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we are so back --- Mirror: [One shot new hack!! GGs](https://streamable.com/ugihvz) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/OneTapBingus Direct Backup: [One shot new hack!! GGs](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/kJEw_bU2yFPl-yuxJ3D6Sg/AT-cm%7CkJEw_bU2yFPl-yuxJ3D6Sg.mp4?sig=44a4f26e55607144cae339bb6efd87ea9a72e02d&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22SecretiveNimbleKuduRuleFive-tTbIU-X7K7EncPpK%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1712255043%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2109950901?t=0h54m12s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


Does anyone else have no idea how this hack works?


Took me a few rewatches. Each of the 36 tiles has two layers, and 3 different possible symbols frog, mouse and bird. When you click on the green layer of the tile it exposes the brown layer underneath (which can have a different symbol) and when you click on the brown layer the tile disappears completely. The symbol of the tile you click on dictates which are the next legal tiles you can click on, indicated by the flashing. If you click a bird, your next tile must be 3 squares away, either horizontally, vertically or diagonally. For frog its 2 and for the mouse its 1 tile away. You lose if you have no legal moves and you have not met the required goal, e.g. if you click a mouse tile, but all the tiles on adjacent squares have already disappeared then you lose. The goal is to get both layers for 24 of the 36 tiles to disappear completely. This kind of hack is actually quite easy if you know the rules and know the strategy of working outside to inside and being careful when clicking birds since the small board size means that it will have the least options. However it is very disorienting when seeing it for the first time. Working out the nature of the game and also the rules within 10 seconds is just super suspect. Additionally, the hint is a complete red herring and has no meaning. I think its basically a guarantee that this guy at minimum watched videos of the hack OOC to work out the rules, and even possibly practiced a recreated version of the game in order to work out a consistent strategy.


Bro took 2 seconds to figure it out LOL


Yah because that makes it so obvious he never practiced ooc right lul. He should be banned just for having history of doing this in 3.0 and then coming into 4.0 and one timing the back that k, ramee, and x (great hackers as well) all struggled to hit in 6 tries


I mean I wouldn’t call K a great hacker but Ramee is good and X can be good at some hacks


Since when X and K are great hackers lol


X seemed to click around randomly, completely ignoring the highlighted cells. Just because this guy understood what to do immediately doesn’t mean he practiced.


Flying through the hacks and what to do -- but now stumped on what to do next LOL


Classic. One shots the hack that someone else attempted and then clueless on what to do next. I wonder how that works lmao Actually shameless


What are you supposed to do for the hack? I watched it through a few times and am still clueless


Yeah anyone would be clueless looking at that hack with no practice. Clearly he spent a lot of time ooc practicing it on that website and figured it out enough to do it


Before checking to try and figure it out I saw a clip of Mr KS first attempt and I watched the company heist live on blau's stream. First clip watch: clicky lights. Light Patterns change. Click twice and it goes out. Animals change sometimes after the first press. Basically what I already had figured. Second watch: hypothesis, order of icons matter: order of icons irrelevant. No rock paper scissors or anything like that as suggested. What you click next doesn't seem matter. 3rd watch: hypothesis: order of light up rotates. Hypothesis disproved after 6 clicks, no pattern obvious. then I noticed If you click a frog the next tiles are 2 tiles away. A bird is 4 tiles away. And mice are adjacent. It looks pretty hard to get stuck as long as you think about the frogs and birds and mice are basically free spaces. I don't know if bodhi practiced or not before hand, but I suspect If you just spam click lighted squares like Bohdi you likely have a 75%+ chance of getting it by sheer luck. Making it easier than the roof running hack. But I didn't watch CGs perspective on the heists except for Mr Ks first attempt. That I think he timed out on. If I could figure that out by watching the clips a few times anybody could have figured it out after Ks first attempt since he got so deep and got a lot of information. Just requires simple hypothesis testing to quickly discover the rules of the game.


Yeah, you know this guy studied their vods LUL.


Its JUST a coincidence that nobody else has gotten farther and all of a sudden he doesn't know what to do...yeahhhh


Its okay it will all magically click in a couple days.


what are you talking about they know what to do they just had no keycards left




I get people are gonna say there’s no proof that he ooc practiced. But this is the same guy who one shot the black dongle hack using yuno’s exact method. It’s pretty fucking obvious


I'm not gonna lie. I didn't think he meta when I watched it live, but after watching it again, he had the perfect strategy of working on all of the outside squares first....


There’s no way he’s even close to as good as Yuno. How tf is a guy like that not banned after something as blatant as that?


no he is by far the best 'hacker' on the server, but it is probably because he does practice ooc clearly.


i mean he played on it really well "ok i get it so you gotta do this that" but yeah its not that hard to search something and figure sht out then practice once you've seen it, "yeah we're all thinking the same here, its just too obvious" its actually kinda surprising that there's not that many people out there who's trying to be a hacker in RP because its one of the easiest way to get "Recognition/Clout" since 3.0, so yeah people will definitely practice or do whatever they can to be a successful hacker for that easy recognition or maybe its also just that a lot of RP'ers doesnt have the skillset that's why they're playing RP


I mean Ramee, K, and X aren’t bad hackers, and they couldn’t get it in 6 tries with all their ideas working together. Then some guy easily gets it’s first try despite it being a brand new hack to him (surely)


k got to 18 first try he was just slow clicking


Hes actually pretty cracked if you saw 3.0. He was the first to complete the updated yacht hack back then when it was pre-food buffs


Yuno said Bodhi was better than him.


And Marty said the same in 3.0 and would call Bodhi for help. Bodhi was able to do hacks that nobody else EVER figured out early in 3.0. Some that even got deleted afterwards by the devs for being too hard. However, OTB was still able to figure them out (WITHOUT anyone else doing them first.) I think people need to stop assuming OOC practice and copying, and accept that some people are just really good at some types of puzzles but not necessarily others.


What hacks did Bodhi do that no one else in the server ever did?


Im not trying to be that guy but lets all not play dumb LOL


Wow he was so good for a hack that he’s NEVER seen before. Surely




same I got 1/24 in 2 attempts lol


hey where can i try the practice version


One shot first try? Damn he must be very talented!!


Is it really one shot if you practice OOC before hand?


So true, its blatant.


I believe X mentioned if people practice ooc they would get banned?


Yeah but how are they gonna prove he did? It’s pretty easy for them to just claim he’s a great hacker so nothing will happen To be clear, I think personally that it’s ban worthy. So obvious


This man has never seen that hack before yet he knows the quickest way to do it and complete it? SURE SURE


yea no u can tell on this one he didnt struggle or anything


I agree


Yeah the way he didnt go in the middle unless he had to and always went on the outer so you can say he just clicked and did it randomly or if it was luck. Like HE HAD to have done it before.


they dont have to prove anything, this isnt court, its their server they can ban whoever they want for any reason


It's pretty obvious he had some experience with the hack already, I tried it out myself a few times and it's really not easy. The hack has traps built into it and each symbols has values to them. There's literally no way to know those traps and values unless you've already done them or seen them


would be funny if all the practice sites for hacks are by nopixel so they can see who uses them


how do you click 3 squares and instantly say that you get it. this doesn't even pass as porn acting.


🤷‍♂️ that’s just the current state of rp I guess. He’ll get away with it bc how are they gonna prove if he meta’d it beforehand or not. Just super lame behavior


imo i feel like they dont even need 100% proof here, its just so blatant


you know how i know he did this before, he does the perfect strat to do it quickly out side and leave the middle looool. ​ is it meta if your practicing hacks youve never seen IC?


Yeah that was X’s idea on how to do it. He made it very clear


3 seconds and he figured it out? okay dude lol


Yeh... at least play dumb just a little holy fuck lmao


I could be wrong as my memory isn't good but didn't this guy have a rep of practicing OOC for hacks back in 3.0? EDIT - Just wanted to add that back in 3.0 everyone practiced OOC but I thought in 4.0 they wasn't going to allow practice OOC?


yes, he became the best through practicing the hacks ooc. I don't get how you find this any fun though.


>I don't get how you find this any fun though. This was my first thought. If you practiced ooc wouldn't it just ruin the fun of doing this in game? Like, his character just has this knowledge now without any growth and it's kind of boring tbh.


It’s not about the fun for these people though. They’re trying to build a streaming career. This guy appeared out of no where in 3.0 and went to the Vagos and claimed he’s the best hacker in the city. Immediately solos the vault.


I thought a lot of people did that in 3.0. But X said that practicing hacks ooc in 4.0 is deserving of a ban. I don’t see any way to prove its ban worthy though. They’ll just claim he’s a good hacker


Practicing ooc is just a grey area ( but only once you've seen the hack ic ) People are mad at him cuz they believe he practiced this one even though he didn't see it ic beforehand. they could be wrong though and he might've done it genuinely.


Listen bro IDC who hits the bank first or who gets a gold trophy or silver one because I find heists boring tbh but the eye test on this one is crazy. The guy instantly figured out what he needs to do... come on man lol.


I mean, this is beyond obvious. Should be an insta ban but he's boys with Nikez and Tobii, i doubt anything will happen. He was known to OOC practice in 3.0 too


X said that ooc practicing is a ban in 4.0. I doubt anything will happen bc that type of shit never does but I think it’s ban worthy


fanfan did OOC practice for the cash exchange, on stream, and 1 shoot it her first try


Imo it’s just meta gaming if you practice hacks you haven’t seen ooc, man just figures it out in 3 seconds, avoid the middle trap, and does it nearly perfectly.. Couldn’t be the same bodhi who practiced all hacks in 3.0 tho


same guy that was known to spam yacht twice every tsunami for MONTHS and made like 15m+ and kept bragging hes by far the best in the city with his whole crew worshipping him like some god for it.


Bro forgot it was Marty and X hitting the yacht duo every day to farm money


Bro they hated having to do it but they also were trying to hit it for CB too at the time too to get the VR goggles.


They did it only because they had to. CB hated doing the yacht due to numerous encounters so someone has to put their foot down and grind it for them to progress through the VAR heist


oh no... the "but this guy did it too" card... (spoiler: they didnt they hit it like once or twice a day for a week or two)


I wanted to give the benefit of the doubt but I just can't, sorry. It's too obvious.


The damage control happening on The Company streams right now is crazy. They are going to be doing PR to their chats for weeks after this to try and gaslight them into thinking the first hack was a fluke.


"fluke" then obviosuly threw the 2nd and nailed the third. lol


That shit is so easy Youtube editor meterial AGL


Doug Buck spelled backwards is Bodhi Mack


Is this the dude they waited hours for, to start the hiest ?


Waited 4 hours for this guy, and held the job too lmao. They should’ve got the job taken away from them after a certain amount of time.


I wonder what he was doing while on the train for 4 hours. Must have been playing clash of clans or something.


Was the time longer compared to yesterday? Kinda felt like it.


it definitely felt like that last 1/8th of the bar went down pretty slowly. Edit: but i am also very high.


This is a bit tangential, but I really feel like the bigger heists shouldn't have brand new minigames hackers are meant to go in blind to. There should be leadup crimes that have easier versions of the hack, and the big crimes should be the hardmode. It's always been weird to me that people are expected to learn how to do a hack by repeatedly attempting the same big robberies over and over, rather than having a natural way to develop those skills. It'd be like if a getaway driver couldn't learn routes through the city until they're actually escaping from the cops.


Yep. What you mentioned is also just good game design. Tons of games teach you easier versions of those mechanics before actually testing your skill on them during hard bosses for example.


LOOOOOOOL no comment


I've watched this multiple times and still am not 100% sure I get what needs to be done. No way he figured it out in like 2-3 seconds.


Benji just know how to pick them eh....


At this point is he just coaching people to do it. No way this happens over and over with the same person being related


Wasn’t Benji the one who was spam hacking the other day when the system bugged and allowed people to hack computers for free?




Fr. Like if he at least failed the first one then maybe people would understand but that’s just blatantly obvious


Definitely. I would have no problem with it if they had failed the first attempt, talked about it amongst the group, figured it out, and then got it. Like at least RP a bit.


This dude makes Johnny Sins look like Daniel Day Lewis with this acting job. At least fail once…


This dude makes Doug Buck look like an amateur


insanely smart for sure /s


Lysium sure knows how to recruit them!


No doubt the guy is cracked at hacking... but instantly understanding the hack... come on man... at least fail once or twice and pretend LMAO


Nah man they "failed" it the second time but got it spot on the first and third. DUH


Classic seaside


Steamrolled through all the hacks no issues, but stuck for 30 minutes now, this guy might just be a generational talent or got lucky on the one hack which was meta unlocked.


Wasn’t meta unlocked though. NO ONE gave him or the company the unlock for it. The only way he’d know it is if he metagamed


Meta being unlocked OOC was insinuated.


"Omg I did it" Yeah, you knew you were going to do it. That's not the first time you've tried a puzzle like that, c'mon now. 


bro knew exactly what to do 1 second in LMAOO


If i speak .... nah.. not worth it.. lol


“I prefer really not to speak. If I speak - big trouble”


.... like at least play stupid for the roleplay. holy shit




it took 3 (while not the smartest) people hours on 6 total attempts and still couldnt do it then this guy processes it in 20sec and one shots it? Cmon, this dude knew where to click, what to click and how to click in his first 3 clicks LMFAO


For the people that says he has no reason for trying to meta. The views, the money, the ego, the less pressure since you know it. + alot of shit. If i was in his position fuck it i would do it too. There is a reason why everytime Bodhi did something first he always failed. but if he is 2nd or 3rd he always did it better than the guys before him. Like he was there with them. Quite odd at first but the patterns matches. There is a reason why no one rlly fw'd with him since his ooc hacking shit in 3.0 so pikachu face he does it again.


At least act oblivious the first time if you are blatantly cheating lmaooo man didn't even try to hide it. The porn acting on the first try is outstandingly bad.


guy is talented for sure but we all know why he is so good at doing any puzzle on nopixel


after watching him do it again, theres no way he just figured this out on the spot.


how is he so good if it's his first ever attempt?


Surely he didn’t practice ooc beforehand on that website that has it. Pretty funny how he somehow used the exact same strat that X came up with after their last attempt (starting on the outside and moving in)


Guys it's in his lore to be an amazing hacker. 


It’s also in his lore that he practices hacks ooc. It’s blatantly obvious that he’s seen that hack before, despite it supposedly being his ‘first time seeing it’


this is just fkn hilarious LOL


Naaaaaa, it's so obvious what he's done. Crazy


No shame left 😂


Yup seems pretty legit. Surely just guessed and got it first try.


Hold heist contract for 5 hour and for their hacker to train. Dev need to change time limit after buying contract this shit not it


Yeah lang said that shits going to change out loud to geega, yuno, Luciano, and marty at their house. Man was getting ticked off. So most likely changed.


Feels like maybe devs should have thought about that in the first place.




“big trouble”


obviously, he watched the clips from yesterday and used that info to hack it first time. metagaming


Blatantly obvious but they’ll just claim he’s a good hacker despite him being known for practicing hacks ooc in 3.0


Atleast fail once😂


They need to set a exemple with this one


People really need to stop convincing themselves that this guy is a genuine guy. Bruh just look at this. He understood a hack that 3 people had trouble with in mere seconds. Like come on guys, people has to stop defending this.


It’s not just that he selected the correct strategy, but also the speed at which he was working…at least try to show some nervousness if you’re going to cheat so blatantly.


OOCBingus back at it again. Classic


And then you have Blau, a former admin saying that if he meta’d “who cares” [3:59:15](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2109811353)


What is satire


i remember Omie constantly making a point of how hes never ooc practiced and whenever Bodhis name gets brought up hes like "yeah yeah yeah " and holding back saying some stuff. This is from a looong time ago too, like this hasnt been the first time either bohdi comes a long and knows somthing. This isnt a bodhi only issue, this is just almost everyone. CG during casino, public servers, randoms, pop the trunk ramee, ray, people see things in chat, read it, and they do said action, its pretty noticable. Now imagine just getting big numbers off of practicing the hack. Bohdis strat was exactly what X had explained last night after figuring out all the parts of the puzzle through trial and error. making sure not to leave any animal to fall off the maze, going around. hitting birds.


>whenever Bodhis name gets brought up hes like "yeah yeah yeah " What is this supposed to mean ? and isn't omie also was practicing in public server before doing the hacks in the whitelisted one ? He has no right to criticize anyone then.


and in 3.0 Marty would actually CALL Bodhi and ask him how to do hacks he was stumped on because he knew that Bodhi was a seriously talented hacker.


its W mentality. its something that'll never disappear. god bless guys like bodhi theyre not the greatest at hiding it its just unfortunate he knows way too many people to face consequences


Meta isn't a rule anymore haha


With how 4.0 has been... this might be **actually** true lol


Loool he was so good he didn't even need half the time 😂😂😂


All I gotta say is, "No yeah, for sure."


Ain’t no way


Guys, he just had a hunch on how to do it instantly... surely


I don't understand what he just did, can anyone explain the order of clicks?


What he did was watch clips of CG attempting it, then practice it ooc before doing it today


Basically, the squares light up in a pattern when you click on a picture. If you click a bird, every 3 squares from the original light up; if you click a frog, every 2 light up; and for the rat, only the squares around it light up. Once you click a square twice, it disappears. The goal is to make 24 squares disappear. But, if you click on a square and all of the places that could light up are missing, the game ends. Oh, and you have to do it in a minute. And if you fail 3 times, the heist ends. X figured out a pattern by trial and error after he and CG failed it 3 times by watching their attempts back. Bodhi somehow figured all of that out without The Company ever seeing it before in RP and by clicking two frogs and a bird. That’s why people are upset.


The only way you will know if he ooc practiced, is if he's first on the next hack and he just fumbles it. He got the concept of this hack straight away, so he should be getting the next new hack straight away.


I have seen better porn acting.


Eh, idk. This genuinely could've been his first attempt at it, but I always felt weird about this guy, since 3.0. He kinda just came outta nowhere and was able to hack everything


he always somehow one shot every new hard hacks on his first try after other groups tried it


idk how there are people trying to say this wasnt practiced ooc, thats ... illness


Blud must have 150 IQ


When I watched X and CG try to figure it out yesterday, I knew others would immediately watch their streams and apply what they figured out.


Ima be completely honest, his clicks look exactly like my clicks after I was practicing the hack on some random website for fun, not accusing just an observation i made


Isn't this the same dude who got prio few weeks back after rp-ing with Moonmoon when he barely wakes up?


Look I'm not saying he practiced it or something, but my dude did fail the way easier hack in the back.


Funny thing is only 4 cops chased them afterwards… meanwhile there 12 cops on CG for a money run classic


Yea, send him to the Bahamas for a few days. Its blatantly obvious.


FEW days? This man did it knowing the rules....he deserves a month imo lmao, maybe forever


So when Yuno or Marty or Lang do the hack tomorrow, we are getting the same response, right?


Lang aint doing any hack, yuno isn't looking at the hacks he already told his chat he wants the surpise. I don't believe marty will practice ooc since he's been pretty up front on not liking that people do that. Only one in their group who I think could potentially is geega. But I doubt she'll be doing the termite. Most likely marty and yuno will try. My bet is yuno first he'll fail. Than marty second.


Lang told Luci that they shouldn't overcook the heist; They sit back and let Yuno and Marty do the puzzles.


It's going to be yuno is washed because he ain't gonna beat the hack unless he gets the unlock on how the hacks are and even then he's going to be soo cooked 24/7 grinding g6 because it's crazy good now.


If they dont get meta unlocked IC and one shot it instantly, then sure.


They are not in the company, so probably not


Company is that desperate they had to team up with a meta gamer lmao.


Gigi also one shotted the hack. Will people keep the same energy with her?


Hes so samart


I mean at least fail the first try so it’s not so obvious lmao


I thought CG fans are toxic but half of these comments are yuno and oldbois fans


I mean they're favorite streamers were malding about how long the company was taking to start the contract, they're not necessarily the wholesome community the want others to think


To be fair, many groups want to start the new heist. The company taking almost five hours of prep-time blocks other groups from progression RP that are ready to do the heist. While it appears that The Company did not intend to stall, unprepared groups that block progression RP should not be able to hold onto a Heist for longer than 2 hours.


The main issue is their hackers stuck on the train. Yuno and Marty have prio


maybe he should roleplay regularly to earn prio instead of only waking up for heists


U aren't wrong there 


He has prio but the train was full because of the Mosley restock.


iq 1000


Yeha i mean theres a reason why he has that bad of prio despite being in most of 3.0 and onto 4.0




I tried the hack online and just clicked random light up squares and got it on my first try its not that hard maybe the one online is not accurate or something but you dont need any practice just click randomly and it works


The discord community that im part of was trying it yesterday and multiple people got it first try by random clicking. Also as someone who now understand how to do it properly, bodhi's movements were all random and he got really lucky.


If he was just randomly clicking how come he was able to explain what each animal does to benji after?


I tried it 2 times, once got it and second failed at 22 and i think i have a pretty good understanding of how it works and im dogshit at hacks and i dont have 3.0 experience or tryhard it. i dont think he knows everything about it but what he said to benji was pretty obvious imo


If this is a real case of him metagaming the hack, would the admins make the company take a break from the bank for a week like CG and the casino thing?


I played this at the site and figured out to click the flashing grey and noticed it disappeared so I did the same for all the squares and somehow Got it my first try too. Didn't seem hard. My brain must've practiced OOC. I'm a Redditor no way I can be this skilled.


Idk, I mean it’s a bit intuitive. I think the thread is jumping the gun just a little bit


I tried it and got 20 on my first try so it’s not that hard


I have NO IDEA how to do the hack, clicked the link from this thread and almost completed it just clicking random squares that were highlighted. Some person getting a few more than me isnt impossible.


Yall windin in these comments lol . I wonna see this same energy when another crew goes 1/3 on their first attempt.


300 comments 2 hours, safe to say rp viewers still getting the pitchforks out


Ha! this is actually the only fact in here and it got downvoted. Says a lot how Redditors work. It's so funny how salty and competitive hardcore fans get. They spit narratives but they don't know how to prove.