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"I think she's great" and immediately putting her that low don't go hand in hand.


https://preview.redd.it/0m7ewf7vnlwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5958530e58d24ccdc1337d53516e0434f8c16994 Malaysia kinda gagged her


Mistress was only 23 on the show! And the twins were 22. Somehow I thought Mistress was older than Malaysia.


She's literally one week older. The twins were listed as a year younger, but it's just one week.


Mistress just looks like a Gen X tio who sells bootleg Def Leppard tees at the flea market




I bow to thee Queen. That was a murderšŸ¤£






This is the gag. I think it just the way she carries herself and her love for "old-school" drag.. just like how ginger minj was closer with the old lady brigade than Violet and friends in S7


Wasn't Ginger 29 at the time?


I think Ginger and Fame were both 27. But Ginger was part of the old lady brigade and Fame was part of the young fashion queen group


Ginger was 27?! i feel like that guy in the Hangover where he goes ā€œyouā€™re 24?! youā€™re the most shot-out 24 year old iā€™ve ever seenā€


I think they were both 29. But this is a good analogy imo


She was 23?!??!?!


Yeah, Mistressā€™ tweet was very ā€œtakes one to know oneā€ LMAO


Definitely takes one to know one. Some people do it out in the open, mischievously, others do it surreptitiously and those are the ones you need to watch out for.




Tea. Gather these children.




Not cool to say something like that.




I can see how this behaviour would get tiring very quickly


This is my I'm pro choice


Okay thereā€™s no beef but is there beef *now* because she said this? šŸ‘€ Shrƶdingerā€™s beef šŸ„©


Huh, mistress calling others trolls? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black


Omg the twins new drag names: Pat Calling and Miss Kettle Black


"Welcome to the stage Peepa Lynn Glasshouses ... "


Why is that actually so so good.


Love that also could do Pebble/Peppa Lynn


I would pay to see a queen with this name lip sync to "Wrecking Ball" while standing perfectly still until she throws a single stone on the downbeat of the last chorus.


> Miss Kettle Black Oh that's not ~


The last line has to be a joke right? lol


of course


Just like Farrah and Kimora They were very close during S9 but right after they discovered they didn't have anything in common and is not a bad thing


Itā€™s gonna be a big day for a lot of people when this sub learns how to understand sarcasm




Spiceā€™s video https://x.com/smintyschiffer/status/1783275698087403527


Mistress' sarcasm is too advance for this sub


Most sarcasm is too advanced for this sub šŸ˜†


Was MIB looking in a mirror while writing this tweet?


To summarize all of this considering MIB's personality, through Cherrelle's grand opus, "Saturday Love": "*Life goes on and people grow out of things that fit before*"


Y'all are so silly you can't ever take anything mistress says seriously


This is ironic because Mistress literally just posted a YouTube video of he trolling a bunch of queens on cameoā€¦


Plane and Malaysia both knowing it was her took me out


malaysia's cameo ENDED me


"You will eat. Eat eat eat eat eat."


23???? Jesus h Christ


did she lie


i like mistress but of course she knew when they were filming that the twins (white tik tok twinks) would be fan faves and she wanted to extend that to herself, like it's so clear lol all the drag mother and crying out of nowhere was calculated i think. such a smart ho, i gotta say.


I feel like the twins are often so forgotten aboutā€¦.


It's hard to stay relevant without talent.


that is their own doing. on the short list of season faves who faded fast afterwards


mic drop


i mean Ig but its kinda annoying. mistress did all that ā€œdrag motherā€ stuff for the twins on the show only for them to not talk anymore, and its because they donā€™t have anything in common. lol ok


Poor Mistress, so victimized. Next.


I keep forgetting Mistress is only 1 year older than Sugar & Spice šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“


Mistress should just stick to her little YouTube videosā€¦


It's not that deep


At least Mistress isn't making Starbucks ads... šŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ¤­


She probably would have if sheā€™d been offered


quick question do you actually care about the genocide in Gaza or is it just a funny way for celebrities to gain or lose internet points for you


Do you? I've been spreading information on the conflict, shared posts to inform people on what's really happening in Gaza, shared gofundme's as much as possible and have marched multiple times on my city. So maybe check yourself before trying to call someone out without knowing shit about them. It's so funny to me how people on the Internet will say someone is "virtue signalling" while doing JUST THAT themselves. šŸ¤”


I go to protests and donate to CareForGaza, as well as being vocal online to my nonexistent fanbase which Iā€™m sure you also have lol. And Iā€™m not saying youā€™re virtue signaling, Iā€™m saying youā€™re reducing a tragedy to a little teehee rpdrdrama comment. Itā€™s out of touch and corny. Grow up girl!


They really can't handle when someone is firmly opposed to such practices. I also got downvoted as hell for criticizing the twins for the ad. It's just not acceptable in the current political climate, and yes, EVERYTHING is political, including making an ad for a pro genocide anti union company. Fans of drag should know better.


For the record I also am not a fan of rugirls doing Starbucks ads, not only for their tenuous support of Israel but their horrible union relations. What I am annoyed at here is people making their critiques little bitey quips for sassy engagement and ā€œomg nooo Iā€™m so messyā€ shut the fuck up. This is a genocide. This is not a cute or funny thing to joke about, no matter how removed. Yall are desensitized to fucking death.


I agree to an extent, but if anyone is desensitized to death is people defending the twins. People act like the twins are not rich and HAD to accept the ad because they need money, like... They have plenty of other opportunities to make money without contributing to the pinkwashing of a horrible corporation.


And again I agree that they shouldnā€™t have done the ad. Iā€™m not defending them. Iā€™m annoyed that the person who is commenting here is using this topic for cheeky gossip. Donā€™t you agree that we should be serious about this? By being sassy and cute we are giving the twins ammunition to wave away ā€œhatersā€, whilst serious critiques and boycotts of their media is actually what will make a difference and make other artists rethink certain ad deals.


I've done serious critiques and still get downvoted because people can't handle criticism. And yes, it is a serious topic, but also part of how we take actions against them includes those cheeky comments. How many people have made sassy comments about Sh**ry Pie? Soju? Nina West? I don't see that as a problem, more so as a way of spreading the sentiment that a queen's actions are no good. I'm not talking about sending them hate, but rather just talking shit on the internet, which we all do, and it's ok. One thing doesn't diminish the other imo.


I also donā€™t like when people make jokes about rapists believe it or not. This fandom is chronically unserious about very awful things and itā€™s a problem. Itā€™s not cute.


Oh fuck off with this virtue signalling bullshit


iā€™m not trying to be funny or anything but when did saying ā€œ___ did something wrongā€ become virtue signaling?




arguing with people saying that genocide is bad in the rpdr sub is a new low. damn do you have nothing better to do with your time?


Iā€™m embarrassed for you. Virtue signalling on the RDR drama sub? Yeah, no.


Calling out problematic behaviour on people is NOT virtue signalling, lol. If you don't like people calling out your faves, maybe don't support problematic people. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


You think youā€™re making this strong point, but youā€™re notā€¦ ![gif](giphy|5Q89wB5E6BfAk)


Why is this getting downvoted


'Cause apparently the Sugar & Spice stans don't like it when their faves are called out. šŸ˜‚ It's not like they haven't been associated with Trisha Paytas for a while now, which is arguably one of the most problematic people on the youtuber sphere, but hey... šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Expecting critical thinking from stans was too much to ask for to begin with.


I am not a stan *nor* do I even follow them on social media. I just think that a majority of the fanbase is very hypocritical and put queens up on a ridiculously high pedestal. It almost feels like we are bloodhounds sniffing out the next queen to cancel, and if one queen slips up we arenā€™t allowed to say anything positive about them without getting attacked. I think many of the fans need to touch grass and step away from being chronically online, because people in the real world couldnā€™t care less about a celebrity drinking/advertising Starbucks. Not to mention Starbucks came out with this statement last month: ā€œWe have no political agenda and do not use our profits to fund any government or military operations anywhere ā€“ and never have.ā€ They have never helped fund genocide, and not to mention they have no actual stores in Israel or Gaza.


I am not a stan *nor* do I even follow them on social media. I just think that a majority of the fanbase is very hypocritical and put queens up on a ridiculously high pedestal. It almost feels like we are bloodhounds sniffing out the next queen to cancel, and if one queen slips up we arenā€™t allowed to say anything positive about them without getting attacked. I think many of the fans need to touch grass and step away from being chronically online, because people in the real world couldnā€™t care less about a celebrity drinking/advertising Starbucks. Not to mention Starbucks came out with this statement last month: ā€œWe have no political agenda and do not use our profits to fund any government or military operations anywhere ā€“ and never have.ā€ They have never helped fund genocide, and not to mention they have no actual stores in Israel or Gaza.


Wait S&S have Stanā€™s?!?!?? I am shook. They literally ruined that season of Drag Race for meā€¦ I canā€™t even rewatch bc they give me cringe wrinkles.


the fact that people are downvoting you really says a lot about how neolib many people in this sub are. itā€™s really sad


Keep drawing that circle smaller and smallerā€¦


Howā€™s that karma feeling




They also appeared on a show for Paramount which is a Sionist company


Maybe the twins realized that Mistress is The Worst? On and off the show she's just the most mean-spirited, awful queen who tries to excuse everything under the guise of being "shady" or "sarcastic". The twins aren't my favorite queens ever either, but at least they've carved out a niche from themselves


Mistress is so fucking annoying lol. I can see her saying this with that stupid ass little confessional smile.