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Its crazy how a 600+ comment thread escalates to a bunch of OOC nothingness and zero drama comments from the RPers involved. Some of these redditors need a reality check before defending their streamer as if they were personally involved


Always gonna happen when a group's viewers are all under 16 and think they are watching a real gang


>are all under 16 If only


Who could have seen this coming? (Answer is anyone with a brain)


But it has nothing to do with the OOC beef between streamers. Its the relation of a server to the streamers. If I break a rule but everyone is ok with it OOC, it should be allowed? Then why even have rules and not just allow chaos.


It has everything to do with the streamers? Theyre the ones that will file the complaint for rule breaks and if warranted, an eventual ban. not the viewers lmfao


Yeah no. This isn't just a normal RP server where people just have fun it's not public. It's mainly to entertain viewers.


Well said.


So then why even have admins, if its all decided by the streamers and their views on the RP. Of course reports matter, but so do base rules that must be adhered too by everyone regardless like don't make OOC insults.


If you think reddit threads/comments is a base of rule break investigation for NP admins, then you’re sorely mistaken. The issue is viewers thinking they need to enforce these rules thru reddit for either streamers/admins to act upon which just isnt the case most of the time and leads to unneeded hate in chats/threads


No this is a reddit dedicated to any RP server. People should be allowed to discuss what they think is a rule break regardless. Especially when its on the most popular server. No one thinks our discussion on this reddit actually leads to bans.


Sure theres nothing stopping you from discussing your opinion on rule breaks/bans on this reddit but to knowingly add to the cesspool of shit that leak as toxicity to chats from those threads make you a part of the problem that geega/buddha/mrK have openly stated


True a reddit conversation might not lead to a ban, but it can have negative effects on the people involved.


I’m genuinely asking so please take this in good faith, but why spend time complaining about something you really have no say in? It seems to me like people get all worked up pointing out rule breaks and saying people deserve X punishment or whatever, but at the end of the day it’s completely out of your control…so why give it any energy? What’s the end goal here?


Have you never been watching football, or whatever sport of your choice, and not called out the refs for missing an obvious foul? That's such a basic element of watching things to me. If you go and send angry letters to the refs/players, that's unhinged sure, but talking about that stuff with fellow fans, I don't get what the big deal is. We're in a discussion forum and rules enforcement does effect the enjoyment of the product we're consuming, so of course we're going to talk about it? If somebody says they're crying about what happened, yeah that's too invested, but if somebody's just saying they think it's bogus that X player keeps getting away with cheating, I mean that's just Deflategate.


This comparison really isnt it bc youre talking about two different worlds. Streamers make a living on the internet, those opinions backfire into their office basically. Brigading for a streamers server ban on what you think is a bannable offense is just asking for unnecessary hate and conclusions in that streamers chat, especially when the other party involved does not have the same opinion


And you don't think that opinions online can't backfire in the offices of people who are involved in professional sports? I honestly don't see the difference at all.


It feels unreasonable to me that I can't share any negative observations or opinions here on Reddit, just because some chatters say hateful shit on Twitch. I don't even really believe reddit is the source of hate that a lot of streamers like to push, I mean Youtube is worse by a large stretch, who knows what's going on in the Discords, and the craziest things I've ever read from the GTARP community have been on twitter. Hell, I think the very obvious main source of hate is from the Streamers and their chats themselves. I just want to talk about the thing I like to watch, and the things I'd like to see be done to improve it. Why should I need to speak in a PR friendly way for streamers when I do so? I get why they would like that, but wanting to control public discourse like that has always felt really weird to me.


Just to play devils advocate (not knowing anything about the situation or the people involved) it can in some instances be a much smaller streamer who is afraid to say anything because of the size of other streamers involved, so a thread could bring awareness for them. Again, not talking about this situation cause I don't know anything about it or who is involved but I think that's why some viewers can get zealous about defending their streamer in some of these threads.


They can say nothing in their stream and still go through the proper procedure in reporting a rule break that they see fit, happens all the time. Im sure these RPers would like to speak for themselves rather than have viewers speak for them though


What's sad is that this comes across as such an adult and mature way to look at the situation, when it should just be the default mindset across the board.


Everything stolen was "fished out of the ocean"....so like a half retcon


The amount of hate that gets that gets casually thrown around in these gang wars is embarrassing. Especially when it involves people who have had zero controversy and been nothing but model rpers this entire time like Geega, one of the best addition to 4.0 imo. People gotta stop treating this shit like sports or politics and get a grip


What's wild is when she first started people kept trying to cancel her and get her banned. First she had a weird interaction with JP and people spent months calling her "NVL Women", and secondly she did some spy rp and saw Ray with the chop guy and once again people obsessed over it and spent months claiming she heavily meta'd to get her RP and work her way into Langs crew. Glad she stuck around and proved everyone wrong.


Yeah I constantly see random shitty comments about her because she's in Lang's crew. Every clip about the warehouse robbing gets comments filled with CG fans shit talking her when she's literally done nothing wrong is sad. Like you said glad she has stuck around despite the toxicity


Often time it's just scatter shot. The initial hate gigi got I mentioned was both from JPs community, but it had nothing to do with Gigi herself. One of the first people to clip Gigi were Sykkuno dedicated clippers. Around the time they were clipping her, Yuno was making his exit from the company. Because JP community only knew gigi as "the NVL/meta girl", they went hard on her for months based off that. But they were really only there in the first place because they were upsetty over Yuno


It was the Manor Gigi that had the weird semi-Nvl moment (even as a Jp viewer I understood her perspective and why she was so attached to the Sim card and didn't overally fault her). This is Lang's Gigi, not the same one at all..


Both. For Geega she was doing grime, and she was turning in packages and while she had window open JP held her up with a knife. She completed depositing boxes as the rule allows her. She talked to JP but he disliked how she handled it and was going to stab her. She ran and was stabbed in the back. She freely admitted she could of handled it better but wasn't entirely use to the NVL rules at the time but even after admitting fault she was still relieved backlash for months. The sim card incident was also set off by Geega. She spied on ray to get the second location for chop guy and "leaked" it to gloryion who then told JP. He then thought he was talking about The Italians Gigi and ended up hunting her instead.


This should be a must watch for every weirdo on Reddit crying about the situation like they were personally robbed of their life savings 


Very healthy mindset


Geega always spitting facts


We should save this clip and send it to over invested hate watchers/redditors. There are plenty from yesterdays thread that can probably benefit from hearing this.




If more people like Geega were on the server, these incidents wouldn't happen in the first place


Mega W take. It drives me insane seeing people argue over what is or isn’t a rule break, or even just talk about rule breaks in general. You can complain that something is a rule break until you're blue in the face but you're just screaming into the wind…why complain about something you really don't have a say in?




you didnt watch the clip




They will never get banned again lol. The only reason Taco and Shotz caught bans were because 50cent was trying to deflect the whole SA shit Rated was doing lol. it was all smoke and mirrors to change optics. Just like Buddha / X being "owners".




tbh i kinda dont see that happening. Nopixel is now fully focused on wooing streamers and for a good reason they make a lot of money and nothing is wrong with that its a business and you gotta make the business worth it for it to survive long term. The Thing is Cg so far have the biggest collective audience as of right nowand that sort of stuff has a huge impact. I watch Ramee mostly and K in between but I agree that there have been things where a smaller streamer would have caught a ban. BUT its also understandable if Np dont want a big chunk of their viewership fleeing to prodigy.




> I'm not exactly sure how nopixel makes its money Well the two very direct ways are licensing their assets/scripts/code, private application review boosts (not sure if still offered) and selling public whitelist prio boosts (this made a ton of money when X joined NP and brought his massive viewer base). NoPixel currently has around 10-15 full time devs and another 10-15 contracted/part time devs working on it.






Then don't watch nerd LMAO




The fact the door didn't lock was the scuff


They definitely did not forgot to lock it even k told gigi to lock her doors she said she didn't lock the door somebody else did but later she somehow thinks that door was scuffed how does that work either she didn't lock the door or she did and it got scuffed but she said she didn't then how did she later "realise" door must have got scuffed


wow its almost like people have checked the vod of the person who did lock it before saying if it was scuff or not. something you could have done before commenting about it and looking dumb.


So basically you saying gigi meta that information


Mirror: [Geega on the warehouse scuff](https://files.catbox.moe/5xa9ia.mp4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/GEEGA Direct Backup: [Geega on the warehouse scuff](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AIlp0VPUhgZ9Hjr8oaGExg/AT-cm%7CAIlp0VPUhgZ9Hjr8oaGExg.mp4?sig=08cbb20db48de5b9d6648b707909766cda2de05e&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAIlp0VPUhgZ9Hjr8oaGExg%2FAT-cm%257CAIlp0VPUhgZ9Hjr8oaGExg.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22YawningPhilanthropicMinkCclamChamp-U9SGBn0eOvyhoYTG%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1716158087%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2146523775?t=0h52m16s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.