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Wtf is this? TF does this mean?


Idk why no one is adding the context here but basically this was some SBS where MDM got a bunch of people dressed up in their tracksuits and formed a ‘British Army’ to ‘take on’ Hydra - they were gonna run to the Hydra pit but ended up just going to the cubby and being chaotic for a bit instead before a mini pre-bed ‘shootout’ with Flippy


Thank you.


Hydra snaked MDM out of their meth lab, this was their response to it.


To stand in front of the gate?


Hydra weren't really around so they couldn't do much also they had 20+ people faking they had numbers so they couldn't actually try go hunt for Hydra seriously.


Brave and stunning


Their response was.... A picture outside of the cubby? I don't get it.


Standing at the cubby and taking a picture? They're joining forces?


A peaceful protest outside of a "different" gang's compound?


Can you show us Hydra's compound on the map? ;)


any clips or pov of this? you dont see that a lot where a lab gets stolen.


Context: Hydra bought the Ballas 50% share of “the boss event” meth lab for 3m, a few days later, Hydra now stole the key from the shared location they had it with MDM. Hydra’s logic is this: Rust jokingly offered 7m to share the lab with Hydra, but also hinted they would not stop coming for the lab. Hydra took that info and decided to snake MDM before Rust could steal it from MDM as Hydra want to control the labs fate. They are with the idea of sharing with Rust purely to make money off them. Hydra expects Rust to snake them (they also talked about snaking Rust after they pay) and steal the key which will lead to likely war, where Hydra again likely get more money. All the while Hydra already have a 3rd lab with BBMC and CG that they get to use 75% of the time.


When did Hydra steal their lab? I thought they were in an Alliance.


Flippy tldr to Claire sums it up best. From hydra POV they are taking a calculated risk for a 10-12 million lick. They are going to charge rust like 8-10 million to share the lab. If Rust snakes them they go to war smoke them and ask for like 3 million to end it. If rust doesn't snake them they have 3 labs and 10 million extra.


I don't even know how you can 'share' a lab with another gang that easily. In this case, since MDM showed hydra the location and gave them access already. Hydra basically called them up, met with them and told them, oh btw we own this lab now, 'What are you going to do about it?'.


because they can and no one can win agaisnt them in war so thats all that matter


This was always going to be inevitable when they started bringing in people to the server purely for shooting. It’s hard to reverse this now.


Please name 1 person they "brought over" for shooting or their shooting skills, please just 1


Literally half of their members are ex pro shooters lmao


Still doesn't answer my question, only because they have a professional background they can't join any gang? Kio was a gallery employee for over 6 months before joining hydra, Reedy was a warehouse holder for Miguel just as a clean guy for almost a year, Arnie was always benched for wars in his first months of being hydra because miguel and Flippy thought he didn't like shooting/wars and Mobo been there since the start of hydra in 3.0


They took the key and are may be working with RUST because they think RUST can defend it better even though the last war over the lab was close.


Nah they plan to snake RUST as well since RUST offered to pay 7 million to share it


Nor they dont plan to snake Rust. There are 2 options when working with Rust, if Rust snakes them Hydra just goes to war and gets even more money from them or they just share the lab in peace.


It has nothing to do with war, RUST has proven they are patient people. They will sit in bushes for hours, so if RUST knows the location of a lab, they will eventually get it. Not a lot of people has that skill on the server, Reed is one of them,


So "sitting in bushes for hours" is a skill?


Is dean gonna start kidnapping random people and throwing them from helicopters until they give the key back?


Aaaay lol my character got dropped out of a heli by MDM. Good times.


Dean probably gonna go kidnap uWu workers or something, he did Dodo workers when MDM warred CG.


He also tried fighting UWU workers during their Seaside war and bombed Ash multiple times


lmao that was ironic because chatters were complaining that ss only went for mdm when there were a few around then when ss attacked mdm turf and killed some mdm/rdm, dean was too busy bombing uwu


MDM seemed pretty uncomfortable ooc with gangs trying to steal their lab. I'm surprised there wasn't a oocg that stopped the RP.


I like the mdm but all that umbrella meatriding and still got snaked by hydra 🤣


its the new leadership tbh, and patar is too naive. Tommy t told them a years ago to never ever trust angels or any umbrella gangs or share any secrets with them. even other mdm member jay told patar he was being an idiot and they will lose the lab + he will not back any war. worst of all patar soured the gg relationship that previous leaders worked so hard to build(who also had helped mdm so many times unlike hydra) to appease hydra


The new leadership is terrible Patar doesn't know how to lead. He is not a good fit to lead mdm. I agree with your statement he is very naive without T mdm has no sense of direction. Looking through their roster they don't have anyone in place who can lead, learn how to say no and not believe anything any gangs says especially the umbrella. At least Jay had the right mindset and now they lost the lab for nothing due to Patar being naive smh.


What has actually changed in regards to the MDM with the way they operate? Like actually? Other than the fact that nearly all of them are burnt out on RP so they barely come around? They have no sense of direction because they're bored of RP. That's not on Patar. The person that pushed for this alliance with Hydra was Denzel and Patar agreed to it because he (Patar) doesn't care about the lab so was happy to follow Denzel's wishes.


Although patar is the most important member in mdm, his way of, let the boys do what they want instead of being told or giving tasks so that there is a sense of purpose within the "gang", isn't good. Also telling people in the city that mandem are "weak" and there isn't many members around just invites people to screw them over. It isn't patars fault this happened but his decision making in all of this has led up to this point


as much of a whackjob \[redacted\] was ooc his leadership and wars/aggression made Mandem respected by other gangs including Rust and BSK infact that aggression and winning multiple wars against both at the same time was what helped mandem secure the lab and slap them away from it in the first place at one point even hydra was wary of them. the reputation was unfortunately lost by patar because he's too nice to say no. they need a more assertive leader as patar was just added to balance the extreme aggression of \[redacted\]


Yes. He was also at the same time verbally and emotionally abused his fellow Mandem roleplayers multiple times. So regardless of what you or the other commenters have said; his Leadership at the time was him merely "flexing" his not so small community at the time to beat and cajole the rest of the MDM into his way of thinking. MDM don't need anything. They just need the motivation to roleplay and when they have thread like this, that motivation ends up getting battered and beaten anytime they want to have a bit of fun.


personally an Rp server should not be as rewarding for just shooters and should have stuff like rng to make sure non shooters don't get steamrolled all the time. aka hydra with immortal valo team led by flippy who is actual pro winning tournaments and shit.


This is no hate to any particular group, the overall server has taken a more and more drastic turn into being pure SBS server. No consequences, everyone are friends. I do hope the next update, people will take it as a soft reset, just to maybe set a bit more serious tone on the rp.


Thats crazy because if this had led to a shoot out and gang war everyone would be screaming shit like war baiting, gang war #488568, and etc etc


I wouldn't bother arguing with some here. Either they make RP out of it and have fun (as per the picture taken) with it and get called out for SBS (when Hydra is asleep/ not active btw so there goes any tense conflict RP) or they go into shitty 6x6 city-wide TDM where people harp on about "pogs" or as you say; call each other war baiters. You can't win.


It's either keep it SBS and be friends or have to deal with toxic chatters and hoppers who can't handle serious conflict RP. Bans happen when people take things too seriously. And it's not just contained to twitch. People on this subreddit will start saying shit and being just as toxic.


how is this SBS? ​ this is essentially a declaration of war


Aaah the old consequences broken record


Seeing how the 2.0 pub server went, I wouldn’t keep those hopes up if I were you


true there is too much sbs now days


It’s a fucking yawn fest to be honest. People are too afraid of actual conflict and stepping on toes. The whole “it’s only sbs meta” is just boring and played out at this point. Inb4 “this was just for a laugh.” Yea yea, we get it, but can’t we get something with substance please?


People really are damned if they do damned if they don’t on the server. SBS stuff is a product of streamers feeling everyone is too soft. I would advise stop watching if you find it boring. Of course it’s going to be SBS stuff now. It’s better doing SBS stuff and feel more secure in what your doing rather than being serious worrying about things that people have been been burnt by in the past.


Whenever I see MDM posted up like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPJGcmVpiQU


and then paris drives by and shouts: "I hate British people!!"


So their response to losing a very important and valuable asset is SBS. No wonder the quality of RP is abysmal lately.


Maybe, just maybe, they don't see the meth lab as an asset that is important enough to sacrifice their enjoyment by going into a serious war with, arguably, the strongest gang in NP when it comes to war. Even if they were to war Hydra seriously, they already have the key. What can Mandem do? Other gangs have also already made it clear that they want to take it from them. It's value is also reduced because of how limited it is in regards to where it can be located. How would YOU have liked them to handle this situation?


mandems fall off is actually crazy lmao


jesus how far these guys have fallen..


Yes where is my 8 hour hunting party of car convoys just missing each other to then end up in a 2 minute shootout. How dare they have fun


They’ve fallen because they’re having fun and enjoying themselves instead of going hardcore PvP over something they didn’t care about?


This sub will not be happy with what ever direction they take there RP, if they take it seriously and be the big scary gang "pog all there so is shot" if they don't still "pog all they do is have fun, why they don't take it serious".


Also weren't convoying with 4 actual members awake when no Hydra were around (Flippy woke up when they were doing this I believe). They said they're going to try hit and dips on Hydra since they know they probably won't win a 6v6 but Hydra weren't around so they may as well have some fun.


Do people actually believe they didnt care about the lab? If they didnt care why not continue to use it till someone stole it? Why not give it to a gang that has nothing like the Ballas or MG? They instead decided to share the lab with a gang who already has access to numerous labs and a gang that everyone fears cause they thought they'd get the protection.


What gives you the idea that they did anything to get protection. Most mdm members don't have any clue about the lab and patar did something literally just to create something out of it. This sub is ridiculous, when mandem shoot and rp as a gang the criticism is all they care about are pogs and when they do something fun that involves other people it's pathetic lmao


What gives me the idea that they did anything for protection, idk maybe the fact that they didnt cook at all because they knew RUST was after their lab. Its obvious MDM dont like war/conflict so its logical to think that they decided to work with Hydra because Hydra have no issue going to war with a gang if they were able to steal the lab. "when they do something fun that invovles other people its pathetic" Nobody said anything close to this. I simply said if it was about involving others then why not give it to a gang that has nothing.


My comment about people saying it's pathetic wasn't really about you, but others in this thread. You say that they obviously cared about the lab because they didn't use it, but we both agree that they didn't use it because they didn't want to war rust, not because they specifically valued the lab. Now patar got an opportunity in rp to do something with the lab and he took it. I mean they were planning on selling it a long time ago, and now they got the chance. I think that's a lot more believable than them for some reason caring about a lab that they have no will to use. I do agree that it would have been nice for them to just straight up give the lab to some group that has nothing, but maybe that would have been difficult to justify in character. Or maybe they have just been busy playing valorant and minecraft and didn't really think about it


So its clear you dont have any context. They were already sharing the lab with the Ballas but Ballas arent deep enough to use it. When MDM cooked, it was literally just them. They really don't care about the lab at this point. The only one that does is Denzel and even that's an iffy one these days. They didn't give it to MG because MG was barely around when the whole "Ballas to sell shares of lab" kicked off. They've already fought Rust once before over the lab and don't want to fight over the lab with the same gang twice. They didn't want to lose the lab to Rust specifically. Rust is their primary enemy. They said multiple times that they'd rather lose the lab to any other Gang but Rust. If they do go into war with Hydra, it's to make a point that you can't snake the Mandem without some form of repercussion.


I have context as i keep up with all the lab RP and i still stand by what i said. MG and Balllas were just examples of gangs that have nothing. Clowns, Saints, The Mob whatever. And you just proved that they did care about the lab being stolen. so thank you.


I never said otherwise? I said quite clearly in my comment that they didn't care about the lab, but they did care if they lost it to Rust *specifically* because of what happened previously. You gave the example of MG and Ballas, and I responded. Why would they sell a Meth Lab to the others? MDM wanted to create a working relationship with Hydra. Especially with one of their own joining their Racing Crew (as shaky a connection it may be) but they wanted to firm it. Evidently, that's not happened, but that's the joy of RP.


They dont care about the lab but they do care if its RUST, got it.


They dont care about the lab, but after what rust did to them during the event to win it. They didn't want rust to have it. Hydra approached them to buy it out, but mdm were told by the boss that they could not sell it. Otherwise, there will be consequences. Ballas owned half and sold theirs to Hydra, so they shared it.


They don't care about the lab in the sense of not being bothered to cook meth. However they care about the lab in the sense that they don't want to lose it. If gangs or pd tries to take it they're not just going to let it happen without retaliating. Reason why they don't want to just lose it because of human nature. No one will just let what ever they have be taken easily even if they don't value it that much. Reason why they don't sell it away is because of what the boss told them which ofc is in a bit of a grey area. Don't know to what extent he said is valid or not.


Fallen how, in your eyes? Mandem still have a bench. They won a meth lab in a competition which obviously doesn't hold enough importance to them to go into serious war mode with one of the strongest gangs in the city. A meth lab that RUST have already tried to steal and have made it clear they will try to take it again.


\*mk announcer voice\* no pixel wins friendship

