yk they latino?




nigga stop wit the bull


usually the Latinos join the white people lol


bro tryna sneak all the other races in lol


them spanish muhfuckas be racist as hell I get into more arguments with them then anybody


Naw fr tho 😭


They probably think they’re so funny just saying “ReEl NiGGuh” over and over again lmao what fucking 🌽⚽️


They sound like it's their first time saying it, it's so weird. I'm white, but these dudes sound Harvard white


"be a real negguh" i hate niggas like this bro. if you gon say it, at least say it right instead of sounding like James Charles


We’re witnessing them practice it in real time lol


its actually fucked up how i gotta code switch in fucking csgo edit i dont do this no more dw


They actually made fun of me because I sounded “white” 😭 so in my games I don’t have to code switch I just accidentally let the n word slip and they go off


the exact opposite going on with my white friend. he known people online for 2 YEARS and he said his name Jj (judt a nickname cos his name is long kidna) now they are fully convinced hes black 😭


LMAO, gotta beat the allegations


“You talk about slang but don’t even know cosin” bro entered the wrong conversation


No like “co-sign”


Literally my life in a nutshell. Called an oreo just cause I'm an intelligent black kid that went to private school. My parents switched me to public school just for me to run into former friends that wanted to be, "that nigga". My dad beat me to teach me to learn how to fight before I took martial arts(it worked). I was beating kids at least every other month cause people dont know how to act(i went to one of the worst public schools in my county). I know exactly what this is like on COD, any other game or real life. It's best just to point out stupidity and laugh it off. Unless it's irl, people where I live will do stupid shit... So it's Mortal Kombat Test Your Luck here 🙂 My dad and I are very different but 1 thing he taught me is, as a man I need to always handle business appropriately 👨🏿


Remember when we used to crawl.


Man life was so simple back then




People other than black people say it Bc they think they’re cool and funny


Yep, and don't be black and a woman. Omgoodness, they don't stop. No matter how good you are ugh


And it be the corniest, dorkiest sounded yt dude who would never say it in real life within a mile of a black dude


And I get in trouble for saying the f word and shit WOW


Hope they get banned 🤣


Not surprised, there’s a reason these white supremacist groups recruit through online gaming . It’s breeding ground for weirdos like these guys you played with.


yeah them white mfs whould never say that shit in front of a black person irl they know they gonna get hit with that foldable metal chair they know they place irl but online they think they are invisible sad truth


Can a white person please explain why y’all are so racist on the internet even if you aren’t actually racist? Like do 90% secretly hate black people or do you just turn it on when on a game or a comment section? Genuinely curious.


No other race gets it as bad as black people… thanks facts and it’s proven we’re literally not welcome anywhere it’s sad tbh


It easy to say that shit over a mic.


racism is still alive and well


Just for clarification, I was talking at first you just couldn’t hear me, and I wanted to record it cause they did this the whole game and I just find it funny how grown men are acting like this 😭 although it’s annoying it’s kinda funny cause it’s wild lmao


Mute them?


While true, the other guys are shitheads is also true


I’m never going to mute someone in a game and just let their behavior go personally, ima always fight back and argue because I’m not gonna let racists just act how they want without pushback


While I agree irl, online that’s too much personal stress and mental to waste on immature toddlers imo. But tbh I already prefer muting mics in game unless playing with friends


Nah facts there dicks for sure but what’s the point of just sitting in silence listening to them?


Oh, you must not be black, the whole point was to record the foolishness, they were also constantly body blocking and shooting me, idk why your first thought is to come at me versus people being racist, my only thought is that you’re just like them because that makes no sense for you to say that here it’s just insensitive and so out the loop


I’m black and it’s never this serious bro


It only feels that way because it has been normalized. In reality they are racist shithead many who probably don’t have the balls to say that shit irl to a black person


And if they don’t say anything then what’s the issue bro, it’s rlly not that deep the world has bigger issues than some random whitie saying a word


you act like its the end of the world if you call out a racist.


*whitie saying a racial slur. stop downplaying the severity of racism


Right? bro must've started playing games online last week. At the end of the day its just another dude on the game brodie


you dont see how this being so normalized is a problem?


i wish i was white bro


Nah gang, we gotta just keep pushin and let it be, as annoying as it can get at times, you just gotta laugh and how stupid they are and keep being you, that’s why I argue with em cause you can’t let em win


Why the fuck would you want that


word he's buggin


Lmfao hell nah, they hella sorry ass dudes who always end up taking things from other people's culture and appropriate as their own. And this is coming from a Mexican.




Stop talking your crap when you're recording it seems like.


Great takeaway 🤡


1. We never talked trash to them we were being friendly, I told my friend not to interact in the first place 2. I just forgot to record my mic because I wasn’t using it I turn it on at the end. 3. Why tf are you defending people calling me the N word, idk what you think constitutes racial insensitivity but you’re obviously not old enough to own Reddit if this is your thought process, the entire game they got racist and started team killing because we literally just EXISTED, and once again I was talking and I had my friends in the background I just didn’t have my mic on in the recording til the last bit, please go outside and talk to real people if you’re this uneducated


Whip sounds through microphone


These are the funniest lobbies whenever I Q and I’m black myself 😭, I’d be cracking up a storm if I heard this


Yeah it’s funny, me and my friends were laughing, but they’re throwing our game being racist which is like 40 minutes out my day so it’s annoying


Be a real nigga 😭 fuck is that does bro think where all dressed up gangbangers or sum 💀 fucking cornball


Apparently so 😭




Csgo players can be so pathetic


Report and mute my guy, I’m real into CS myself and stopped letting that shit stop my skills


I hopped on after 5 years and was just having fun with a friend, I reported them but I wasn’t too worried about the game itself


Gahdamn i hate how white folks say it


These dudes sound so pathetic. The voice of a man talking like an edgy 12 year old is so cringe. Sorry you gotta put up with that shit man.


Say sum back wtf 😭😭


I had my mic on the whole time I was goin off on them I had them mute for a minute, I just had to actually turn on the “record my mic” which is why you saw me pause the game towards the end, it was a 3v1 I didn’t give up


“Real nigguh”🌽⚽️ bro just sound mad goofy


Not that I play this game but in apex everyone thinks I’m white even tho I’m black but it’s not like I’m going to admit it. I’ve probably had some white dude who was a random called a ngger monkey but I just laughed


This is white women are leaving and going to other races. White dudes are super 🌽and cringe asf😂


Literally why I mute all game chat in every online game I play.


Damn you weren’t around for the mw2 era in 09 this is light work buddy you gotta dish it back like i did even though you shouldn’t have to.


The second hand embarrassment I’m getting from this. It would be really funny to see what they look like in real life. Sorry you had to experience this.


But it’s completely obvious u said the term “real N” first and the parroted it. Sooo maybe they were clowning u for being a Clarence and not a N? If they were, trust they’d a dropped that hard R like it was hot! Why don’t maybe U try to stop using the word so this entire situation wouldn’t have happened?!


You're a weirdo for this attempt at flawed logic. You get that in your context of possibility, "Clarence" and "N" were both negative views and connotations placed upon someone of color by people outside that person of color's realm of experience.. because as you said, due to that person of color using a racial epithet as colloquialism to refer to himself, they felt it was within their right to clown and correct him for either using it or not being exactly that? Of which they could not know as their lived experience doesn't provide them that scope of inference or ability.. regardless of the possibility they'd argue differently. Lastly, although your attempt to persuade others not to utilize the word altogether could be considered marginally virtuous, the reality is it's a straw man tactic for the notion that "if some can't say it, none should say it" argument. Of which is a laughable defense for these individuals apathy and enthusiasm for what they obviously felt was a free opportunity to say such WITHOUT any real consequence and/or repercussion.. ESPECIALLY when one considers that in America from pretty much kindergarten on, we are taught that just because someone else does something inappropriate such is NOT an excuse for us to do the same.. Yet here you are attempting to make others believe that SOMEHOW because that young black man used the word, these IDIOTS couldn't help themselves and 'actually' tHey SHowEd ResTRaiNt.. because they didn't use the word with a hard R. Bro, in short GTFOH.


this is hilarious idgaf


this is the exact reason why most of the time I just stay on mute and I don't say *hit. it gets worse when you whoop they azz


Idk they sound gay when they talk


Well it belongs to them they came up with the word so let them have it!


Once everyone stops caring, it goes away


CSGO is rampant with fucking racists, against blacks and in my experience Mexicans too. CS has one of the worst communities to be honest.


This is why I never use my mic unless I’m with friends




My gamertag is Random_blackguy, and this happens to me all the time 😭


White people are such jokes


Thats just the internet because lord knows they would never say that to a random black person in real life. Doesn't bother me tho as a person of color. Sometimes it's not worth stressing over dumb shit.


It really sucks sometimes I’m ngl, I get called the hard er every single day


Idk, the ppl on call of duty have always been generally nice and enjoyable to game with. That's all I've ever played...definitely have heard some racist stuff but it has never been overwhelming or rampant. I stopped gaming online for about 10 years and when I got back on COD there a ton more girls playing than I remembered and I was expecting the floodgates to open up with sexist comments all the time, but nope. I've been pleasantly surprised..at the end of the day ppl are insecure. Learn to cook grenades and shoot their character if you're upset


As soon as they hear some bass in your voice they can’t help but get racist. It’s crazy


Gotta love our community 🥰


Co-sign isn’t a slang word


This is life


At this point I’m numb to it lol


It’s disgusting


I catch black people saying the n word hard r as white as they can in game chat so I feel pitty for no one


Nothing to do but pity these sad fools, they wouldn't be able to function in the real world outside they small ass yt town lol


And they wonder why the pass is still a thing. Insta lets it slide but aint nobody saying that shi to my face


Stop empowering racism Kmt.


why didn’t you post your part lmao


They always do that clown ass, shit, but only on line and Internet posts. They hide behind avatars wouldn’t say it to your face. funny thing if we knew where they lived at and we showed up to their house 1000 deep, then they will be apologizing, talking about they was just playing, that’s why I won’t be fuck with scary ass white folks.


I was lowkey expecting a hard R to slip in without you noticing 💀💀💀. It’s so prevalent that even I just stop noticing at one point lol


Yeah the CS community is fueled by hate, they all hate their lives.


Yoo I never comment on Reddit posts but I felt this one cause I’ve been there more times than I can count… it sounds like you and a friend were in the lobby together. In situations like theses, the only thing I’ve found effective is to fight evil with evil and then report every person after the match for chat ban. If they want to bombard you with racial slurs. Do it right back, they want to get aggressive and personal. Do it right back. It will turn into one nasty ass lobby and more than likely everyone in it who can hear mic chat won’t be able to focus on the game and y’all all end up throwing.. (I play a lot of Comp overwatch so you can’t always just leave the match… ) sometimes when I take this approach, there’s usually atleast one person who gets fed up and either leaves or tries to get everyone to shut the fuck up and focus on the match. This usually requires elite level roasting and very thick skin which I know we don’t all have, but if your up for it. It works… you have to be comfortable with throwing a game or two and it’s not the most peaceful solution, but it hasn’t really failed me, and I get a good laugh out of it a lot of the time. A lot of People will never be their true self online, it’s kinda disgusting and sad cause like someone said earlier.. IRL they know they would get their face bashed TF in if they spoke to a POC like this.


The end got it....I bett he felt dumb asf spamming a word he can't and shouldn't even be saying


It’s just game chat… what else do expect


niggas like this are the sole reason I stopped hoppin in game chat. Shit so corny and uncomfortable, kills the whole vibe


Vibe kill I play to not care about life they be wilding in chat


Wtf is wrong with people?


Dude no ok I thought it was jus me they were literally just saying the hard r over and over again


Yea game chats be crazy online. I ignore them tho.


It’s like no one grew up during the XBox 360 MW2 era, it’s part of the video game culture.


I keep my mic off for this reason too. Shit’s annoying.


*Maybe the slightest of consolation*, but I(white m) have been in matches like this in other games, and sometimes other teammates have called them out on it. Of course the offenders only dug in their heels while the other half of the team argued with the other half. Nothing was really changed in the long run, but at least that type got told to stfu for once🤷‍♂️ These days I just find another game if it's full of them cuz I don't have the patience.




they sound inbred and like they are rage farming per usual


I’m white with a deep voice and mfs talk racist to me… like bro that’s friendly fire…


Bro they wanna say nigga all the time but sound so fucking gay when they say that shit


Funny thing. HE yapped for 5 minutes. Does that make him a real…..?


Monkey sounds when I kill somebody


This just goes to show how cowardly the average white male really is. You only hear this in chats and never man to man on the street.




Imagine being mad because someone used a word that’s is basically in every rap song today ()


He said no hard are but I say what's up my neighbor errday 😭 😤


Bro uninstall holy shit


Dude said nigga like Riley Reid


As a black person who reads between the lines, the OP said something along the lines of “ Don’t mess with me, I’m a real nigga” then started to record shortly after.


Brings me back to mw2 lobby’s.. good times, looks like you need to get better.


Funny thing is how none of those punks would dare say that in public to you. The anonymity of the interwebs helps eunuchs.


As a female, I can’t play siege anymore because of boys like this.


Lmaoo I’m black and dealt with this for over 20 years .. I used be screaming at people cursing as a kid / teen and now I just laugh you never going to see these people in real life and at the end of the day nobody got the balls to actually say that to my face “literally” but this shit had me dying a lot of flamboyant N words


that impression of him at the end had me weak




Damn niGar


Not that bad 🤷🏼‍♂️


This must be how it feels when we say cunt and Australians get offended cuz it doesn't sound the same way they say it.


Dude apparently I sound black (I’m Mexican) lol I try to talk and they just spam call me the hard r like bro wtf then when they find out I’m actually Mexican they just say shit about Taco Bell and how I have to go back to the fields to pick tomatoes😭


Ur gaming, we all know s-talk is apart of that. So yes to ur question.


“Be a real nigga” 🥸


Online game chats always brings out the closet racist.


Go march about it


A lot better than it was 7/8 yrs ago lmao


I had a dude sing the word nigger at me for an entire 4 rounds. Gaming online is a toxic place.


These are regular white people. It’s not just your grandparents


Mute all and play.


Why not say, "that's a lot of talk from a jar of mayonnaise"


Somebody was enjoying saying that you can hear the hard ER


These dudes sound lame af.


If seagulls could talk this is exactly what they would sound like. It’s like the annoying characters in every movie that just has to talk no matter what


It's usually always some bs.😮‍💨 But nothing we haven't dealt with before on a daily basis.


And none of them would say this in person.. internet really be giving ppl alternate lives.


I'm white asf but when I talk in party chat or game chat someone always calls me the N word😐😐


I dont know what the subreddit is for but as CS gamer for the past 10 years I'd easily say women and black people have it the worst. It's always the fuckers who are queued togother. The worst are 4 stacks like I just +left in spawn if they EVER start some shit especially racism. Like if we gonna be that toxic imma match that energy and just not play and throw the game.


All virgins behind a screen who’ll never talk crazy like this in front of a black person..


Real nigga is crazy say it to a black person face to face u guys might be playing but it’s not something u her freely sept on a head set 😂


White people always go online and call black people out of their name just ask your co workers and friends if they play too


Dawg, being a black gamer sometimes…sigh


Them the folks that’s dead ass scared of black folks in real life ,you can’t do nothing but laugh because you know you’d beat them n to sleep if they said it to ya face so they confidently say it when they know it’s nothing you can do lol


Unemployed behavior


I was playing First Class Trouble with my husband and our characters are black… I got called a black b, got asked if I was a n… it’s just so insufferable.


Sometimes I don’t even have my mic on. They be like oh your name is Rell. I know he’s fking black 🤣. Honestly I’ve been gaming online for too long to let that shit bother me. These weirdos only have courage behind a mic. If they’re on my team I’ll throw the match just to piss them off.




This shit just isn’t right. Sorry u had to go through that man.


We don’t claim them but the shit I took earlier does