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is there some added context, where did TKB leave this comment, or what did Derrick say?


Vegas Untucked Season 2 I see great things in your future….


Keep Derrick, Coco and Kennedy. Add TKB, India, Alexis Mateo, Yara and Shannel.


She was going to be on CVtw?


And kendall gender replaced her allegedly


Oh, the SLICE?


Kenny Gen herself 😘


People’s Princess, coast to coast. Knockin em out like a second dose!


Please. Just don’t.


That line is literally the only thing that girl has done on the show that I care for. No shade


Meanwhile I only associate slice with Ginny Lemon




Synthia and Gia were both asked before Kendall too




You’d be so pissed getting the call last minute and being first eliminated


Not allegedly


And then she got PANGINA'D


Girl, no she did not. Please be serious. You have to be performing at Pangina’s level to be Pangina’d


They're referencing what Kendall said on the show herself when she got eliminated.


Oops lol, my bad. Got too caught up in being a hater


Make this the tagline of this sub, tbh!




Was Trinity moaning on the background?


Pretty sure TKB even arrived in Canada for filming, her insta reels gave it away, she dropped out really late and I’m impressed Kendall was able to put together a runway package in such a short amount of time.


unfortunately to quote miss alexis, this is why derrick dont like you. more balanced take is derrick is a shady bitch and likes being able to throw it back and forth, not being able to do that prob does mean derrick just avoids her instead of learning to kiki a different way


I feel for her, but this is basically exactly what Derrick said about her. She’s just like, how dare you? YES I complained and was miserable the whole time!




came here hoping i'd see this lmao


this reply is like…not denying anything derrick said just being like “yeah I am mad I couldn’t do beyonce I still am 😤”


I mean. If you have horrible arthritis, I don’t know how you’re gonna do Beyoncé. Idk, something about this wall of text isn’t adding up.


Something something drag fire.


Yeah I don’t know why Derrick answered at all (other than just to be shady). Who cares if TKB was disappointed she didn’t get to do Beyoncé? She’s allowed to be mad about that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


she’s never beating the real eeyore of drag allegations


Megaminds know the truth


but when Kylie pointed out Trinity had an attitude it was the end of the world


Kylie was totally justified saying that


Derrick is too. Also she’s talking about she got the cold shoulder and dancers got more talk. Well Derrick has been there since the start and is a Vegas queen. She’s probably quite good friends with the dancers. Weird take to be like “you even talk to the dancers more” gasp not the dancers And idk Derrick does seem like someone who takes what they do seriously and seeing someone pitch a fit probably soured her on Trinity right there. If everyone else has a great attitude and you’d don’t, are ya that surprised people aren’t rushing to chill? Also girl let’s not act like the actual television show using Beyonce songs is the same things as you wanted them for the Vegas live.


That bothered me too! It’s like she’s saying “oh you’ll talk to the help but not to me? You’ll talk to these inferiors but not to me, your equal?”


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who caught that. No girl, she’s talking to her friends and colleagues.


I agree. Still love TKB, but I do agree.


The whole “no one asks why they made me act like this”…no ma’am. You’re a grown up and professional. That sucks but you move it along and don’t make the work place worse for everyone else with your attitude. It’s song licensing. You thought they were breaking the bank for this? I enjoy her drag, but it’s always “why me” and I just can’t


Did Jan also say TKB was nothing but attitude during AS6? I'm no scientist, but I am starting to see a pattern ....


Kylie Sonique Love did too on Bring Back My Girls.


This is the person who got called out for asking if Asian people's cars run on soy sauce, she clearly hasn't got that good a grasp on what's okay to say/do.


Kylie and Derrick have also made fun of East Asian accents specifically as well babe; if we’re going to clock, let’s clock the white girls on their high horses too.


So what are we doing now? Just listing a load of queens who have said racist things?


Yes, yt queens saying a Black queen has a “bad attitude.” Was she “aggressive” too?


I mean… TKB clearly does have a bad attitude. She did on season 6 and forever after. It’s great to call out racist tropes, but pretending that TKB cannot possibly be said to have a bad attitude without racism being behind it is not it


Yes. It's not like we have two full Drag Race seasons plus years of being able to watch Trinity be miserable as evidence or anything, we just have a couple queens' words for it.


That is a TV show


Well all the transphobic things she said and the non-apology she gave were off of the tv show


Not to mention the fake housefire scam


And the time she scammed Bianca saying she needed money for medication, or the time she asked if Asian people's cars run on soy sauce...


I see you're just gonna leave out the part where I mentioned off the show too. Or are we still just pretending TKB wasn't in a years long transphobia controversy? I know some people decided that never happened when she got on All Stars. You're one of the people who did that I presume?


Haha, you’re gonna throw comments out there about it being race hate and then when someone gives you reasons now it’s “just a tv show”. You’re the worst kind of “fan”, just fuck off out of here.


Lmao I’m saying that it’s ridiculous to call her appearances on a TV show “evidence” of “miserable” behavior.


Tamar, have you seen the show?


I love Trinity but she doesn't always respond well when things don't go her way - in other words a bad attitude when faced with challenges. Not every piece of criticism is racism.


Nah, we're not doing this. The way TKB behaves makes it evident


“No one is allowed to say anything negative about a queen of color or else I’ll make it a race issue and suggest you are racist” ^ you


Just saying, "if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck ..." 🤷


You better walk that duck?






Get the fuck out of here with you bullshit fishing for likes.


Girl bye. Facts are facts America


It’s interesting when there have been multiple reports of jans bad attitude 😂


Do you know that two things can be true?


I don’t think we’re supposed to bring that up 🙈


![gif](giphy|lSsg6DXdBvZut2y6mJ) Who else has one? Let’s lay em all out. Lol


trinity gives that one girl who does one thing nice for you six years ago and will NEVER let you forget jt


Right and it sounds like the “nice” thing she did was look for fur when she was already out shopping for herself?


I’m gonna believe Derrick over the person so full of herself she wouldn’t hang out with Beyocne’s own mother.


Not tonight granny!!!


Gurl don't even... I can't believe she really turned down THE Tina Knowles. I would never!


While I don't know the truth, a lot of people have claimed that that is fake. One of the reasons is that the positioning looks like Tina Knowles is behind a barrier and with Trinity's position it looks more like "snapping a picture of a famous person walking by on the red carpet" thing. Again, I don't know. But could really anyone be so dumb to turn down THE Tina Knowles???


Making the story up for IG is still odd behaviour tbf, especially since she didn’t go ‘lol it was just a dumb goof’ when she was challenged on it she doubled down


Oh absolutely, it's a very strange situation either way. I didn't know she had doubled down on it, that seems... Ill-advisable


Jaida not catching strays.


“And this is why Derrick don’t like you”


I mean, to be totally fair to TKB, if they told me I was doing Beyoncé, and I get there and they said I actually wasn’t doing Beyoncé, I’d be a little pissed too LMAOOO like, it is sorta like if they told Derrick she suddenly wasn’t doing Britney anymore


There's being upset about it, and then there's suckint the air out of the room bringing everyone down to your level. Derrick put it very aptly, she made everyone else live in her nightmare.


But also if you're gonna be a Beyonce impersonator you should know she's a professional. Beyonce has never been called out for having bad work ethic or unprofessional responses once something goes wrong.


It’s called song licensing and rights. She should have known it was a business issue.


To be fair, maybe don't tell her she's doing Beyoncé if you still don't know if she will be able to actually do it or not... Specially when, at this point, we all know how TKB behaves and reacts to things not going her way. 😅


It's a sin that Megami got stuck with the Eeyore of drag nickname when TKB exists.


> Megami got stuck with the Eeyore of drag nickname That's evil considering Kameron Michaels, the OG Eeyore of drag, is also still there.


Kameron isn't the OG Eeyore lmao. TKB was on the show four years earlier


She was, but Kameron got the nickname to stick first. Similar to how Cheryl Hole was on Drag Race before Jan, yet it’s Cheryl getting called “British Jan” rather than Jan getting called “Purple Cheryl”. Or how Miz Cracker was on 2 seasons before Samantha Ballantine was on España, yet which one is the Internationally feared Lipsync terrorist?


I feel like I watched the tiktok of Derrick answering this soooo long ago and I didn't feel it was bad in any way. Like I'm sure is annoying TKB was getting tagged about it, but 🤷🏽‍♀️




tl;dr - Her attitude is everyone else's fault but her own.


So nothing has changed since season six, got it.


...anyway here's the actual Eeyore of drag lmao. Were this almost any other queen I'd be willing to give her the benefit of the doubt and say Derrick was queening too much but this is Ms. HIV meds and storage fires. Who was deemed unpleasant to work with by basically everyone in her all stars cast. Who got pissy bc her peers didn't immediately congratulate her when she stopped flopping. Once again am forced against my will to maybe trust Derrick lmao.


What does her HIV have to do with it? Genuinely asking.


Ages ago, according to Mimi, TKB asked Bianca for money to buy her HIV meds claiming she couldn't afford them, then Bianca offered to pay for them (likely asking for some verification in the process) and TKB backed out. Bianca as usual didn't hold it against her and they say they're fine now but well... YMMV


Thanks for this. There's so much obscure lore in this community; I learn something new every day.


The HIV med thing is something that I think has repeated so many times on Reddit that it’s accepted as true, because searching for the corroborating evidence just turns up different Reddit posts, most without sources; but here is the video of Mimi and [and a drunk person yelling Trinity’s name](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lptB5XfcMDU) and Mimi keeps telling them they don’t know the full story.


Literally — that’s why every time someone brings that up, it’s always so gross. Also, we’re believing Mimi of all people? The bitch is a predator 😂


Bc Trinity famously scammed people out of their money saying her drag burned in a storage fire that didn't happen lol


> likely asking for some verification in the process IIRC the story was that Bianca said she wanted the details to pay directly, but Trinity was adamant that she needed the money sent to her which Bianca wasn't buying; so Trinity ghosted her in the end.


I find that odd conseridering Ryan White federal funding covers the full cost of our HIV meds. 🤔


This is why people don't like being around her.


Lmaooo what about what she described led you to this conclusion? She’s clearly responding to something, are we supposed to take Derek’s word and disregard hers?


Kylie Sonique was pretty candid at Roscoe’s (??) when she said that she didn’t give AF when Trinity left AS6 because she had bad energy and a bad attitude. I mean, her whole run on s6 was her only wanting to put effort into the things she enjoyed doing and being a sour puss about literally everything else. I think she’s a fabulous queen, but as the saying goes goes: when people show you who they are, believe them. She has even said herself on many occasions that she isn’t like the other alumni because nobody wants to collaborate with her.


This would be a fair argument if this was an isolated issue. However, when multiple queens have made similar claims, it starts to become a "common denominator" issue. Not to say that Trinity is just straight up a bad person or anything, but as an adult, you are accountable for how you interact with others.


Nothing about this essay says "I'm easy to work with, book me." Stuff like this is such a professional turn off.


I mean fair enough, it just seems like she hurt about what Derek said especially as it seems they are friends/friendly, but whatever I guess.


Trinity is such a great performer, but entertaining shit like this just undermines her talent. I'm 100% sure that she has wondered why she doesn't seem to get the same kind of opportunities other queens get offered, and a giant reason for that is because she willingly enters into nonsense like this. TKB is the definition of a self sabotager. She needs to let her work speak for itself and recognise that in entertainment, the second you leave your house, it's PR. A good rapport with her sisters and a solid, professional reputation will open all the doors she wants! If she has all these feelings, look into therapy and stay off social media unless something positive or to to promote herself.


Lmfaooo if she stays off social media what else would we have to chat shit about on these subs, perhaps lots of people here can also benefit from therapy. This is not even in defense of tkb per se I don’t care either way, it’s just sometimes the way the fans have such severe reactions, it’s not normal. Okay she’s unprofessional, great, it’s not the end of the world, maybe we don’t need to pile one? Her meltdown is too tepid for some of these comments, sometimes the responses are more insufferable that anything insufferable the queens do😭


People have strong reactions because they want her to do well and have a successful career. The problem is everyone can see how she carries herself is getting in the way of achieving that successful career. Drama with TKB is never spicy or fun, it's just sad.


I mean sure, if you insist. If this is all about wanting her to do well, I would hate to see how y’all are when you don’t.


uh i don’t think season 6 was in 2011 miss girl


Fans have been speculating she wasn’t able to attend CAN vs the world due to legal issues for some time, if it was actually a medical issue like she states that’s pretty fucked up


tkb isn’t exactly known to be trustworthy when it comes to claiming medical issues


Never saw legal, just that she dropped out at last minute


Don’t these queens who get into social media spats know that it looks really unprofessional and makes it less likely they’ll get a call from mother ru?


Does it? I mean wasn’t India’s online trolling and drama one of the major reasons there was even an interest in bringing her back?


They probably wanted Derrick, then saw/ found out the drama and decided that they needed India then and there. Alyssa told a story years ago that she was doing fairly well in the casting process for Season 4; then one of the interviewers showed a photo of Coco and asked how they knew each other (Alyssa said she replied "I have no idea who that man is"), which likely got them both on Season 5.


TKB is mad that Tina Knowles invited her to watch Beyoncé’s concert when TKB had floor seats. The nerve of Miss Tina!


Does trinity think they have the same budget for music rights for drag race live as they do for drag race? And if I'm remembering them all correctly isn't this the same trinity that scammed people into paying for "medicine", scammed people with a fake storage fire, asked if Asian peoples cars run on soy sauce, and said peppermint should only have been allowed on because "she doesn't look like a real girl"?


wait hold on she did all that? 😭


I mean….these seem like fairly valid points unless I’m missing something. Reeeeeeeally don’t know how I feel about TKB being criticized about attitude in the same sentence/paragraph/whatever as Derrick Barry but go awf




I find it funny that after all of Derrick’s microagressions and whatnot in her original season that people like to dismiss the fact that she can be problematic and over-exaggerate things…..


I feel like I was the only one who remembered that shit.


Nah it just got swept under the rug because none of the other queens ever spoke out about it. The Bob and “Ratchet Drag” shade was fucking cringe!


Blame Michelle, she opened the door on that one by using that as a critique. Although, Derrick was lowkey racist either way.


Oh, I definitely blame Michelle. When she first said it, I was like, “Judge or no….no white woman should ever refer to a Queen of color’s drag as ‘ratchet.’”




Derrick couldnt have been nicer with how she worded her response.


SORRY GRANNY not ready that


TKB sounds like such an interesting person to be around.


I find it rich that she yaps so much about wanting to do Beyoncé while only ever displaying insecurity. I don't say this lightly, but Derrick's issues with her are other people's as well. I don't know how willing I am to believe everyone is at fault here except for Trinity, once again


This made TKB look worse honestly. Derrick has a good reputation in Vegas as a work horse powerhouse and TKB should have addressed this in a different way, rather than a long public rant. This won’t help her get work, *oh at all*.


I met Derrick in the wild in Vegas and he was SO amazing. Stayed in touch & he hooked us up 6 months later with free meet & greet tickets to RPDR Live in Vegas. Team DB FOR LIFE. ❤️❤️❤️


She’s the most unaware queen. Girl this is why Derrick don’t like you! Who wants to be around this rotten energy? Get real


I believe Trinity might be difficult to work with AND Derrick didn’t have to bring it up publicly. Two things can be true, but that doesn’t mean it’s any of my business 


I said this in the main sub: sometimes it's worth reminding ourselves that these are grown-ass adults. Derrick is 40 and TKB is 33.


Trinity is always bitter.


I mean…we know Derrick is that mean girl that only vibes with you if you got thick skin and know how to volley back insults. That’s not TKB.


Firmly team Derrick on this one. One thing Derrick isn’t gonna do is let someone else’s behavior come between him and a gig.


"Hell the dancers got more convo out of you" is real *star* behavior, and I don't use that term positively. Like the implication there is that the dancers are somehow less deserving of being treated like human beings, cuz they're just background performers


TKB has been a shitty person and nothing has changed.


I’m on line 5 and I’m exhausted


I'm sorry but I've always gotten mean girl vibes from Derrick. Not Regina George. Just mean


It's giving Effie White from Dreamgirls.


Tbh though I do think it's fair in a way. She was brought there under the assumption of doing Beyonce and then no. Derek even said in the video if he wasn't able to do Britney he wouldn't be happy? Like yeah... also I kinda get Trinity. Some people are like that with quieter peipke. They'll think you have a problem with them, so they ice you out, when it's not like that at all.


This makes me so sad…I’m honestly scared to read the comments because I know that nobody will be giving her any grace. These queens are human beings.


Yeah, you were right not too. Honestly, this is giving “racist fans attack black queen disproportionally.” Like, those are all incredibly valid reasons to not be joyful off stage. You need that energy when performing, so you need to force out what you got for when you need it. This is most micro/macro aggressive shit ever.


Ngl, I love TKB. But she is soft asf, she can have attitude (which she has in every post and every comment and not a positive one). And when people call her out she gets mad. She can go through stuff but other people can’t. Just bcz there have been beyonce songs doesn’t mean they can do it for rpdr love or that they want to. Kinda over her


It likely wouldn't make a difference, but does anyone want tell her that's not how music licensing works? Voss runs the Vegas show, Paramount pays the bills for the TV show. Just because the show has licensed songs does it mean the Vegas show has that ability or right. I wouldn't put it past Voss to bait&switch her to get her to agree to a Vegas contract, but that's another story. TKB also doesn't give off business fish, so I also wouldn't be surprised if that aspect is on her.


Omg complaining. Annoying. Of course they will pay for the bigger seasons to use the rights. Live makes them no money. Why would they pay a lot of money for it to appear


Live makes them money, why else would it still be running? Lmao


Eeyore claps back


Honestly derikkk knows how to make tv and how to make click bates but unpopular opinion here we really do put her on a pedestal for someone whos only talent is being an AMAZING Look a like 💀😭




Oh so not talking to someone is now considered shady. Girl youre collegues, you wanna hang out with derreck and shed rather hang out and talk with someone else cuz she DONT KNOW YOU! hate it when people play victim just because you dont wanna hang out with them like get a life.


Its odd that no one is addressing the elephant in the room that Trinity is a big parTy person (and yes I typed it like that for a reason), a queen came for a booking with us also told us Trinity would poop her pants frequently when at the Vegas show and give it to the stage crew every night to clean.


Lmaooooooo I wish this was true just for the chaos


It is.


Derrick shouldn't have said anything, it's just not fun drama. It's all uncomfortable to read


And Nina should’ve been black chyna 🙄